A Whole New Season

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Raichu: Hello everyone, and welcome to the premiere of Total Drama Pokémon season 2! Or as I like to call it, the Regional Tour!

(Raichu walks out onto the dock area)

Raichu: So for this season, we will be flying all around the Pokémon regions accompanied by our pilot, Koffing.

Koffing: Wouldn't be the same show without me (Leaves)

Raichu: Sure... Now would you let me get back to explaining the rules to our viewers? (Clears throat) So as you now, like last season, we will be having competitors compete in life threatening challenges in the hopes of winning the ultimate prize: ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
As usual, at the end of the day, we will have one losing team and they must go to elimination. The team must vote one member off and then they are out of the game! Repeat the process and we will eventually get to one left, our winner.

Koffing: (yelling down from a plane) Yo Raichu! Hurry it up! People are getting angsty up here!

Raichu: Ugh. As I was about to get to... This season we have got 25 competitors! 15 returning Pokémon from season 1, and 10 brand new to the show! So without further ado, let's meet our cast! 

(Koffing hovers the plane over the water near the docks, and prepares to throw out each camper one by one as they are introduced)

Raichu: First up, let's welcome the winner from season one and all around nice guy, Cyndaquil!

Cyndaquil: (gets shoved out of the plane) WOOO WHOOO!!! Bring it on! Can't wait to reunite with my friends!

Raichu: Beware of the sharks!

Cyndaquil: What!? (Hits the water with a big splash)

Raichu: (to camera) I was just lying so that it wouldn't be so joyous. Or was I? Anyways, next we have everyone's favorite Pokémon item horder- Er, I mean collector. It's Mudkip.

Mudkip: Don't shove me I'm willingly gonna jump. Okay one, two- (Koffing shoves him out of the plane) AHHHH!!!!

Raichu: Shall we continue? We've got the Starter nobody ever picked, Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur: Shut up Raichu! Your so bad, everyone likes your pre-evolution (gets shoved out) BETTERRRR!!!

Raichu: Up next, Bulbasaur's best bud Squirtle!

Squirtle: Hang on Bulbasaur I'm coming!! (Jumps off plane)

Raichu: He's got a huge fear of Togepi's and a rivalry with a snake but that didn't stop him from placing second last time. It's Chespin!

Chespin: (thrown from plane) AHHH!!! (Sighs) I can't believe I'm doing this againnn (hits the water)

Raichu: Okay we'll let them wash up on the shore first, and then we'll continue introducing our cast.

(On the beach, the first five wash up soaking wet)

Bulbasaur: He's nuts.

Chespin: Who's nuts?

Bulbasaur: Raichu! Throwing us from a plane that high!

Squirtle: Yeah. I especially feel bad for the fire types.

Mudkip: (to Cyndaquil) You okay?

Cyndaquil: Yeah the water never really bothered me anyway.

Mudkip: Well that's good.

Chespin: (to Raichu) Hey Raichu! Can you hurry up and get-

Raichu: SHUT UP!!! (Chespin winces) I know you know who's returning but I'd like to keep that a surprise for the viewers. (Chespin folds his arms) Fine grumpy pants, we'll continue introducing.

Chespin: Just don't do you know who next. I appreciate being away from him.

Raichu: (lying) Sure thing. Up next we have the slyest snake around. Welcome the pretty much villain of season one, Snivy! Isn't that who you wanted Chespin? (Chespin rolls eyes)

Snivy: No. I am not doing this stupid show again! You can't make me jump off of this plane.

Koffing. Actually I can. (Shoves him off)

Snivy: AHHHH!!!

Raichu: We've also got cooking mama herself. She's a sweet girl with an aggressive side toward Snivy, it's Chikorita.

Chikorita: (jumps out of the plane) Wooo whooo! Chespin I'm coming!

Raichu; We've also got the last Kanto Starter as well. He's the roughest and toughest fire lizard you'll ever meet, Charmander!

Charmander: (jumps off) Bring it on mannn!! (Lands in the water)

Raichu: Continuing with the fire types, we got the Van Gough of Pokémon, Litten!

Litten: No, no, no! I'm not getting in water. YOU CANT MAKE ME!!! (Gets shoved off) AHHH!!

Fennekin: What is wrong with you? Hang on Litten! (Jumps after him)

Raichu: Yep, Fennekin's back! And also returning is Snivy's right hand gecko, Treecko.

Treecko: Hmph. Whatever. Good thing I'm not afraid of heights any more. (Gets shoved off) AHHH!!

Turtwig: W-w-well, I still am...

Raichu: Ugh! Does anyone wait for their introductions!?

Turtwig: So. High. Up.

Raichu: Turtwig, everyone's favorite Pokémon and Pokémon battling expert is back. (Turtwig gets shoved off) Also returning, athletic acrobat Chimchar.

Chimchar: Yeah! Let's do this! (Jumps off, doing several flips)

Raichu: We've got everyone's favorite jokester, Popplio.

Popplio: Hey wanna here a joke? What did the-

Piplup: NO! (Shoves him off) That was very satisfying. (Koffing pushes her off) Ahh!!

Raichu: And last but not least was Piplup, who now doesn't get an introduction.

Piplup: Rude! (Splashes into the water)

Raichu: Okay, time to let everyone wash up on the beach.

(On the beach)

Litten: (takes a few deep breaths) Ugh, now I'm all soggy and wet. Anyway, thanks for saving me Fennekin.

Fennekin: No problem. What's that? Like the third time? (Laughs) When are you gonna save me!?

Litten: Ha! Come on, I do a lot for you as is.

Fennekin: Yeah, your right. (Kisses Litten)

Treecko: Eww, gross. Good thing I didn't eat lunch.

Snivy: Whatever, I just can't believe I signed that stupid contract.

Piplup: Yeah, I'd so be outta here too if it wasn't for Turtwig. And well the money too of course (Looks around for Turtwig)

Turtwig: (makes it to the shore) Huh? What'd you say?

Piplup: Nothing. It's just that you make this less painful.

Cyndaquil: (by the campgrounds) Hey guys! We're all up here! Come on up!

Chikorita: (rushes up) Hi Chespin. Hi Bulbasaur.

Chespin: Hi. I'm so happy to be doing another season with you.

Chikorita: Aww.

Chimchar: Hey I just realized, only fifteen of us are here. Is it gonna be a shorter season?

Charmander: If it is, it better still be the same million dollar prize.

Chimchar: Yo! I wasn't done talking you inconsiderate weakling. (Charmander tackles him)

Mudkip: (sighs) Looks like some people never change.

Cyndaquil: Yeah... Charmander is always gonna be his Charmander self.

Raichu: So yeah, good observation. Six contestants aren't here for one reason or another.

Squirtle: So are you gonna tell us the reason or...

Raichu: Okay fine. Torchic and Froakie both tried suing the show and let's face it, they were annoying anyway so why bring them back.

Snivy: Good point.

Raichu: Tepig, is currently on a cooking show. Oshawott's still recovering from his ingury and Bulbasaur put that restraining order on Rowlet. But I'm not sure about Totodile, couldn't track him down.

Popplio: I know what happened.

Raichu: What?

Popplio: Totodile and I were hanging out and between all the munchies and laughing his jaw kinda... snapped.

Raichu: Oh, so another injured competitor. Makes me smile. Anyway, fifteen is still too little of a cast for what I have planned this season, so I've gotten ten NEW competitors to add! (Everyone gasps as a new plane arrives above the lake and the same process repeats)

Koffing: All set up here Raichu!

Raichu: He's a powerful Pokémon with an uncontrollable temper. It's Primeape!

Primeape: Hey let go of me! (Shakes off Koffing and jumps off) That million is gonna be mine!!

Koffing: Raichu, what about the whole gender thing again.

Raichu: Oh, you're right! Since Pokémon for the most part can look the same and be different genders, I'll say the genders.

Primeape: Well I'm obviously a guy, GOT IT?

Raichu: Okay then... Next we've got a newer male Pokémon from Alola. Welcome Togedemaru!

Togedemaru: (is thrown off) AHHH!!! I'm too young to die!

Raichu: Next is a female with an amazing sense of fashion. Vulpix, regular form.

Vulpix: No! Please I beg you! I can't get my fur wet on national television. (Gets thrown) AHHH!!!

Raichu: He may not be the smartest but he tries very hard. It's Psyduck!

Psyduck: Hi guys! (Walks off the plane without realizing) GAHH!

Raichu: (chuckles) Nice. Next we have another guy. He's the strong silent type. We have Absol.

(Absol just jumps out on his own without saying a word)

Raichu: Next, she's a bit garbage at some things, Trubbish!

Trubbish: Hey, that's not very nice. (Is thrown out) Ah-ah-ah!!

Raichu: Next we have Bellossom. She's a hula dancer extraordinaire.

Bellossom: Please! Don't! (gets thrown off) Ahhh! Please I wanna live, I wanna live.

Raichu: We've got a pretty speedy new guy, and his name is Lycanroc. This one is the midday form.

Lycanroc: (jumps off) Uh oh. Look out below!

Raichu: We've got an athletic girl with a bit of a competitive edge, Pachirisu.

Pachirisu: Check out my dive. (Is about to dive when Koffing shoves her out) AHHH!!

Raichu: And our last competitor is at the gym twelve hours a day. We have Sawk.

(Sawk dives out and into the water)

Raichu: Okay, newbies. Dry off and all
of you follow me into the mess hall and I'll explain a few things for this season.

(In the mess hall)

Squirtle: So what do you guys think of the new guys?

Bulbasaur: I don't know but Primeape seems kinda mean and intimidating.

Squirtle: Guess so.

Chimchar: (sniffs) Ugh! Is it possible Koffing's cooking has gotten worse. What's that awful smell?

Trubbish: Sorry, that's me.

Chimchar: Oh sorry.

Charmander: Just go over in the corner so we don't have to inhale your awful stench

Fennekin: Come on, don't be rude Charmander.

Cyndaquil: Yeah, try to keep your rude comments in check dude.

Raichu: Okay everyone, so here's the deal. Everyone will be leaving here in the next hour.

Lycanroc: What do you mean? I thought the show took place here?

Raichu: That was last season. For this season, we will be... TRAVELING AROUND THE WORLD!!! (Some cheer and some moan) So back outside, and onto the plane.

Togedemaru: So your saying, we got shoved out of a plane, only to get back into it. (Sarcastically) Genius.

Turtwig: What? NO! I'm not going up in the flying deathtrap.

Raichu: That's okay, you don't have to. (Turtwig has a sigh of relief) You'll be getting into a different plane.

Piplup: Come on Turtwig, it won't be so bad.

(Everyone exits the mess hall and boards the new, bigger plane)

Raichu: Okay campers, these are the economy sections of the plane. This is where the losers sit and sleep during the flights.

Fennekin: Um, I am really concerned about the safety here.

Raichu: What ever do you mean?

Fennekin; Well it's just a bunch of up right seats against the wall with broken looking straps.

Snivy: He never said it would be comfortable.

Fennekin: Okay but what about those boards plastered to the side! They snap and we all die.

Snivy: Okay now you're just being paranoid.

Raichu: Hey bickersons, quit arguing. Onto the next section.

(In the common area)

Raichu: This is the common area where you will be served in flight meals.

Psyduck: So is the grub decent on this plane or what?

Raichu: Don't know. But you can ask our pilot slash chef, Koffing.

Psyduck: Oki-dokie. (To Koffing) So is the grub decent on this-

Koffing: SHUT UP!!!

Pachirisu: Can we backtrack for a second, how can Koffing fly a plane!? He doesn't even have hands!

Popplio: Some things are better left UNOWN I guess. (Laughs)

Primeape: (to Popplio) Okay seriously, one more joke out of you and I'll clobber you. (Popplio gulps as Piplup smiles)

Raichu: Before we leave, I'd like to point out that the confessional area is in the bathroom again.

Vulpix: So where do we go to the bathroom then? (Raichu just laughs in her face) Okay?

(In the first class area)

Piplup: OMG this is perfection! I've never seen so much gold at once.

Bulbasaur: Well, I'm pretty sure it isn't real but still cool.

Squirtle: (lies down on one of the golden first class reclining chairs) So... comfy...

Bellossom: Wow this is so nice! How do we get in here?

Treecko: Probably winning. It's probably the equivalent of the spa hotel.

Raichu: Correct you are Treecko. Now we have one last room to visit. You guys might be familiar with something called the elimination ceremony? Takes place right in there, my friends.

(In the elimination room)

Raichu: Here is were you will vote off one of your teammates if you lose. And then the loser must take a parachute and jump out. (Everyone gasps)

Togedemaru: I know we technically did that already but any guarantee we'll land somewhere safe.

Raichu: Nope. And it's also WAY higher up.

Trubbish: I can feel my heart stopping already.

Raichu: So with that, we'll be taking off shortly. (Pauses) Wait do you hear that? (Rowlet flies through the door)

Bulbasuar: God no! Dear god no! (Hides behind Squirtle)

Rowlet: Hi Bulby! Hi guys!

Raichu: Rowlet what the heck are you doing here?

Rowlet: Well, I had a tracking device that led me to Bulbasaur!

Bulbasaur: You did what know?

Rowlet: And now I'm here to compete!

Raichu: Yeah... No. Sorry but the casts pretty full.

Rowlet: WHAT!? Please let me compete. I just wanna be with my Bulbasaur!

Squirtle: But he's got a restraining order. Get too close and you'll get sued.

Rowlet: That's okay. I can pay the violation off once I win the money!

Raichu: Okay Rowlet, come here. (Rowlet comes to Raichu but he shoves her out the door) KOFFING HURRY AND TAKE FLIGHT!!! (The plane begins to move and fly as Rowlet tries to fly and catch up but she's too slow) Okay that was a close one.

Bellossom: What the heck? Why would you do that to someone?

Raichu: Well I can't have Bulbasaur sue Rowlet because they're on the same show, because then I'll get fined as well.

Cyndaquil: Well, I guess it makes sense, but you could have handled that better.

Raichu: (sighs) Okay you guys can all hang in first class for now. Be sure to use the confessional if you want to.

(In confessional)
Chespin: First confessional of the season, cool! Only thing that would make this better would be Snivy going home first.

(In confessional)
Snivy: Ha! I bet Chespin's planning my downfall right now but I still have some tricks up my sleeves.

(In confessional)
Trubbish: (sighs) All I really want is a friend. Nobody ever hangs with me because I smell. Honestly, I would trade the money just for a friend if I could.

(In confessional)
Piplup: I'm crossing my flippers I'm not stuck on a team with Popplio but I am with Turtwig

(In confessional)
Sawk: Looking at the other competition, I feel even more confident about winning. Nobody even comes close to matching my strength. I got it in the bag.

(In confessional)
Chimchar: Awe yeah! Another season, another chance at redemption!

(In confessional)
Primeape: I'm so psyched for the million dollar prize because in the end it's gonna be mine! I don't care what I have to do to the others to get it.

Raichu: That does it for our first episode of season two! How will the teams come to be? What new friendships and rivalries will form? And who's gonna be the first to take the drop of shame? Find out next time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour.

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