Haunted Housecat

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon the competition heated up. The fifteen contestants had to circumnavigate the island in a boat. Or in Meowth's case a raft. For the most part it was pretty neck in neck, but then Meowth screwed up big time and the Mystical Magikarp won. At the campfire ceremony it was a tough choice between the two felines, Meowth and Litten but in the Meowth for the boot.

(Theme song plays; make cabin)

Victini: (over loudspeaker) WAKE THE HECK UP!

Porygon: (Gets scared, wakes up, and hits his head on the top of the bed.) For some reason my head hurts.

Pikachu: Probably because you hit your head on it.

Porygon: Oh thanks. Your smart.

Pikachu: (Facepalms)

Litten: Why did Victini wake us up at (looks at watch) 2 A.M.!?

Jolteon: Because he is a jerk.

Victini: I can hear that!

(Girl's cabin)

Zorua: (Gets woken up by Victini) What the heck Snivy? Why are you already awake.

Snivy: Why would I sleep at nighttime?

Zorua: Uh... nevermind.

Victini: (over loudspeaker) MEET ME BY THE DOCK IN TWELVE MINUTES!

(Tweleve minutes later; Dock)

Mincinno: Why are we here at 2:42?

Victini: Because today, we are doing a haunted house challenge!

(Snivy's confessional)

Snivy: Yes.

(Confessional ends)

Litten: How do we do a haunted house challenge if there are no haunted houses here?

Victini: Oh but there is, little Litten.

Litten: Oh really? Because I don't see one.

Victini: Hop in the boat!

Litten: Fine.

(Everyone gets in)

Victini: Garboder, take them to the other side of the island.

Eevee: There is more to the island?

Victini: Yes.

Garboder: Let's go! (Drives the boat)

(Vaporeon's confessional)

Vaporeon: Who knew that there was another part to the island that no one knew about.

(Confessional ends)

(Porygon's confessional)

Porygon: If both halves of the island are seperate, wouldn't they just be considered two separate islands?

(Confessional ends)

Garboder: We're here!

Litten: Woah that mansion looks so cool!

Snivy: Gasp.

Garboder: Here. (Hands everyone a camera)

Porygon: What is this?

Garboder: A camera.

Vaporeon: Yes, but what are we supposed to with it.

Garboder: Oh yeah, I have to explain the challenge to you. So you go into the haunted mansion, then you have to take a picture of a ghost. Then you have to run back out and show the picture to Victini. The first team to get everyone to find a ghost wins.

Porygon: Litnine, wanna team up again?

(Litten's confessional)

Litten: Did he just call me Litnine?

(Confessional ends)

Litten: No.

Porygon: Okay. Wait everyone is in the mansion already. We are behind.

Litten: Crap!


Eevee: (Looking at Mincinno and smiling)

Zorua: Are you gonna find ghosts or not?

Eevee: (snaps out of it) Sorry. Have you found anything yet?

Zorua: Bye. (Leaves)

Eevee: (shrugs)

Eevee: Should I do it?

(Door randomly shuts and rooms get darker)

Vaporeon: What the-?

Flareon: NO! Now it's too dark!

Snivy: Perfect.

Litten: This is dumb. Ghosts aren't real!

Porygon: What is a ghost?

Litten: Do you just sit there, and think to yourself "Hey, what would an idiot say right now?" and then that's what you say?

Cubone: Waka chaka spinja kay nomma.

Snivy: Please speak english.

Cubone: Shhhhh. (Spirit in the form of a Marowak rises)

Cubone: Mother...

Snivy: Gasp.

Litten: AHHHH! GHOST! (Runs)

Flareon: That must be his dead mother.

Frogadier: A ghost. Let's take a pic and win this and go make out! And other things...

Braixen: Okay! (They both take a picture of the Marowak spirit)

(Spirit disappears)

Cubone: Dang it.

Frogadier: (Tries to open door) It's locked.

Zorua: Hmmm.... that gives me an idea (smirks)

Zorua: He he he he.

Porygon: Why is Zorua smirking?

Braixen: I got it.

Cubone: (summons his mother's spirit and snaps a pic) Bye.

Braixen: (used fire to break down the door) Let's go.

Flareon: Finally some light!

Snivy: Yeah. She ruined it. (Looks for a ghost)

Litten: (shivering of fear in corner)

Zorua: Hehe. (Locks Litten in a room)

Litten: Wait! Why are you locking it? NO! Ugh.

Porygon: Hi.

Litten: How d-d-did you g-get in here?

Porygon: I don't know. Wanna make an alliance?

Litten: No.

Porygon: Please?

Litten: No.

Porygon: Please?

Litten: Okay fine, but don't talk for a hundred hours.

Porygon: Deal.

Litten: Excuse me had it been a hundred hours?


Frogadier: Hey Garboder, where's Victini?

Garboder: (points)

Frogadier: We got the picture.

Victini: Good.

Frogadier: (Frogadier and Braixen hand Victini the picture of the ghost)

Victini: And that's two for the Mystical Magikarp.

Cubone: (Hands picture to Victini)

Victini: Three.


Snivy: Got one.

Zorua: Can I see?

Snivy: Why not? (Shows Zorua her picture)

Zorua: (snaps picture of Snivt's picture so it looks like she found a ghost)

Snivy: You cheated.

Zorua: Yep. (Runs off)

Snivy: Sigh. (Goes to Victini) Got one.

Zorua: Me too.

Snivy: Sort of. (Hands pic to Victini)

Victini: Looks legit. So does yours Zorua.

Zorua: Oh yeah! Cheaters always win!


Litten: You have gotta be kidding me!

Porygon: I am not kidding you.

Litten: Stupid. Stupid.

Litten: Wait! I really am stupid! Yay! (Burns down the door)

Porygon: Nice work. (Sees ghost) Oooh look ghostie!

Litten: (Snaps a picture) Nice work Porygon. (Takes Porygon's camera) Sorry I have to take the picture for you. You are so dumb you wouldn't even know how to turn it on.

Togepi: You know who else doesn't know how to work a camera?

Litten: (Takes a picture for Porygon) Who?

Togepi: My mom!


Eevee: I got one. (Hands it to Victini)

Victini: Nice work.

Jolteon: Me too.

Victini: Okay.

Vaporeon: I got one!

Flareon: OMG me too. (The eeveelutions siblings hand their photos to Victini)

Litten: (Runs up to Victini with Porygon and Togepi) We all have one.

Snivy: GJ.

Porygon: What?

Snivy: That means good job.

Togepi: Wait! I forgot to take a picture! I'm so dumb!

Victini: Oops, sorry but your disqualified from this one.

Togepi: I will go home?

Victini: No, well only if your team votes you off, but you can't go back and take a pic.

Togepi: Aw no.

Flareon: Ooh look, the sun is coming up!

Snivy: Aw. Sigh.

Flareon: Come on, we just need Mincinno.

Eevee: Yay! Go Minncinno.

(Everyone looks at Eevee)

Eevee: I can root for both teams.

Litten: Why not, we already lost

Zorua: Wait, when did you get back? I locked you in the... I mean congrats?


Litten: It was her?



Mincinno: (Snaps a picture of a ghost) Yes!

Pikachu: (Snaps a picture of a ghost) Yes. (The two of them race back to Victini.

Mincinno: Here!

Pikachu: Wait! I'm here too!

Victini: Oooh. I'm sorry but you lose.


Pikachu: Dang it.


Victini: Okay everyone, take a little nap if you need to, then tonight, Killer Kangaskhan, come to the campfire again.

(Later by the dock at the campfire ceremony)

Victini: Okay everyone, cast your votes.

(Voting booth)

Litten: We know exactly who we're voting for, right Porygon

Porygon: Right. (They both vote)

Snivy: (Votes) Cheater.

Eevee: He's annoying and he was the last for our team! (Votes)


Victini: Okay, marshmallows go to everyone except Jolteon and Zorua!

Jolteon: Oh no...


Victini: Calm down, your safe.

Zorua: Ha! In you stupid face Jolteon!

Jolteon: Your right. I acted like a jerk to Litten in the first challenge, and I screwed up really bad here. I deserve to go. (gets on the boat)

Litten: It's okay. I still hate you, but I hate Zorua more.

Jolteon: Thanks. I'll never forget this.

Victini: Okay that's a rap for this time! Will the Mystical Magikarp win for a 3rd time in a row? Tune in next time right here on total... DRAMA.... POKEMON!!!.... to find out.

A/N: Hey thanks for reading again. Are you sad that Jolteon left? And do you want longer chapters? This was only about 1300 words lol.

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