You Drive Me Crazy

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Raichu: Last time, on Total Drama Pokemon, our campers went on a search for Pokemon eggs! And then, they had to get them to hatch. During the day, Fuecoco showed some wholesome parenting skills, Riolu revealed himself to be an egg locating expert, and Igglybuff demonstrated how to properly gaslight somebody. That somebody was Quaxly, who ended up confronting his childhood crush Sprigatito about him thinking she suddenly liked Grookey. Sprigatito did not seem amused by the altercation one bit. In other news, Yamper dialed the crazy meter up to an eleven, thinking he and Fidough were raising babies together. Alcremie tried to intervene, but when all was said and done, the Miraidons finally lost again, and we said goodbye to psychotic simper Yamper. Now then, what have we got planned for today? Get buckled because you won't want to slam the brakes on this new episode of Total Drama Pokemon!

(Theme song; in the spa hotel)

Grookey: Mmmm pancakes! Bacon! Waffles! I forgot how good this all tasted it's been ten million years! (Shovels food down his mouth)

Scorbunny: Slow down Grookey, you're gonna get a stomach ache!

Grookey: It's too good to stop- (his stomach rumbles) Okay... yeah maybe you had a point. (Runs off and pukes)

Sprigatito: Ewww. So gross.

Igglybuff: (rolls eyes) I know. Though I do hope he's okay.

Scorbunny: Aww you really are the sweetest, aren't you Igglybuff? (She smiles and Scorbunny leaves)

Igglybuff: (to Sprigatito) Hey so I was thinking... maybe you me and Grookey form an alliance?

Sprigatito: Yeah an alliance would be a great idea- wait a minute. Grookey? Why?

Igglybuff: Oh come on, he doesn't have any grudges against you, you know that. Plus he's really resourceful and is the most willing to work with others.

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: And easiest to manipulate. Don't want to forget that. (Pauses) But you see, the biggest reason I want Grookey is to get him and Sprigatito to continue talking to one another. That way Quaxly will be driven mad and cause disaster for his team, or become easy to manipulate once the merge comes. I'm fine either way.

Sprigatito: I mean... maybe...

Igglybuff: Oh Grookey!

Grookey: (comes back over) Yeah you don't wanna go in that hallway. Anyways, sup?

Igglybuff: We were thinking of forming an alliance. That way the three of us will be safe if we lose.

Grookey: Really? Great idea. Though I'd feel bad about Scorbunny and Riolu... but I guess better them than me. It is a competition right? (Shakes Igglybuffs hand)

(Elsewhere in the spa hotel)

Riolu: Hmm... where is Furfou? (Furfou comes in a drops off some tea) Oh there you are. Thank you. (Furfrou heads off)

(In confessional)
Riolu: My dad always likes to meditate and drink tea in the morning. He says it heightens his aura powers. I've been doing the same in hopes it helps me develop my powers. So far... not the greatest results.

Riolu: (meditating) Hmmm. Hmmm. (Suddenly a crash is heard and Riolu falls slipping his tea on himself) Ugh...

Scorbunny: (from outside in the hallway) WHOOPS! MY BAD!

(In the cabins)

Fidough: Oh my gosh? Could this be true? A morning where Yamper isn't waiting outside for me or watching my every move! Yesss! IM FREE!!!

Alcremie: (laughs) Wow I don't think I've ever seen you this happy.

Fidough: Heh, same to you. Look at you laughing and smiling.

(In confessional)
Fidough: I'm so happy to be friends with Alcremie again. I've realized I've got a lot to work on with myself, and cutting off my Yamper bodyguard slash servant is the start of my new arc!

(In confessional)
Alcremie: To think at first I was a little jealous Fidough seemed so popular... but everything has its downsides. Makes me realize that as much as I hate feeling lonely, I might hate being extremely popular a lot more heh.

(Outside the cabins)

Spheal: (exercising) And one, and two, and three, and four-

Quaxly: Um, what are you doing?

Spheal: Oh hey Quaxly. I'm just doing a little training regimen that Cyndaquil helped me come up with.

Fuecoco: Cyndaquil? Fire intern?


Fuecoco: No no no. Fire. Intern! (Spheal still looks confused)

Quaxly: (narrows his eyes) He just means he's the fire type intern.

Spheal: Ohhhhh. (Nods) Right, correct Fuecoco.

Fuecoco: Yay I Mr Smart Brain!

Quaxly: Anywho let me get in on some morning training, doesn't seem like a bad idea at all-

Raichu: (over the speakers) GOOOOD MORNING!!!

Fuecoco: (cover his ears) Ow! Make the boomburst stop!

Raichu: (over the speakers) Everybody head for the classic cliff for the start of today's challenge! It's gonna be a fun one! (Laughs)

Spheal: Ooh it's finally time to dive! Awesome!

(In the woods, the campers walk to the cliff; Quaxly tries to wave at Sprigatito but she ignores)

Quaxly: Aww man. Is she really mad at me from yesterday still?

Fuecoco: No rizz.

Quaxly: WHA- Hey, not funny!

Scizor: Come on you two, pick up the pace!

Igglybuff: (to Sprigatito) So what's the deal with you and Quaxly?

Sprigatito: (sighs) I knew of him before the show, we started to become friends on the show, then I switched teams and he kinda started being weird...

Igglybuff: Weird? Weird how?

Sprigatito: Like he's sweet but in a sour kind of way. He's a loyal friend but seems to get mad at tiny things and I just don't understand him at times.

Igglybuff: Aww I'm sorry. (Gives her a hug) Cheer up. It will all get better eventually, I assure you.

(At the cliff)

Raichu: Zany Zacians and Miraculous Miraidons, welcome to the cliff.

Grookey: What, no ghostly offerings this time?

Raichu: Nope, you've been there and done that. Today will be time for a different kind of challenge. Building go karts!

Scorbunny: (laughs) Oh wait you're serious?

Alcremie: Why are we up here then?

Fuecoco: Yeah! This weird!

Raichu: Oh interns! (Snivy, Mudkip, Cyndaquil and Psyduck all arrive pushing boxes) Ah here they are, thanks for hauling up all these car parts.

Snivy: (out of breath) Screw. You. Rai-Rai- (falls to the ground, tired) -Chu.

Psyduck: Me need a nap.

Raichu: You'll get a nap when you finish!

Psyduck: Oh right. (They continue and push the boxes off the cliff ) Done!

Scorbunny: Seriously? The parts were right here! Come on!

Raichu: Oh Scorbunny you'd be a terrible producer. Building cars plain and simple is far too boring. Bungee jumping into the water is MUCH more fun ahaha! And yes, that is what you will be doing. Each team will have two bungee cords, two toolboxes, and three go kart bases. You will have half an hour to gather parts and build your vehicles which will be used in part two of the today's challenge, which will be a race for invincibility.

Snivy: Translation. Better make sure your cars work morons.

Raichu: (narrows eyes) Thank you Snivy. Now then, who's ready for some fun? Your thirty minutes start... NOW!!! (The teams scramble to the edge of the cliff)

(At the Zany Zacians)

Riolu: Alright I can give the diving a go. Who else?

Grookey: Igglybuff do you wanna go?

Igglybuff: Me? O-okay. I can give it a try. I just am not sure if I'm good at it...

Sprigatito: Aww don't worry Igglybuff, I'm sure you got this. You're awesome!

Igglybuff: (mutters softly to herself) Ugh fine I'll do this.

Riolu: (raises an eyebrow) You okay Igglybuff?

Igglybuff: (fake smiles) I'm fine. Just a little nervous is all.

(In confessional)
Riolu: Hmm... Yeah something is definitely up with her. She's hiding something.

(At the Miraculous Miraidons)

Spheal: Ooh I can jump! I've been readying myself for a good cliff dive!

Alcremie: But Spheal you are a great builder. Wouldn't you rather be building the cars?

Spheal: (thinks for a moment) Oh yeah that's true. Well could I do a few dives and get then tag out and build?

Scizor: Are you kidding? That will just slow us down and is-

Fidough: Great idea Spheal. Here I can help strap you in.

Fuecoco: Me too! Me too! (Gets strapped into a bungee cord) GERONIMO!!! (jumps down) WEEEEE!!! (Misses grabbing anything)

Raichu: (angry) Hey! Who's enjoying the challenge? There should be absolutely NO enjoying the challenges!

Psyduck: Aww, but they are so fun to watch!

Raichu: No no, the watching is fine to enjoy. (Pats Psyduck on the head)

Spheal: Time to Spheal it up! (Dives)

Quaxly: Wow. That sounded pretty cringe.

Spheal: AGHHH! (Reaches the water and pulls up a tire) Woah! Watch out! (Lands back atop the cliff)

Alcremie: Alright Spheal! A tire! Awesome!

Scizor: Good job. Keep getting more parts, Alcremie and I can start assembling things.

Alcremie: Oh, okay. (Nods) Sure.

(At the Zany Zacians)

Riolu: Ugh, finally got the bungee cords all hooked up.

Scorbunny: Alright! You got this Riolu! (Goes to give him a supportive pat on the shoulder but accidentally pushes him off) OH CRAP!

Riolu: Scorbunnyyyy! (Falls but manages to regain composure and grab something)

Igglybuff: Here goes. AGHH!! (Jumps off and her cord was not properly hooked up and snaps) AHHHH! (Hits the water with a splash)

Grookey: Oh no! Think she'll be okay?

Igglybuff: Ugh! Are you kidding me? Stupid crappy budget can't get proper cables. (Two sharks approach her) Oh great. Now what? Sharks? GRRR!

Riolu: (from back atop the cliff) Hang on, I'll get her. Can we find another bungee cord? (Jumps as the team turns to Raichu)

Raichu: Yeah fine. Psyduck! Come bring us another bungee cord! (He does so)

Igglybuff: (from in the water) I will NOT be shark food. AHHH! (Swims away from the sharks but eventually they catch up) THAT'S IT!!! (Dives under and swims through two tires and the sharks get stuck trying to follow her) Aha! In your face you stupid sharks! I guess the lesson here is that such dumb creatures aren't even worth being afraid of because they act so stupid ha! (Suddenly gets grabbed by Riolu and they land back atop the cliff) WOAH!

Riolu: Gotcha.

Igglybuff: (nervously) Oh tee-he, thank you so much Riolu. Did you um... you didn't happen to see anything down there did you?

Riolu: Hmm? What do you mean?

Igglybuff: Oh, nothing.

(In confessional)
Riolu: So Igglybuff isn't really as pure as she tries to appear. This is... interesting to say the least. Someone who goes through efforts to hide their true colors like that certainly means some kind of malice is at play. But I'll have to pretend I don't see it till I can be sure she really is up to something shady.

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Yeah, Riolu totally overheard me there and is lying about it. No way someone as perceptive as him didn't notice. Ugh! He is definitely gonna be suspicious of me now. (makes a puzzled look) No matter. He was getting suspicious anyways. But I'm not worried, he's gonna have a hard time incriminating me of anything.

Grookey: Okay I'll take a go now. (Takes the new harness and dives and grabs a part) Woo hoo!

(At the Miraculous Miraidon)

Fuecoco: WEEE! YAYAYAY!! (Continues bungee jumping)

Quaxly: Come on Fuecoco! You gotta grab something!

Fuecoco: Oh okay! (Grabs something) Yay I did it! (What he grabbed was an electric eel and it starts zapping him) OWWW! (Lands ontop of the cliff) Here you go Quaxly. (Hands it to him and he gets zapped)

Quaxly: ZZZT- OWWW! Ugh Fuecoco, that's an eel, get rid of it! (Tosses it away and it accidentally hits Sprigatito)

Spriagtito: ZZZT- OWW! What the- Who did that?

Quaxly: (to himself) Ack- (pauses) Phew. Now time to just pretend to not even notice anything-


Quaxly: (facepalms) Dude.

Sprigatito: WHAT!? Quaxly I have no idea what kind of game you are trying to play here, but where I come from, you DONT throw electric eels at people who are supposed to be your friends.

Scorbunny: Wow electric eels are that common in your town?

Quaxly: It was an accident! Fuecoco was the one that fished up an eel. (Sprigatito ignores) Ugh this is useless.

Spheal: Woo hoo! Here comes Spheal with another wheel! (Smiles and unhooks himself) Okay I'm going on building duty now. Someone else take over. (Rushes off)

Raichu: (into a megaphone) Ten minutes are up, only twenty remain in this preheat! Better get those go karts race ready!

(By the kart bases)

Scizor: Okay so the wheel should fit on like- (tries jamming it on) UGH! It won't fit! Piece of junk!

Alcremie: Scizor...

Scizor: You know what I'm gonna take this wheel and shove it right up Raichu's-

Alcremie: SCIZOR!!! (He stops and looks at her) Here how about letting me try?

Scizor: Of course. (Steps to the side and Alcremie grabs a wrench) Oh right, should've been using tools. Smart thinking.

Alcremie: Wow, is that your first time giving a compliment?

Scizor: Hmpf. I get the feeling you think I'm a much meaner person than I actually am.

Alcremie: (sighs) Yeah sure whatever. There we go! Wheels all on! Now we gotta get the rest of this car made. (Spheal runs up) Hey.

Spheal: So how's it looking- (loudly gasps) That's it? Ten minutes and all you done is put four wheels on one car?

Alcremie: Erm, yeah... (frowns) Sorry, we had some trouble.

Spheal: No no, it's all right. Here you two finish what your working on, and I'll take the other two.

Scizor: Two by yourself? That sounds like a disas-

Alcremie: (cuts Scizor off) Trust me Scizor. Spheal's got this.

(In confessional)
Scizor: Ha! Never thought I'd see the day where Alcremie cuts ME off. Good for her.

(At the other teams kart bases)

Sprigatito: Okay we've got some more parts. How're things going over here?

Scorbunny: Woo hoo! One car all done!

Sprigatito: Nice. But how do we make sure it works?

Scorbunny: (hops in the car) Maybe we just try hitting the gas pedal and- (drives the car, headed for the cliff) AGHHH NOOO STOPPPP!!! (The car comes to a screeching half right at the edge of the cliff, teetering back and forth) Phew. That was a close one. (His team helps pull the car back)

Igglybuff: Oh my goodness are you okay?

Grookey: What the heck was that Scorbunny? You could've wrecked the car! Or worse, you coulda died!

Scorbunny: (scratches his head in embarrassment) Sorry. Was just testing to see if the car works. (Sheepishly laughs) It does.

Raichu: (laughing) Wo-oa-oah! Awesome stuff Scorbunny. But next time, maybe go a little easier on the accelerator.

Psyduck: Nah, it's always best to FLOOR IT!!!

Raichu: (to Psyduck) I think I speak for humanity when I say, thank god you don't have a drivers license Psyduck.

Fidough: How much time do we have left?

Raichu: Hmm? Oh! Ten minutes remaining! Hurry up!

Fidough: (straps herself in) Okay I'm taking a turn jumping.

Alcremie: (yelling) Fidough! We need two steering wheels!

Fidough: I'm on it! (Jumps down and grabs a steering wheel and throws it to Alcremie) Heads up!

Fuecoco: (jumps) Yay I'll get the other one!

Quaxly: Um...

Fidough: What's wrong?

Quaxly: Well you see... (motions down to show that Quaxly is hooked up to the bungee cord meaning Fuecoco wasn't)


Quaxly: Hang on pal I'm coming! (Dives and does a drop kick onto the shark to scare it away, then goes again and gets Fuecoco) Phew. You okay?

Fuecoco: Thank you friend Quaxly! (Hugs him)

(At the Zany Zacians; Riolu and Grookey both continue jumping for parts and tossing them to their team)

Riolu: Phew. Think we have enough?

Grookey: I dunno, but bungee jumping sure is fun! Might as well keep going. WOO HOO!!! (Jumps off happily and bounces up and down)

Riolu: (unstraps himself) Time to go help with the building. (Runs over to the rest of the team) Do we have everything we need?

Sprigatito: I think so. You guys did an awesome job getting us parts.

Scorbunny: Let's see all cars have steering wheels, tires, and... oh crud. We're short something.

Igglybuff: Uh oh, is it important?

Scorbunny: (nervously laughs) Do you consider an engine important?

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: UM DUH! A car can't go anywhere without an engine!

Riolu: GROOKEY! YOU NEED TO FIND AN ENGINE ASAP (looks to the other team) Wow it looks like they're gonna be done.

Scizor: And there. Our car is made perfectly.

Alcremie: I don't think I'd go that far... (motions to their semi beat-up looking car) but it'll do.

Spheal: Okay let's add a little something here for aerodynamics, and of course I gotta make it LOOK cool, and... boom! Finished! (Steps back to reveal two extremely cool looking go karts and the rest of the team shows up)

Quaxly: Woah. Awesome job Spheal. Guess that means we're done then?

Raichu: Nicely done Miraidons. Zacians, you've got twenty seconds left!

Grookey: Come on, come on. (Dives and avoids a shark and gets an engine) SCORE! (Runs it over to his team) Here!

Raichu: Five, four, three, two, (Scorbunny hooks up the engine) one! TIME'S UP!

Scorbunny: Phew we made it. That was a close one. (Everyone gathers around Raichu)

Psyduck: Ooh me likey these karts! (Points at Spheal's) Can I have one?

Raichu: Sure Psyduck, if there are any karts still standing after this, you can race one.

Psyduck: Woo hooo!

Raichu: Though I seriously doubt that is going to happen. Anywho, great job on making cool go karts Spheal. To the rest of you, count yourself lucky this isn't a beauty contest. Now then, time to pick your three designated drivers that will compete in the rest of the challenge.

(At the Zany Zacians)

Sprigatito: Okay so we have five team members and three karts, so that means two of us have to sit out.

Scorbunny: Yeah, but which two?

Riolu: Well does anybody here not like driving?

Grookey: (raising his hand) Oooh! Oooh! Me! Well um, not that I don't like driving, but two out of my three different driving instructors said I'm a reckless driver and I should never get behind a wheel. (The team just stares at him for a moment)

Igglybuff: (sheepishly laughs) Well what did the third one think then?

Grookey: Oh, I dunno. After we ended up in the hospital I never heard from him again...

(In confessional)
Grookey: Hey Mr. Oranguru, if you somehow happen to be watching this show, hope you're doing well! And um... sorry about that crash... I swear I didn't know you weren't allowed to do a u-turn on a highway!

Sprigatito: I guess I can sit out too for this one.

Scorbunny: Alrighty then, it's me, Igglybuff and Riolu. Done deal.

(At the Miraculous Miraidons)

Scizor: Ugh why are you arguing with me on this Quaxly? Let me drive!

Quaxly: I'm sorry just I don't think you'd be able to drive well.

Scizor: And why's that?

Quaxly: No offense but you will have a hard time steering with those big meaty claws!

Scizor: (angry) What did you say punk?

Quaxly: (angry) BIG. MEATY. CLAWS!

Spheal: ENOUGH! (Hops in a go kart and so do Fidough and Fuecoco) Sorry, but I guess neither of you are driving.

Fuecoco: Yay I'm gonna go super duper fast!

Fidough: We got this guys!

(Everybody heads to the starting line and all six cars line up ready to race)

Raichu: Alrighty, the rules are simple enough. Race along the perimeter of the island following the marked checkpoints. First one to make it back to our starting line slash finish line wins the challenge for their entire team. Oh and this wouldn't be a challenge without the routine surprises so... keep your eye out for them.

Fidough: (rolls eyes) Oh boy, this won't be good.

Raichu: Now then... START YOUR ENGINES! (The cars all rev up) Three... two... one... GOOO!!! (All six cars take off) And just like that all six cars are off! Now let's just see if all six cars keep going till the end.

(Along the beach race track)

Spheal: (driving) Woo hoo! This is awesome! (Igglybuff rams into him) WAH-

Igglybuff: (pretending) Whoopsie. I have no idea what I'm doing here, sorry Spheal. (Riolu and Scorbunny drive past them) Alright! Go guys go!

Spheal: Darn it. We need to go faster Miraidons!

Fidough: Faster? You got it! (Floors it and goes faster)

Fuecoco: Me too!

Spheal: Oh Fuecoco wait a second, you've got my other kart. I installed a turbo boost button on it.

Fuecoco: Ooh that sounds fun! Imma push it-

Spheal: NOOO!!! Don't push it to the very end because... yeah you'll be going out of control fast and crash.

Fuecoco: (gives thumbs up) Okie dokie, got it Spheal.

(Further up the beach race course)

Raichu: (over the speakers) And Scorbunny and Riolu continue to hold the lead! But can they maintain it through the booming beach?

Scorbunny: Booming beach? Oh no does that mean- (drives over a landmine and gets blown up) WAHHHH!!!

Riolu: (abruptly stops) ACK! Scorbunny!

Scorbunny: WOAHH! (Hits the ground with a thud) Ouch. I'm okay. And somehow my car is as well.

Riolu: (to himself) Okay aura, don't fail me now. Help me see the mines. (Uses his aura to sense the mine locations) Yes! Time to take it slow. (Slowly drives through the beach avoiding mines as Igglybuff, Spheal, and Fidough all arrive and get blown up)

Igglybuff: AGHHHH! (Crashes)

Fidough: (crashes) Ugh, I hate this show so much. (Fuecoco drives by) Uh oh, Fuecoco watch out!

Fuecoco: VROOM VROOM! SPEED! I AM SPEED! YAYYY! (Miraculously drives through the minefield and top speed and makes it off the beach successfully)

Riolu: What the- HOW!?

Raichu: (over the speakers) Unbelievable! Fuecoco passes the booming beach at lightning speed, and now heads into the wooded portion of the track!

(In confessional)
Fuecoco: (smiling) This is sooo much fun! I wanna be a race car driver when I grow up now!

Raichu: (over the speakers) Riolu, Scorbunny and Spheal make it through the beach, leaving our two female racers in last. Better hurry it up!

Fidough: Ugh I hate this challenge. I should've let Scizor done it. (Bumps into Igglybuff) Oops.

Igglybuff: Ack! Hey be careful- erm, it's fine. (Pretending) WOAH! (Pushes her car into Fidough and pushes her onto a mine) Oh no! I'm so sorry! (Continues driving into the woods)

Fidough: OWW! Okay, two crashes... two too many ugh. (Starts going again)

(In the wooded raceway)

Raichu: (over the speakers) Fuecoco is the first to make it to the raging river! Be warned, that river will sweep you away faster than a... um... whatever, it's very fast!!

Fuecoco: Yayyy a waterslide! Me go on waterslide! (Drives into the river and gets whooshed away) AHHHH! YAY!

Raichu: (laughing) Fuecoco seems to be enjoying this like it's an amusement park. Too bad that doesn't help his team win. (Riolu, Scorbunny and Spheal approach the river)

Scorbunny: Oh crud! What do we do?

Riolu: Look! A ramp! (Drives faster) Come on! (They both race up the ramp and make it across the river but crash into a tree) Oww.

Scorbunny: Hey, at least we made it. And Spheal doesn't seem to be taking the ramp.

Spheal: Let's see since the track curves like that and then- AHA! (Drifts into the river)

Raichu: (over the speakers) Ooh and it looks like Spheal has taken a dive as well- Hang on. What is that guy doing? (Spheal drifted into the river halfway and then was able to drift back out and continuing driving along) WOW! Looks like Spheal took a little shortcut there! Incredible!

Riolu: (panicked) Agh! Okay we gotta get going again!

Igglybuff: LOOKOUT! (Jumps over the river and keeps driving) Yes!

Fidough: AGHHH!! (Jumps over the river but her kart starts to fall apart) Uh oh, not good, NOT GOOD AGHHH!!! (Her kart breaks and she crashes into Riolu, destroying his kart) Owww...

(In confessional)
Alcremie: I feel sooo bad for Fidough! That was the car Scizor and I made... ugh I knew we didn't do a good job. (Sighs) Hopefully Fidough's okay.

Raichu: (over the speakers) Looks like Riolu and Fidough are out of the race! A broken kart certainly puts the break on their race.

(At the end of the rough river)

Fuecoco: Oof. (Pulling his kart out) Heavy. He really heavy. GRAH! (Pulls his kart out) Yay! Now please work!

(In confessional)
Fuecoco: I down, but I not out. I got super secret button power! (gives a silly crazy laugh)

Fuecoco: Akie, get back on course first, then button time! (Starts driving again)

(At the finish line)

Quaxly: Wow, this is pretty close!

Scizor: Spheal needs to keep his lead.

Grookey: Come on Scorbunny and Igglybuff! Faster, faster!

Sprigatito: Looks like they are almost to the finish.

Raichu: Yup, they almost are. Too bad there's one more obstacle. Let's just say, I haven't got the foggiest idea who the winner will be. (Laughs)

(At the final stretch of the course a thick fog ensues)

Spheal: Yes, I'm nearly there! Woah! Where did this fog come from? (Barely turning in time to dodge obstacles) Woah- Woah!

Igglybuff: Scorbunny? You still there? I can't see you!

Scorbunny: WAHH! (Turning fast) I can't see you either, but just have faith and don't give up! We can do this! (The three racers drive hectically through the fog when Fuecoco arrives and starts doing the same)

Fuecoco: Woah! I can't see. Hugh, guess I should just keep my eyes closed... (keeps driving)

Raichu: (over the speaker) After the foggy zone it's a straightforward path to the finish line. But who will make it out of the fog first? (Spheal drives out followed by Scorbunny) It's Spheal! And Scorbunny is in hot pursuit!

Alcremie: (yelling) Go Spheal!

Grookey: Come on Scorbunny, you can catch him!

Spheal: Yes! Time to win this thing! (Is about to hit his button when he gets bumped on the side by Scorbunny) WOAH!

Scorbunny: Sorry Spheal, but I'm not about to just let you win! (Tries to push him off the course but ends up sending him and Spheal both into a spin out and they both crash) OW! Ugh...

Spheal: (hurt) Aw-Aw-Aw, my baaaack.

Scorbunny: Sorry. I only meant to make you crash. Didn't mean it to be painful. (Spheal rolls his eyes)

Raichu: (over the speakers) Two more crash, but oh what's this? (Igglybuff races out of the fog) A pink ball of puff is headed to the finish!

Igglybuff: (narrows her eyes) Seriously? Yeah don't call me that. (Happier) Yes, the win is all mine.

Raichu: And Fuecoco is out of the fog, but I seriously doubt he can catch her.

Fuecoco: (in a deep voice) The time has come. (In slow motion pushes the red button and his car takes off at insane speed) AHHHHHH!!!!

Igglybuff: What the? Are you kidding me?

Fuecoco: (chanting) FASTER! FASTER! FASTER! (Blazes by Igglybuff)

Raichu: EVERYBODY LOOK OUT! WOAH! (Jumps out of the way and Fuecoco crashes into the finish line and everyone looks like a wreck) Owww... okay that is so not getting aired. MAKEUP DEPARTMENT I NEED YOU!! QUICK!!

Fuecoco: (coughing) Everyone... everyone okay? (The dust cloud begins to settle and Igglybuff comes racing by)

Igglybuff: WATCH OUT! (Races across before stopping her car and then getting out) Woah- woah... (wobbles around all dizzy but Sprigatito helps her) Thanks.

Quaxly: Alright Fuecoco nice job!

Fuecoco: Yay me do job nicely! Me cross the finish like like BOOM-THUD-BOOSH!! (Makes an explosion hand gesture)

Raichu: (coughing) Okay, now hang on just one moment.

Alcremie: Huh?

Raichu: You needed to cross the finish line to win. Fuecoco crashed into the finish line and brought it down with him. But where did the finish line end up?

Quaxly: It would be... (looks to see the finish line stretched out across the ground an inch before Fuecoco's kart) OH COME ON!!

Igglybuff: Wait so does that mean...


Grookey: (cheers) Alright! Way to go Igglybuff! (The rest of the team arrives) Oh and you guys too!

Scorbunny: Awesome! I need another hotel night after this rough day.

Fidough: Ugh, I coulda used that too...

Raichu: Since Igglybuff won it for her team, I'm assuming she gets the butler.

Igglybuff: Me? Oh no I wouldn't have won if it wasn't for Scorbunny... Besides I probably just got lucky.

Sprigatito: No way, you did great! You deserve the MVP status, take it. (The team minus Riolu nods)

Igglybuff: Aww thanks you guys.

Raichu: That settles that. Now to the losers go the elimination spoils. And by spoils I mean you are once again spoiled for choice. Now go and get voting for who to send home.

(In voting booth)
Fidough: He's rude, bossy, did a terrible job building our car- yup. (Votes Scizor) Time for you to go.

(In voting booth)
Scizor: (votes Fuecoco) How he managed to survive this long still baffles me.

(In voting booth)
Fuecoco: Eenie meanie miney mo, catch Fuecoco by the toe-

(At the elimination ceremony)

Raichu: Alright, before we begin let's go over why any of you could be taking the catapult tonight. First off, Quaxly.

Quaxly: Seriously? What did I do!

Raichu: Exactly! You barely contributed today and threw an electric eel at Sprigatito


Raichu: Moving on, Scizor and Alcremie, you both failed big time at building a car as it fell apart on Fidough. Fidough, you were for sure the slowest driver today. Fuecoco, you could have won the challenge for your team had you steered only a few inches closer to the left, but instead you crashed. And Spheal, you are partially the reason Fuecoco crashed, it was that turbo boost of yours. (Spheal frowns)

Scizor: Just get on with it Raichu.

Raichu: Fine. Pokepuffs go to Spheal, Quaxly, Fidough and Alcremie! (Throws them all pokepuffs) And the final one goes to...

Fuecoco: Oh no. Please no be me. (Crosses his fingers and Scizor glares at him)

Raichu: Scizor. (Tosses him the pokepuff) Sorry Fuecoco.

Fuecoco: NOOOO!!!

Quaxly: Oh no, Fuecoco buddy I'm sorry. This is so unfair.

Scizor: Unfair? UNFAIR!? He literally caused so many screw ups every single challenge!

Fuecoco: (sighs) Yeah. Scizor right. I not most focused and reliable player.

Quaxly: Yeah but you are a reliable friend, and that matters more.

Spheal: Yeah you had a heart of gold. A great friend through and through. We'll miss you pal.

Raichu: Alright alright alright. We're on a clock. Fuecoco, time for a catapult ride. If anyone is to enjoy it, it'd be you. (Fuecoco gets in the catapult)

Fuecoco: Me want to say thanks for the fun adventure teamies. And now... (takes out a list and writes Spheal's name on it) Yay! Five friends I did it! Okay me ready. (Raichu fires the catapult) AGHHH! AHAHAHA WEEEE!!!

Raichu: (to the camera) And there goes our favorite pure boy with one brain cell. Man, I'm gonna miss that little oddball. He really grew on me heh. Ahem, anyways, we are now down to ten players remaining! I'm sure you know what comes next (winks). You'll see it all go down next time on Total Drama Pokemon The Next Generation!

*IM SORRY ABOUT ELIMINATING FUECOCO!!!! I loved writing him so much too, and I'll ofc miss him. I know he was a fan favorite but he was pure comic relief and I wanted to keep him in as long as I could and it just ended up here.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! As always thanks for any feedback or comments you have to offer, they are greatly appreciated

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