Cliff Climbing Crisis

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Raichu: Last time, on a death defying episode of Total Drama Pokémon, things started off pretty normal. But then, stupid me, got greedy and accidentally sold the blue and red orbs to two crooks working for an evil organization. They then proceeded to awaken Groudon and Kyogre which lead to a major panic! With two legendaries causing mass destruction there was nothing to do but freak out. When all hope seemed lost, Absol stepped up to the plate with Mega Evolution Society members Gallade and Gardevoir to fight the beasts. In end, with a little extra help from yours truly, and the rest of the gang, Kyogre and Groudon were defeated. Then and there, Absol realized his true calling, defending the world from danger. And in the saddest of goodbyes, Absol went off to protect our world. (Sighs) I'm gonna miss that guy. But on with the show called Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!

(Theme song; In first class)


Turtwig: (runs over) Psyduck!? What's happening?

Psyduck: I was gonna ask Glaceon to make a smoothie but I couldn't find her. So I decided to make one myself but I got my head stuck in the blender,

Turtwig: Okay. Easy does it. (Helps Psyduck) There you go!

Psyduck: Thanks pal.

(In confessional)
Psyduck: If only Absol was still here. He would have stopped me before I got that thing on my head.

Piplup: So then I blazed past Charmander and won the Rhydonculous challenge.

Pachirisu: (mumbling) Jeez. How many stories are you gonna tell about yourself.

Piplup: What was that?

Pachirisu: Oh. It was nothing.

Togedemaru: Hey, I thought it was called the Groudonculous Race.

Piplup: The series is getting a reboot

Togedemaru: Sounds kinda stupid.

(In Economy Class A; Chespin, Lycanroc, Popplio and Litten are playing cards)

Lycanroc: You want another card Chespin?

Chespin: Um... Yeah, let's do it! (Lycanroc gives him a card) Dangit! I busted!

Popplio: I had seventeen!

Lycanroc: Nineteen.

Litten: Boom! Twenty one! Looks like I win again.

Chespin: Wow Litten you sure are lucky.

Popplio: Yeah, you have got a lot of
LUCK-CARIO! (Laughs) Aw man, that's a good one.

Litten: Ugh. Enough with the jokes already!

Lycanroc: So where are the others?

(In the Common Area)

Snivy: I don't know about you but Chespin has to go next.

Bellossom: What do you have against him? He's really nice.

Treecko: So who would you pick Bellossom?

Bellossom: I don't know. Maybe Litten, he seems a little aggressive.

Treecko: Good point.

Snivy: Are you kidding me? That's it! If you keep siding with Bellossom then why don't you just marry her!?

Treecko: You're getting mad at me? I'm not your little shadow or puppet you know!

Snivy: That's it Treecko! You better hope I get over this eventually. (Leaves)

(In confessional)
Treecko: Snivy and I used to be tight but now I'd say we're incomparable. I am actually starting to think I've been hanging out with the wrong ally all this time.

(In Economy Class B)

Vulpix: (watching a video) Oh please no! No! NO!!!

Cyndaquil: Is Vulpix okay?

Bulbasaur: Yeah. She's just watching season one.

Squirtle: My guess is someone's about to be eliminated.

Bulbasaur: Speaking of which, maybe us guys should form an alliance? I know we are all friends here but the girls are really close.

Squirtle: Yeah. They're obviously gonna vote one of us off.

Cyndaquil: I don't know. You make a good point but everyone here is so nice. I'd rather wait to see if we lose.

Bulbasaur: Your call Cyndaquil.

Vulpix: (still watching video) O-M-G cutest couple ever! (Starts to cry) That was so sad! (Finishes video)

Fennekin: What episode was that?

Vulpix: The one where you got sent home. But that goodbye was so heartfelt.

Chikorita: Yeah. Parting with your boyfriend is the sadest thing. Right Fennekin? (She nods)

Vulpix: But I don't get it. Chikorita why would you vote off Fennekin?

(In confessional)
Chikorita: Oh no! I put that all behind me and was happy Fennekin didn't hold grudges but... AHHH I FORGOT ALL THAT HAPPENED!? WHY!??

Chikorita: Snivy tricked me.

Vulpix: It was clear that you were jealous because you thought she liked Chespin.

Fennekin: Wait... So that's what happened? Chikorita! How could you? Were you just pretending to be my friend now? Were you-

Raichu: (over loud speaker) Sorry to interrupt but hang on tight! We are coming in for a landing but there's a very short runway.

Squirtle: Dear Arceus. (Holds onto the seat as everyone in economy is pushed around)

(The plane lands and everyone gets off and gathers just outside)

Raichu: Hello everyone, and welcome to Cyllage City!

Fennekin: Hooray! Kalos we are finally here!

Chespin: Yeah. I really missed this place.

Raichu: Ahhh Cyllage City. Home to the bike track that circles the city and the Cyllage Gym, which is where we are headed today!

Popplio: This may be a bumpy ride! Get it? Like rocks are bumpy? (Laughs)

Piplup: (to herself) Relax Piplup. The horror will be over soon.

Turtwig: That's my girl.

Togedemaru: Hello? Piplup? Turtwig? You guys coming or what?

Turtwig: Oh sorry! (They catch up)

(Inside the gym)

Raichu: The Cyllage Gym is a rock type gym. With an enormous rock wall for you guys to scale. (A few players gulp) Relax, nobody has died from a huge fall.

Vulpix: That's a relief.

Raichu: Because nobody has ever attempted the extended, extra high wall! (Everyone begins to panic) Quit murmuring! The wall is divided into three sections, with two resting checkpoints so you won't fall all the way back down.

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Wow. How thoughtful of you Raichu.

Litten: This is insane. Someone could get severely injured.

Bellossom: So kind of you to think of others Litten.

Litten: (narrows his eyes) I never said I was concerned for you.

Raichu: One last thing, there's a pile of junk over yonder.

Treecko: So?

Raichu: So, you may be able to find something useful in there.

Treecko: Yeah but clearly the odds are-

Raichu: (blows horn) GOOO!!!

Pachirisu: (runs over to the junk pile and then quickly comes back) Come on guys let's get climbing!

Psyduck: Why'd you run over there though?

Pachirisu: Snagged some rope! It helps with climbing. You know, belaying and all.

Psyduck: Coolio! Want Togdemaru and I to join you?

Pachirisu: Um- (sees Piplup and Turtwig already climbing) Sure!

Togedemaru: Okay, get us situated.

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: This is perfect! If I can befriend Psyduck and Togedemaru I'll be close with the whole team! That means fat chance of me ever getting voted off. Awesome!

Chespin: Guys, I'm not the best climber.

Popplio: Same here.

Snivy: Just don't slow us down. We just need to get up as fast as we can to win.

Treecko: Hey Bellossom, follow me. (They begin climbing Bellossom is about to fall when Treecko pulls her up) You alright?

Bellossom: I am now. Thanks Treecko.

Snivy: (muttering) That's it. I'm done with you, ya little traitor. (Begins climbing)

Popplio: Come on Chespin, maybe we can find something amongst the rubble.

Lycanroc: See you guys at the top! (Begins to climb but slides right back down)

(In confessional)
Lycanroc: Yes, I know I'm a rock type but climbing is hard for us four legged Pokémon,

Squirtle: Okay, everyone buddy up!

Vulpix: I call Fennekin!

Fennekin: I call Vulpix right back! (They start to climb)

Bulbasaur: So what's with the buddy thing Squirtle?

Squirtle: It's safer that way. Let's just say I had a bad experience as a kid

Bulbasaur: I don't remember that?

Squirtle: Ha. You don't know everything about me Bulbasaur. (They begin to climb)

Bulbasaur: But seriously, tell me. (Back on the ground, Cyndaquil approaches Chikorita)

Cyndaquil: Guess we can buddy up.

Chikorita: (frowns) Okay I guess. (Spots Chespin by the pile of junk) Actually, I think I'll go it alone. BYE!

Cyndaquil: (tries to say something but she's gone) Whelp, better conquer this myself asap.

(At the first checkpoint)

Raichu: (to the camera) Its been a good ten minutes and nobody has finished the simplest part yet! WHAT IS TAKING SO LONG!?!?

Treecko: (reaches the point) Sheesh. I made it and so did Bellossom.

Bellossom: (climbs up) Yeah seriously Raichu my head is spinning more then a ballerina!

Raichu: What?

Bellossom: (narrows her eyes) I'm saying no need to yell.

Raichu: Anyway part two has got some-

Pachirisu: WAIT!!! Come on guys push it! (Reaches the top and starts to pull on the rope) You guys aren't making it easy you know. (Togedemaru and Psyduck reach the top)

Psyduck: Sorry but I got bored.

Togedemaru: Seriously we carried you all that way?

Treecko: Hey, belaying was a good idea. Gotta give you credit for that.

Pachirisu: Thanks.

Raichu: Hello? Anyone interested in winning? (Everyone listens) That's what I thought. Just wanted to warn you stage two has some, well, obstacles.

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Great, this should be fun.

Pachirisu: Alright Psyduck move it or lose it! Time to get climbing!

(On the first wall)

Piplup: C'mon Turtwig a little more!

Turtwig: Gah! I can't hold on (starts to fall but Piplup grabs him) Phew.

Piplup: I'm sorry Turtwig, your just too heavy... (accidentally drops him and winces) Sorry! I-I'll just keep going!

(In confessional)
Piplup: Turtwig's awesome but I can't let him slow me down. (Pauses) Why do I feel so empty? Never felt this way before.

Snivy: Sweet almost at the checkpoint. (Spots Squirtle and Bulbasaur climbing and smirks) Oops. (Kicks rocks down and they fall down, screaming all the way)

Squirtle: Oww. My head.

Cyndaquil: Hey! I saw that Snivy! I was wrong to think you changed.

Snivy: Yes, yes you were. (Continues climbing)

Cyndaquil: Hey Vulpix. Hey Fennekin.

Vulpix: Um, hi!

Cyndaquil: Guys I'm worried about Chikorita, I think she was just misunderstood.

Fennekin: Well she's not a friend as far as I'm concerned after what she did.

Cyndaquil: Come on please-

Vulpix: I see Raichu! Just a bit more, let's go!

(By the junk pile)

Litten: Find anything guys?

Chespin: Just trash.

Popplio: I found a lightbulb. Does anyone have any bright ideas? (Laughs)

Litten: Ugh. Cram it jokes-for-brains.

Chespin: Sweet! Guys I found a pickaxe for climbing.

Chikorita: (runs up) Chespin! Hey Chespin!

Chespin: Hey babe. (Kisses her) You okay?

Chikorita: I just thought I'd come looking for something too.

Litten: Chespin, let's go!

Chespin: You guys go. I'll catch up. (They leave and Chespin turns to Chikorita) I can tell your worried.

Chikorita: It's just that Fennekin remembered that I was the one who got her out.

Chespin: It wasn't you! Snivy tricked you and me too, I remember.

Chikorita: Yeah but she's not a truth detector.

Chespin: Well that sucks. But just keep being you and I'm sure something will work out. (Pulls out another pickaxe) Perfect! Here. (Gives it to Chikorita) Gotta go. (Kisses her and leaves)

Raichu: And here come so more players to the first checkpoint! (Piplup, Cyndaquil, Vulpix, Fennekin, Snivy and Lycanroc reach the point and Raichu explains them the rules and they leave)

Koffing: (comes by) Hey Raichu. Did you tell them the third wall isn't really a wall yet?

Raichu: Of course not. It's fun to surprise them.

Litten: Almost there Popplio. (They reach the top) WOOO WHOOO!

Popplio: Wait what were you saying Raichu?

Raichu: I was saying get a move on guys. And look out for dangerous obstacles.

Popplio: (mutters) I'm toast.

(On the second wall)

Pachirisu: So far so good. And not a single booby trap.

Psyduck: (suddenly a rocket goes off) Oops, I think that was my bad.

Togedemaru: I'll protect us!

Pachirisu: Wait! Don't use- (Togedemaru uses spiky shield but it cuts the rope and he falls)
-spiky shield...

Togedemaru: Owww. I think I'm dead.

Pysduck: Congrats! We'll just keep going.

(In confessional)
Togedemaru: (covered in bruises) Sure Psyduck doesn't understand much of anything but hey, he's still nice to me. Well, I know he's trying to say the right things anyway.

Treecko: So Bellossom, I've been wanting to talk to you about something for a while now.

Bellossom: Sure. You can trust me, I'll keep it a secret.

Treecko: It's not that, it's that- (Puts his hand on some needles while climbing) YOW! Ooh god that hurts! (Begins to fall off the cliff)

Bellossom: Treecko! (Catches him by the foot) You okay?

Treecko: Thanks. (Pulls the needles out) I guess we're even. (Bellossom giggles)

(In confessional)
Bellossom: Treecko is the nicest guy here! I'm really lucky to have him on my team.

(At the first checkpoint)

Raichu: Chespin, glad you could finally make it. You're the last one.

Chespin: What? Is this a joke?

Raichu: Do I look like Popplio to you? Now get a move on. (Chespin leaves) Time to head up to checkpoint numero dos.

(On the second wall)

Squirtle: So far so good Bulbasaur. (Suddenly an explosion goes off and Squirtle falls) HOLY-

Bulbasaur: (catches Squirtle with vine whop) Gotcha buddy. You alright?

Squirtle: A bit dazed but fine I guess.

Bulbasaur: I can see Snivy. Oh no he's close to the top!

Cyndaquil: (yelling from above) Don't worry! I'll avenge you guys!

Lycanroc: (struggling) Come on just grab the next spot. (Tries to but fails) No! It's too far.

Popplio: Hey Lycanroc need some assistance?

Litten: We got this pickaxe. Really helps.

Lycanroc: Wow. Thanks guys!

Litten: No prob. (Suddenly slips and falls into Fennekin and Vulpix knocking them all down) Oh, I'm so so so sorry.

Fennekin: Ouch. Litten.

Vulpix: Ahhh! My fur is messed up! Someone call nine one one! (Starts running in circles)

Fennekin: Wait Litten, let me ask you something. Do you trust Chespin?

Litten: That's an odd question but- Hmm, not really sure. Didn't like him last season but he was right about Snivy.

Fennekin: But it was the grass types that got me eliminated?

Litten: Yep. Jerks.

Fennekin: Okay. Thanks, but you better hurry. I don't want you to lose. Vulpix let's get going!

(At the second checkpoint)

Raichu: Oooh! Who's gonna make it first!? (Cyndaquil reaches the top followed by Snivy, Pachirisu and Psyduck)

Cyndaquil: Alright! I made it.

Snivy: Wouldn't leap for joy just yet. (Goes to push Cyndaquil off but he steps out of the way)

Cyndaquil: Grrr. What was that for?

Snivy: (lying) Whoops. I tripped.

Psyduck: Um guys, I don't see another wall, just a ramp.

Raichu: So surprised it was you who noticed first but the last part is a race up this steep incline! Better sprint, oh and watch out for falling rocks!

Pachirisu: Not a problem. I'll run right past! (The four leave and Bellossom, Treecko and Piplup arrive)

Raichu: No wall, just running.

Piplup: Seriously!? I'm outta breath here.

Raichu: (laughs) You're so funny Piplup. (She squirts him with water) Hey! Stop that!

(On the wall)

Togedemaru: Finally. Nearing the top again.

Turtwig: Hey Togedemaru you alright?

Togedemaru: Yeah. Where's Piplup?

Turtwig: She left me.

Togedemaru: What can I say the girls competitve. I think she likes you, just not more than a million bucks. (Continues climbing as Turtwig frowns) Later.

Chikorita: Vulpix. Fennekin. Want some help?

Fennekin: Not from you I don't! Not from a liar.

Chikorita: Fennekin please listen! Snivy tricked me, just like he did to Litten.

Vulpix: Chikorita, I think it's best if you just give her some time to cool off.

Fennekin: Yeah, I'm sorry for being mean but I'm still mad. (Continues climbing)

Chespin: (yelling) Chikorita! Don't lose focus on the game! Keep going!

(In confessional)
Chespin: I know I've said it before but being on different teams but that can't stop me from being a good boyfriend.

(At the checkpoint)

Raichu: Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Popplio, Lycanroc, and Togedemaru. You've reached the checkpoint. There is no third wall, just running, so have fun.

Squirtle: Aww man I hate running.

Popplio: Guess it's all uphill from here. (Laughs)

Lycanroc: (smirks) Gotta admit. That was a good one. (Everyone heads off except Popplio)

Raichu: Um Popplio? Better get going.

Popplio: Hang on. I'm thinking of something.

(On the ramp)

Treecko: Yes! We're catching up to the front runners.

Snivy: Sorry Treecko, but I'll be the one who wins for our team.

Treecko: (they stop running) So does that do it? Our friendship is over?

Snivy: I'll give you one last chance. Step away from Bellossom.

Treecko: (thinks) No. A real friend wouldn't make me do that.

Snivy: Fine.

Bellossom: Guys look out!!! (A rock falls on Treecko and Snivy and sends them back hill a bit) Oh no! (Chases after them)

Pachirisu: (dodges a rock) Close one. How you doing back there Psyduck?

Psyduck: I think I'm inside of a video game! So why worry because I can't die!

Pachirisu: (lying) Yep you're definitely right! Just keep going!

Cyndaquil: Sorry Pachirisu but I'm winning this. (They both sprint super fast across the finish line)

Raichu: Wow that was a close call! But Pachirisu barely edged out Cyndaquil!

Pachirisu: Yeah!!! My team wins!

Raichu: Wins? Sorry Pachirisu.

Psyduck: (finishes) What do you mean?

Raichu: Did I forget to mention? It's the first TEAM across the finish line.

Pachirisu: WHAT! (Raichu makes an announcement to all the remaining competitors as Treecko, Snivy and Bellossom finish) But on record, I won.

Psyduck: Hooray! (Hugs Pachirisu who looks irritated)

(At checkpoint two)

Chespin: Finally made it!

Litten: Same here dude. (Looks down) Um, nobody is left climbing beneath us.

Chespin: That means we're in last! HURRY!

(In confessional)
Litten: Look, I guess I don't like Chespin but I need someone to blame if we come in last so I'll run beside him. For today I mean.

Popplio: (looks around) I thought I heard voices but guess not.

(On the ramp)

Piplup: Yes! There's the finish. (Lycanroc zooms past her) Huh?

Lycanroc: Sorry. That's just my incredible speed stat going. (Finishes)

Raichu: Looks like Lycanroc makes it! Followed by Piplup and...

Bulbasaur: Almost there. Hang in there. (Walking beside Squirtle who collapses on the finish line)

Squirtle: It's official. I hate running.

Bulbasuar: Don't worry buddy. You did just fine.

Togedemaru: (finishes) Yes! Made in time.

Piplup: Come on Turtwig! Just finish and that first class cabin is ours!

(At the second checkpoint)

Popplio: Finally it's done! (Moves away to reveal a giant water bubble he blew. He bounces on it's several times and makes it to the top) SWEET TREATS I MADE IT!!

Raichu: Wowzers, didn't see that coming.

Turtwig: (out of breath) Speed stats don't matter. I can do this. (Falls on his face)

Piplup: Turtwig you did it! We won!

Turtwig: I-I did?

Piplup: I'm so proud! (Hugs him tight)

Turtwig: (unable to breathe well) Th-thanks.

(On the ramp)

Vulpix: We gotta go faster! Here come Litten and Chespin.

Fennekin: I can't just do Litten like that. (A rock hits her) Ahhh!

Litten: Oh no Fennekin!

Snivy: (yelling from the top) Lose this and your gonezo!

Chespin: (finishes) Come on Litten!

(In confessional)
Chespin: You see, if Chikorita loses it'll be Fennekins fault which is a-okay by me. So she'll go home. That's how you think of your girlfriend and yourself at the same time. Boom.

Chikorita: Fennekin! (Rushes over and stops the boulder with her Vine Whip) Fennekin are you okay?

Fennekin: Y-you saved me? But why?

Chikorita: I said I was sorry about before and that's what I meant. I want us to be friends.


Vulpix: What?

Litten: I can't believe you guys! Dragging me to the finish line?

Treecko: Sorry but we didn't wanna lose.

Lycanroc: Yeah, you should be thankful.

Bulbasaur: Guys? What happened?

Cyndaquil: No! You guys are all so nice! I can't vote any of you off.

Bulbasaur: Well, we're gonna have to.

(In the elimination area after the plane takes off)

Raichu: Well, well, well. Six is soon to be five. And this was a close one indeed fellas.

Squirtle: What do you mean?

Raichu: Pretty much everyone received a vote except one had none and one had two.

Vulpix: (gulps) Uh oh. I'm not ready to go home.

Raichu: Well lucky you. (Throws her a pokepuff) You're safe, along with Bulbasaur and Cyndaquil! That leaves only two pokepuffs left. Who's gonna stay and who's gonna go?

Bulbasaur: (to himself) Please. I can't go on with out Squirtle.

Raichu: (sighs) Squirtle I'm sorry but... HEADS UP! (Throws him a pokepuff)

Squirtle: Phew.

Raichu: Sorry girls. Let me just make an announcement first. (Over the speaker) Chespin and Litten please report to the elimination room. One of your lovely ladies is about to be thrown out of a plane. (They both jet in)



Raichu: And the last treat goes too...

(Chikorita and Chespin hug tightly, as do Fennekin and Litten)

Raichu: ...Fennekin.

Litten: Yes!

Chespin: Oh no! Chikorita!

Chikorita: (sighs) Well, I'm sorry Palkias.

Fennekin: But why would you guys vote Chikorita off?

Vulpix: Huh? I thought you were mad at her?

Fennekin: We made up.

Vulpix: Oops. I'm so sorry, I didn't know!

Chikorita: It's fine. WE should have told you. (Grabs parachute from Raichu) Well Chespin, I was hoping it'd be longer before this moment but... (pauses) Bye, win for me.

Chespin: I can't go on with out you again!

Chikorita: You made it to the finals last time and I know you can do it again! (They lean in to kiss when Raichu shoves Chikorita out of the plane) AHHHHHH!!

Chespin: CHIKORITA!!!

Bulbasaur: (muttering) I guess we didn't get a chance for good-byes.

Raichu: Well that does it for today! Tune in next episode to see Chespin suffer emotional problems.

Chespin: Shut up you-

Raichu: We've got an amazing destination for next time, on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!

**Thanks for all the support guys! Please leave comments of things you like or maybe just some constructive criticism. Either will help!

**Also, special shout outs to __Glaceon__ Sleepy_Jirachi Captain_Komodo slothzilla124 TorchicTrooper Darumaka25 ErbiThatDude and everyone else for the awesome support!

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