Total Drama Paintball

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Victini: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon. Stuff happened. Also Snivy got eliminated.

(Theme song plays)

Garboder: And here. (Throws slip into Zoruas plate

Zorua: Yuck.

Garboder: Complainers get pain-ers.

Zorua: What does that even mean.

Garboder: Any more sass and I kick your ass! Clear?

Zorua: Crystal.

Victini: (Over PA) Meet me outside in 5!

(Outside lol)

Victini: Look who's back.

Litten: Back again

Zorua: That's cool or whatever but what's our challenge or whatever?

Victini: Right, right, so today's challenge is paintball wars. I'm gonna set the time for thirty minutes. Killer Kangaskhan are gonna hide. Majestic Magikarp are gonna hunt. If the Magikarp get everyone then they win, if they don't do so, they don't win. The Kangaskhan got a minute to hide.

Litten: (Climbs in a tree) Perfect. Wait, how am I gonna get down? Crap.

Togepi: Ooooh! A large rock. That's ROCKIN'! Hahahahahahah!!!

Eevee: I'll hide in this thorn bush. OWWWWW! Bad idea, bad idea.

Zorua: A cave, nice.

Porygon: But what do I do?

Zorua: I don't know. A disguise, maybe.

Porygon: Okay. Ooooooh! I know! I'll pretend to be Porygon. No one will ever know it's me!

Victini: Hunters will come out in ten, Nine, eight, seven,

Porygon: I like seven, it's my IQ.

Victini: three two one GO!

Zorua: Porygon is so dumb. I don't even know how he survives.

Flareon: (Shoots paintball) Gotcha!

Vaporeon: I'm on your team.

Flareon: Stop talking I already found you!

Vaporeon: What?

Cubone: (Sees Porygon and shoots at him)

Porygon: How did he find me?

Flareon: Found ya! (Shoots)

Pikachu: Your supposed to shoot at the other team!!!! See, shoot at Litten with me. He's in that tree. (They shoot at Litten)

Litten: (Dodges but falls out of the Tree) Ouch!

Pikachu: Got you! (Shoots)

Litten: Doesn't matter I can't be eliminated anyways.

Victini: And since you did that to Frogadier you get immunity the next two rounds and a trip to the beach!

Litten: Or something like that.

Flareon: I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. (Shoots Cubone) WOOOHOOO! GOT EEEM!

Pikachu: (facepalms)

Pikachu: I'm thinking she might actually be related to Porygon, either that or she's really bad at paintball.

Flareon: It may not look like it but I'm not very good at paintball.

Victini: twenty minutes left.

Mincinno: You know, I wonder what's behind this rock? What did one rock say to the other when he asked her out?

Togepi: You look Rocking! You rock my world! Am I right? HAHAHAHAHA!

Mincinno: No it said "You suck at paintball."

Togepi: What?... (Realizes what's happening) Oh. (Runs)

Mincino: Get back here! (Shoots wildly)

Togepi: (Runs into a thornbush) Eevee?!

Eevee: Shhhhh!!!

Togepi: Oh, right.

(In the cave)
Zorua: Ain't nobody gonna find me in here. I'm just gonna lay my head on this nice soft rock. (Hears a growl) AHH! Not a rock!

Bear: (Wake up and chases Zorua down the cave)

Vaporeon: Am I the only one that heard moving in the bushes?

Togepi: She knows.

Eevee: Shhh!

Vaporeon: (Uses Hydro Pump to knock down the bushes) Found you. You really thought it was smart to have both of you hiding in the bushes, huh? Well I got you now! (Shoots and hits Eevee) (Gets hit) huh?

Flareon: Oops, sorry sister.

Vaporeon: Okay, enough!!! (Shoots back)

Togepi: (gets away while they are fighting)

Togepi: Time for Togepi's Joke of the day. How do you make a tissue dance?

Victini: We don't have time for that!

Victini: Ten minutes left.

Pikachu: Crap infinity! (Sees the Eeveelution sisters fighting)  HEY STOP!

Vaporeon: She started it!

Flareon: No she started it.

Vaporeon: No u.

Pikachu: I don't care who started what, just please stop so we can win. We have eight minutes left.

Vaporeon: No because she is wrong.

(They all start fighting)

Togepi: (Hides behind the same rock)

Minccino: You're stupid.

Togepi: No u.

Minccino: (shoots)

Togepi: Darn it.

Victini: Three minutes.

Minccino: Gotta find Zorua. (Hears growling in the distance) That must be Zorua. She yells a lot. (Notices it's coming from the cave so she goes inside) I'm gonna get you.

Bear: (growls)

Minccino: NO!!!! (runs for her life)

Victini: Alright everyone times up. Looks like the Kangaskhan win. Magikarp, meet me at the dock in ten minutes.

Flareon: We wouldn't have lost if Vaporeon hadn't started with me!

Vaporeon: We wouldn't have lost if Flareon hadn't started with me!

Pikachu: We wouldn't have lost if they weren't idiots!!!!

(Voting booth)
Flareon: I hate you Vaporeon!!!!

Vaporeon: I hate you Flareon!!!!

Pikachu: Can I cast two votes?
(Voting booth ends)

Victini: Alright If I call your name you are safe. Mincinno, Cubone, Pikachu. That leaves The Eeveelution sisters.

Vaporeon: Ha! You're gonna get eliminated!

Flareon: No U.

Victini: Flareon! Come on up and get... the hell out of here because you lost!


Victini: Well, that's it for this episode of Total-

Eevee: Wait a second!

Victini: What?

Eevee: Zorua is missing.

(Cuts to a shot of Zorua being chased by a bear)


Victini: Not my problem. That wraps up another episode of Total Drama-

Porygon: Wait!

Victini: What?

Porygon: High five!

Victini: No. That wraps up another episode of Total Drama..... POKEMON!!!


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