Sickening Shots

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation, one team experienced cohesion and the other team imploded! This was all during my genius idea of playing a HUGE game of darts, and I mean huge literally. While off to a shaky start full of disasters, the Miraculous Miraidons were making a comeback when Alcremie won the double ring and Sprigatito got them a massive amount of points. After that, all hope seemed lost for the Zany Zacians until Sobble bravely stepped up to the plate and used her incredible accuracy to snipe Scorbunny straight into that bullseye! That made their team the big winners! In the end our loser was none other than Trevenant, who was disliked by his entire team after the episode prior where Riolu busted him and Liepard for colluding with each other. Now both parts of that scheming couple are gone, but I wouldn't hold my breath that schemes as a whole will be gone. There's bound to be lots of incoming drama today on, Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; in the spa hotel)

Sobble: Yipee! This is the most fun I've had yet! Getting to stay in a giant room all by myself! (There's a knocking at the door)

Furfrou: Are you alright in there miss Sobble? Can I get you anything?

Sobble: Um... no thanks! Just keep watch out there and make sure nobody comes into this room. (Goes back to just laying down by herself) Ahhh so relaxing.

(At the dining hall; Grookey, Toxtricity, Riolu and Cubchoo all sit down to eat breakfast)

Grookey: Breakfast! Breakfast! Gonna have me some breakfast!

Toxtricity: Hey little man, careful you don't spill your plate over.

Grookey: I won't be the one spilling anything.

Riolu: (raises an eyebrow) What's that supposed to mean?

Cubchoo: Morning everyone! (Sits down with scrambled eggs) Okay a little bit of salt- (goes to pour some salt on but the cap unscrews and it all falls onto his eggs) GAH!

Grookey: (laughing) Hehehe sorry Cubchoo, you should've seen that coming tho! You've been        a-salted.

Cubchoo: I can't see anything the salt got in my eyes! (Knocks the pepper over and it spills everywhere) Uh oh. Was that the pepper?

Grookey: M-maybe... (trying to hold back laughter with Toxtricity)

Cubchoo: Oh No... (starts sneezing) Achoo! Achoo! AAAACHOOOOO!!! (Ends up knocking the whole table over) Ack, ugh my nose.

Riolu: Ugh, seriously Grookey? Look at the mess you caused!

Grookey: (shrugs) Sorry.

Toxtricity: Chill Riolu, they're just tiny practical jokes y'know? Nobody's getting hurt.

Cubchoo: (underneath the collapsed table) Oww...

(In confessional)
Cubchoo: Not funny Grookey! I mean, how would he like it if he got assaulted with salt and pepper?

Jigglypuff: (walks in with Igglybuff) Good morning- (spots the mess) Oh my!

Igglybuff: (pauses for a moment) We're not even gonna ask.

(Outside the cabins)

Alcremie: Another loss, another miserable trip to the mess hall.

Fidough: Aw cheer up Alcremie, at least we are still here.

Yamper: Good morning girlies!

Alcremie: Good morning Yamp-

Yamper: Hi Fidough! (Alcremie narrows her eyes) Fidough, so about yesterday. Did you really mean what you said? You think I'm great?

Quaxly: (walking out with Fuecoco) Oh boy here we go again, how many times do we have to tell you to leave her alone Yamper!?

Yamper: Hey! Shut up Quaxly!

Fidough: (a little hesitant) Y-yeah I like you Yamper and I want to be friends. Heck I think we already are good friends. But you don't have to keep-

Yamper: YAHOOO!!! GOODIE! Okay let's get some breakfast! (Drags Fidough off to the dining hall)

Alcremie: Um, you two coming?

Fuecoco: Yay! Me want food! (Runs off)

Quaxly: Erm, I'm gonna wait here for a while.

Alcremie: Oh, um, okay. (Walks off with Fuecoco)

Quaxly: Guess I just wait here for a bit. (Paces back and forth for a while until Sprigatito comes out of the cabins) Oh hey! Morning Sprigatito!

Sprigatito: Oh good morning Quaxly!

Quaxly: (laughs to himself) You know it's funny, I'm so used to hearing your voice in the morning.

Sprigatito: (looks a little creeped out) Huh?

Quaxly: (shakes his hands frantically) N-no I mean from the morning announcements in school!

Sprigatito: Ohhhh right. I keep forgetting we went to the same schools. We didn't ever have any classes together, that's a bummer.

Quaxly: Well we can start with having lunch together. (they both laugh a little)

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Do I know much about Quaxly from high school? Honestly, no not really. (Thinks to herself) Hmm, if I had to describe him I guess I'd say he was the kid that was very smart and studious, but kinda just kept to himself. Now Fuecoco however, I do remember him and all the antics he got himself into (laughs)

(In confessional)
Quaxly: Yeah of course she doesn't remember me. She was really involved with clubs in high school while I just kinda did my own thing and focused on my studies. We actually DID have one class together though, I just was in the back and rather quiet though.

Raichu: (over the speakers) Good morning today's punching bags! Who's ready to get their challenge on!? (Pauses) Ugh, I don't even need to be there to know you are all moaning and groaning right now, but just suck it up like me and come gather around outside the cabins in fifteen minutes!

(In front of the cabins later)

Spheal: So what do you have for us today? Is it finally obstacle course time? Ooh maybe it's time for Mewtwo to come and try to capture as all? Or-

Raichu: That's enough Spheal! Can it!

Grookey: Eesh, somebody's awfully crabby this morning. (Laughs to himself) Ah crabby-Krabby that's a good one.

Makuhita: Seriously though Raichu why so sour today?

Raichu: Ughhh.

Koffing: He's just groggy because he didn't get any sleep last night.

Riolu: And why is that?

Koffing: The gosh darn Pichu twins kept him up all night. The two of them have colds. Were up all night not feeling well.

Raichu: (sighs) And guess who had to take care of them? (Points to himself) Me.

Koffing: Alright I can take over from here. I can go give them their medicine-


Koffing: Uhh, medicine? (The Pichu Twins appear almost instantly) Huh?

Pichuette: (sniffling) W-what? We aren't sick okay!

Pichu: (trying to hold himself together but then starts screaming) YOU CANT MAKE US TAKE THAT MEDICINE ITS GROSS!!! Run sis! (The two scamper off)

Koffing: Hey! Get back here!

Raichu: (to the contestants) You see what I have to deal with?

Toxtricity: Sucks to suck but that sounds like a you problem man.

Raichu: Huh... or is it a YOU problem!?!?

Scorbunny: Oh no, what did you just do?

Raichu: For part one of today's challenge, giving Pichu and Pichuette their medicine! Here you go. (Hands liquid medicine bottles and cups to each team). Zacians you have to give Pichu his, Miraidons give Pichuette hers. First one to do so wins an advantage for today's main challenge!

Alcremie: Woah woah you can't do this to us! Or your niece and nephew! Letting us give medicine, isn't that a little unsafe?

Raichu: What's more unsafe, you guys or Koffing? Get going!

Scizor: Ugh this is truly pathetic. Now which way did they head off to?

Yamper: They ran that way, over by the campfire grounds! C'mon let's go!

Jigglypuff: Let's go Zacians! Follow me!

(At the campgrounds)

Fidough: Darn it I think we lost her!

Scizor: Just come on out and take your medicine. You need it to get better.

Pichuette: NO! (Covers her mouth and stands up from behind a bush) Oopsie...

Makuhita: Well I guess you leave us no choice but to use force!

Sprigatito: Wait Makuhita, here! (Hands him the medicine stuff) Don't be too aggressive she's just a little girl.

Makuhita: Don't worry I'll be gentle. (Quaxly, Yamper and Fidough begin chasing Pichuette and eventually corner her)

Pichuette: Uh oh.

Quaxly: Go Makuhita!

Makuhita: YA! (Jumps at Pichuette and puts her in a headlock) Yeah that's right, you are stuck. Tine for some yummy medicine okay?

Pichuette: N-no! NO! (Struggles to break free) Let me go!

Makuhita: Just take the medicine okay?

Pichuette: (keeping her mouth closed while speaking) I'm not opening my mouth so ha.

Makuhita: Grrr just take the damn medicine already! (Tries to open her mouth with force and she unleashs electricity and shocks Makuhita and she is able to escape) Ughhh...

Sprigatito: What the heck was that? That was way rougher than needed!

Quaxly: And she got away!

Fuecoco: Fast. Small mouse is fast. We still go follow! (Runs off after her and the team follows)

Fidough: Hang on Alcremie, come with me. I've got an idea.


Igglybuff: Okay if I were a mischievous little rascal where would I try to run...

Jigglypuff: (laughs) Hehe, if? If I recall someone wasn't so different from that when she was little.

Igglybuff: Um yeah? And it was you!

Jigglypuff: Oh... (pauses) Wait a minute, was it?

Cubchoo: Guys look. Up there on top of the cabins. I think I see Pichu.

Pichu: (scurrying around up top) Okay, they shouldn't find me up here. I think I'll be safe.

Riolu: Okay we've got three little cups here. (Pours medicine into three little cups) I'll take one, and two of you take as well and try to make it up the cabin.

Scorbunny; I'll take one.

Grookey: Ah me too! I'm good with hanging onto things actually.

Riolu: (nods) Alright then let's go! But shhh, be quiet we don't want him to hear us coming. (The three of them start climbing)

Sobble: Ah, so far so good for them. (Looks to see Scorbunny struggling) Uh oh.

Scorbunny: Gah! Why are there so many pesky bugs? (Swatting at them) Shoo! Go away! (Loses his balance and falls) AGH- (hits the ground and spills the medicine) Dangit.

Pichu: (alerted by the noise) Huh? AGH! NOOO I'VE BEEN FOUND!

Riolu: (At the top) Come on Pichu, be a good little guy and take your medicine like a big boy.

Pichu: Hmph, I'll show you how mature I am! (Tries to use Quick Attack on Riolu but he dodges out of the way) Hey!

Riolu: Heh, you really thought that would work?

Grookey: (climbs to the top) Sooo, how's it going up here? (Pichu uses Iron Tail and smacks the medicine out of Grookey's hand) Wha? Rude!

Pichu: Yeah take that! (Riolu grabs him) AGH! No!

Riolu: C'mon and just- (Pichu resists enough to get Riolu to spill his medicine) Ugh, come on! Grookey I coulda used some back up there

Grookey: Sorry.

Pichu: Hey, Earth to losers! (They turn and Pichu uses a Volt Tackle and knocks them off the cabin) Hehe how's that feel? Byeeee! (Runs off)

(In confessional)
Grookey: (holding up an ice pack to his head) Dang that Pichu is way tougher than I ever would have thought. Note to self, don't mess with him in the future.


Fuecoco: Come back! Stop run! We friends! (Pants) I out of breath now...

Scizor: And there she goes... hey where are Fidough and Alcremie?

Fidough: Here we are! (Runs up with Alcremie)

Makuhita: There you are, where did you go? We still gotta grab Pichuette!

Fidough: Guys you are playing this all wrong. This isn't a challenge of force it's a challenge of smarts. (Yelling) Hey Pichuette! Please come out and take this medicine!

Pichuette: NOOOO!!!

Alcremie: Are you sure? Because whoever takes the medicine gets this yummy cupcake! (Holds up a cupcake that they made)

Fuecoco: Ooh I'll take the medicine, I want cupcake! (Quaxly holds Fuecoco back)

Pichuette: Huh? A cupcake? (Comes running down out of her hiding spot) Umm... so are you sure this medicine is okay?

Fidough: Well if it tastes bad the delicious baked good will get it out. That's a Fidough guarantee!

Pichuette: It does look really yummy. Okay... (Alcremie hands her the cup of medicine) Bleh! Okay now cupcake! (Eats the cupcake) WOWWW! This is the best cupcake I've ever had!

Alcremie: It's Fidough's recipe, so thank her!

Fidough: Oh come on you helped me make it.

Pichuette: I'll thank you both! THANK YOU!

(In front of the cabins a little later, Pichu eats a cupcake after taking his medicine)

Pichu: Mmm! You're right sis this cupcake is super yummy!

Raichu: Alright, awesome! The twins have had their medicine that's a big relief for me. And Miraculous Miraidons I have you to thank for that! Looks like I owe you a reward!

Fuecoco: Ooh ooh, how about a big ferris wheel!?

Raichu: How about an advantage in the next challenge? Sound good?

Toxtricity: And what exactly is the next challenge?

Raichu: I'm glad you asked! It's time for a classic! Drum roll please... (drums sound in the background) Paintball!!!

Scorbunny: Alright! I love paintball!

Raichu: Not for long.

Scorbunny: Come again?

Raichu: So here's how it is going to work. Each team will have two hunters equipped with paintball weaponry. The rest of you will have absolutely nothing! You need to avoid being shot at by the other team. First team to lose all their members loses. Clear?

Igglybuff: (nods) Alright, team I think Sobble and Riolu should be our hunters-

Raichu: Choose? I don't recall saying you would get to choose now.

Igglybuff: (rolls eyes) Of course.

Raichu: Let's see... for the Zacians let's have the hunters be Grookey and Toxtricity! And for the Miraidons we'll have Makuhita and Fuecoco!

(In confessional)
Scizor: Makuhita and Fuecoco? Ugh we are so screwed no matter what our advantage is now.

Raichu: Miraidons, you are owed an advantage. The guns I've given you have increased fire rate and have a super awesome scope that helps you aim better.

Makuhita: Ooh awesome!

Fuecoco: Yay! (Points gun at himself trying to look through) Hmm where does this lead to...

Toxtricity: Dammit we really coulda used that.

(In confessional)
Toxtricity: I'll be honest, I've never done something like this. I hope I'm a good enough shot.

Quaxly: Hey, the other team has an extra member! So that's an extra member for us to hit? Not fair!

Raichu: Hmm yeah you're right. Let me just... (walks up to Igglybuff and Jigglypuff and handcuffs them together)

Jigglypuff: Hey! What the heck? This again?

Raichu: There now they are stuck together. Essentially six targets each now. Okay, hunted contestants you get ninety seconds to run off. SCAMPER!

Yamper: Yeah? What's up?

Raichu: I said scamper not Yamper! NOW GO! (Everyone disperses)

(In the forest)

Fidough: Alcremie! Hey wait up!

Alcremie: Fidough? Oh hi, did you need something?

Fidough: Um, I figured we could stick together! You know, watch each others backs and stuff?

Alcremie: Oh really? Um, yeah, that'd be great.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: I've always wanted to have a friend like this! All my life! But this could not be a worse circumstance. If we stick together we are easier targets. (Sighs) But I don't want to say that to her because I don't want to lose my only friend here.

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Spheal: (rolling along) Hey! Hey Riolu wait up!

Riolu: Hm? Oh sorry Spheal, I think it's better if I go on my own for this one. (Runs off)

Spheal: Aw man, okay. Scorbunny what about- (turns to see him running off)

Scorbunny: Woo hoo, time to find a hiding spot.

(In confessional)
Spheal: (sighs) Our team started off pretty well I'd say, but I dunno I think we kinda hit a lull in the group dynamic. People don't really seem to interact with me- er I mean each other.

Raichu: (over the speakers) Get ready everybody! Here come the hunters!!

Toxtricity: So what's our plan again?

Grookey: Um.. rock and roll it out?

Toxtricity: THATS RIGHT! (High fives Grookey) WOOO! And you take the east area, I'll take the west! (They run off)

Fuecoco: Wait what are we doing again?

Makuhita: (facepalms) Shoot the other team when you see them. Let's just go okay?

(In confessional)
Makuhita: Yeah, I've got a feeling I'm gonna be doing this whole challenge myself...

(In the forest)

Jigglypuff: Ugh this is so stupid! Why does he have to put us together?

Igglybuff: (to herself) I hate this just as much as you I'm sure...

Jigglypuff: What?

Igglybuff: Nothing. (Hears a rustling in the bushes) What was that?

Jigglypuff: ACK RUNNN! (They run in opposite directions and fall) Iggly? What are you doing? Run this way!

Igglybuff: How was I supposed to know!

Jigglypuff: Because I never turn to the right! You know my left side is my bad side. (Suddenly the two get covered in paint) Oww!

Fuecoco: (emerges from the bushes) Yay I did it!

Jigglypuff: NOOOO! Grrr (to Fuecoco) You are on my list now buddy.

Fuecoco: Yay you can be on my list too!

(In confessional)
Fuecoco: Adding Jigglypuff, and done! (Holds up a list with Quaxly, Sprigatito and Jigglypuff written on it) This is my friend list! I didn't know other people made them too. I hope to get to five before the show is over, so far so good!

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Yamper: FIDOUGH!? WHERE DID YOU DOUGH? (Laughs to himself) Get it? Instead of go? Dough?

Fidough: (emerges from some bushes) Ugh! Yamper keep quiet!

Yamper: Well why did you run off without me earlier?

Fidough: Didn't realize I had to wait for you. Now we need to be quiet because somebody might hear us.

Alcremie: (softly) Guys! Guys hide! (They can't hear her) Ugh.

Yamper: Okay well- (a paintball is shot right at Fidough) NOOOO! (Yamper runs in slow motion and takes the shot for Fidough) Run Fidough! Save yourself!

Fidough: Ahh! Thanks Yamper bye! (Runs off)

Grookey: Aw yeah I got somebody! Now I'll pursue after Fidough- (Yamper starts barking and chasing him) Aghhh hey! Don't bite me agh!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: That's the second time Yamper has done something like that for Fidough. Man, he really is simping hard huh? (Pauses and frowns) It's weird though, makes me think, why would someone as outgoing and popular as Fidough want to be MY friend when they have a bunch of others.

Raichu: (over the speakers) And both teams have lost one member! Keep it up hunters!

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Toxtricity: Hmm now where could those Miraidons be... aha! Gotcha! (Shoots in a rustling bush) TAKE THAT! (A bear emerges from the bushes) Uh oh... n-nice bear? (It roars in his face and chases him off and Scizor comes down from a tree nearby)

Scizor: Heh, that could've a been close one.

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Cubchoo: Ah I gotta find a place to hide. Fuecoco is coming this way.

Sobble: (invisible) Cubchoo! This way!

Cubchoo: Wha- who's there? Lord Arceus is that you? (Sobble grabs him and jumps back in a bush and Fuecoco runs by)

Fuecoco: Ahahaha come back here Cubchoo! I'm gonna get you! (Runs past them)

Sobble: Okay he's gone now.

Cubchoo: Wow that sure was close. Thanks so much Sobble! Your invisibility is really an awesome ability huh?

Sobble: R-really? I dunno I always thought it was weird or freaky.

Cubchoo: No way it's super cool. Honestly I wish I could turn invisible, I always wish I could when I have an embarrassing allergy attack.

Sobble: Oh, um, sneezing so much isn't that bad. I'm sure people might find it cute actually- ACK! WHAT NO I DIDNT SAY THAT! (To herself) OH NOW YOU'VE EMBARRASSED YOURSELF FOR SURE SOBBLE! (Runs off crying)

Cubchoo: Sobble wait! (Suddenly gets hit by a paintball) Ow, Aw man I guess I'm out now. (Starts sniffling rapidly) Dangit I think I'm starting to get a cold now too...

Fuecoco: Yes! Gotcha gotcha! Hahaha weeee! (Runs off)

(Elsewhere inside a cave)

Quaxly: Sprigatito? Sprigatito where are you? I saw you come in here!

Sprigatito: SSHH!! Quaxly! What the heck? Are you trying to give my spot away?

Quaxly: What, no I was just thinking we could stick together. Besides I wasn't THAT loud.

Sprigatito: Umm... you sure? (Points to Toxtricity standing there)

Toxtricity: (laughs) Aw yeah, you two are so screwed right now.

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: Yeah... maybe going inside a cave wasnt the smartest idea... Whelp that only leaves is with one option. Get past him.

Toxtricity: Time for some paintball punk rock! BLAM BLAM BLAM!!! (Starts shooting sporadically with awful aim and Quaxly and Sprigatito dodge the shots)

Quaxly: Wow, someone's got poor accuracy. Now take this! (Uses Water Gun followed by Low Kick to knock Toxtricity to the ground) RUN!!! (He and Sprigatito run out of the cave)

Sprigatito: Wow that was a smart move! And impressive, nice job!

Quaxly: I appreciate the flattery, how about we do it later though we need to get as far away from here as possible!

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Makuhita: Ugh! I can't believe I haven't seen anybody, this challenge is sooo stupid. (Spots Scorbunny in the distance) Aha! Finally! Gotcha. Now time to use the super scope... (tries to aim with the scope) What the- ugh are you serious? How do you work this thing? (Tries to shoot but misses)

Scorbunny: Huh? Ha! Nice try whoever that was! (Runs off)

Makuhita: Get back here! (Tries to chase after him but he isn't fast enough)

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Fidough: Oof it's so hot out today, I'm getting tired.

Alcremie: Same here, honestly I'm starting to droop a bit I think...

Riolu: (walks up from behind them) Hello.

Alcremie: AGHH! (Jumps in fear) Ah don't shoot!

Riolu: I don't have a gun so... I wouldn't worry about that.

Fidough: Oh phew. Hey by the way thanks helping our team out before.

Riolu: Huh, what do you mean?

Fidough: By telling us about Trevenant. It was a just thing to do, I appreciated that.

Riolu: Yeah well, you're welcome but that had less to do with helping you and more with exposing people with malicious motives.

Alcremie: So... I guess we should get going then?

Riolu: (senses something; trying to stall) Hang on... um wait I wanted to ask you guys something...

Alcremie: Yeah?

Riolu: Um about that cupcake you made... what flavor was it?

Alcremie: Vanilla... why? (Suddenly Alcremie gets shot) Oww!

Fidough: Ahh! I'm out of here! (Runs off) Sorry Alcremie!

Alcremie: Ugh, you! How'd you know!? (Riolu shrugs)

Toxtricity: Oh yeah, awesome! Finally got someone! High five dude! (High fives Riolu)

Raichu: (Over the intercom) Looks like another one gets taken out! Things are still tied up! But maybe not for long!

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Fidough: (running) Ah where do I go?

Grookey: How about in that bush?

Fidough: Oh good idea- Wait! (Grookey shoots her)

Grookey: Hehe, sorry but you walked right into that one. Now then, back to what I'm working on.

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Fuecoco: (aiming with the scope) Oooh this is cool! (Aiming on Spheal) I gotcha mr spherical ball! (Shoots and hits Spheal) Yahoo!

Spheal: Oww! What? Aw man how'd I get shot? Bummer.

Raichu: (over the intercom) Wow that was a quick one! Two more have been shot and things are STILL tied up. Each team has three members left going being hunted. Oh and I think it's time I mention a super special twist! A special someone else has been unleashed to go on the hunt for you guys, so best watch out for anything and everything! (Laughs to himself)

(In confessional)
Scizor: Ah finally, this challenge is about to get interesting.

(In confessional)
Sobble: I'm so terrified at what the special surprise is! (Sobs) What if it's people with actual guns coming to kill us? I don't want to die!

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Scorbunny: Woah, a twist huh? Wonder what it'll be. I bet Spheal would be able to guess it.

Sobble: Psst Scorbunny! (Comes from behind him)

Scorbunny: Oh hey Sobble, how's it going?

Sobble: You know, just out here fighting for my life! Do you think we should just surrender?

Scorbunny: No way! Don't give up Sobble!

Snivy: (jumps down from a tree) Or maybe I would if I were you. Surprise! (Shoots at Scorbunny who dodges and Sobble quickly disappears and leaves) Wow, you're quick.

Scorbunny: Ah so your the twist Snivy. Sorry but you are no match for my reflexes.

Snivy: Heh, I wouldn't be too sure of that. (Uses Glare and paralyzes Scorbunny)

Scorbunny: (paralyzed) N-no! C-can't. M-move.

Snivy: (puts the gun up to him) Any last words? Oh wait I don't really care. (Shoots him up close and Scorbunny gets hurt bad)

(In confessional)
Scorbunny: NOT COOL! Even when not competing Snivy is a total villain ugh!  

Scizor: (runs by) I thought I heard something over here. Oh Snivy it's you.

Snivy: Oh wow, time to take another chump out. (Tries to Glare Scizor but misses)

Scizor: Hey not so fast! (Dodges several shots and kicks the gun out of his hand) Heh. I expect more.

Snivy: Grr. (Pauses) You know Scizor, I like you. You seem like a player that really wants to win.

Scizor: Well of course. Why else would I be in this competition?

Snivy: Yes of course... (picks up the gun with his tail and is about to shoot when suddenly he and Scizor are both shot several times) OW! WHAT THE HELL!?

Fuecoco: Yay! Yay! Anotha one.

Scizor: (twitches his eye) Fuecoco...

Fuecoco: What? Oh hey Scizor! What's up? (Pauses for a while) Oh... uh oh... I did a whoops...

Snivy: I still have a job to do I'm outta here. (Heads off)


(In confessional)
Fuecoco: I messed up... (sighs) Fuecoco bad...

Raichu: (over the intercom) Both teams are down to two! It's still close as hell, what will happen next?

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Riolu: (Dodges a paintball) Ha! Nice try Makuhita.

Makuhita: God dammit! I hate this stupid thing! (Throws his gun down) I've absolutely had it with this stupid thing! I fight with my fists not a gun!

Riolu: Okay?

Makuhita: One v one me Riolu! Show me what you got! (Uses Arm Thrust and slams Riolu back) Yeah take that!

Riolu: Tch- huh so you want a little battling action then? Challenge accepted! (Uses Bone Rush but Makuhita blocks. Riolu then jumps back dodging Makuhita's punches and hits him with an Aura Sphere) Heh, and that's how you shoot. (Runs off)

Makuhita: Grrr get back here!

(Elsewhere in the forest)

Quaxly: So, do you still see some of the girls from school over the summer? Like Dolliv and Tinkatuff?

Sprigatito: Oh yeah for sure! We actually went to a concert early this summer. Taillow Swift and her eras tour. It goes without saying but she is wayyyy nicer than the Taillow that was on this show.

Quaxly: Ha, don't have to tell me twice.

Sprigatito: What about you? Do you still hang with... erm, wait who did you hang with again? (Quaxly lightly facepalms to himself) Wait a second is that Snivy over there? Yikes, better avoid him. Come on this way! (They run off as Snivy turns around)

Snivy: Time to get revenge on that stupid team.

(Elsewhere in the forest; Riolu and Makuhita are battling along)

Riolu: Is that really the best that you got?

Makuhita: Take this! (Punches down a tree and it lands in front of Riolu trapping him)

Riolu: Wha- wow clever move.

Makuhita: Yeah that's right, I've got the brawns and the brains. Part of my sumo training.

Riolu: (smiles) Well go ahead and shoot me then.

Makuhita: With pleasure. (Reaches for his gun but it's not there) What the? Ugh! You've gotta be kidding me!

Riolu: Oh that's right you threw it on the ground earlier. Better work on those brains some more. (Jumps off his head and runs off) Later!

(Elsewhere in the forest; Toxtricity walks along)

Grookey: Hey! Stop right there Toxtricity!

Toxtricity: Huh? (Looks up in the trees) Oh hey Grookey dude. Whatcha up to here?

Grookey: Oh I've been busy preparing some traps. (Laughs a little) They are very fun to make.

(In confessional)
Grookey: Traps, pranks, I'd say they fall into the same category. Both involve messing with others in a way but not to an extremely harmful level. Well... assuming they go to plan of course

Grookey: Quick hide! I think I hear people coming! (Climbs up the tree)

Sprigatito: (running alongside Quaxly) Ahh Snivy is coming!

Quaxly: I think we might've lost him when we split up back there. We should be okay.

Sprigatito: Fair but still best to keep moving- woah! (Trips on some rope and a net swings down and catches her, trapping her) Woah! What the heck? No I'm stuck!

Quaxly: Dammit how'd this happen? Hang on.

Grookey: (jumps down from the tree) Hehehe gotcha!

Springatito: No no! Please just be gentle with the shot.

Grookey: Sure, no problem. The fun part is over with anyway. (Takes a paintball out and smashes it on the floor, the drags the paint on his finger and wipes it on Sprigatto) There, gotcha. Now time for Quaxly.

Quaxly: What? Not shooting?

Grookey: Nope. I'll let you try to run first. (Laughs)

Quaxly: I'm not sure what kind of game your playing but... (uses Water Gun on him and runs away but steps on a pile of leaves that was actually a pitfall and falls) WHAA. Ugh, darn it!

Grookey: (peering over the pit) Hehe, whoops I forgot to mention I set several traps now didn't I.

Quaxly: (trying to escape but can't) Ugh! No! (Grookey shoots him) Owww. Darn it.

Raichu: (over intercom) AND THATS GAME EVERYBODY!

Grookey: Wait... does that mean...

Raichu: (over the intercom) The Zany Zacian win the challenge with two team members avoiding being caught! That was an epic battle! Everyone please report back to campgrounds.

(At the campgrounds)

Pichu: Woo hoo that was an awesome paintball battle!

Pichuette: Aww but I wanted Fidough's team to win. She gave us those cupcakes...

Cubchoo: Hey, um, Pichu Twins, what kinda of cold did you have by the way? Just curious...

Pichu: I dunno, it wasn't too bad. But my throat got dry I remember. Oh and head got clogged and stuffy.

Cubchoo: (sighs) Alright noted... just in case. Feel better.

Raichu: Zany Zacians you have won again! Congrats, the spa hotel is once again yours!

Toxtricity: Alright hell yeah! And I think we should give Grookey the MVP butler. His traps were wicked awesome!

Scorbunny: I'll agree to that.

Grookey: For reals? Thanks! Awesome!

Jigglypuff: Great job Grookey. Thanks to you... (starts singing) We are the champions! We are the champions! The Miraidons are losers and we are the champions, of the challenge!!!

Raichu: Couldn't have put it better myself Jigglypuff! The Miraidons are indeed losers!

Sprigatito: Rude!

Raichu: You guys are spoiled for choice if I'm honest. Fuecoco took out his own teammate. Makuhita wasted time brawling with Riolu. Yamper got out mere minutes into the challenge. Quaxly and Sprigatito blew it at the end, yup lots and lots of options!

Fuecoco: Guys I sorry, it was a mistake.

Quaxly: Dude that was a really big one to make though.

Makuhita: Ugh well even if I did shoot Riolu it wouldn't of mattered because Sobble was still out there.

Yamper: Yeah and with her being able to turn invisible that woulda been impossible!

Alcremie: (sighs) Well there's no avoiding this... better get voting over with.

(At the elimination ceremony)

Raichu; Alright, eight will soon become seven, but which of you will be eliminated? It's time to find out. Our first pokepuff goes to... Fidough! Also safe are Scizor, Alcremie, Sprigatito and Quaxly! (Throws them all pokepuffs) That leaves us with Yamper, Makuhita, and Fuecoco.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: Makuhita was really rough today. That and he totally messed up the paintball challenge too, so that's issues in both parts today!

(In confessional)
Fidough: If Fuecoco couldn't even realize something as simple as not to shoot Scizor because he's on your team, then I have to be honest I'm scared what other things he could accidentally do. He's a total wild card for better or for worse.

Raichu: Yamper! Come get your pokepuff! (He runs up)

Fuecoco: (stomach rumbles) Aww man, Fuecoco hungry.

Makuhita: Really? I'm in the bottom two?

Raichu: Oh Makuhita, you really don't realize how poorly you did today do you? Tell me, how many competitors did you successfully shoot today?

Makuhita: Two I think, er- at least one.

Raichu: (makes an incorrect noise) ANNK! Wrong! Buddy you shot a measly zero competitors. Fuecoco on the other hand took down three others, but he also took out one of his own.

Scizor: Which was beyond stupid! Just give Makuhita his pokepuff already.

Raichu: And the final pokepuff goes to...

(Fuecoco and Makuhita look nervous)

Raichu: Fuecoco! Open wide! (Throws the pokepuff into his mouth)

Fuecoco: Nom nom nom! Yummy!

Makuhita: (stands up) WHAT!? Are you serious?

Raichu: If it makes you feel any better it was a close vote. (Makuhita glares at him) What? I said if!

Makuhita: Just, how are you booting me over Fuecoco? He literally messed up so much today!

Quaxly: Um not as much as you! What, he made one mistake. Mistakes happen, not everyone is perfect.

(In confessional)
Quaxly: And Fuecoco is a good guy and my friend of course.

Fuecoco: I sorry Makuhita. Before you go, can we be friends?

Makuhita: What? Grr. Why? I don't know. I mean- (sighs) Yeah sure, we're friends. I've got nobody to blame but myself here.

(In confessional)
Fuecoco: Yay! I at four now! (Writes on his list)

Fidough: Bye Makuhita, we'll miss you! Keep practicing your sumo thing.

Raichu: Well then, hmm, I hope this catapult has enough strength to launch you all the way...

Makuhita: (sarcastically) Haha very funny Raichu. You know it isn't very nice to diss someone who could easily overpower- (gets launched) YOUUUUUUU!!!

Raichu: (to the camera) And with that the brick wall has officially been knocked down. Someone must've forgot to add the cement. (Laughs to himself) Now then, be sure tune in next episode. Lots of questions to answer, like will Fuecoco commit team treason on accident yet again? Will Grookey and Toxtricity form a bromance and or alliance? And what's going on with Quaxly and Sprigatito? Find out all this and more, maybe, next time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!

*Ayy another chapter done! Hope you are all enjoying it so far! I've been working on finishing planning out how most of the season will go but please feel free to leave comments on any ideas you might have for a challenge or character or otherwise. As always, love ya guys so much and appreciate all the support!

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