A Million Dollar Battle

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, the final four was no more as we moved onto final three territory. Having to leave for an awards show, I ended up putting Koffing in charge of the challenge. Mudkip, Chespin, and Cyndaquil all got dumped into the Arctic and had to find their way back to the island. During which, Chespin learned how to fly, Cyndaquil had to fight for his life and Mudkip suffered badly, and I mean badly, from amnesia, and not the special defense raising kind. In the end, everyone was neck a neck as they slid down a slalom to the finish. Cyndaquil arrived first, and Chespin barely took second, which meant we had to say goodbye to Mudkip. Now it's time to focus on today! We have got the most insanely amazing episode planned! Be sure to hold on your seat belts because you don't wanna miss a minute of this, which starts right now, it's the grand finale of Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; in Raichu's place)

Raichu: Yes-sir-ree folks! By the end of this episode one of the two finalist will be a millionaire but who's it gonna be? Your guess is just as good as mine!


Raichu: Ugh. Coming Koffing.

(In front of the cabins)

Chespin: Hey Cyndaquil, why'd you sleep in the cabins? Didn't you win last time.

Cyndaquil: Yeah, but just look at the spa hotel! It's a pile of rubble now remember?

Chespin: Oh yeah, I forgot...

Cyndaquil: What's the matter? You seem kinda nervous.

Chespin: Well duh! We're gonna have to compete for the million today.

Cyndaquil: Guess you do have a point.

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: I can't believe I'm so close to winning! I feel on top of the world, but then again I also feel a bit nervous. There's a reason Chespin made it this far, so winning won't be easy.

(In confessional)
Chespin: After dealing with Snivy for almost an entire season and surviving these life threatning challenges, I feel like a kinda deserve the money. But I'm sure Cyndaquil won't be so easy to beat.

Raichu: (over intercom) Good morning campers! Meet me at the docks now or you'll just miss your chance at a million big ones

(At the dock)

Chespin: Alright Raichu, what's the final challenge gonna be?

Cyndaquil: I'm sure it's gonna be complicated.

Raichu: Not as tricky as you think guys. Follow me onto the boat and we'll go to the finale location.

Chespin: Did you take down Team Tower to build something else now? (Raichu nods) Figured.

(On the other island; Raichu and the finalists walk into an outdoor battle arena)

Chespin: Cool!

Cyndaquil: Guess it's gonna be a battle. Can't get more classic than that.

Raichu: Indeed you are, Cyndaquil. But before we get started let's bring out everyone who's been on this show!!! (Everyone walks out and takes a seat on the bleachers. Froakie pushes Oshawott who's in a wheelchair) Great to see you all again.

Cyndaquil: Hey guys!

Chespin: Yeah, um, hey!

Chikorita: Chespin! (Runs over to him) I'm so proud of you making it to the finale!

Bulbasaur: (comes over aswell) Yeah Chespin, I'll be rooting for ya for sure!

Chespin: Thanks guys I'm so glad to have some support.

Litten: (goes over to Cyndaquil along with Mudkip and Fennekin) I'm counting on you winning today! (High fives Cyndaquil)

Fennekin: Yeah Cyndaquil, you were an awesome teammate and we wanted to show that by cheering for you.

Cyndaquil: Hey, thanks so much you two.

Mudkip: Now you gotta win it! If not for yourself, do it for me okay?

Raichu: Okay losers!

Froakie: Being eliminated doesn't make us losers Raichu.

Raichu: Just calm down. Go back to the bleachers and stay there. (Hears a foghorn) Ooh, looks like they're here!

Cyndaquil: Who?

Raichu: Pichu and Pichuette! (They run in and jump on top of Raichu) If you recall I said they be joining us for the finale.

Chespin: Yeah, I guess I do now remember that.

Pichuette: Yeah! This is gonna be so cool to watch!

Pichu: Good luck to both of you, Cyndaquil and Chespin! I just can't wait to see who the winner is going be! (They head over to the bleachers)

Raichu: Okay, before we begin. Chespin and Cyndaquil, why don't you tell everyone what you would do with money if you win.

Cyndaquil: Hmm.. Well, I'm not really sure. I think I might go into Pokémon battling school and learn all about battling.

Chimchar: Yeah Cyndaquil! Awesome idea!

Cyndaquil: That'd still leave me with a lot of cash and I'm not just sure what I'm gonna do with it yet.

Raichu: Okay then. Chespin?

Chespin: You know, since Chikorita's done a lot for me this season, I'd use the money for her. I'd help her open up her dream restaurant!

Chikorita: (stars to tear up) Oh my gosh Chespin that'd be a dream come true!

Snivy: You know he hasn't won yet and probably won't in the end.

Chikroita: (tackles Snivy) That's it! I don't wanna hear another word from you Snivy! Got it?

(In confessional)
Snivy: Okay Chikorita has gotten too aggressive towards me. Whatever, it's just that I should be in the finale not the two losers that are! Like seriously let me list everything wrong about them (takes a deep breath as the camera fades to cut him off)

Raichu: So here's the deal! You two will be having the most epic battle of all Pokémon kind!

Chespin: Wait that's not fair! Cyndaquil's at a type advantage!

Raichu: No need to fret Chespin. Type advantages have been nullified for this battle.
Now, I'll warn you that sometimes I'll be adding few surprises onto the battle field to keep things interesting

Cyndaquil: (gulps) Okay then.

Raichu: Now take your positions guys. (Raichu goes up to his watching throne with the Pichu's)

Rowlet: YAY! Go Chespin! Cheer with me Bulby! (Squeezes Bulbasaur)

Bulbasaur. Gah. Can't. Breathe.

Squirtle: Woo! Go Chespin!

Charmander: Come on Cyndaquil show everyone what I taught you!

Totodile: What you taught him?

Charmander: Yeah it's thanks to me he's in the finals.

Popplio: Go both of you! I could have chosen a side but I decided Natu! (Laughs) Get it? Like not to and Natu?

Piplup: (to busy talking to Turtwig so she doesn't hear Popplio) I'm just saying we should be out there.

Turtwig: Yeah but they deserve it too.

Raichu: Okay guys! Ready?

Chespin: Ready!

Cyndaquil: Ready!

Raichu: Then let the match begin! (Cyndaquil uses Flamethower as Chespin uses Pin Missle and the two attacks collide)

Chespin: Not bad Cyndaquil, but I'll show you what true strength is! (Uses Rollout and hits Cyndaquil)

Tepig: Watch out, he's coming back again!

Cyndaquil: Oh, right! (Jumps over the Rollout and hits Chespin with a Swift attack)

Raichu: What do you think Pichu's, time to add a surprise?

Pichu's: YEAH!!! (Raichu presses a button)

Raichu: Watch out for the animatronic Ursarings!

Cyndaquil: The animatronic whats? (The Ursaring punches Cyndaquil and takes him to the ground)

Chespin: Sweet. He's on my side. (The Ursaring hits Chespin) Or not. (Gets back up and hits him with a Pin Missle and the head comes off revealing sparks and wires)

Oshawott: Oh, so they're robots.

Chespin: Okay I don't wanna know how Raichu thought of that one. (Cyndaquil Tackles Chespin)

Cyndaquil: Sorry but this is for a million bucks! (Uses Flamethrower on Chespin)

Bulbasaur: Come on Chespin! Don't give up you can still win this!

Chespin: I'm just getting started (uses Vine Whip to grab Cyndaquil and throws him at the wall)

Torchic: Yikes. (Everyone in the audience winces) That had to hurt. (Cyndaquil gets back on his feet as an animatronic Flygon is released and carries Cyndaquil and Chespin into the sky)

Chespin and Cyndaquil: AHHHHH!!!!

(In confessional)
Chespin: So yeah, I thought then and there was gonna be when I died.

Chespin: Dear god, what do we do?

Cyndaquil: Okay, promise to work together till we're back on the ground? (Chespin nods) Good because I've got a plan. Use Vine whip to grab the trees.

Chespin: Um, what? Why?

Cyndaquil: Just do it! There's not much time! (Chespin does it and the Flygon circles around the tree getting lower and lower till it hits the ground and crashes)

Raichu: Okay, were you two working together? Stop that at once or will lose a good chunk of our viewers!

Fennekin: You are sick Raichu. They could seriously die!

Raichu: Yeah,,, I guess your right... (releases two animatronic Machamp into the ring) ROUND THREE!

Chespin: (tries to tackle the Machamp but it grabs him) Gah!

Cyndaquil: Sorry about this Chespin... (uses Flamethrower on Chespin as Machamp throws him)

Chespin: (lands on the ground hard) Ugh... I can't feel my anything.

Cyndaquil: Okay I can do this. (uses Flamethrower and defeats one Machamp but the other Dynamic punches him) Hi mommy, don't tell the pinecones my secret. (Wobbles around because he's confused from the attack)

Squirtle: Chespin! Now's your chance!

Chespin: Oh, yeah right! (Defeats the other Machamp with Rollout and keeps dishing out Tackles onto Cyndaquil while he's confused)

Raichu: Yikes, could this be the end of Cyndaquil?

Pichu: Come on get up Cyndaquil!

Pichuette: Yes! Yes! Beat him Chespin! (Cyndaquil snaps out of confusion and uses Double team to sneak away)

Chespin: Come on back out and fight you coward!

Cyndaquil: Okay. (Uses Quick Attack to quickly strike Chespin a few times. They both stop at a stalemate breathing heavily)

Mudkip: Yikes. This is way more intense than I thought it would be.

Treecko: A million bucks can turn even the nicest of us into monsters.

Turtwig: But technically we-

Treecko: Up-bup-bup. No one wants to hear it Turtwig.

Cyndaquil: You still wanna keep going or do you wanna give up now?

Chespin: Ha! I'm not gonna quit that easily!

Cyndaquil: Well it was worth a try! (Uses Flamethrower)

Chespin: Woah- (uses Spiky Shield which reflects it at towards Raichu) OH NO LOOK OUT!

Raichu: Gah! (Runs outta the way but drops the remote and it shatters) Seriously Chespin! You could have killed me!

Chespin: Sorry, it wasn't on purpose. (Suddenly, Cyndaquil Tackles him)

Pichuette: Um, Uncle Raichu, what about the remote?

Pichu: Yeah, its sparking and blinking. Isn't that usually indicating something bad.

Raichu: Oh shit! The robots!

Pichuette: Ooooh. You said a bad word.

Raichu: Sorry, but you two run outta here. (Grabs a megaphone) Attention all non-finalists... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! (Everyone panics and runs all over)

Cyndaquil: (he and Chespin stop fighting) What about us? Is something dangerous happening!

Chespin: Yeah, if there's danger shouldn't we leave too?

Raichu: Umm... just fight, I'm sure at least one of you will survive to win but if not I can keep the money.

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Seriously Raichu? I mean, SERIOUSLY!? How selfish can you sometimes be?

(A swarm of Pokémon robots come loose and start to attack the "peanut gallery" (ones that were voted off) and Chespin and Cyndaquil stop)

Cyndaquil: We have to help them.

Chespin: Agreed. But even Snivy?

Charmander: (uses Ember on a robot) You guys don't need to help. I'm strong enough to handle this. (Gets hit)

Cyndaquil: Or maybe not.

Chikorita: Chespin, HELP! (Chikorita is grabbed by a Machamp robot along with a few others) HELP HELP HELP!

Chespin: Oh no Chikorita!

Rowlet: Um, and us too you know.

Chespin: I'm coming! (Uses vine whip but ends up getting hit back)

(On the other side of the stadium)

Litten: Cyndaquil! Have you seen Fennekin.

Cyndaquil: Don't wanna be the bearer of bad news but doesn't that robo Gallade have her?


Froakie: Gee what thoughtful words.

Fennekin: Guys help! He's gonna cut my head off!!!

Cyndaquil: Froakie use Bubble and Litten, Ember.

Froakie: Why should I listen to-

Litten: Just do it! (They all use a combo attack a blast a big hole through the Gallade)

Cyndaquil: Yes we did it! (Litten and Fennekin embrace) Glad you're okay.

Fennekin: Yeah, we are. Now go and win and finish up with Chespin and win. You deserve it more than anyone else does.

(Back on the other side)

Chespin: (gets up) I'm not done yet!

Bulbasaur: Wait, let us help.

Squirtle: Yeah. Maybe double the Vine Whip would work.

Chespin: Double the Vine Whip... THAT'S IT! Squirtle get in your shell.

Squirtle: Um, okay.

Chespin: Bulbasaur have your Vine's meet mine.

Bulbasaur; Oh, I get it now. Squirtle get on in! (The vines from the band of a sling shot and Squirtle rolls it and gets shot straight at the Machamp and knocks him out in one shot)

Chikroita: Chespin! (Hugs him) Thank you. And you too Bulbasaur.

Raichu: Okay, attention, Koffing got the breaker kit and we've solved the problem. Everyone back to the stands except for Cyndaquil and Chespin, I believe one of them has a million to claim. But to make it interesting, here! (Throws them each a Z crystal)

Chespin: A Z-crystal?

Cyndaquil: Firium Z?

Raichu: Let the battle continue! GO!

(Chespin lands Vine Whip and Cyndaquil lands his Flamethrower. They both keep going back and forth for a while)

Torchic: Ooh, looks like they're both almost outta steam.

Tepig: That's it. I can't bear to watch.

Chimchar: Well you should. This is definitely gonna be epic!

Chespin: (to himself) Okay, all or nothing time.

Cyndaquil: (to himself) Guess I'm gonna have to go out with a bang.

(They both activate their Z crystals they have. Chespin activates Bloom Doom as Cyndaquil activates Inferno Overdrive. both attacks land direct hits)

Oshawott: Woah. Cool!

Piplup: Who won? I can't see past all this smoke.

Rowlet: I got it. (Uses gust to clear out the smoke)

Raichu: Wow. They're both still standing but for how long?

(Chespin and Cyndaquil both look beat and struggle to hold on. Suddenly one of them collapses and faints)

Everyone: (gasps)

Raichu: AND HE'S DONE IT! (The camera shows Cyndaquil standing victorious) CYNDAQUIL IS THE BIG WINNER OF TOTAL DRAMA POKÉMON!!! (Everyone claps)

Mudkip: (whistles) Way to go buddy! I knew you could do it!

Chimchar: Way to represent us fire types man!

Cyndaquil: (stands there speechless for a moment) I don't really know what to say. I'm just in disbelief.

Chikorita: Chespin? (Shakes him and he recovers) Chespin are you okay?

Chespin: Huh? (Looks around) D-did I lose? (Sighs) I'm so sorry.

Chikorita: For what? You're the best boyfriend anyone could ask for and that's all that matters to me!

Snivy: (comes over) Ha! Looks like you didn't win. Sucker. (Turns to leave when Chespin punches him right in the face and knocks him out)

Chespin; I've been waiting all season to do that.

(At the campgrounds)

Raichu: Alright everyone, now it's time to give the final pokepuff to our winner, Cyndaquil. (Throws it to him)

Cyndaquil: I'm not gonna eat this. I think I'll save it to remember my time here with all of you.

Raichu: And more importantly, here is your briefcase of ONE MILLION DOLLARS! Don't spend it all at once..

Cyndaquil: (takes the case) Woah thanks so much!

(In confessional)
Chespin: Come to think of it, second out of twenty-one isn't bad at all, but I guess I'm just happy to have met Chikorita on this show. I may not have won but it was worth all the pain the challenges caused me.

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Who'd a thought I'd be the winner of Total Drama Pokémon!? It just feels so amazing! I had an amazing time here meeting new friends along with other things too. At this point, the millions just the icing on the cake, but I do wish I could make it up to everyone who helped me make it. Wait, that's it!

Raichu: Okay everyone onto the boat, we're heading out!

Koffing: You crying Raichu?

Raichu: No, someone just left a bunch of onions on this boat!

Cyndaquil: Wait, Raichu, I've decided on what I'd spend the money on.

Raichu: Well what is it?

Cyndaquil: Id like to give some of my money to all my friends I've made here! (Everyone cheers)

Chespin: Cyndaquil, your a totally awesome guy.

Snivy: So does that mean I get some? (Everyone laughs) I'm serious.

Chespin: Yeah right. Want me to knock you out again? (Snivy rolls his eye as the boat leaves)

Cyndaquil: I think I'm gonna miss this show.

Raichu: Well Cyndaquil, you might not miss it as much as you think. (To the camera) So that just about wraps up this season! However, I assure you that this series is not over. (Everyone looks shocked) Yep, ratings were off the charts. So I'd like to say thanks to everyone for watching and I'll see you next Season on Total Drama Pokémon!

*** A big thanks to everyone for reading, especially to all of you who've read it all! Special shout outs to __Glaceon__ ArtistHeart6 Darumaka25 LBWriter123 Captain_Komodo TorchicTrooper and to all you others guys out there too! (Sorry if you weren't tagged).

Also, Season 2 is out and I hope you read and enjoy it! 😄😄😄

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