Almost A Champion

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Raichu: Last time on the semi-finals of Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour! Treecko, Squirtle and Pachirisu raced through Victory Road to earn a spot in the season finale. It was an extremely close race! The final three whacked Digletts, ran a dangerous obstacle course and had to stomach Koffing's most disgusting mystery meat. Squirtle and Treecko wanted to have a friendly finale but Pachirisu had something to say about that. Despite falling behind in the beginning, she stepped up her game and with the true passion and competitive spirit within, she landed a spot in the finals. But who was she to battle? Squirtle is the answer to that question. Sadly, Treecko was eliminated but he was happy to see Bellossom again. (Takes a deep breath) Phew. I'm just getting so excited right now! It is finally time for the most epic finale EVER!!! Pachirisu versus Squirtle. Who will be victorious? Find out now on the season finale of Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!

(Theme song)

Raichu: Alright everyone! Listen up. I'm gonna be nice and give you some time to chat amongst yourselves and to the finalists. (Turns to Pachirisu and Squirtle) And what I'm asking you to do is to pick two of the losers to help you on your quest for the million. Yep, that's right! Helpers!

Squirtle: Awesome! Our friends will get to help us in the final challenge!

Pachirisu: That's cool I guess. I'm counting on myself to win but I'll take the help I can get. A good player always uses her resources.

Raichu: Good. Let me just say your friends are probably the ones that will help you the most. But whatever you wanna do is cool. Also, no picking Absol. He's two over powered. (Starts to walk away) I'll be back in like a half hour. Got some hosting business to attend to.

Squirtle: Wow. To think that everyone from this season and season one are here, cheering for us. It just feel cool.

Pachirisu: I know. People are there cheering for me at my tournaments but never this many people that I'm so close too.

Squirtle: Yeah.

Pachirisu: Well better go find my helpers. Best of luck to you Squirtle. (Smirks) You'll need it: (leaves)

Bulbasaur: (comes over) Squirtle! You do realize we're the perfect duo right?

Squirtle: (laughs) Yeah. Look, I know that the last few days I've come to realize that we aren't the same guy but that doesn't mean we aren't best friends!

Bulbasaur: I thought so! Right on.

Squirtle: Yeah! Best friends till the end. (They fist bump) So you'll be my one partner, but who should the other be?

Bulbasaur: What about Mudkip?

Squirtle: You know, I feel bad to not choose him but there is someone else I think I'm gonna pick.

(Over by the stands)

Pachirisu: Togedemaru! Get down here! (He comes down) That was quick.

Togedemaru: I had a feeling you'd pick me. You must love to watch me suffer through these challenges huh?

Pachirisu: No. More like because you're the only one who isn't an incompetent buffoon around here.

Togedemaru: Or because I'm the only one who has some good ideas and listens to you?

Pachirisu: Yeah. That too.

Psyduck: (comes up) Guess what!! I'm gonna be your other helper! YAY!!!

Pachirisu: What? No no! Please don't! Ugh!

Psyduck: Huh?

Togedemaru: Look, Psyduck I think you would make a much better cheerer than helper.

Primeape: He means you're stupid you ignoramus!

Pachirisu: Shut up Primeape! You only lasted like three episodes! (To Psyduck) Sorry buddy but I need someone strong to help me win.

Primeape: (mumbling) Hmph. Now she's gonna kiss up to me. She wants my help.

Pachirisu: Sawk, I know I don't know you that well but I'd love for you to be my partner. You are the strongest guy here.

Sawk: M-me? Really? Well, I'd love to help you. Time to show everyone how smart and strong I've become.

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: W-what the heck was that? She just chose Sawk out of nowhere? Oh crap! Is it because he's so strong? Great, now I'm gonna have to hit the gym if I want her to like me. (Eyes widen) WAIT! NO! I DIDN'T SAY THAT! YOU HEAR NOTHING! (Breaks the camera with Zing Zap)

(Somewhere else)

Snivy: Looks like you lost Treecko. I knew a moron like you could never win. What an idiot you are.

Treecko: Just beat it Snivy.

Bellossom: Yeah you sneaky snake! You are the worst person here.

Snivy: Ha! Your insults are pathetic. You should get advise from Chik- (Chikorita Vine Whip's Snivy and tosses him into the bleachers) AGH!

Chikorita: Bye bye!

Chespin: I just wanted to say I'm really glad Treecko.

Chikorita: You finally realized how big a meanie Snivy is. I always knew you weren't bad like him.

Chespin: Yeah, just misguided. But remember, you can count us as allies now. (They leave)

Treecko: Wow. That was really nice of them.

Squirtle: (comes over) Treecko! There you are. Look, I know you must feel pooped about the last challenge and-

Treecko: Say no more. I'll be one of your helpers.

Squirtle: Really!? That's awesome!

Bulbasaur: Cool! Guess we can start over too huh Treecko.

Treecko: Um, sure. Whatever.

(In confessional)
Treecko: Just because I'm friends with Squirtle doesn't mean I have to love Bulbasaur. Honestly, he and Turtwig were really annoying last season and no offense to them but I don't really wanna be "friends" with them. Squirtle is different than Bulbasaur, so... yeah.

Raichu: Alright everybody. I'm back. You have your helpers?

Squirtle: Yep.

Pachirisu: Uh huh.

Raichu: Great. So, for your final challenge, you will be facing challenges to become the Champion! Like all soon to be champions, you must beat the Elite Four. So in this case, you will have to beat a challenge corresponding to that elite four members type. Then, you must head into the Champions room and take a seat on the Champion's throne to win.

Pachirisu: Cool! I am totally gonna crush it

Squirtle: Sweet! This challenge seems awesome.

Bulbasaur: Yet kinda terrifying.

Sawk: Nothing I can't handle.

Raichu: And one helper helps with the first two parts. The other one does the last two. You'll head into the Champion's room alone to win. Got it? (They all nod) Good. Now head to the starting line guys.

(In the bleachers)


Pichuette: Yeah! Represent us electric types!!!

Turtwig: I'm excited to see the challenges for each type!

Mudkip: Same. I just hope Squirtle wins. But going back to what you said, I wanna see the dragon type challenge the most.

Vulpix: I guess they both have good styles. I don't know who to root for?

Fennekin: Squirtle is nice and even though she can be agressive so is Pachirisu. Kinda like someone I know. (Looks at Litten)

Litten: Hey! What are you looking at me for?

Totodile: Go Squirtle!

Popplio: Yeah. Water you waiting for? Just win it Squirtle! (Laughs with Totodile and Lycanroc)

Lycanroc: That was a good one man.

Rowlet: Go Pachirisu! Girl power!

Raichu: (using a megaphone) Pachirisu are you ready?

Pachirisu: You bet I am!

Raichu: Squritle are you ready?

Squirtle: Totally!

Raichu: Then let the final challenge begin in three, two, one... (pulls out a gun and shoots it in the air) GO!!! (They enter the Pokémon League)

Cyndaquil: Raichu are you trying to kill someone?

Raichu: Relax. It was loaded with blanks. Also, everyone you can watch the action from on the big screen.

(Inside the first room)

Pachirisu: Come on Sawk! Hustle!

Squirtle: We can't let them take the lead Treecko.

Pachirisu: Too late. (Suddenly starts to slip) Woah! Huh?

Squirtle: (Looks down) What!? The floor is ice? When did that happen? (The four trip and slide into a wall)

Raichu: (over a loud speaker) Noice! Hahaha. Too funny. Anyways, your first challenge is to find a key buried in the snow. But watch out for booby traps!

Treecko: Really? This whole ice thing again?

Sawk: Well he did say the challenges will be based off of the types of the elite four members.

Squirtle: Alright! Let's get digging! (He and Treecko start digging) So... how's Bellossom?

Treecko: Um, good I guess.

(In confessional)
Squirtle: Treecko's my friend but I get nervous talking to him. He seems a little... well... bruiting in a way.

Pachirisu: Ugh! No key over here.

Sawk: None over in this spot either.

Pachirisu: Okay just push harder Sawk. Look, I barely know you but I chose you for a reason. I usually don't rely on others so just don't get in my way when I'm searching.

Sawk: (shrugs) Um, okay?

Squirtle: Hey, I think I've got something... (pulls up a bomb) Uh oh. Not good. (Gets blown up) AHHHH!!!

Treecko: Hey Squirtle. Found a key! Squirtle? (Sees him against the wall) Oh. Well you better get up if you wanna win.

Squirtle: (slowly getting up while balancing) Yeah. I'm pretty sure I understood that fact before you said it. (Brushes himself off) Alright I'm good now! Thanks Treecko! (He and Treecko leave)

Pachirisu: Oh no! They're ahead! Grrr!!

Sawk: Um Pachirisu, I know you didn't want me to get in your way but I have something you might want. (Holds up a key)

Pachirisu: Oh yes yes yes! Thanks Sawk! (Hugs him) Sorry if I was kinda rude, that's just how I get under pressure. So yeah whatever. Let's go!!! (Grabs Sawk and then runs off)

(In Room 2)

Squirtle: Woo whoo! We made it!

Raichu: (over intercom) Congrats. You have the lead... for now. You've reached the fighting type elite four member. For this challenge, you must break two hundred steel blocks. Good luck!

Squirtle: Yikes. Two hundred is a lot.

Treecko: And yeah, I'm not the strongest guy. Sorry man.

Squritle: Let's just get started. One block at a time. (Uses Aqua Tail and it breaks one layer) Okay that's just one, but that's okay.

Treecko: (uses Pound) Ow. My tail... (looks at the block) Not even a dent. (Growls and then breaks it) Yes! (Pachirisu and Sawk arrive and Raichu tells them the challenge)

Pachirisu: YESSS! Sawk, you are gonna do perfect at this. (Fiercely) And so am I.

Sawk: Two hundred blocks huh? Won't even break a sweat. (Starts using Karate Chop and breaks a whole bunch of blocks)

Squirtle: Woah. He's strong.

Pachirisu: HE-YA! (Breaks some blocks with her tail)

Treecko: Okay... better hurry up now... Squirtle?

Squirtle: Oh, right. (They begin chopping blocks)

Sawk: Stand back Pachirisu. (Cracks his kunckles)

Pachirisu: What? Why? What are you doing?

Sawk: You'll see. (Unleashes a powerful Cross Chop attack and breaks the remaining fifty blocks) Alright!

Pachirisu: Wow Sawk you did it! Thanks so much!

Sawk: Don't thank me... Thank these two. (Flexes his biceps)

Raichu: (over intercom) OOOH! Looks like Pachirisu takes the lead thanks to Sawk. As you got to the next room, your other partner, I.E. Togedemaru and Bulbasaur, will switch out with your current partner. Now get going.

Pachirisu: Hurry! Even the slightest second can make a difference. (They run off)

Treecko: Ugh. I'm tired out. I think I bruised up my tail.

Squirtle: (sees Treecko's tail) Ooh, that's bad. Sorry. You just take a break.

Treecko: Um hello? The challenge?

Squritle: Yeah, I'll think of something. (Lightbulb goes off in his brain) That's it! (Throws all the stones onto the ground) Now, tile for RAPID SPIN!!! (Uses Rapid spin and ricochets off each block breaking them until they are all broken) AHHHH! I CANT STOP SPINNING! IM GOING TOO FAST! (Crashes into the wall; dazed) Ouch. Nailed it. (Faints)

(In the third room)

Pachirisu: Oh yeah. I can taste the million. (Sees Togedemaru) Togedemaru!

Togedemaru: Duh. What idiot wouldn't now that?

Pachirisu: (confused) Um, okay... (changing the subject) So, what's the challenge.

Togedemaru: Raichu didn't wanna waste money on another monitor so he just told Bulbasaur and I. We have to sneak through this dark maze without getting caught.

Pachirisu: Sounds cool, but we still have to be serious. But what kinda type is this?

Togedemaru: Ghost type challenge. Now let's go. (They head into the dark maze)

(Back in room 2)

Treecko: (shaking Squirtle) Squirtle! Squirtle! You gotta wake up. Are you just gonna let Pachirisu win? Hello? Squirtle! (Slaps him and he wakes up) Oh.

Squritle: Huh? Treecko? W-what am I doing? I've got two parts of the challenge left! Thanks for all your help Treecko. (Runs off)

(In confessional)
Treecko: Yeah, I wish I was doing this challenge as a finalist instead of a helper. I'm still so upset about barely losing. But hey, I'm still learning how to be more optimistic. (Waves to the camera) Working on it for you Bellossom. Hehehe. (Looks nervous) Yeah, I suck at it.

(At the beginning of room 3)

Squirtle: Okay. Made it. (Begins panting)

Bulbasaur: Alright! I knew you could do it! (High gives Squirtle) So this is the ghost challenge and we have to sneak through this maze without being caught.

Squirtle: Um, okay. We got this?

Bulbasaur: Right on! Let's go! (They enter the dark maze)

(Inside the ghostly maze)

Pachirisu: (whispering) Togedemaru? You still there?

Togedemaru: Uh huh.

Pachirisu; It's so dark and I can't see a thing. I don't wanna get separated from you.

Togedemaru: Um, you can hold my hand if you want.

Pachirisu: Um... (suddenly a robot with a flashlight comes by) QUICK HIDE!! (Pachirisu scurries behind a stone pillar)

Togedemaru: Uh... um... Where do I go? (The flashlight shines on Togedemaru and an alarm sounds) Crap!

Pachirisu: Are you kidding me? (Pauses) So, now what? (Suddenly the ground beneath them springs up and the land near the start) Oof. Ouch. My arm.

Togedemaru: Pachirisu I'm so sorry!

Pachirisu: (rolls eyes) Is that your sarcasm speaking? (Togedemaru shakes his head no) Whatever. Now come on! I'm not losing this because you messed up!

(Somewhere else inside the maze)

Squirtle: Eesh. I feel chills going down my back. I feel like we're being watched.

Bulbasuar: Um, we are being watched.
T.V. show?

Squirtle: Oh yeah. (Suddenly the robot comes by) Uh oh. Time to hide. Operation camouflage let's go!

Bulbasaur: Already on it. (Hides in a bush and he blends in. Squirtle just gets in his shell. The robot shines the light on them both but mistakes them for a shrub and a rock respectively before leaving)

Squirtle: We did it! Guess my hide and seek skills came in clutch.

Bulbasaur: Quickly now, before that robot thing comes back! (They leave as Pachirisu and Togedemaru come by)

Pachirisu: Did you here voices coming from this way?

Togedemaru: Yeah. Think it was Squirtle?

Pachirisu: Maybe. (Suddenly the robot comes from behind them) Uh oh. You better hide this time. (Pachirisu jumps in a bush and Togedemaru quickly follows her. The robot eventually passes)

Togedemaru: Phew. We did it.

Pachirisu: Yeah but your iron barbs kinda hurt me in there. Ouch. (Togedemaru frowns) But that doesn't matter. Let's just go!

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: Okay what is up with Togedemaru? He isn't so much of a helper as he is an obstacle in my way of winning. (Gasps) Did that sound mean? I didn't mean it like that! He is real awesome but he just seems shaken today. That's all.

(In room 4)

Squirtle: First ones here. Awesome!

Raichu: (on a monitor) Yoo-who! Over here! For this challenge you must, er, well...

Squirtle: It's a dragon challenge? And you probably couldn't find anything that screams dragon right?

Raichu: Y-yeah, sort of. The challenge is well-

Pachirisu: WAIT! (Runs in) Yes. Looks like you're not ahead of me Squirtle.

Squirtle: Awe man. 

Raichu: Good. Perfect! (Everyone gives him a weird look) Okay, Koffing came up with challenge and it's be a pretty lame challenge. It's just to make it past that robotic Hydreigon.


Togedemaru: Yeah that thing is hella intimidating.

Pachirisu: Wait a second, it's just to get by? Can we let our partners handle them while we sneak by.

Raichu: (sighs) And looks like someone discovered what made this challenge stupid. Anyway, heads up. First to take their throne in the Champion room win so get to it! (The monitor fades as the robot uses Dragon Breath)

Squirtle: EVERYBODY RUN!! (Pushes Bulbasaur outta the way) Look buddy, I don't wanna leave you.

Bulbasaur: Squirtle, you are about to win! There is no one I'd rather see win than you. You have to go!

Squirtle: But what kind of best friend would I be if I just left you here with that dangerous robot?

Bulbasaur: (a bit wisely) A smart one! Now go and win it. You have made it so far on your own, and I know you can win this on your own.

Squirtle: (nods) Thanks Bulbasaur.

Pachirisu: (to Togedemaru) I can't just leave you here!

Togedemaru: (genuinely) Really? You care?

Pachirisu: Of course I care. Look, you are probably one of the funniest and sweetest Pokémon I've ever met. And you are one of my best friends now.

Togedemaru: I...I...I...

Pachirisu: When I was a total jerk to you, you didn't shrug it off like you would probably have usually done. You didn't give up on me. (There is a short moment of silence)

Togedemaru: Hey, you're right. And I'm not giving up on you now. (The robot attacks and Togedemaru uses Spiky Shield to block) Now go and win! No one deserves it more than you. You are competitive and determined, but also nice. A rare combo. And hey, all you have to do is sit in a chair. Easy peasy.

Pachirisu; You're right! Thanks for the pep talk.

Squirtle: (to Bulbasaur) Thanks for the pep talk.

Pachirisu & Squirtle: MILLION DOLLARS HERE I COME!!! (They both race into the champions room as Togedemaru and Bulbasaur battle and hold off the robot)

(In the champions room)

Raichu: Ooooh! Here they come!

Pichu: Moving the bleachers to the back of the champion room during the challenge was a great idea uncle.

Pichuette: Yeah. Now we get to watch the final part up close! (Squirtle and Pachirisu race in)

Squirtle: Outta my way Pachirisu! I'm winning this!

Pachirisu: In your dreams! I am gonna be the winner. (They both stop and Pachirisu points) The Champion chairs!

Raichu: All you have to do is sit on them to win. (Squirtle and Pachirisu begin racing to the chairs in a close race when the chairs suddenly start to turn around) Hahaha. You've faced the Elite Four but did you really think you could be the winner without defeating the champion. Just like in Kanto, the champion is... (the two chairs spin around to reveal two familiar faces)

Froakie & Piplup: Your rival!

Squirtle: (gasps) No way!

Pachirisu: Are you kidding me?

Piplup: Nope. And as your rival Pachirisu, I am gonna stop at nothing to make sure you never sit in this chair.

Froakie: Same here Squirtle. You aren't gonna win on my watch you loser.

Raichu; So the real final challenge? DEFEAT YOUR RIVAL AND SIT ON THE CHAIR!!! And before someone asks, yes type advantages have been neutralized and blah blah blah. NOW FIGHT!!!

Pachirisu: Bring it!

Squirtle: Yeah. You don't scare me Froakie. (Mumbles) All that much. (Squirtle and Froakie begin battling and so do Piplup and Pachirisu)

Charmander: Now this is an epic finale.

Chespin: Did you see the look on Pachirisu and Squirtle's faces when they saw their rivals in the chairs?

Charmander: I know. Priceless!

Mudkip: Go Squirtle! Beat Froakie! He's had this coming since season one!

Psyduck: You got this Pachirisu! Beat the bratty penguin girl. (A few Pokémon in the stands laugh a little)

Piplup: Take this! (Hits Pachirisu with Peck) Yes! In your face. Literally.

Pachirisu: (stands up) Ill admit it, you're strong Piplup. But so am I! (Hits Piplup with Swift) Oh yeah.

Squirtle: (He and Froakie both use Water Gun on each other and the attacks cancel each other out) Hey, I'm tired of these water gun dittos. Got any other moves?

Froakie: Ha. You think this is a friendly match or something? I don't need to win. I just need to not lose. I'll drag this match out as long as I want.

Squritle: Fine then! (Tucks his head in)

Froakie: Hello? Come and get me. What are you doing?

Squirtle: A little something I call Skull Bash! (Releases his power and nails Froakie with a Skull Bash) Woo who! I can win this! (Runs toward the chair as Froakie stands up)

Froakie: N-not on my watch! (Uses his "Frubble" and hits Squirtle's foot, causing him to be stuck to the floor)

Raichu: Wowzers. Good one Froakie. (Suddenly Bulbasaur and Togedemaru come in) Hey guys. Yeah, I shut down the robot. Come in and watch this epic finale. (They sit down)

Pachirisu: Just let me win Piplup. I'll give you a a thousand dollars of it.

Piplup: Not a chance. Making you lose is all the prize I need. No offense but you did get me eliminated. (Uses Bubble Beam but misses)

Pachirisu: Alright, time for Electro Ball! (Uses it on Piplup and knocks her down) Yes!

Piplup: N-no fair. (Tries to get up but she is Paralyzed) N-NOOO!!!

Pachirisu: Yes! I can do this!

Froakie: Good. Squirtle's stuck like Caterpie in an Ariados' web- (looks at Squirtle who had just freed himself from the Frubble) WHAT!?!?

Squirtle: Sorry to disappoint ya but... (uses Hydro Pump to knock down Froakie) I've been waiting to do that since season one!

Raichu: Holy cannoli! This is gonna be a photo finish. (Pachirisu and Squirtle race to the Champion's chairs. Squirtle started a little closer but Pachirisu caught up to him. They both leap for their chair) AND THE WINNER IS....

(The camera shows the audiences waiting in anticipation before showing the one in the chair)


Squirtle: I DID IT!! This is so awesome!

Bulbasaur: Way to go Squirtle! (Runs up to him) I knew you could do it! 

Cyndaquil: Nicely done Squirtle!

Mudkip: Yeah! I'm so happy right now. My two best friends in this competition are the two winners.

Squirtle: Thanks guys. It means so much to me.

Bulbasuar: Group hug guys! (Uses Vine Whip to wrap them all in a hug)

Pachirisu: (sighs) So that's that. Squirtle won.

Togedemaru: (comes over) Oh who cares. Look at things my way. It was a stupid competition.

Pachirisu: (sarcastically) Yeah right. (Pauses) I came so far just to lose.

Togedemaru: You placed second outta everyone here. I think people know what an incredible girl you are.

Pachirisu: Heh. Guess you're right (smiles as Squirtle comes over)

Squirtle: Hey Pachirisu, I just wanted to say you did awesome. You were the toughest player I ever would have faced. And I'd like for you to have some of my winnings.

Pachirisu: Wow, really? You know, that's really kind of you but no thanks. You earned it. But don't you worry, I'll be the winner next time.

Piplup: Not as long as I'm here!

Raichu: (over a megaphone) Alright everybody!!! Board the plane because we are heading to TDP island for final party! Bonus! (Everyone cheers)

(At the bonfire of TDP island later in the day)

Raichu: Okay everyone, it's time to hand Squirtle his case for one million dollars! (Gives it to him) Don't blow it in a week.

Squirtle: Wooo who! Thanks Raichu, and don't worry, I'll use it wisely.

Raichu: And I have one more HUGE announcement. (Takes a deep breath) Its that Total Drama Pokemon will be going on hiatus for a little while.

Everyone: WHAT!?!?

Raichu: Buttt... WE WILL BE SPONSORING A BRAND NEW SPINOFF!!! It's gonna be hosted by my good buddy Rhydon!

Piplup: (happily gasps) No way! Does that mean...

Raichu: Yep! Anyone up for competing in the Rhydon-culous Race? (Some guys cheer) I know. It's gonna be great.

Piplup: Oh yes! It's been my dream of competing! So yeah, you all may wanna not do it because Turtwig and I are gonna win it all!

Pachirisu: Oh yeah? Wanna bet?

Bulbasaur: Hey Squirtle, I know you just won  and all but I was thinking, there's no better team than us...

Squirtle: Oh yeah! Bring! It! ONNN!

Raichu: (to the camera) Well looks like that is gonna do it for the finale of Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour. And it seems like everybody is happy. Once again, I'm Raichu and it's been a pleasure hosting this season. I'll see you back here next time on an all new season of Total Drama Pokémon... but first... (motions to his friend)

Rhydon: Hi. I'm Rhydon, and you all better get ready for... the Rhydonculous Race! (Smiles and winks at the camera)

***That does it for this season! I enjoyed writing this and I hope you all enjoyed the read.

***IMPORTANT!!!: I will posting a new book to cover all the info for the Rhydonculous Race! Be sure to follow that book to see all the info. There will be daily reveals on cast and such, leading up to the release of the first episode! I am not sure how to link the book but you can click on my profile and find it there.

Also, just like for season 1, I have a survey on this season I made. If you would like to take it and vote for your favorite characters and such plz message me or comment and I'll send you the link to it!

Thanks for all the support once again __Glaceon__ ArtistHeart6 Darumaka25 Gurrtastic Sean1153 Captain_Komodo TorchicTrooper slothzilla124 LBWriter123 BlueNJGreenF_r_e_a_k FrancineChua2 TotalEpicness123 ItzChandelure GamerCatPat xxTheGamingWolfxx LittleLitten11. These guys are awesome so check out all of their works!

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