The Vacuum

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon, the challengers competed in a roast-off. Eevee temporarily became mean and bursted into song. While winning the challenge, ended up leaving so that her girlfriend wouldn't break up with her and confessed she rigged the voting. What will we do next? What will happen next? Who will go home next? I don't know, but we will soon here on Total...Drama POKEMON!!!

(Theme song; cafeteria)

Vaporeon: So, the final five. Mincinno, how do you feel about that?

Mincinno: I miss Eevee.

Vaporeon: I'm talking about the final five.

Mincinno: Cool, I miss Eevee.

Porygon: Guys, I think I broke the confessional.

Victini: Oh my god! You're kidding me right!? Right?!

Porygon: Well, I don't think I'm kidding you. Am I kidding you?


Vaporeon:(sarcasm) Oh no, don't overreact.

Porygon: Well, I flushed the toilet in the confessional, and it turned on the vacuum in the wall, and I tried turning it off by flushing it again, but than water exploded and went boom.

Victini: What?

Vaporeon: Let me translate it in English.

Porygon: But I was speaking English! I think.

Vaporeon: So, the pipes were broken and Porygon thought they sounded like a vacuum, then the toilet flooded.

Victini: Oh. So what am I going to do now?

Zorua: Well you could fix the confessional and call off the challenge and have an episode where we get to see everybody on Loser island.

Victini: That's a great idea!

Mincinno: That is the dumbest reason for calling off a challenge ever.

Victini: Well I have to have some random excuse to make a Loser Island episode.

Porygon: Is that what they call the other side of the island that's really just a seperate island close to this island? That's interesting.

Zorua: Nothing you say is interesting.

(cuts to loser island)

Victini: Welcome to Loser Island, where you can see all the losers again.

Litten: Hey! I am not a loser!

Meowth: Hey! Stop telling lies!

Eevee: You're mean.

Meowth: You're face is mean.

Eevee: That's mean.

Meowth: True

Snivy: Sigh. Come back here and talk to me Litten.

Litten: Of course, babe.

Eevee: BABE? When did you start dating.

Litten: On the island.

Eevee: When, not where.

Litten: September 13, I think. I'm not really sure.

Snivy: If you're not sure, how will you buy me season 1-12 of Vampire Drink Blood on DVD for our date-a-versary.

Litten: Because you'll tell me.

Snivy: Okay, we started dating September 14.

Litten: So how do you spell September.

Snivy: Do I have to Spell It Out for you.

Litten: I don't know, do you?

Snivy: I do.

Eevee: Oh my gosh.

Victini: (Over PA) Listen up everybody! Tonight, we will be voting one of the remaining contestants off.

(everybody gasps)

Snivy: Gasp.

Victini: However you will also be voting one of yourselves back on the island. You cannot vote for yourself or Greninja.

Greninja: Yay.

Delphox: So, wait, you don't want to go back?

Greninja: If I did go back, I wouldn't be near you.

Delphox: Oh.... you're such a babe (kisses Frogadier)

Jolteon: (comes over) so I wanted to know if Frogadier wanted to play a game with me.

Greninja:(smooching Braixen)

Snivy: (sarcasm) Can't you see he's busy?

Jolteon: You're right, he does look pretty busy. I should leave him alone.

Snivy: The problem with having a monotone voice is that nobody can tell if you're being sarcastic or not.

Greninja: So, babe, who you voting off tonight?

Delphox: You.

Greninja: But, I'm not on the island.

Delphox: I'd always vote for you, babe.

Greninja: Awwwww... thanks! Should I run for president?


Meowth: Did you find any coins?

Pikachu: No, but I found a bus token.

Jolteon: Should I even ask?

Meowth: I'm making him search for coins in the pool.

Jolteon: Why can't you do it yourself?

Meowth: And get my fur wet?!?!?! EW!

Jolteon: Right...

Flareon: (comes over) Should I get a tan? I know I'm already tan, but if I do tan I will get even more tan. Do you think that you can be more tan than tan? Like is that possible? Is it even an adverb, like I know what an adverb is but if you tell me I'll know more. Also do you know if it's possible to-

Jolteon: (pushes her in the water)

Flareon: AH!

Pikachu: Thank you.


Jolteon: Telling who?

Flareon: THE COPS! Wait....What's the number for 911 again?

Jolteon: (sarcasm) 867-5309.

Victini:(over PA) Okay, losers, it's time to vote for who you want eliminated. Meet me at the dock immediately.

(dock on loser Island)

Victini: Okay first we will vote on who we want eliminated. Meowth, you first.

Meowth: Personally, I would like Cubone to go (Ding), he doesn't even do anything.

Snivy: I want Mincinno to go.(ding) I want to see her again, she's so nice.

Litten: If you like Mincinno (ding) you should want her to win.

Snivy: But I want to see her.

Litten: But you can see her on the TV.

Snivy; Sigh, you're right. I would like to change my vote.

Victini: To late.

Eevee: Great! Now Mincinno is gonna get out! (ding) Wait I don't wanna vote for Mincinno! (ding) I want her to win! 

Jolteon: What she means is that she's not voting for Mincinno, she-(ding)


Greninja: Mincinno. (ding)

Delphox: I THOUGHT YOU WERE VOTING FOR ME! (Slaps Frogadier)

Greninja: Ow! No, you're voting for me! 

Delphox: Oh yeah.

Victini: So you have all deciden on Mincin-

Litten: NO!

Victini: So that settles it. Mincinno is being eliminated. SO, who is coming back. Frogadier, you get first vote.

Greninja: I vote for-

Victini: Shut up. Pikachu?

Pikachu: Litten (ding)

Litten: Eevee (ding)

Eevee: Snivy (ding)

Snivy: Litten (ding)

Jolteon: Meowth (ding)

Meowth: Jolteon (ding)

Flareon: Eevee (ding)

Delphox: Snivy (Ding)

Victini: Oh, great, so it's a three-way tie!

Greninja: I didn't vote.

Victini: Oh yeah. Who will you vote for?

Greninja: Hmmmmmmmm.............Eenie meenie miny Snivy. (ding)

Snivy: Sigh.

(cuts to island)

Mincinno: Why am I leaving?

Victini: Just get in the boat.

Togepi: What do you call a fish with no eyes?

Mincinno: Okay, bye,  everyone. (gets on boat)

Togepi: A fsh. Get it?

Victini: Well that wraps up a very special episode of Total....Drama...... Pokemon.


Hey...Hope you enjoyed that chapter... shoutouots to @PichuFan, @TheTheoryFrogadier, @__Glaceon__, @CallumitiePKMN, @pikachulover0927, @thefiveanimals, @otherpeople. Cant think  off top of my head right now. Tired lol

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