G-Max Finale

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, our final three were dropped off into the famous Wild Area of Galar! They were tasked with navigating the area and it's fierce battle ready Pokemon that wonder it, while racing to raid dens to collect flags. The twist? Oh, only dangerous mini challenges awaited them at each raid before they could get their flags of course! Riolu made the mistake of making enemies with a very angry Gyarados, and it ended up stalling him. Alcremie finished first and while it looked like Riolu was a lock for second, Grookey came CRASHING down in a surprise finish and beat him out! So now we are down to Alcremie and Grookey. Which Galar native will be victorious? Find out now on our exciting finale to Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!

(Theme song; onboard a train)

Raichu: So you're a train conductor as well, aye Koffing?

Koffing: Oh, um, yeah... sure...

Raichu: (turns to the camera) Ah welcome. We are en route to our finale location! The mighty Wyndon Staidum here in Galar! We get there by taking a train ride over, and are almost there.

Pichu: (pops ups) Yeah! And then it's FINALE TIME!!! WOO!!!

Pichuette: Bro calm down! Stop embarrassing us!

Raichu: Settle down, settle down. We will be there momentarily.

(In another train car)

Alcremie: So...

Grookey: So...

(In confessional)
Alcremie: To say I'm nervous would be a huge understatement. I mean hello, it's the finale! The pressure is as high as it can get! (Takes a few deep breaths) I just gotta keep my cool and not get nervous. (Frowns) Sadly that's easier said than done.

(In confessional)
Grookey: WOOO FINALE BABY!! (Scratches his head) Though I'll be honest this is way more serious than I ever imagined it'd be. It was easier to go up against mean people like Quaxly or Igglybuff, but now I have to take someone nice like Alcremie down? It makes things a little more... awkward I guess.

Grookey: Hey how cool is it that us two Galar Pokémon get to be in the finale at Galar's biggest bestest stadium!?

Alcremie: Wow that actually is pretty funny that happened when you think about it. I wonder what Raichu will throw at us.

Grookey: Same here, but whatever it is, best of luck to you!

Alcremie: Thanks. Same to you Grookey!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: So how's this season been for me? Wow, I don't know where to start it's been a long ride truthfully. I started off reserved and lonely, but then I met Fidough who is such an awesome friend! Sure we had a fight, but what friends do, and we made it through it and that's what matters. Then there was Scizor... I don't know where to begin with him, but I know it ends with him actually being a pretty caring guy deep down. He really helped me grow a spine and while I don't agree with all the methods he used, I know he meant well.

(In confessional)
Grookey: I have a feeling I'm gonna look back at myself during this season and cringe. At the start I was WAYYY overboard with my pranking, even almost getting booted the first time my team lost. I had some fun along the way but then somehow I accidentally ended up in the middle of Quaxly and Sprigatito's one-sided high school drama. I'm glad Sprigatito and I grew to understand each other a little better, but I could have done without Quaxly getting so angry at me over it all! Eesh. But hey, I'm still here standing, I made it!

Koffing: (over the intercom) Attention maggots, time to get out of the train! We are at our destination.

(Outside Wyndon Stadium; Raichu, the finalists, Riolu and the staff gather around)

Riolu: So I see I'm lumped in with you guys now?

Snivy: Pfft, you wish you would be as All Star status as us?

Cyndaquil: Hate to break it to you Snivy, but Riolu got third, the best you ever got was fourth-

Snivy: Ugh. Oh shut up. (Cyndaquil and Mudkip chuckle)

Pachirisu: So does this mean we are finally free of Raichu after today?

Togedemaru: It's about damn time.

Psyduck: Aww but this has been fun. I love working for Raichu he's the best!

Raichu: Aww thanks Psyduck! There's a reason you are my favorite intern!

Psyduck: Yayay!

Alcremie: So are we gonna get things rolling?

Grookey: Yeah! I want my million bucks!

Raichu: Hold your horses, we are waiting for another train. Hmm it should be- (a train horn sounds) Aha! There it is! (The train stops and the door opens) Welcome back your favorite losers! Riolu you can go stand with them.

Igglybuff: Yeah Riolu, you are a loser! I'm sure you are so embarrassed to have tanked and lost so close to the end (starts to walk but there is a child strap harness around her) Ow! Hey!

Riolu: (laughing) Wow, what's with the leash?

Jigglypuff: (walks out holding the leash) Hey! You have this on to make sure you are under control, you sneak. You are going to behave or ELSE!? GOT IT!?

Igglybuff: Oh shut up, I don't care.

Jigglypuff: Tsk tsk, looks like someone needs to be taught a lesson again. (Starts whipping the leash up and down, side to side, tossing Igglybuff around) TAKE THAT YOU ROTTEN LITTLE SISTER!

Igglybuff: Ow! OWWW! STOPPP!!!

(In confessional)
Jigglypuff: You know, funny thing, this wasn't even my idea. But the suggestion was much appreciated, thanks mom and dad!

Raichu: Ooh love to see that Jigglypuff! Got any other tortuous means we could steal for future challenges? (Clears throat) Anywho, welcome everyone else! (The rest of the campers exit the train)

Cubchoo: Oh nice, we get to watch the finale up close and personal.

Makuhita: And you brought all your allergy meds this time, that's good.

Sobble: Well I'm not looking forward to being on TV again. EEP!

Scorbunny: (laughing) Oh come on Sobble, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Fidough: ALCREMIE!!! (Runs up and hugs her) I'm so so soooo proud of you!

Alcremie: Fidough! So happy to see you again! And I know I can't believe it either.

Scizor: (walks up) Hey. Good luck (walks away as Yamper runs up)

Yamper: WOO GOOOO ALCREMIE!!! Fidough wants you to win so, so do I!

Fidough: Hehe, just roll with him for now. (Under her breath) After today we won't have to see him ever again heh.

Sprigatito: Grookey! (Runs over to him) You made it to the finale that's incredible! And you took out Igglybuff!

Quaxly: Yeah and it's all just one big fluke! (Getting angry) This is actually such an outrage! He better lose because- (Fuecoco stops him) ACK! Fuecoco, what?

Fuecoco: Quaxly be nice with words.

Quaxly: Fine...

Toxtricity: Rockin' job little dude, you so got this my man!

Grookey: Wow, thanks so much for the support guys!

Liepard: Okay I made my appearance, can I leave now?

Trevenant: Yeah we'd rather be anywhere else truthfully.

Raichu: Sure you can leave... but you'll be in breach of your contracts and fined into oblivion, but that sounds good to me! (Liepard rolls her eyes)

Spheal: Why are you guys so upset? This is the FINALE! THE ULTIMATE DAY OF TDP! Nothing can get more exciting than this!

Taillow: (sarcastically) Yeah, right. There is nothing worse than this no good, stupid, unfair, BIRD-PHOBIC SH-

Everyone: SHUT UP TAILLOW!!!

Taillow: WOW. Proving my point.

Raichu: Well then, now that we've taken roll call, everybody into the stadium! Let's get this finale started! (They enter the stadium with the ex campers sitting in the stands and the finalists and Raichu in the center)

(In Wyndon Stadium)

Raichu: Grookey, Alcremie, your final challenge is a simple one. We are gonna have ourselves a championship rank level Pokemon battle! But one versus one would be a little... boring. So, we are gonna turn this into a full scale team battle! (Some gasps and some cheers are heard)

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Phew, this is a relief. I'm not the biggest fan of battling, so having other people with me is great.

Grookey: So who are we battling alongside?

Raichu: You really need to ask that? It's the eliminated campers! Duh!

Igglybuff: (rolls eyes) Great. Just wonderful...

Raichu: Now then, each of you will have three teammates, meaning a four on four battle. And guess what! I'm actually gonna let you pick your teammates! Alcremie, you get first pick since you arrived here first.

Makuhita: Pick me! I'm itching for a battle!

Spheal: I think it's pretty obvious who her first pick will be.

Fidough: Hehe yeah, (starts to stand up) but I'm ready to give it my-

Alcremie: I pick Scizor!

Fidough: WHA- (fumbles and falls down) Alcremie! Scizor? Really? I'm your best friend.

Scizor: Hmph, are you that dense? I'm literally a pro battler and the strongest one here. You can't seriously think I'm NOT the best pick.

Alcremie: Y-yeah, I mean, he's right. Sorry Fidough.

Raichu: (laughs) Dense! I get it! Nice one Scizor.

(In confessional)
Fidough: Heh, I'm a little embarrassed now but in retrospect, yeah she most definitely needed to pick Scizor first.

Raichu: Grookey, now it's your turn!

Grookey: (excited) I pick, (a little monotone) if he still wants to help me that is, (super excited) RIOLUUU!!!

Riolu: (stands up) No worries. I'm ready to bring my best!

(In confessional)
Riolu: Sure Grookey robbed me of a spot in the finale but he's a pretty good guy, you know when he's not pranking people, so I might as well help him out. It's the right and honorable thing to do.

Alcremie: Okay, NOW I pick Fidough! (Fidough runs up to her and they hug) Yay! Wooo!

Grookey: My turn again! I'm going to pick Sprigatito!

Sprigatito: (runs up) Alright! We can do this!

Quaxly: BOOOO!!

Raichu: Alright Alcremie, time for your third and final pick.

Alcremie: Hmmm. (Looks into the stands thinking for a while)

Yamper: PICK ME! PICK ME! I wanna help Fidough- I mean help Fidough help you win! Yeah!

Quaxly: OR PICK ME! I want to make sure Grookey loses!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: While Quaxly's determination is really enticing, I really doubt he'd be willing to attack Spriagtito. So yeah... no thanks.

Alcremie: I'm going with Spheal!

Spheal: Really? Awesome! I get to be a helper for the finale that's wicked!

Grookey: Now who do I want for my last pick?

Toxtricity: Come on little dude! You know you want me to help you rock this!

Grookey: (smiles) Heck yeah! Toxtricity welcome aboard! (They fist bump)

Trevenant: Okay so they're done with picking teams, can the rest of us go now?

Liepard: Yeah, screw this show.

Raichu: Calm your salt down losers. Once again, leave if you want but you'll break your contracts and get sued so, I'd advise against it. Now then finalists, I'll give ten minutes to strategize with your team.

(At Grookey's team huddle)

Grookey: Alright so here's the plan! We are gonna attack with our strongest moves and win this thing!

Sprigatito: Um is that an actual-

Toxtricity: HELL YEAH! LETS GET IT! (Pumps a fist in the air)

Riolu: That's it? That's your whole strategy?

Grookey: I mean, I dunno it's just a battle. But Hmm I guess you are right, it's be good to have some kind of special plan just in case.

Sprigatito: (nods) Yeah. Something unexpected, something to turn the tides in your favor.

Grookey: (gets an idea) Bingo! I got it!

(In confessional)
Grookey: (writing in his notebook vigorously) A little a this! A little a that! Badabing badaboom! This will be brilliant!

Riolu: Alright then. Make sure we all have each others backs. Oh and I'll go head to head with Scizor, you'll probably need me to anyways.

(At Alcremie's team huddle)

Spheal: Wow this is so exciting! My heart's beating outta my chest!

Alcremie: (nervously) Yeah no kidding, how do you think I'm feeling?

Fidough: Take a few deep breaths, we can do this guys.

Scizor: So, Alcremie what's your plan?

Alcremie: Oh um... well do you have any suggestions Scizor? I mean this is your area of expertise.

Scizor: (turns his head) I'm sorry you are the finalist, not me. I'm not gonna do your job for you.

Fidough: WHA- (angry) Okay, rude! That's it you can't talk to her that way!

Alcremie: No, no he's right. But Scizor you are on MY team, so you should cooperate and share ideas as well, that's how a team works.

Scizor: Fine.

Alcremie: Okay so I think we should play defensively at first. Try and get an understanding of what moves and tricks they have. Sound good?

Fidough: Yeah! Very smart!

Alcremie: Scizor I want you to be our main attacker obviously. Spheal, if you can try to back him up that'd be great.

Spheal: Roger that! (Salutes)

Alcremie: Fidough you stay with me and we'll battle together. Oh! And one more thing. (Whispers to the team and they all nod along)


(In the stadium; the two teams take their positions)

Raichu: Alright! Hope everyone is ready for the first ever four on four Pokémon battle! It's gonna be thrilling!

Pichu: WOOO! YEAH!!

Pichuette: This is gonna be so exciting!

Togedemaru: It's just gonna be a battle though is it not? Seems a bit tame.

Pachirisu: Yeah no kidding.

Snivy: Hmpf. Raichu always has things up his sleeve so I wouldn't be too sure.

Raichu: Excuse me? What are you implying?

Mudkip: Raichu you always throw curveballs at us.

Cyndaquil: Yeah! I remember my finale battle was hijacked by robot Pokémon. Should we expect to see that again?

Raichu: Of course not! This will be far more entertaining. (Pulls out a remote) This is for later. You'll see what it does. (Through a megaphone) OKAY HERE WE GO! REMEMBER, ANYTHING GOES IN THIS BATTLE! NOW THEN, LET THE FINALE BATTLE OFFICIALLY BEGIN!!! (Uses Thunder to strike the middle of the field, signaling the battle starting)

Grookey: LET'S GOOO! CHARGEEE!! (Grookey's team runs across the battle field) RAZOR LEAF!!

Sprigatito: TIMES TWO! (They both fire Razor Leaf attacks at Alcremie's team but they dodge and disperse) Aw we missed.

Grookey: Let's split up! Two on two!

Riolu: (nods) I'll take on Scizor and Spheal. Toxtricity you're with me.

Raichu: (announcing) Ooh! Looks like they've split things off into two double battles at the moment. Interesting, interesting.

Igglybuff: (from the stands) Snoresville... (Jigglypuff yanks on her child leash) OWW! (Everyone laughs).

Alcremie: So two fairy types versus two grass types? Seems like an even fight to me. (The four battle a bit, clashing with attacks)

Grookey: Hehe! Sorry Alcremie, but I've got some tricks up my sleeve that's gonna tip those scales a bit. (Smirks)

Fidough: Uh oh, what's he planning-

Grookey: UNLEASH THE PRANK! (Sprigatito covers her ears as Grookey busts out cymbals to distract his opponents) MUSIC TIME!

Alcremie: Oww my ears!


Sprigatito: TRAILBLAZE! (Uses Trailblaze on Alcremie, then on Fidough, and a few more hits, gaining some speed with each hit)

Raichu: (announcing) Oooh! A prank play by Grookey gives him the advantage!

Quaxly: Hey! That's not proper battling! HE'S CHEATING!

Scorbunny: Well Raichu said anything goes so...


Fidough: C'mon we got this.

Alcremie: (stands up) Ready! (Uses Dazzling Gleam to hit both Grookey and Sprigatito) Go Fidough! (Fidough rushes forward and grabs Grookey's dropped cymbal and throws it into the stands)

Fidough: There! No more monkey business! (Grookey hits her with his branch) ACK-

Grookey: Hey you had no right to do that! (Alcremie rushes in to aid Fidough and the four take up neutral positions on their sides)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Okay I'm normally not much of a battler, but I'm actually having a lot of fun. And side note, I never realized how smart Grookey can be when it comes to using his pranks. (Makes an unsure face) You know, sometimes.

Riolu: So Scizor, we battle once again. This time, I'm coming out on top.

Spheal: Well didn't you technically win since you lasted-

Scizor: Ha let's see what you've got little guy.

Spheal: I mean I guess-

Riolu: HRAH! (He and Scizor both run towards each other)

Spheal: Um... okay yeah I wasn't talking or anything, that's cool. (Sighs) I'll just let you do that while I go and battle- (see Toxtricity) Oh poop...

Toxtricity: ROCK'N'ROLL! (Whips out his guitar and uses Overdrive, sending electric infused sound waves at Spheal)

Spheal: AGH! (Gets hit and sent backwards) Owww...

Toxtricity: OH YEAH! Super effective baby!

(In confessional)
Liepard: Going up against a fighting type, an electric type, and two grass types and Alcremie stupidly picked Spheal, a WATER TYPE!? He's weak to the entirety of the other team. (Scoffs) What a joke this finale is.

Riolu: (lands an Aura Sphere) Yes! Take that!

Scizor: (comes out from the parting dust cloud and strikes with a Bullet Punch) Hmph. Not bad, but not the best either.

Riolu: AGH- Now this is a battle! (He and Scizor collide with blows, Riolu using his Bone Rush club)

Scizor: (smirks) I could do this all day.

Raichu: (over the speaker phones) Okay I think we're ready to spice things up a bit! (Presses a button) How I love pressing buttons!

Psyduck: Me too! Actually, people always say I push their buttons, even though I never actually see them to press. Maybe they just know I would if I saw it-

Raichu: Literally what are you even saying?

(The ground in the arena starts rumbling)

Alcremie: (shaking) EEP! Guys, what's doing on?

Sprigatito: I have no idea!

Grookey: Alright, which one of you used Earthquake? (Suddenly a tree pops up under Grookey and he hangs on to the top) WOAH!

Fidough: What the heck?

Raichu: (announcing) SURPRISE!! THE TERRAIN HAS CHANGED!!!

Fuecoco: Ooh! Ahhh!

Scorbunny: Wow! Awesome!

Jigglypuff: Interesting feature of this battle arena. And not just one terrain, but four different areas! How'd you do it?

Raichu: Eh we're used to doing the improbable around here. (Announcing) Anyways,  the rest of the battle it will take place on this terrain! Each quadrant on the area has a different terrain! The northwest is a jungly forest biome, the northeast is a raging river biome, the southeast environment is a rocky mountain pass, and my personal favorite is the southwest which is a volcanic zone! (Laughs) I really hope someone falls in- erm I mean that would be a shame. Where you fight is up to you! NOW CONTINUE!!!

Toxtricity: Dang dude what the heck just happened? So weird...

Riolu: Focus Toxtricity. Or else- (Spheal uses Waterfall and slams into them both) ACK-

Spheal: YES! Spheal lands are direct hit!

Scizor: Do you really need to narrate yourself?

Spheal: What? It's fun...

Toxtricity: (gets up from a rock pile) Oww, this might be the one time I don't like rock.

Riolu: (gets up) Alright, on my count, attack them both, got it? (He nods) One... two... three! (Jumps and uses Aura Sphere on Scizor and he deflects it out of the way)

Toxtricity: DISCHARGE!!! (Unleashes Discharge shocking Spheal, Scizor, and also Riolu) AWW YEAH TAKE THAT! (Sees Riolu on the ground angry, struggling to get up) Oh man dude what happened?

(In confessional)
Riolu: And I was still dripping wet from Spheal's attack, so that hurt a lot. (Sighs in frustration) How hard is it to be more careful and not to hit your allies?

Riolu: You absolute dolt, why wouldn't you use Overdrive?

Toxtricity: Sheesh bro, I like to spice things up a bit. Sounds like you need to work on your dodging- (gets blasted by a Water Gun followed up by Scizor landing a super powerful Metal Claw attack) AGHHHH!! (Gets sent flying into the mountain side and is KO'd)

Raichu: (announcing) Toxtricity is unable to battle! Amazing combo from Spheal and Scizor!

Spheal: Alright nice job- hng (still hurt from earlier) Oww, ugh.

Scizor: You stay here and rest, I'll take on Riolu. (Dashes off and clashes with Riolu, slowly pushing the fight elsewhere)

(In confessional)
Scizor: Your welcome Raichu, I'm gonna set up a fight that will be broadcasting gold.

(In the forest area of the arena)

Sprigatito: (yelling) Grookey are you okay up there? (Dodges an attack from Alcremie) Woah! Oh it's on now! (Uses Razor Leaf)

Alcremie: Ack! (Dodges)

Grookey: I'm fine. In fact I'm better than fine! YAHOOO! (Swings down on a vine and lands a powerful Slam attack on Alcremie sending her back) Booya!

Sprigatito: Woah, nice one!

Fidough: Alcremie! (Gets angry and tries to Tackle Grookey but he swings out of the way and hits her back) OOF- (rolls into Alcremie)

Grookey: (lands with a flip) We got them right where we want them. Come on!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: This isn't going well. If I want a chance at winning this battle we gotta get out of this jungle and fast. Grookey is a monkey and is total at home in this environment after all!

Alcremie: Get ready to run back to the side we came from Fidough.

Fidough: Huh? How is running back gonna help us?

Alcremie: Just trust me. (Stands up and fires a cream shots at Grookey and Sprigatito to stall them) GO! (They run off)

Sprigatito: Agh what the heck I can't see. (Wipes the cream off as Grookey licks it off himself) Okay now- Huh? Where did they go?

Grookey: There! They are running away! After them!

(In confessional)
Grookey: Alcremie might be the luckiest Pokemon on earth. Imagine if I had the ability to basically pie someone in the face with an attack like she does! Agh now that would be so freakin' awesome hehe.

(In the stands)

Igglybuff: Ha Toxtricity flopped so hard, serves that jerk right. Though he did hit Riolu so... (Jigglypuff yanks her) ACK- STOP!

Fuecoco: (to Quaxly) Who want win now?

Quaxly: (sighs) Honestly I have no idea.

Fuecoco: Me too they both nice.


Pichuette: Hey look, Spheal is getting back up down there! YOU CAN DO IT SPHEAL!

Spheal: Wha- oh hehe thanks. Time to get back to rolling through this thing. (He starts rolling toward the river biome)

(In confessional)
Spheal: It's probably best to leave Riolu and Scizor to their one v one. Don't wanna intrude on that because I give it a fifty percent chance Scizor KO's me for getting in his way. (Makes a scared face)

Raichu: (announcing) Ooh and looks like Scizor and Riolu have decided to duke things out in the volcanic area! Goodie!

Riolu: You want to retreat now? You know your quad weak to fire and lava can be very unforgiving.

Scizor: Please it's none of my concern. In fact this is exactly what I wanted. (The two lock eyes before clashing with attacks again all while lava shoots around them in a super cool fashion)

(In confessional)
Raichu: Wow I guess I DO have to thanks Scizor for that killer potential promo image. Thank you Scizor!

(At the edge of the river area)

Grookey: (Comes to stop) Woah! Would you look at that? Now that's a fast flowing river!

Sprigatito: Well thankfully there are stepping stone rocks and other platforms to jump across.

Grookey: Now where did Alcremie go- (suddenly gets hit with a cream missile) ACK! Hey!

Alcremie: (from the other side) There's plenty more where that came from! (To Fidough) You sure your okay with this? I feel bad you are a physical attacker so you'll have to make it across the river to get to them.

Fidough: No worries, it'll be a piece of cake!

(In confessional)
Fidough: I want Alcremie to win more than anything and I'm definitely giving it a thousand percent here!

Grookey: (hopping across stones) This isn't so bad. (Helps Sprigatito across one).

Alcremie: Here we go! Time for... DECORATE!!!

Grookey: Decorate? (Alcremie uses Decorate on Fidough, raises her attacks) What does decorating a pastry pup even do other than make it look more delicious-

Sprigatito: It's a really good stat boosting move! She's gonna be extra powerful now you should probably- (Fidough jumps across stones and almost is at Grookey) AGH DODGE! (Pushes Grookey out of the way and the two get caught up in the river and are swept away) AGHHH!!!

Fidough: Quickly! After them! (They run to the rivers end and Spheal is there) Spheal! Hey!

Spheal: Hey guys. Scizor and Riolu are off battling somewhere. As for me I'm pretty beat up but I'm hanging on- (Gets hit by a bunch of Razor Leaf attacks and faints)

Raichu: (laughing and announcing) Or not! Looks like Spheal is unable to battle. It's now three on three!

Alcremie: Spheal! (Looks to Grookey and Sprigatito and then back to Fidough) Okay let's Decorate again! (Uses Decorate again on Fidough)

(In confessional)
Grookey: Gah! If they keep setting up like that I'm gonna have no chance! I've got to stop Alcremie for a while. (Smirks) Thankfully I know just how to do it!

Fidough: TAKE DOWN! (Tries to hit Grookey but he dodges)

Grookey: (runs towards Alcremie) HERE! TAKE THIS! (Whips out a finger trap and gets it stuck on her and then flips back toward Sprigatito) Gotcha!

Alcremie: (freaking out trying to pull her hands free) AGH! What the heck! I'm stuck! I can't use my attacks if I'm stuck like this! (Gets hit by an attack from Sprigatito) OWW!

Raichu: (announcing) Alcremie seems to be in a tight spot! Can she turn things around? First, let's check in with Scizor and Riolu shall we?

(At the volcano area; the two continue to clash)

Riolu: Okay, you have to admit you're enjoying this right?

Scizor: (scoffs) I don't have to admit anything you know.

Riolu: (steps back) Hmm well I suppose I should defeat you so I can help Grookey. (Starts shooting Aura Spheres at Scizor) Deflect and dodge all you want. You need to get close to hit me don't you? Good luck with that.

Scizor: Don't get cocky kid... (uses Swords Dance)

Riolu: A set up move? How exactly is that going to help you? (Scizor uses Swords Dance again and fires to sword blades at Riolu and they catch him by surprise and hit him off, nearly falling into the lava but hanging on to a ledge) AGH- What was that? How!? That's not how Swords Dance works!

Scizor: It is in Pokken. (smirks) Now then I hate to burn you real bad in the lava but- (Riolu suddenly flips up and around to the other side) Hmph.

Riolu: Sorry. You snooze you lose. Now let's finish this! (Charges in with a Close Combat while Scizor hits with a Metal Claw. They both land direct hits on each other) Wow... nice... hit...

Scizor: Is that... all? (They both collapse and faint)

Raichu: (announcing) OOH! Riolu and Scizor both take each other out! It's a draw, but they are both out!

Makuhita: Woah that was awesome!

Cubchoo: I guess it's just up to the finalist and their helper on each side who are left by the river.

Sobble: EEP! (Covers her eyes) This is gonna be close! I don't think I can watch.

Raichu: Meh. You're loss.

(Back by the river area)

Alcremie: (panicking) What do I do? I can't get this off! I'm hosed!

Fidough: Relax! You gotta calm down. The way to get yourself unstuck is to be calm and slowly pull your fingers out. Just take a moment to catch your breath. (Smiles) I can handle Grookey.

Alcremie: (smiles) Thanks.

Grookey: (to Sprigatito) Hey so I just wanted to say something about-

Sprigatito: HUH? You're doing this now? In the middle of the finale?

Grookey: Well I dunno I figured now's as good a time as ever.

Sprigatito: (laughs) Okay I don't know if you are being selfless, stupid, or both... but never change hehe. (Sees Fidough) I'll take care of her! TRAILBLAZE! (Hits Fidough) Yes!

Fidough: FIRE FANG!

Grookey: Agh! What!? Watch out! (Fidough lands an extremely powerful Fire Fang and Sprigatito is knocked out) NO!

Fidough: And then there was one! (Starts trying to attack Grookey but he dodges and tries to attack back)

Alcremie: (to herself) Okay... stay calm... get yourself free.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Yeah, these stupid finger traps are probably one of the worst things you can give someone with bad anxiety. (Narrows eyes) Seriously how these are considered a prank is FAR beyond me.

Alcremie: (takes some deep breaths and slowly pulls her hands free) Yes! Phew, I'm free.

Fidough: (hits Grookey with a Tackle) Take that!

Grookey: Oww. Grrr. (Stands up) I'm not going down just yet! (Dodges an attack, jumps on Fidough's head and then slams back into her using Wood Hammer) WOOD HAMMER!!! (Dust forms and when it settles Fidough in knocked out and Grookey looks hurt on the ground a hit)

Yamper: (from the stands) NOOOOO!!!! FIDOUGH!! (Tries to run into the arena)

Raichu: SECURITY!!! (Koffing stops Yamper) Anywho, Fidough in unable to battle! We are down to our two finalists!

Taillow: Wow what are the odds of that?

Igglybuff: Oh who cares.

Raichu: Anywho, it's time to see who wins this thing. Are you ready for the BIGGEST finish this show has ever seen?

Grookey: Huh? What?

Alcremie: Big finish? Does he mean... (Raichu presses a button and the arena changes back to normal but there is a pink glow)

Grookey: Woah! What's going on here?

Alcremie: It feels weird like... a new power is being unlocked.

Raichu: (announcing) Attention finalists! Yours truly has let in the energy from the power spot underneath this stadium! You know what that means!!! (Grookey and Alcremie begin to glow and grow)

Pichu: WOAH! This is so cool!

Pichuette: Dynamaxing? No way! Awesome!

(Grookey dynamaxes and Alcremie has actually gigantamaxed into her unique cake form)

Raichu: Wow looks like we got a special Alcremje here! (The knocked out helpers, now recovered, watch in the stands as well)

Toxtricity: Woah! Now that's sick.

Scorbunny: (cheering) Yeah, yeah!


Sprigatito: GO GROOKEY!!!

(Alcremie and Grookey both ready moves. Alcremie fires her powerful cream missiles in her G-Max Finale attack and Grookey unleashes a powerful wave a vines from his Max Overhrowth attack. The two attacks deal substantial damage and a huge cloud of dust is formed)


Trevenant: We could feel the impact from that clash from here. No way either is left standing.

Scizor: You underestimate how badly they want this.

Spheal: (gasps) THE DUST IS SETTLING!!!

(The dust settles and both Pokémon have returned to their normal size, however one is knocked out and the other isn't)

Raichu: ALCREMIE WINS!!!! (Lots of cheering is heard)

Alcremie: I won? I won!? OHMYGOSH!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: I can't believe I actually did it! This feeling is just unbelievable! (tearing up a little) To think I came to the show a different Pokémon than I'm leaving it is just... (laughs a little) AND add a million dollars on top of that. I'm just at a loss for words.

Fidough: ALCREMIEEEE!!! (Runs up and tackles her) I'm so happy for you! I knew you could do it!

Alcremie: Thanks Fidough, you are the best friend I could ever ask for. I never could have done it without you, thanks for choosing me as a friend. (gives her a hug)

Fidough: Hey don't thank me for that! You are awesome and anyone who doesn't see that is a fool.

Scizor: (walks up) Congratulations. (goes to walk away when Alcremie hugs Scizor) Oh?

Alcremie: Thank you too Scizor. You... you helped me find my voice. You gave me a push I kinda needed so... yeah thanks.

Scizor: (smiles) No problem.

Sprigatito: Grookey. Grookey wake up. (Grookey gets up) You okay?

Grookey: Huh? Aww man did I lose?

Sprigatito: Afraid so. It'll be okay though don't be sad-

Grookey: (laughs) Man that was a lot of fun though! We SO have to do a giant epic battle like that again sometimes. (Sprigatito laughs as Quaxly approaches) Oh boy what do you want?

Quaxly: (mumbling)

Fuecoco: (bumps Quaxly). Use words.

Quaxly: Um... nice try Grookey. You... you did good.

Grookey: Oh? Hehehe thanks Quaxly. Group hug guys bring it in! (Gives them all a hug)


(At the campfire ceremony)

Raichu: Alright everyone! I present to you the winner of Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, Alcremie! (Everyone claps) Now then I have the final pokepuff to present to you- (Yamper tackles Raichu and eats the pokepuff) AGH WHAT!? YAMPER!

Yamper: Mmm tasty.

Fidough: Thank you Yamper. (Walks out holding an extra special deluxe pokepuff) Sorry Raichu but I think our winner deserves an far more special pokepuff.

Raichu: Be my guest. (Narrows his eyes) Though you could've asked me ahead of time...

Alcremie: Oh wow Fidough thanks so much. (Takes the pokepuff) Did you make this beforehand? How'd you know if I'd win or not?

Fidough: (nudges her) Oh come on, I knew you'd win.

Igglybuff: BLEH! Stop being gross with your niceties and friendship.

Riolu: Oh Igglybuff, maybe one day you'll see the errors of your ways...

Jigglypuff: (laughs) I doubt that.

Raichu: So Alcremie, any plans for the money?

Alcremie: Well... I came onto this show feeling super lonely and I'm leaving it with friendships that'll last a lifetime, and that's more than money can buy... but since I do have money to spend here... I'm thinking about expanding Fidough's bakery!


Alcremie: And honestly I'd be willing to share a little bit with all of my friends I've made here! Just as a way of saying thanks! (Everyone cheers)

Grookey: Aww you really are the sweetest. Even I have to admit you deserved to win now.

Alcremie: Thanks Grookey.

Psyduck: Yayyyy!!

Raichu: Awww, what a sugary sweet ending from our dessert Pokemon. (To the camera) Well looks like that does it for this season of Total Drama Pokemon! Alls well that ends well and everyone is happy! Well... almost everyone I guess. The recipe for this show is always changing, so who knows, maybe next time we'll add a special ingredient to the mix. You'll just have to wait and find out. Keep your eye out for more of, Total Drama Pokemon!

(In the intern's quarters)

Cyndaquil: Aww I'm so happy for Alcremie. Glad she won.

Mudkip: Agreed! Though Grookey would've been a good winner too.

Pachirisu: Right, as long as it isn't a villain winning.

Snivy: (narrows his eyes) Nice. (Pauses) Well then let's get out of this place I can't wait to be free.

Psyduck: (walks in) GREETINGS! You've got mail!

Togedemaru: Mail? Mail from who? (Psyduck hangs him an envelope) Raichu? Why doesn't he just talk to us, what the heck?

Psyduck: I dunno, he told me to send out these letters so that's what I'm doing.

Togedemaru: You don't have to follow his orders anymore man, the season is over, you aren't an intern anymore.

Psyduck: No, no. I'm still an intern silly billy. I gotta give Alcremie and Grookey letters too now. Now toodaloo!

Cyndaquil: This better not be a fine or something- (opens the envelope and gasps) Um, what!?

Mudkip: No way!

Snivy: Oh no. No, no, no! Our contracts are done. I'm not getting involved with this again.

Pachirisu: Woah... you might want to take a better look before deciding anything...

Snivy: (looks at the letter) Holy sh- Three million dollars? That certainly changes everything (smirks, drops the letter, and then all the interns head off)

(The camera zooms in on the letter which details an Invitation for participating in "Total Drama Pokemon All Stars" with a three million dollar prize at stake)


I had SO MUCH FUN writing another series of TDP after the TDI Reboot resurged my motivation. Sorry the last few chapters took a while to come out, but I hope you all enjoyed it regardless.

ANYWHO, Let's talk about an All Stars season real quick. I'm not making promises that it will be finished in an efficient manner... but I REALLLLY want to try, so I hope you are excited for that. It's gonna be so ambitious, but I hope it comes together in the end heh 😅

You can find a mini book under my profile about the new season where I'll slowly reveal some things over time. Just in case, here's a link (that will only work if you copy and paste it probs)-

BUT YEAH THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! ❤️❤️❤️ Your support means the world to me as always! Take care everyone and hope to hear thoughts from you all!

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