Paintball At Petalburg

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Raichu: Last time, on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour, we flew to Sinnoh! Once there, I decided an easier challenge was in order, a classic talent contest. Fennekin sang, Bellossom danced, and Chimchar tried to flip potions, and failed miserably. But it was none other than Popplio who delivered a performance of a lifetime, and scored his team a win. On the other hand, The Destructive Dialgas lost and it was Charmander who had to take the drop of shame. How happy are Piplup and Chimchar now? Find out that and much more today on, Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!

(Theme song; In first class)

Snivy: Ahh yes. This facial is doing wonders. Wouldn't you agree Treecko? (Lifts cucumbers off his eyes) That's funny. Where'd he go?

Treecko: (walks over to the bar like area) Oh there you are Bellossom. Just wanted to say you did awesome yesterday.

Bellossom: Thanks for all the support.

Treecko: I was wondering if you'd wanna-

Litten: (comes up) Hey Bellossom, could you ask Glaceon to bake some more cookies? Thanks. (Leaves)

Bellossom: Oh. Guess so. Let's just put a pin in this Treecko. Be right back.

Treecko: (softly) Fine. Whatever.

(In Economy Class A)

Vulpix: Okay, it's still crappy back here but at least we didn't lose.

Fennekin: Meh. I guess that's a step up.

Vulpix: Hey! Where'd my suitcase go? I had all my personal items in it!

Cyndaquil: Raichu came in last night and woke me up. Could have taken a few things.

Bulbasaur: Sounds like something he'd do. Always confiscating things.

Vulpix: Oh no! My latest scarf was in there!

Squirtle: Relax. He always gives stuff back in the end.

Fennekin: (looks around) Hey. Has anyone seen Chikorita?

(In the Common area)

Chespin: Eeeww. Koffing's sludge is so gross.

Chikorita: Yeah but it's worth it because we get to talk to each other.

Chespin: You got that right. (Smiles) So, how's your team?

Chikorita: Okay I guess. Yours?

Chespin: Good, except for Treecko and Snivy obviously.

Chikorita: (giggles) Hey I think I hear someone coming. (Vulpix and Fennekin walk in)

Fennekin: Oh there you are Chikorita.

Vulpix: Ah ha! There it is! My suitcase!

Fennekin: Wait, Chikorita you took it?

Chikorita: Oh, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to touch up on my looks for Chespin.

Vulpix: All you had to do was ask! You had me worried sick! (Picks up her suitcase and heads back)

Chespin: Well I gotta go. Teams gonna be wondering where I am. (Kisses Chikorita on the cheek) Later. (Everyone leaves and The Destructive Dialgas walk in)

Piplup: (to Pachirisu) So yeah, that guy was totally checking me out when this girl walks up.

Pachirisu: Yeah, yeah?

Piplup: And she was all like oh no you di-din't! And I was like oh yes I di-Id!

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: I'm happy to have Piplup on the team! I need a girl to talk to with about, you know, the usual girl stuff.

Turtwig: What do you think they're talking about?

Togedemaru: Beats me. (Spoons some paste into his mouth) Ugh! I think I'm gonna be sick!

Turtwig: So Chimchar, what are you up to?

Chimchar: (stops eating) Just eating and being happy Charmander's gone. Do you have to be so nosy?

Psyduck: Guys! Help my fork is broken! It won't pick up the food.

Chimchar: You're holding it upside down. (Mutters) Idiot.

Piplup: (over at the other table) So yeah, that's pretty much how it ends.

Pachirisu: Cool story. You know what I was thinking? Maybe we could form a Sinnoh alliance. Me, you and your boyfriend.

Piplup: You mean Turtwig? As if! We're just good friends.

Pachirisu: Okay, if you insist.

Piplup: But, yes to the alliance. (Yelling) Hey Turtwig! Come over here. (Turtwig comes) So we were thinking of a Sinnoh alliance?

Turtwig: Wow! Awesome idea!

Chimchar: Couldn't help but eavesdrop but I'm from Sinnoh too! How bout I get in on this.

Piplup: Um...

(In confessional)
Piplup: Only because he'd spread the word about the alliance otherwise...

Piplup: ...Sure!

Chimchar: Great. See you later alliance mates. (Leaves)

Pachirisu: He's not really in the alliance right?

Piplup: (nods) We both hated Charmander but that's about all we have in common. Besides he is a bit of a team annoyance, wouldn't you agree?

(Back in first class)

Litten: Man oh man these cookies are good.

Popplio: Yeah! They are Magby-nificent! (Laughs)

Litten: Lose the jokes. Ruins my sense of pride.

Popplio: Um... okay?

Raichu: (over loud speaker) ATTENTION CAMPERS! It's that time again! We are almost at our next destination

Lycanroc: Guys, what time is it?

Snivy: Around five in the pm.

Lycanroc: Well this better be a short challenge or it'll get dark.

Litten: What, are you afraid of the dark or something? (Lycanroc is about to say something when the plane starts going down real fast)

Mudkip: AHHH!!! Where are my motion sickness pills? I'm gonna puke! (Falls on the floor)

Chespin: Here they are. (Mudkip pukes) Guess it's too late now.

Mudkip: Thanks anyways. (Continues puking)

(The plane lands and everyone exits)

Raichu: Okay everyone, we are in the Hoenn region today! Just outside Petalburg Woods. In there, your challenge will take place.

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Great. Just great.

Chimchar: Nice. What's the challenge Raichu?

Raichu: I'm glad you asked! It's gonna be extreme Pokémon paintball!

(In confessional)
Mudkip: Oh dear, this won't be good. Paintballs hurt worse than nobody showing up to your birthday party. (Pauses and frowns) I have experience with that one.

Bellossom: Seriously, what is your fascination with us getting hurt?

Raichu: Hey, do you want a million bucks or not!? Moving on, each team will have two shooters, the rest must run and avoid being hit. First team to lose all its members faces elimination.

Cyndaquil: Hey, no fair! The Giratinas have an extra player!

Raichu: True, but I don't really care.

Snivy: Yes! Good for us.

Chimchar: (to his team) So I think I should be a shooter. Any objections?

Absol: Fine by me.

Raichu: Choose? I don't believe mentioning you guys got to chose. I'm feeling special today so I'll be picking.

Togedemaru: (mutters) Yep, he's special alright.

Raichu: The hunters will be... Pachirisu and Psyduck for their team. (Throws them guns)

Pachirisu: Sweet!

Psyduck: (holds gun backwards) How does this work? (Pachirisu turns his around) Oh thanks.

Chimchar: Are you kidding me? We're screwed!

Psyduck: Hey what's this button do? (Pulls trigger and shoots Chimchar) Ooops.

Raichu: Good thing we didn't start yet. (Laughs) Save the ammo for the challenge Psyduck. Shooters for The Palkias are... Squirtle and Cyndaquil!

Squirtle: Nice! (High fives Cyndaquil) We got this in the bag!

Raichu: And for the Giratinas... Snivy and Chespin!

Chespin: Ugh! You gotta be kidding me! I don't wanna work with him.

Snivy: (sarcastically) Yeah, like I find you a pleasure also.

Raichu: Those without guns, you've got five minutes to head into the forest starting... NOW!

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: I'm a little nervous about being a shooter. I mean, I don't wanna hurt anyone. Except Snivy but he's a shooter aswell so...

(In Petalburg Woods)

Treecko: Hmm... which way to go?

Lycanroc: I think we should all split up. That way if they find one of us they won't get us all.

Mudkip: Hey! That's what I was gonna say.

Treecko: But you didn't.

Bellossom: Okay everyone pick a path. (The team splits up)

Vulpix: Hey Fennekin, wanna come with me?

Fennekin: Um- (sees Litten going down a path) Nothing personal but I think it's best if we split up. (Heads off towards Litten) Bye!

Vulpix: Dangit. Now who am I gonna pitch my new fashion ideas to to pass the time?

(At the Destructive Dialgas)

Absol: We're easier targets like this. Can't we just split up?

Chimchar: It's better if we stick together!

Togedmaru: Hey! Why are we listening to him? He's not the boss of us.

Chimchar: Fine. Just do want you want. (Everyone seperates) Some team...

(At the entrance)

Raichu: Five minutes are up, shooters you are clear to go! (Blows and air horn) HERE COME THE SHOOTERS! GET READY!!!

(In the woods)

Mudkip: Where to hide? Where to hide!!!? (Hides behind a bush) No, to obvious. (Climbs a tree) Too unsafe. Let's see...

(In confessional)
Mudkip: When I get nervous, sometimes it can really show. I am not proud of it.

Mudkip: Yes! Inside a cave is a good spot. Now  if only I can find one. (Suddenly gets shot by a paintball and falls to the ground) Owww!!!

Pachirisu: Might wanna try and keep quiet next time! (Runs off)

Mudkip: Gah! Darn Pachirisu.

(Somewhere else)

Piplup: Hey Turtwig have any idea where we are?

Turtwig: Judging by the moss I'd say... Okay, I have no idea.

Piplup: I was afraid you'd say that (hears rumbling) Get down! Someone's coming! (pushes Turtwig to the ground as Psyduck emerges from the bush)

Psyduck: Ah ha! Got you guys!

Turtwig: Whoa, whoa whoa, hold your fire! We are on the same team.

Psyduck: Oh yeah. I forgot.

Piplup: SERIOUSLY YOU IDIOT!? How stupid are you?

Psyduck: I-I-I'm SORRY!!! (Runs off crying)

Turtwig: Keep it down Piplup, other shooters might hear us!

Piplup: Yeah right like that's gonna happen. (Snivy shoots her from behind a bush) OWW!!

Snivy: Yes! You're next Turtwig.

Turtwig: GAH! (He runs away with Snivy in hot pursuit)

(Somewhere else)

Lycanroc: This is bad. It's getting dark out. I better hide... (runs inside a cave) Okay! This should be fine.

(Somewhere in the woods)

Cyndaquil: It's been like half an hour and we haven't seen anyone.

Squirtle: Ugh, not to mention it's so hot here.

Cyndaquil: I think we just got to keep going.

Bulbasaur: (comes from behind) Hey guys! (Cyndaquil and Squirtle jump and scream) Guys, it's just me.

Squirtle: Wow. You scared the living Gengar outta me.

Bulbasaur: I wanted to let you know I just saw Treecko and Bellossom over that way.

Cyndaquil: Hey, thanks Bulbasaur! Now you better go hide.

Bulbasaur: Right. Good luck you two! (They part ways) I hope they get them.

Psyduck: (comes from down a path and shoots Bulbasaur) Yip-de-do! I got you!

(In confessional)
Psyduck: I can't believe I actually got him! My therapist is gonna be so proud!

Raichu: (over the intercom) An hour has past and each team has lost one member! Better hurry shooters, because night will be falling soon!

(Somewhere else in the woods)

Fennekin: Litten! Litten hey!

Litten: Fennekin? What are you doing here?

Fennekin: I saw you, then lost you, but now found you again. (Catches her breath a little bit)

Litten: Well, I'm sure glad about that. (Smiles)

Fennekin: Litten, I miss you being there for me on the team.

Litten: (puts his head next to hers) Don't worry. No matter the teams, I'll always be there for you. (They lean in to kiss when Pachirisu shoots them both)

Pachirisu: Heh. (Rubs her head) Sorry, to interrupt the touching moment but I've got a challenge to win.

Fennekin: (shrugs) Well at least we can walk out of the woods together.

(Somewhere in the woods)

Chikorita: Oh hey Vulpix! (Runs up to her)

Vulpix: Hey girlfriend!

Chikorita: Look, I'm really sorry about this morning.

Vulpix: Hey it's okay, I overreacted a bit. Can I just ask a favor. (Chikorita nods) I need someone to model my new scarf, could you do it?

Chikorita: I'd love too! (Walks into Sawk) Ouch, Sawk.

Sawk: Sorry, Pachirisu was chasing me. She's got some game for a girl.

Vulpix: (mad) Um-

Sawk: Anyway, better keep running! (Leaves)

Vulpix: That was a bit sexist don't you think? (Gets hit by a paintball) OUCH!

Chikorita: Uh oh! (Tries to run but gets hit too)

Psyduck: Whoopie! I'm on fire today! Wait a second. I'm on fire? AHHH I NEED WATER! (Runs off)

Popplio: (walks in) Hello? Anyone still here. (Sees the girls) Oh dear, are you okay?

Vulpix: Yeah, Psyduck got us, but he's gone. So you should be fine.

Popplio: Woah. Psyduck? Huh. Who woulda thunk it?

(In a cave)

Turtwig: Sweet! A cave! Snivy won't find me in here! (Enters the cave)

Chimchar: Yeah but I would!

Turtwig: (looks around) W-who said that?

Chimchar: It's me, Chimchar! What are you doing in my hiding spot!?

Lycanroc: (emerges from deep in the cave) Correction, I was here first!

Chimchar: Whatever, Turtwig just leave or Snivy will find us.

Snivy: (enters the cave) Too late! Say your prayers! (Shoots at Chimchar but he hides behind Turtwig who gets shot over and over)

Chimchar: Sorry Turtwig, but I'm our only hope at winning! (Runs out of the cave and knocks Snivy's gun outta his hands)

(In confessional)
Turtwig: (hurt) N-not cool Chimchar!

(In confessional)
Chimchar: What I did wasn't so wrong. I mean I am more skilled and my survival instincts had kicked in!

Lycanroc: Nice one Snivy! Hey do you mind guarding the cave for me?

Snivy: Why? I've gotta find other players. So, it's a no.

Lycanroc: No wait I- (Snivy leaves) can't go out in the dark...

(Somewhere else in the woods)

Treecko: I think we lost them.

Bellossom: Phew! (Wipes her forehead) They were fast but we were faster.

Treecko: So I was gonna ask you earlier. Do you want to- (suddenly spots Squirtle in the bushes as he pulls his trigger) No!!! (Jumps in front of Bellossom and gets hit) Oww. Bellossom hurry and run! (She quickly runs away)

Squirtle: Alright Cyndaquil, I got 'em

Cyndaquil: Nice one! (High fives him. Then helps Treecko up) Sorry, but it is a challenge. You alright?

Treecko: Yeah. I'm fine.

(In confessional)
Bellossom: It was so sweet of Treecko to sacrifice himself for me but I just hope he's okay.

(Somewhere else)

Absol: (drinking some lake water) Ahh! Very refreshing!

Togedemaru: (up in a tree) Hey Absol! Up here!

Absol: Oh, hello. What are you doing up there.

Togedemaru: Hiding. I've been up here the whole game. Nobody will ever find me. (Gets shot and falls off)

Absol: (senses) Chespin I know it was you. (Chespin shoots at Absol but he nimbly dodges and runs off)

Chespin: Man, that guy is quick.

Togedemaru: Owww, I think I broke my spine.

(At the entrance to Petalburg Woods)

Raichu: And here's Togedemaru.

Togedmaru: (trudges in) Got hit out of a tree.

Fennekin: Yikes. That had to hurt.

Litten: So Raichu, how many players are left?

Raichu; Let's see, we have Absol and Chimchar for the Dialgas. Sawk for the Palkias. And lastly, Lycanroc, Popplio and Bellossom for the Giratinas.

Piplup: Popplio!? How is that moron still in?

Mudkip: Well he's in and your out so that would make the moron-

Piplup: Oh shut up Mudkip!

(Somewhere in the woods)

Squirtle: (yelling down a hole) Bellossom we know you're in there! Just come out and show yourself! (There is no response) Do we go down?

Cyndaquil: Uh... you go down. I'm not good with holes.

Squirtle: Whatever. Be right back (jumps down)

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Yep, just in case you didn't know, I've got claustrophobia.

(Squirtle comes out of the hole followed by Bellossom covered in paint)

Squirtle: Got her!

Bellossom: (sighs) Yeah, yeah you did.

(Somewhere else)

Pachirisu: Let's see now, if I were trying to hide, where would I be? (Sees rippling in a nearby lake) Gotcha! (Shoots in the lake. Popplio emerges covered in watered down paint)

Popplio; Haha! Guess you got me good. I'm surprised you found me hiding there, nice job.

Pachirisu: Glad to see someone gracious in defeat. That was a really smart hiding spot by the way. (Popplio trudges off) Sweet! Only a few more to go!

(Somewhere else)

Chimchar: (runs past Absol) Oh, Absol! You're still left huh?

Absol: Yeah, and I need to keep moving to keep it that w- (gets shot a few times) Ouch. Really?

Chimchar: Hey, it wasn't my fault! (Chespin comes from behind a tree. Chimchar's eyes narrow) Bring it on Chespin!

Chespin: Prepare to be served! (Shoots but Chimchar dodges every shot) Shoot! I'm outta ammo!

Chimchar: Ha! Nice try Chespin! (Suddenly gets shot) Owww. (Looks up) What? Impossible!

Snivy: Well clearly it was possible. (Emerges from bushes)

Chespin: Way to go Snivy!!!

(In confessional)
Chespin: Did I really just say that? Never thought those words could come out of my mouth.


(At the entrance)

Togedemaru: Uh! I can't believe we lost!

Pachirisu: Yeah, and I was doing pretty good!

Sawk: So who wins? Because I think it should be my team.

Litten: No way! Lycanroc was still left for us.

Treecko: Hey, where is Lycanroc!

Snivy: (slaps his head) He's probably still in the cave! (Just then Koffing walks back holding Lycanroc)

Koffing: He fell asleep. I'll just toss him on the plane.

Raichu: Yeah, you go do that. Anywho, the team who wins, is the team who got the most shots off! Pachirisu and Psyduck really killed it out there, too bad their team lost so they can't win So, out of the two remaining teams, who got the most hits? And that team is... THE GARGANTUAN GIRATINAS!!!

Chespin: Alright! First class here we come!

Snivy: Ah. Just what I deserve.

Raichu: Okay, time for take off.

(Inside the plane in the elimination area after the plane took off)

Raichu: Destructive Dialgas, another loss. What can I say, I'm disappointed.

Turtwig: Can I at least get an ice pack first! I'm still bruised up from those twenty direct hits.

Raichu: No can do, ice packs are for winners only.

Turtwig: Oh come on!

Raichu: Okay, now everyone get voting!

(In the voting booth)
Pachirisu: I really don't know who to vote for! A lot of them screwed up!

(In voting booth)
Chimchar: I mean seriously how am I supposed to run a team if nobody is good at much of anything!?

(In voting booth)
Psyduck: Hey look there's my picture! (Votes himself) I vote myself because I am awesome and I want nachos.

Raichu: Okay everyone has made their votes. You all know the drill so let's jump right too it!
The first few pokepuffs go to... Pachirisu... Togedemaru... Absol!

Absol: Excellent! (Catches his pokepuff in mouth)

Raichu: Also safe is... Turtwig!

Turtwig: Alright! I was beginning to get nervous.

Togedemaru: (wisely) No need to share your life story.

Raichu: Anyway, that leaves us with Psyduck, Chimchar and Piplup!

Piplup: What? Why me again?

Chimchar: Yeah, why me too?

Raichu: Don't be surprised. Piplup you were the first to go down after blowing yours and Turtwig's cover.

Piplup: But there's no way Turtwig would vote for me. (To herself) Would he...

Raichu: And you can be a bit of thorn in some scenarios. Chimchar, you lasted the longest but gloated too much in the end. Also you used Turtwig as a shield, not a good way to make friends I may add. Lastly, Psyduck you aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you did pretty well today so... (throws him a pokepuff)

Psyduck: Yay my snack!

Raichu; And Psyduck, a friendly tip. You are voting for who to send home. It's not a good idea to vote yourself. (Clears throat) Where were we? Oh yeah! And the last pokepuff goes to...

(Chimchar and Piplup glare at each other)

Raichu: ...PIPLUP!

Piplup: Yes! I knew you wouldn't vote me off Turtwig!

Chimchar: What? Are you kidding me?

Pachirisu: Well, you were very controlling.

Turtwig: Not to mention almost brought me to tears!!!

Chimchar: Fine. I don't care! I didn't wanna be here anyway. (Grabs his parachute)

Raichu: That's what everyone says once they lose.

Chimchar: Shut up! (Sighs) Let's get this over with! (Jumps out of the plane) AHHHHH!!!!

Raichu: (to camera) And another one bites the dust! Will the Dialgas continue being the losers that they are? And what else to I have in store for this bunch of bozos? Find out next time on Total Drama Pokémon Regional Tour!!!!

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