The Make Up

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"Dave?!" Sky gasped and exclaimed in shock when he appeared at her sight, who was the one who took a seat at her own table. For a while ever since prom started, Sky has never thought that Dave would actually come up to her since she remembers how mad he was after finding out that she actually had a boyfriend when they were on Pahkitew Island together. Sending him an apologetic letter was the last thing that the athlete did to keep her hopes up, and did nothing more than that. She knew she's had some feelings for him when they were on the show together, and was no longer in a relationship with Keith ever since she's returned home from the experience.

She was hoping that they would make up at some point, but she didn't think that it would actually happen since Dave seemed like the kind of guy who would hold grudges against someone who was being completely dishonest to him in the past. Now she's about to find out. Dave just sat at her table, as he crossed his arms on the table top, while looking down with a very sorrowful expression on his face.

"Hey Sky..." he quietly greeted her in a slow mood. This is the first time that they have spoken since Shawn won the millions. They've never kept any contact at all, except for the fact that Sky wrote him the letter to express how she truly felt about Dave. Both of them knew that it would be the right time to talk, and discuss something that would help them mature from the situation that they've dealt with.

It was a long silence since Dave spent the next few minutes looking down at the table since he felt very shy to look at Sky. However, Sky was the one who was looking at Dave with an average facial expression on her face. She didn't look happy, nor sad, nor mad, nor any emotion she's trying to portray. It was the mix of slight surprise with a blank face while she's noticed Dave. Heck, she even noticed how his hair grew back to it's normal self, just like how it was before he went bald in the finale.

Sky's had her arms crossed over the table too, just like Dave. Just then, he tilted his head up to her, and took a slight look at her. He still looked sad and remorse. The both of them remained looking at each other for a while more before one of them was able to break the silence. Except for the fact that a quiet R&B song was still in the middle of playing in the room.

"Hey, listen, Sky...I have something to say to you, and I know that I've been...acting like a jerk to you a while back when we were on the show, but-" Dave shook himself off and spoke before he was interrupted.

"No! Wait! I wanna say something first, Dave! This is all MY fault...I knew I shouldn't have deceived you like that when we were on that show together..." Sky quickly replied, wanting to be the first one to apologize about the past situation that the both of them have gone through. Dave looked slightly confused when Sky interrupted him for a moment. Then he quickly placed his dark tanned hand onto Sky's before she was able to say something else.

"No's actually my fault...more than it was yours..." he replied calmly. It silenced Sky, and her speaking voice was replaced with self-silence as she can feel part of herself shake a bit from the gentle touch on her olive hand by Dave. Her eyebrows curved in a curious and a concerned way while her and the germaphobe were looking at each other in peace. Dave inhaled before he spoke further from his confessions to the athlete. He slowly moved his hand away, and placed it back into his arms.

"I read your letter that other day when I got the invite... At first, I didn't want to read it since I was still a little bit mad about what happened in the finale... Then my part-brother reminded me that it was an apology note from you, and since that we're at the annual prom right now...I don't want to argue with you anymore...I don't want to stay mad at you no matter what my senses were telling me...the truth is, that the reason why I've been acting like a clingy jerk to you is because...I'm just jealous that my friends back home have girlfriends and that I don't...all of them are football players who often tease me the way that I didn't's just like I' their shadows, and I just want to show them something that...they would never expect... Plus, that's also the reason why I've auditioned for Total Drama. I just want to get away from them for a whole while and I just...I just want to prove myself that I can be strong...but pretending to be someone that I'm not just caused even more pain for you and I...I'm really sorry, Sky...I knew I shouldn't have taken advantage of how you were playing the game...I shouldn't have taken advantage of the fact how pretty, smart, and talented you are...and I'm just...pretty much nothing in anyone eyes, especially my step-brother since he doesn't really care about me that much..." he explained, which made Sky's eyes widened while getting to know Dave's depth in his story and his reasonable excuse of his actions on the show.

Sky's head tilted a bit in curiosity, as she squinted at him after explaining his confessions.

"Dave...I...I...I had no idea! But listen...I was the one who was being so selfish and stupid all along. The reason why I was yearning for the millions is because I want to take more advanced classes for the Olympic training to become a Professional Olympian in the future, just like my older sister, who just turned twenty-two last week! I just have so much priorities that I don't have any time for dating, especially when I've really liked you before. I also feel so stupid for not dumping Keith before heading into the zeppelin...I guess I just forgot, that I'm really stoked to be competing for the millions! I know it sounds like a dumb excuse to say that I ran out of time to break up with him...but we already did ever since I just got home, so I'm really over with him already... Plus, that comment you've made about my sister being part of the Olympics...I was just so mad that I got even more competitive about the game-" she also explained her full story and excuse, yet was interrupted again at the end of her sentence.

"OH! That...yeah...I didn't really mean to insult your sister or your dreams of becoming a Professional Olympian... That one time, Noah has advised me to always be honest to any girl that I talk to...and I guess I just got the definition of it wrong...and that's one of my failed impressions to get you to like me when we were on that island together...I just want you to think that I'm someone that you wouldn't expect and...yeah...I just didn't want you to think that I'm someone who always gives nice compliments to make them feel better about themselves...I don't want you to think that I'm superficial or anything..." Dave clarified his reasoning on why he's made fun of her sister before.

Dave has never been in a real relationship with anyone, and he's never knew on how to act, or how to treat Sky properly when they were on Total Drama Pahkitew Island. He was having a hard time trying to be himself that trying hard just got the best of him. Now that him and Sky are in the middle of confessing their own faults, they're almost ready to get to know each other more while using their opportunity to have a great time at prom that Mike and Zoey are throwing.

Sky frozed when Dave explained his reasoning on why he was trying hard to be someone that she would enjoy. Then she nodded, understanding Dave's struggles on being honest.

" the reason why you're acting...all like that to me is because of how your friends kept teasing you and all that?! Even some people at your school?" she inquired, while slightly leaning forward over her crossed arms on the table. Dave nodded, and then started looking down at the table again.

"I never really had that many friends back at my high school. A lot of people make fun of me because of how germaphobic I am...and in all honesty, I just hate most of the people in my school. The only ones that I get along with are my teachers and the principal, and I was often called a teacher's pet since they're just as cleanly as I am. I always see people littering in the hallways, I see people leaving their messes at tables and desks, and I always see people leaving a track of mud on the floor in the boys locker room after football practice, which is disgusting!" he answered. It wasn't that hard for him to explain his background story and problems. Sky nodded more, while getting to know Dave's story.

"But that's what I really like about you, Dave!" she exclaimed in response, which made him look at her even more. His eyes widened, and he was looking at her in a confused and in a very surprised way. The conversation went silent for a few more seconds before Sky started talking more.

"You know...I've always had a thing for guys who are very cleanly...I mean, don't get me wrong. My ex-boyfriend, Keith, always teases me, and he usually tells me REALLY disgusting jokes about certain things that I'm very sensitive about...especially when he makes jokes out of physical flexibility. I just hate that! Plus, I've had a lot of people who has made fun of me for being who I really am on the inside, and it just gets...ugh!" she made her full response to Dave's story.

Dave's eyes squinted after learning part of Sky's struggles. He had doubt that she would go through a lot of things just like he did before Total Drama Pahkitew Island. He was shocked after learning Sky's part flaws in her story.

"But...why would those jerks make fun of you?! I mean, you're a really strong player and all, but how can they make fun of someone who's just as talented, as smart, and as pretty as you could ever be? I just don't get that! Honestly, you look like someone who's had an easy life unlike I do..." he responded, and then looked down to his side, still feeling insecure about his timeline in life. Sky was still looking at him, sympathizing Dave's dissatisfaction in his life.

"Dave...nobody is perfect...I'm not perfect, nobody in this room is perfect...nobody in the world is perfect...everybody has flaws, and I think every one of us can go through major struggles in life, you know what I mean?... I mean, you and I have gone through a major struggle too while we were battling for the millions along with everyone else, right? I've had a lot of stress when I went through a life-time basic Olympic training when I was a kid. My body felt sore almost every day...but you know, it'll definitely be worth it in the end. You just need to believe and love yourself even more. That's when you'll find the light in life," she replied, in her genuine words.

It was another silence, but not as awkward or uncomfortable as it was. Dave adverted his eyes down at the table, and then looked back up at Sky again. Then he started showing a small smile towards her.

"'re right! Nobody's perfect at all...and I mean, so what if I'm not really fit? What if I'm not strong, what if I'm not like any others? Nothing but someone who only fears icky germs and dirt?" he responded and questioned. Sky chuckled a bit in a friendly manner, and then started blushing.

"That's why I've really liked you, Dave! You're not like any other guys that I know in my own life. I don't care if you don't have an athletic body...I don't care if you're physically fit! I mean, that's not how I judge my type of boys! Someone who's at least more sensitive. That's my type of guy! I mean, the only time that I didn't like you was when you were acting really cocky and a little braggy when we got to the merge mark of the competition...that was when I've realized that it wasn't the real you," she reasoned more.

"Oh that?! I just got that advice from Shawn when he was trying to make up for Jasmine after that dueling stick challenge, the advice where he suggests me to act tough and competitive to get you to like me...but now, Shawn and I have just made up, and I think he's given me the right advice to talk to you considering the fact that he and Jasmine are together. Plus, I didn't think you'd actually like the true me," Dave clarified, and also chuckled and blushed. Sky smiled more, and laughed only a little bit.

"I really do Dave...I mean...I always like guys who wears a fair amount of men's cologne... A lot of guys, who are my friends back home, don't wear it very often. Only on formal occasions, but not like...after football practice, or running in track field. I like guys who are at least a little proper for me if you know what I mean," she blushed, and coiled a lock of her dark brown hair on her index finger.

"And the fact how you called me adorkable in your apology note...I'm never gonna forget that. I barely get any compliments from girls who were at my school. Especially when I wear cologne. Nobody really cared the matter of fact..." he added, as the two started chuckling more. The slight laughter died down a few seconds later, when they've continued to look at each other again.

Neither of them have thought that their confessions and their conversation would go as well. Both of them knew their own faults, yet they were able to mature from the situation, and make up. After all, they are at Mike and Zoey's prom, which is a huge opportunity. They may never get this again if they've bumped into each other in a nearer future. Dave and Sky have decided to talk from there, while trying to enjoy their time at prom.

" you want to...well...start over? Because if we're still mad at each other now, it won't get us anywhere. I think it's best if we just bury the hatchet, and get to know each other for what do you say? Wanna start fresh, Sky?" Dave questioned, getting ready to switch subjects with Sky. She smiled even more, and nodded in reply.

"I would like that! Lets just leave the past behind us, and start all over! It's for the best," she agreed to their plan, which made Dave smiled even more.

While they have started switching subjects, another guest has entered the room with that cheery expression on her face after a nice pleasant greeting with Mike and Zoey. She was humming, while she slightly danced into the golden lights of the dim room. It drew some attention from others, yet she didn't care since she was very excited. Of course, it's Ella who entered.

She ended up twirling around in the middle of the ballroom with her light purple dress skirt flowing around like a princess. She was wearing a lavender dress with a heart-shaped strapless top along with a lighter-colored hem that lines the heart shape design, with a floor-length skirt that's wide like an actual ball gown. The beautiful dress includes a lighter shade of lavender sash around the waist with a bow that goes on the back, just like the sash and bows that the twins are wearing for prom. She was also wearing a pair of princess gloves that goes above the elbows, and they're the same color as the bow and the hem line on the heart-shaped top.

Ella's black hair was also in a nice low curly updo that made her look even more stunning. She truly looks like a princess and the prom queen at the same time. Her white low heels and her light lavender dangling earrings have completed her whole look, as she was still spinning around, enjoying the soft slow-dance music that was playing in the room. She sung quietly to herself, still dancing her way to the snack table.

"Ohhhhhh this is so wonderful! I just met the nicest and the most beautiful couple at the doorway! I wonder who I will bump into now! It seems like a good amount of people have attend!" she exclaimed in excitement, while crossing her own hands in an adoring way. She placed them right next to the side of her cheek and closed her eyes for a bit, enjoying the sounds of the party that princesses always enjoy.

Right when Ella opened her eyes, she just noticed Sugar and Leonard talking at their own table, while enjoying their treats. Then she started smiling for a short moment. The couple didn't notice her yet while she was taking a quick look at them. Then she started frowning again, remembering how awful Sugar's treated her. Then she started remembering what Topher has told her, the day that they've bumped into each other for the first time since Pahkitew Island. It never bothered Ella when she's tried her hardest on being friends with Sugar. Then she started remembering how Topher told her that Sugar's threatened him on the blimp on their way to Pahkitew Island.

He seemed like a nice guy to her, and she would've hate to see someone else being mistreated like that. Maybe Ella could talk everything out with Sugar. It's not a competition anymore since it's only a reunion. Maybe this could be her last chance to try to befriend least one more time. She started smiling again, hoping that they'll become good friends at a wonderful time like this.

Before she did, she looked over at the snack table, and she's tried figuring out on what to give to Sugar as a good deed to try to be in good terms with her as her sweet attempt. Hey, if her and Sugar did become friends, maybe she could help her and Topher work out their differences as well. Ella ended up picking out a slice of vanilla cake along with a couple treats containing taffy bars, and placed them on the paper plate together along with a sheet of napkin and a plastic fork.

She breathed in, and started walking slowly over to Sugar's table. She placed a wide nervous pink smile on her face, studying the happiness that Sugar and Leonard are sharing. To herself, she's thinking about how cute and adorable that they look as a couple.

'Oh Sugar...I really hope you change your mind about me when I offer you this wonderful delicious vanilla cake! You and Leonard are very adorable together! I could offer him some treats if he wants as well!' Ella has thought to herself, making a few more steps closer and closer to Sugar and Leonard's table.

"Mmmmmm-mmm! That is some deeeeeeelicious strawberry cake! Don't you agree, my little pumpkin wizard?!" Sugar exclaimed, and started tickling under Leonard's chin. Leonard smiled and giggled a bit while feeling the touchy tingling feeling coming from Sugar's fingers. He placed his magician hat onto the table while looking at her, revealing his formal gelled hair.

"Oh yeah! That cake is great too, I'll admit that...I wish I had some magical powers to make the food even more tasty and delicious than it already was!" he replied, also having a laugh with the country blonde girl. He pulled out his wooden lightning-shaped twig wand, and waved it round for that playful feeling.

"It's definitely worth it, Mr. Wizard! Especially when I dashed one of those twins into the glass bowl of punch for it! I always win, my sweetie pumpkin pie! I could definitely go for another slice any minute now!" Sugar exclaimed in happiness before she was interrupted unexpectedly.

"Oh Sugarrrrrrrrr!" a sweet female voice called in a pleasant friendly manner, which made the country blonde frown in a not amused manner. Her eyebrows scrunch from annoyance, when she knew who was calling her. Her ocean blue eyes rolled to the beautiful princess, who was walking up to her with that slice of cake in her own hands. Sugar began to pout, knowing that she's not gonna enjoy whatever good deed is coming to her...especially if it's vanilla cake.

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