Do You Believe In Magic?

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, we had a special visitor! My friend Rhydon, who brought along a Rhydonculous challenge for us! Riolu and Scizor put their rivalry aside to work together and finish the challenge, taking first and second. A flicker of romance seemed to spark between Grookey and Sprigatito, and they even accidentally kissed! Well, who knows if it was an accident or not hehe. Anywho, Quaxly was majorly triggered when he found out about it. In the end of this sudden death elimination challenge, Igglybuff and Sprigatito were in last but Igglybuff used Sing to put the grass cat asleep, thus sealing Sprigatito's fate as she came in last and was sent home. Who will go home today? Find out now on Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; in the spa hotel)

Scizor: Whelp, guess it's the two of us. Thanks for taking me again. (Smirks)

Riolu: You know I didn't pick you. It was because we were first and second yesterday.

Scizor: Yeah, I know.

Riolu: (rolls eyes) So... you just wanted to make a snide comment. Got it.

(In confessional)
Riolu: Yes Scizor is hard to deal with, but Igglybuff is FAR worse. I have GOT to find a way to expose her. Lucky for me she lost an ally yesterday.

Scizor: I think it's safe to assume we would likely be the final two if this was all based on skill. Sadly though, it's not.

Riolu: That's the show for you. It wouldn't be interesting if it was completely skill based.

(In confessional)
Scizor: Yeah, I know Riolu is also very smart. His aura powers he has makes him a far bigger threat than me. Hopefully the other campers notice that. However, he is nicer than I am which is what will cause certain people to vote me...

(In the mess hall)

Fidough: (puts her food down) Ugh, Scizor so has to go next!

Alcremie: Yeah, how is a bully like him still here? (Thinks to herself) I mean, I guess he isn't a TOTAL bully but-

Fidough: What? Yes he is! I thought you couldn't stand him more than me!

Alcremie: Yeah that's true, but I don't know I can't shake this feeling that he maybe sorta... means well?

Fidough: For reals?

Alcremie: It's probably nothing. Whenever I get this feeling he does or says something rude that makes my blood boil.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: It's hard to explain. He's arrogant and cocky and rude. But sometimes I feel like he's trying to piss people off on purpose in order to motivate them. I haven't said anything before because my gosh, could you imagine talking back to Scizor? I sure can't heh. But yeah... it's an approach I guess.

Igglybuff: Hey Grookey. Hey Quaxly. (They both don't respond) I know I'm sad about yesterday too. If only I was faster or stronger maybe I could kept Sprigatito in...

Grookey: It's not your fault Igglybuff. You even tried to help her that was super nice of you.

Quaxly: Yeah. I guess she just must've been too far behind in the previous challenge parts. Maybe her partner sandbagged her-


Quaxly: Sorry man, but guess you are partially to blame for all this.

Grookey: Rudeee! You know what, I hope you- (Quaxly stands up and suddenly falls) Ahaha yes!

Igglybuff: Uh oh. You okay?

Quaxly: What the- HUH? Did you tie my legs together with string? THE HECK!? (Grookey starts laughing)

(In confessional)
Grookey: (settles down from laughing) What? Pranking always helps to raise my spirits. Besides if anyone deserves practical humiliation it's Quaxly.

Quaxly: You stupid stupid chimp... GRAH! (Tackles him and they start fighting)

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: This is beyond perfect! Grookey and Quaxly are now fully at each others throats. Fidough and Alcremie can't stand Scizor. The only one who is gunning for me is Riolu and he has no close allies! Yeah I'm pretty confident I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.

(In the staff area)

Cyndaquil: Wow yesterday was pretty rough wasn't it.

Snivy: Meh, this show has done a lot worse.

Mudkip: Snivy, YOU'VE done a lot worse.

Snivy: Heh, yeah that too.

Cyndaquil: Has anyone seen Togedemaru and Pachirisu? I haven't seen them this morning.

Mudkip: Oh no did Raichu fire them maybe? (They walk in drenched)

Psyduck: There they are! Yay! Why are you guys soggier than my french fries?

Togedemaru: Take a guess.

Pachirisu: Raichu has a really annoying challenge planned and we had to test it.

Togedemaru: I can still hardly catch my breath I thought I was gonna run out of air. Someone really needs to sue his butt already.

Snivy: No kidding. I've tried countless times but Raichu's lawyers are too good. Guess that's why he is so cheap, he pays them too much.

Raichu: (walks in) Can it Snivy! All of you get to work! As for me, it's time to host a challenge!

Psyduck: Yayyyy!

Raichu: (over the speaker) CHALLENGE TIME KIDDIES!!! Hope you all got plenty of oxygen in your system, you're gonna need it for today! Oh and no need to come outside today because we'll move you to the challenge ourselves.

Fidough: Um, move us to the challenge himself? What the heck does he- (suddenly gets teleported away along with all the other campers)

(Inside a metallic chamber; the campers awake and notice Raichu appearing on a big screen)

Raichu: (From on the monitor) Morning sleeping beauties! Who's excited?

Grookey: Maybe some of us would be if we ever knew what the heck would be going on!?

Fidough: Grookey, it's Raichu. It's never going to be something worth celebrating.

Grookey: Trueee.

Igglybuff: So um, where exactly are we?

Raichu: (from the monitor) Oh right! You have been trapped inside a metal chamber! Hooray!

Scizor: (rolls eyes) Great, this can only be something fun.

Riolu: Didn't we already do the being locked in challenge like a few days ago?

Raichu: (from the monitor) Don't worry this will be a little different! For today our theme is... magic! PRESTO! (Motions and the room starts to fill with water) For your first trick, you must escape a locked chamber that's flooding with water! Try not to let my creativity take your breath away cuz you'll need it here! Trust! (Laughs)

Alcremie: So not funny! This is beyond scary... can we opt out of the challenge?

Raichu: (from the monitor) Nice try but nope! Oh and this is just part one to win an advantage in the main heat, so don't worry the fun has only just begun! (Throws a smoke bomb and disappears from the screen but coughing is heard) Okay that smoke is nasty! Oh shoot I'm still on- (The monitor turns off)

Quaxly: This is so stupid! A challenge that's not even for immunity and we are all gonna end up drowned and dead!

Grookey: What are you so freaked out? You are a water type aren't you?

Quaxly: (yelling) I'M A DUCK! I can't breathe underwater, moron!

(In confessional)
Grookey: Sheeesh. Excuse me for not knowing everything about water types. Whelp at least if I die here today, Quaxly dies too- oops yeah... okay I just heard that come out my mouth and that was so wrong. (Sheepishly laughs) I do NOT wish death upon others, though I do wish for karma to get those that deserve it

Fidough: Eww I'm getting all soggy. I think this water isn't even purified or clean.

Scizor: You expect water you aren't even drinking to be purified? Ha, wow.

Alcremie: Ugh, really?

Fidough: Yeah put a sock in it Scizor, we're done talking to you. Come on Alcremie, let's figure a way out.

Igglybuff: Good luck everyone! Seriously, if anyone needs help we should work together on this one. I really don't feel like drowning...

Quaxly: I don't think Raichu would actually let us die intentionally... Wait would he?

Riolu: Let's not sit around and find out. Everybody fan out! (Rushes over to a corner with various pipes and stuff) Hmm what is over here?

Grookey: Hey let's try twisting some valves maybe?

Riolu: Erm maybe we shouldn't rush into anything, after all we don't know- (Grookey starts twisting several valves rapidly) And you are already twisting everything in sight...

Grookey: Crud. I don't think they did anything, but hey you were worried about nothing. See nothing bad happened- (suddenly water starts spouting out a pipe, filling the chamber faster) Uh oh...

Riolu: Gah! Grookey!

Quaxly: (runs over) What did he do now? UGH! GROOKEY YOU ARE GONNA GET US KILLED!!

Grookey: Did you seriously come over just to yell at me?

Quaxly: Um, yeah I did. It's because of you that my life is sucking right now! You are the root of all evil and- (Grookey tackles him) ACK! (Riolu sighs)

(On the opposite side of the chamber)

Fidough: (swimming) Yup, can't touch the ground anymore. The water is coming in faster I think. How are you holding up Alcremie?

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Yeah. On the inside I'm COMPLETELY freaking out here! But I'm doing my best to not completely lose it. I don't like to break down in front of others, so I usually run away before I do... but yeah... can't really do that here.

Alcremie: (takes a few deep breaths) It's okay, we will be okay.

Igglybuff: (pretending) AGHH!! WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE!! IM SO SCARED!!!

Alcremie: (starts to hyperventilate) Oh my gosh. She's right. We are. All dead. AGHH!!

Fidough: Girls, girls! Please settle down it's gonna be okay. It's just a challenge, you know.

Igglybuff: Raichu is a sick sick Pokemon then. Well, at least it's just me in the game then and not my sister. My family would be way more hurt if Jigglypuff was the one to die.

Fidough: Igglybuff don't say that! Just because your sister is a celebrity doesn't mean her life is more valuable then yours!

Alcremie: Y-yeah, she's right.

Igglybuff: (hugs them) Aww thanks girls you are so nice. (Smirks to herself)

Scizor: (swims over) Ladies are you done with your sob fest? Cuz I think I found a way out.

Fidough: Seriously? Great, now let's get outta here! Woo hoo we are saved!

Scizor: Alright then. (Smashes some bars in the walls and swims through but then quickly swims back) Shit!

Igglybuff: Oh no, what happened?

Scizor: Yup that was a trap. (Swims away)

Alcremie: Where are you going? What do you mean it was a trap? (Suddenly two wild crocodiles swim out from the passageway) AHH! CROCODILES!?

Fidough: Swim away! SWIM AWAY! AGHH! (The screen pauses on them)

Raichu: (to the camera) Yikes, could we be headed for the final four already? The water in the tank continues to rise and is roughly two thirds full and nobody has found the way out yet. Guess maybe we'll have the final zero and I'll keep the money to myself (laughs)

Koffing: Raichu! You can't joke about killing the kids, remember what the network said!

Raichu: Yeah, yeah...

(Back in the chamber)

Quaxly: BAM! (Punches Grookey) That's for kissing my soon to be girlfriend!

Grookey: (smacks Quaxly) That's for me doing nothing wrong because it wasn't on purpose and you two were never even dating!

Riolu: (continuing to search) Dangit, this locked door won't open. I should try elsewhere...

Fidough: (swimming) AGHHH! EVERYONE LOOK OUT! CROCODILES!! (The two crocodiles snap their jaws)

Quaxly: Oh crud! And our attacks won't work on them, what do we do?

Riolu: Bop them on the nose! They'll scram away!

Fidough: Worth a shot! (Turns around and jumps tackles herself into the crocodiles nose and it turns around) Yes! It worked! Thanks Riolu!

Igglybuff: Alcremie is still being chased!

Riolu: Hit it on the nose!

Alcremie: (swimming) I... agh, um... I c-can't do it. If I stop swimming I'll be eaten alive!

Fidough: Alcremie! You're running out of space!

Alcremie: Huh? (Swims into the wall and turns to see the crocodile launch himself at her) AGHHH!!! (Winces waiting to be eaten but Scizor jumps out and punches the crocodile and the nose and scares him away) Wh-what? Huh?

Scizor: (shakes his claw to loosen it after the punch) You're welcome. (Swims off)

Alcremie: I... um... uhh...

(In confessional)
Alcremie: He saved me!? I... well... thank you Scizor. I guess you aren't such a bad guy after all. (Pauses) Whelp let's just see what he'll do next to make me regret saying that.

Grookey: Woah! Scizor to the rescue! Awesome!

Fidough: Alcremie are you okay?

Quaxly: Yeah yeah that's great and all but the water levels are almost at the top now! WHERE ELSE CAN WE CHECK!?

Riolu: The floor! Let's check the floor (dives under)

Igglybuff: I'll check too! (She dives under too)

Alcremie: I can't believe Scizor actually saved me, I could've been dead!

Fidough: Well we may be dead in a couple minutes here if we don't get out- I mean no that won't happen! But agh where is there to check?

Alcremie: Everyone else has gone for the bottom but I guess that's pretty obvious.

Fidough: Could we have found a spot we forgot to check?

Alcremie: Hey wait a second, that's it! I think I know where to go... but I don't know... maybe it's wrong...

Fidough: I'm a fast swimmer, tell me where to go and I'll get us there quick! Promise!

(The screen flips to Fidough swimming through the gate Scizor went through before with Alcremie in tow)

(In confessional)
Fidough: I had completely forgotten about the room the crocs came from! Scizor probably didn't check it because he had to swim back out so fast. That was really smart thinking on Alcremie's part. I just hope she's right.

(Fidough and Alcremie both swim around on the floor of the chamber looking around. The screen shows the campers in the main area submerged holding their breaths. Then it pans back to Alcremie reaching for a valve, turning it, and opening a chamber in which the water starts to drain out. The water flows out and drains completely)

Alcremie: (gasping for air) Oh. My. Gosh. That. Was. Close...

Fidough: Ahh Alcremie you did it! Great job!

Alcremie: Well I couldn't have done it without you so thank- (suddenly gets teleported back to the campgrounds)

(At the campgrounds)

Igglybuff: So the water drained... but did Raichu do it or did somebody find a way out?

Scizor: Beats me.

Fidough: Alcremie figured it out!

Grookey: Oh really? Nice job!

Raichu: Yes congrats Alcremie you win part one of today's challenge, so I owe you an advantage for the second part!

Alcremie: Awesome!

Scizor: (scoffs) Well good job, though it'd be more impressive if you coulda done it on your own. (Alcremie just rolls her eyes)

Quaxly: So what's the next part?

Raichu: For the main heat we have something far less dangerous. We will be having a magic show and YOU are all the magicians! Head to the amphitheater and look through trunks of props and stuff and plan your act that will be judged by me, the Pichu twins, and my good friend Kadabra!

Riolu: Oh so that's who's been teleporting us. Makes sense.

Raichu: Alcremie, heads up! (Throws a book at her and it hits her in the head)

Alcremie: Oww. What the heck?

Raichu: Nuts, shoulda thrown it lighter my bad. Anywho that's a guidebook on magic tricks, it should help you perfect something good.

Igglybuff: Oh wow that's a really good advantage.

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: I'm lucky I don't care about immunity, but if I did I would be so pissed right now! A magic show? Seriously? How are you supposed to just miraculously know what to do if you aren't taught how to do the trick first!

Raichu: You've got one hour to ready yourselves! GOO! (Everyone runs off)

(At the amphitheater)

Quaxly: Woah look at all these trunks of stuff! Where did Raichu get all this?

Grookey: I dunno but at least this challenge isn't dangerous.

Quaxly: Hey Grookey, I've got an idea for you. Why don't you make yourself disappear and never come back? (Grookey rolls his eyes) Oh wait even better, cut yourself in half with a saw!

Grookey: Hardy har har. Maybe it would finally take just that to make you feel ashamed of yourself huh? (Walks off)

(In confessional)
Grookey: Oh I've got a plan alright. A big one! Magic isn't all that different than pranking. I just have to turn a giant prank into a magic trick somehow, and I know just the one to do! (Pulls out his book) What? No I'm not gonna show you, that would ruin the surprise of the trick! Duh!

Alcremie: I have no idea what to do with any of this! How are we supposed to design a good enough magic trick?

Fidough: It can't be that hard right? Besides, you've got your book!

Alcremie: Oh that's right! I almost forgot about that heh.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Yeah I'm totally nervous about doing this on stage with all the immense pressure. So nervous I kinda forgot about the advantage. (Sighs) Great, even more pressure to do better.

Alcremie: Fidough you look through the book with me!

Fidough: Really? You sure?

Alcremie: Of course! You helped me countless times. We are in this together.

Fidough: Aww well I guess shouldn't expect our friendship to be anything less than bakery sweet hehe. (Scizor approaches) Oh what do you want?

Scizor: I was wondering if I could take a peek at that book-

Fidough: No way!

Scizor: I'm not asking you, you didn't win it.

Alcremie: Um... yeah okay fine you can look at it with us.

Fidough: (shocked) What!? Why?

Scizor: Maybe because I saved her life? Now be quiet, I just need a minute to look for something here.

(In confessional)
Scizor: All I needed was one trick and I knew I could pull off whatever it was. It's magic, it can't be that hard. Anyways, guess I'm doing a stupid handkerchief trick.

Grookey: Hey Riolu, watcha working on over here?

Riolu: Um, my magic trick. Why, what's up?

Grookey: Was just curious that's all. Best of luck with it man. (Pauses) Okay that wasn't it, I want your help with something. It's about what Sprigatito said when she left. She said not to trust her... so this her is probably one of the girls left?

Riolu: (eyes widen) Yes! Yes, that's true! Grookey listen to me, I know who it likely it. It's gotta be Igglybuff!

(In confessional)
Riolu: This is great! Finally I'll have someone on my side against Igglybuff and she can be sent packing!

Grookey: Igglybuff huh... (starts laughing) Good one Riolu! That's funny. In all seriousness it couldn't be her since she was her friend, it must've been either Fidough or Alcremie.

Riolu: Erm, I mean maybe but I honestly don't think so-

Grookey: Well just let me know if they start acting suspicious at all. Okay thanks, time to run, I've got my work cut out for me with my plans.

Riolu: Um alright... (goes back to looking through props) Ugh, I have no clue what to do. Hmm, maybe I should play to my strengths (looks to his aura power gathering in his hand)


Igglybuff: I've got no idea what to do here, I'm still so shaken up from this morning, and yesterday too.

Quaxly: Yeah me too. I still can't believe Sprigatito had to go out like that, ugh it's somebody else's fault I'm sure of it! Say, who was Sprigatito with during the last part of the challenge?

Igglybuff: (sweats a little) What? Oh haha um, it was Grookey don't you remember? He kissed her and played her!

Quaxly: Wait didn't she say they fell on top of each other on accident and it meant nothing?

Igglybuff: I mean yeah, but if it was on purpose I don't think they'd be straightforward with you of all people about it. Maybe Sprigatito was embarrassed because of what happened and-

Quaxly: Oh my god! Grookey is even worse than I thought! UGH I HATE HIM! Literally making advances on her and making her uncomfortable, I knew he was a shady guy. UGH!

Igglybuff: (smirks) There there, now we should get our acts together. Good luck. (Walks off).

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: What? I know he already hates Grookey's guts but it's just too easy! How am I supposed to not further gaslight him when it's such low hanging fruit!

Fidough: Okay this is going perfectly! Being able to be each other's assistants for each others tricks was such a smart idea!

Alcremie: Yeah, I just really hope that one of us will win.

Fidough: With the tricks we've got planned, we should definitely win! Now ready to practice?

Alcremie: Yeah! After all you need can't just expect to be perfect without practicing.

Fidough: (laughs a little) Agree to disagree... heh anyways, I'll do the saw trick and you'll do the magic box trick? (Alcremie nods) Okay perfect! (Opens up a prop coffin) Get in!


Grookey: Okay let's see, everything is all set through the trap door. Now I just need to hook some boxes up to some ropes.

Scizor: Wow you are really going all out huh?

Grookey: Yup! You will be totally amazed, that's a Grookey guarantee.

Scizor: (rolls eyes) Yeah have fun biting off more than you can chew. (Walks off as Quaxly approaches)

Quaxly: (to himself) No way am I letting Grookey win this challenge, he MUST go home.

Grookey: (without turning around) I know you are there Quaxly. Don't come near my act or you WILL face consequences.

Quaxly: You don't scare me! This is for Sprigatito! (Runs over to a box but before he can he is snagged by a rope and dangles down) ACK! HEY! NOT COOL!

Grookey: (laughing) Tried to warn ya. I set traps to prevent people like you from messing with me. Good thing I set them up so I know where not to step- (gets caught in a rope trap) Oh god dammit. (Cuts them both down) Oof.

Raichu: (through the speakers) TEN MINUTES LEFT! GET YOUR ACTS TOGETHER!!!


Riolu: Yes, this will be perfect! Invincibility is in the bag!

(In confessional)
Riolu: Everyone loves a good escape from a locked box trick. Especially when one is blindfolded. I know it's similar to the challenge we just had, but I think it will still work for me. Anywho, I got the sole glass box here ready to go.

Riolu: Okay I need to make a blindfold. (Walks off and Igglybuff sneaks over)

Igglybuff: Aww what a shame it would be for Riolu if this box broke. But who would do suck a thing? (Pulls out a sledge hammer) ME! (Shatters the box and runs off)

Riolu: Okay got the blindfold- OW! (Steps on a shard of glass) Ugh this hurts, where did this come from? OH NO! THE GLASS BOX! (An airhorn blasts)


(The screen wipes to everyone in the amphitheater stands, Koffing on stage, and Raichu, Kadabra, and the Pichu twins at a judges table)

Koffing: (unenthusiastically) Welcome one and all to the Total Drama Pokemon magic show. Yay. We've got seven wonderful acts prepared for you today-

Riolu: Sorry I need to interrupt.


Riolu: Yeah my act got ruined, and I can no longer do it so I have nothing prepared.

Igglybuff: Me too! I have no idea what happened. (Sighs).

Koffing: Fine, as I was saying, we've got FIVE wonderful acts prepared for you today. First up is Scizor! (Leaves and Scizor takes the stage)

Scizor: (to himself) Ugh this is so silly and stupid.  (Louder) Okay here's the trick, I'm only doing it once so keep your eyes open. (Takes several handkerchiefs and stuffs them into a big top hat individually. Then he shakes the hat around and then pulls out a long rope of handkerchiefs tied together) There! Done!

Pichuette: Woooow! How'd you do that!

Pichu: Yeah that was awesome magic! (The Pichu's hold up an 8 scorecard)

Kadabra: The trick is fairly standard but you pulled in off without much time to learn it so, I'd give it a 6.

Raichu: You get a 3 from me.

Scizor: Seriously? Why?

Raichu: Your attitude was super poor and I just didn't feel the excitement. Where was the pizazz!? (Scizor rolls his eyes) So that's 17 for Scizor.

Koffing: Okay everyone, next up we have Fidough! She is assisted by her friend Alcremie.

Fidough: Hello everyone! Today I will be sawing my good friend Alcremie in half!

Pichuette: WHAT!? No don't kill your friend! That's not a fun trick!

Raichu: Relax Pichuette, it's just magic, nobody is actually dying here.

Fidough: So Alcremie just hops in this box like so and... (saws the box in half and then pulls it apart) Ta-da! Alcremie you okay?

Alcremie: AGHH! IM CUT IN HALF- (giggles) Just kidding, I'm a-okay! (Waves her hand from the top and her bottom half moves as well from a device inside to make it look like she's controlling both aspects and the judges clap)

Fidough: Thank you very much. (Puts the boxes back together) Now... presto! (Opens the box and Alcremie comes out whole)

Pichu: AMAZING! That was so cool! 10 for sure!

Kadabra: You did very well (gives an 8).

Raichu: And even I'm impressed so I'll give it an 8! That gives Fidough a great score of 26! She takes the lead and will be very tough to beat!

Fidough: (cheers) Woo hoo! Alright!

Koffing: Next up we have Quaxly and his card trick!

Quaxly: Alright here we go! I need someone to pick a card from the audience.

Pichu: OOOH! ME! MEEE! (Runs up an picks a card) Now what?

Quaxly: Okay do you remember it? (Pichu nods) Good, now put it anywhere in here. (Pichu puts it back) Okay now we will shuffle the deck and WHOOPS! (Drops the deck and the cards spill)

(In confessional)
Quaxly: I can be a klutz at times but don't worry, this is part of the act!

Quaxly: (Picks up the cards except for one) Okay one left, let's see what is it. (Picks it up and flips it) BAM! Is this your card Pichu? (There is no response) Pichu?

Pichu: Ummmm...

Pichuette: (elbows him) Come on! Is it your card or not?

Pichu: I sorta... forgot what my card was... (looks very embarrassed)

Quaxly: (shocked) ACKKK! WHAT!? Pichu are you kidding me? How do you not remember? Never mind I'll just do it again.

Raichu: Tsk-tsk-tsk. Nope sorry but no do overs.

Quaxly: But it wasn't even my fault the trick went wrong!

Raichu: Actually it is. Maybe next time ask an ADULT to pick the card. Your own fault for trusting Pichu.  (Raichu holds up a 0 panel and Kadabra and Pichuette hold up 2's) Whelp you got a pity 4 out of 30 good job. (Quaxly angrily leaves the stage)

Riolu: Dang, that was majorly unfair. Sorry Raichu is like that Quaxly.

Koffing: Alright next up please welcome back Alcremie and Fidough! This time it's Alcremie's turn to pull off a trick.

Alcremie: (nervous) O-okay alright hi! So I'm gonna... we're gonna... okay Fidough will get in this cabinet slash magic box thingy and I'm gonna mix her around.

Fidough: Yeah! Let's do it! (Steps in the box)

Alcremie: Okay so now we all say the magic words... erm... Presto!? (Moves the box) And then I um... I uh... (turns to the audience to see everyone staring at her and panics even further) Wait sorry um, my bad, I'm so stupid at this kinda of stuff... okay here we go I think I do this here- (opens the wrong door and Fidough is shown curled up in a smaller box) Uh oh, whoopsie... Erm... EEK! (Runs off the stage)

Raichu: Ooookay... I think that was it... yeah not even gonna waste time scoring that. Time for our final act!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: (sobbing) Oh my gosh I'm such an embarrassment! I got up there and I just totally panicked! I was so scared of doing something wrong and the pressure of doing good because of the advantage... yup I epically failed. (Holds her head in her hands) Everyone's gonna think I'm such a loser now ugh, I hate myself.

Fidough: (backstage) Alcremie? You alright? What happened?

Alcremie: No I'm not alright! I just... I freaked out and my anxiety got the best of me. I'm such an idiot and now everyone else thinks that too-

Fidough: Hey don't say that! You made a mistake big deal? Weren't you the one that made me see not everything needs to be perfect? Besides it's all in your head. The only one who is gonna hate on you for a trick gone wrong is you. It's not a big deal, trust me.

Alcremie: Th-thanks Fidough.

(On the stage)

Koffing: Last up we have Grookey. Um... Grookey? Where are ya- (Grookey pops up on stage in a cloud of smoke) WHAT THE (gets censored)

Grookey: Here I am! Sorry Koffing... hey look Koffing is coughing from the smoke (laughs) Anywho for my trick I will be teleporting from one box to another. (Has two boxes on the stage and walks over to one of them) So I'll enter this one and then teleport myself to the other one! Cool huh?

Pichuette: Your not a psychic type! No way you can teleport!

Kadabra: I think I know where this trick is going, but please, proceed.

Grookey: Okie dokie! After thirty seconds both doors will open. So start the clock... NOW! (Enters the one box and the clock ticks down) So you guys ready for an awesome trick! (A loud noise is heard) Hey wait a second, what's this whoopee cushion doing here? Did someone mess with my tick?

Raichu: What? Don't look at me. I'm fair... most of the time. (The timer hits 20 seconds)

Grookey: (laughs) Anyways better teleport over now- what the? Oopsie, hang on. Something isn't right. Come on why's this not working? (Everyone in the audience shares confused glances as the timer hits 13) Hey guys... I actually rigged an anvil to crash this box in the end... (panicked) AND IM STARTING TO FREAK OUT PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!! IM GONNA DIE!!

Raichu: What the- (the timer hits 6)

Igglybuff: Hurry! Everyone push the box away- (the anvil falls and crushes the box, Grookey lets out a blood curdling scream and red stuff splattered everywhere)

Everyone: AGHHHHHH!!!

Pichuette: OH MY GOD GROOKEY! (Starts to cry. Alcremie faints)

Raichu: I always knew someone would die on the show... I just didn't think it would ever not be my fault...

Kadabra: Three, two, one... (the other box door opens and Grookey leaps out grinning)

Grookey: TA-DA!!! (Everyone looks shocked and is speechless) Um, I said ta-da? this is the part where you're supposed to clap you know?



Pichu: Holy cannoli! That was AWESOME! How'd you pull that off?

Grookey: Oh hehehe. Well you see there's a trap door on the stage and I went under from one box to the other. Simple.

Pichuette: B-but we heard your voice from the first box. And then the anvil fell.

Grookey: Oh that! I used a audio recorder I found in the props box and recorded those voice lines. Also found a bunch of red berries and left them in the box too for the splatter.

Raichu: Grookey, you are a sick sick twisted Pokemon to make us think you killed yourself there. AND I LOVE IT! Judges? (They all hold up 10's)

Kadabra: Very well done, the trick was executed to perfection.

Raichu: So with a perfect score of 30, Grookey wins immunity!

Grookey: WOO HOO! YEAH! (Does a flip in celebration)

Quaxly: (sarcastically) Ugh, just great.

Fidough: Wow your pranking antics really helped you pull that off. Nice job. (Turns to Alcremie who wakes up) Alcremie look, Grookey's okay. (She feints again)

Raichu: Alright, somebody grab Alcremie and let's all head over to campfire because it's time to send somebody home!

(At the campfire)

Raichu: Campers, I only have six pokepuffs on this plate. You've all casted your votes on who you want to eliminate, and let me just say, the votes tonight had me a little shocked.

Scizor: Shocked? Seriously? Do you really expect the best players left to all be open books and easy to read?

Raichu: Now then, Grookey here's the first pokepuff! Congrats!

Grookey: (catches it) Ya-yeah!

Raichu: The following players are also safe... Igglybuff... Riolu... (they both catch their pokepuffs and raise an eyebrow at each other)... Quaxly... and... Scizor!

Fidough: Seriously? Scizor is safe, oh come on- (looks to see just her and Alcremie are left) NO!

Alcremie: (frowns) Oh no! Ugh, see people did think I'm a loser.

Scizor: I mean, you two are close. Too close. We are getting down to the end we aren't gonna let your little BFF alliance slide-

Fidough: UGH! Why am I not surprised you are behind this?

Raichu: AHEM! LADIES!? The final pokepuff goes to...

(Alcremie and Fidough hug each other, looking sad)

Raichu: ...Alcremie!

Alcremie: Wh-what!? NO! Not Fidough. Why her? Why not me? She deserves to be here more than I do!

Fidough: (frowns but then smiles) Alcremie it's alright. I mean... sure I would've loved to win a million dollars but finding a true friend is worth more than that!

Alcremie: R-really?

Fidough: (nods) Really. Now then, before I go... TAKE SCIZOR DOWNNN!

Scizor: Wow, why are you assuming I voted for you? I mean, your assumption is correct, but still.

Raichu: Alright we are running out of time. Fidough, pack your pastries and get in the catapult. (Fidough heads over and climbs in the catapult).

Quaxly: See ya Fidough, you were a cool teammate.

Igglybuff: Best of luck with your baking endeavors!

Alcremie: (softly) I'm really gonna miss you. I'm sorry, I wish it was me instead.

Fidough: Hey stop doubting yourself. You are capable of winning this whole thing, you just gotta let yourself believe in you. (To Raichu) Alright, ready spaghetti.

Raichu: Alright here we go! Let's see how pie you can fly! (Fidough screams and is hurled away)

Fidough: AGHHHH!!!

Raichu: And that's a wrap on our baking canine Fidough. Guess she'll be heading home for supper tonight. Anywho, with just six campers remaining we are SO close to seeing who will finally win that million dollar prize! See who takes another step closer, next time, on Total Drama Pokemon!

**Thanks you all for reading! Seriously I appreciate it more than you know. I have a lot of fun writing and every comment and reaction and feedback I get to see from u all makes it all worth it ❤️

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