Beauty And The Feast

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, we had a Ridonculous race style challenge for our competitors. A new rivalry between Charmander and Piplup formed, as well as a friendship between Cyndaquil and Mudkip. Also, Chespin finally found the courage to tell Chikorita he had a crush on her, and luckily for him, she felt the same way! In the end, Piplup was victorious and won the challenge but sadly, best friends Squirtle and Bulbasaur got in a huge fight and when they ironed out their differences in the end, they tied for last and we had to send both of them packing. For today's challenge we got something a bit more dazzling! Care to find out what it is? Find out on this episode of Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; In spa hotel)

Piplup: Ah what a glorious morning!

Charmander: It was until you showed up.

Piplup: Hmph. You're just jealous.

Charmander: Of what?

Piplup: Me beating you yesterday and getting a deluxe spa appointment from Furfrou. Now if you'll excuse me I'll be taking my breakfast to go. (Grabs a plate of waffles and leaves)

Charmander: Gosh. Why did Raichu let the top three have the spa hotel? I almost don't want to be here.

Snivy: You know Charmander, your a pretty strong palyer. (Charmander rolls eyes) I was thinking, maybe an alliance?

Charmander: Ha! With you? Everyone hates you, why would I team up with you?

Snivy: Because I can help you eliminate Piplup or I could just get you eliminated.

Charmander: You don't scare me. (finishes eating)

Snivy: (mumbles) Oh. Well you should.

(In mess hall)

Chespin: So Chikorita, what is your favorite movie?

Chikorita: I gotta go with Finding Goldeen.

Chespin: Hey, that's one of my favs too!

Chikorita: For real? Cool. (Starts to daydream a bit)

(Mudkip sits down at a table with Litten and Cyndaquil)

Mudkip: What's with them?

Cyndaquil: They're just getting to know everything about each other, you know as couples do.

Litten: (sighs) I never got to have that moment with Fennekin. So unfair.

Mudkip: Anyways, I miss Squirtle and Bulbasaur. It's a shame they both went.

Litten: I thought they were ignoring you.

Mudkip: Well they were but maybe I was just being a little too oversensitive. I mean they are best friends, of course they would choose each other always.

Litten: Whatever.

Cyndaquil: I'm just glad to still be here. The final eight, is pretty far. We should should be really proud of ourselves!

Mudkip: Yeah, I guess so.

Raichu: (over the loudspeaker) Everyone please report to the mess hall!

Chespin: Um, we're already here.

Raichu: (over loud speaker) Well some of you aren't so just don't interrupt!

(Everyone gathers in the mess hall)

Raichu: So you all are probabaly wondering why I called you here today.

Charmander: Duh.

Raichu: Today we will be having an essential event being held, I believe it originated in Hoenn...

Cyndaquil: Double battles?

Raichu: No, actually it's-

Chikorita: Pokémon Contests!

Raichu: Correctimundo! We have turned the battle arena into a contest stage. You will all be competing to win invincibility. However, this challenge has a special preheat. The winner will receive an advantage in the next challenge.

Litten: Sweet!

Snivy: So just get on with okay?

Raichu: You will all be making poffins, which originated from Sinnoh, another place with contests.

Piplup: Yes! I have the ultimate poffin recipe, and as the only Sinnoh starter here I'm guaranteed to win.

Raichu: Okay Piplup, no need to get arrogant. Anywho you will find berries back in Koffing's kitchen and baking equipment at your stations. You have a half hour, NOW GO (everyone rushes into the kitchen and banging noises can be heard)

Koffing: You better pay me for a new kitchen.

Raichu: Hey, you can spend your paycheck however you like. (Koffing mumbles a swear word)

Mudkip: Let's see Oran berries, Pecha berries, ooh Leppa berries! (Charmander snatches them before Mudkip)

Charmander: Sorry, looks like their mine.

Mudkip: Hey I needed those! (Charmander leaves) Ugh.

Chespin: Hey look, I found some nuts to put in my poffins.

Chikorita: Great, I almost got all the berries I need. Just have to find a Chilan berry.

Piplup: Here. (Gives Chikorita one) I had an extra.

Chikorita: Wow thanks.

Piplup: Not a big deal. I'm still gonna win.

(In confessional)
Chikorita: I guess that's Piplup's way of being nice even though she's being a bit full of herself. Well I guess nobody's perfect, except Chespin. Wait that gives me an idea.

(At the work stations)

Litten: (finishes mixing his berries) Wow these turned out pretty great.

Charmander: Well mine are gonna look even better. (Finishes and pulls out an over cooked poffin) What? Ugh! Stupid cooking!

Cyndaquil: Well I don't even know how to cook!

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: When I was little, whenever I sneezed it'd send out a flamethrower. My mom was afraid it'd set off an explosion with the food so she never let me cook and... yeah that's about it...

Snivy: (to himself) Time to get a little vengeance on Charmander.

(In confessional)
Snivy: Here's my genius plan. I steal Piplup's poffins and place them on Charmanders station. They'll get in a huge fight and have no chance at winning.

(Snivy creeps over to Piplup's station while she's in the kitchen, picks up her poffin and begins walking)

Snivy: (mumbling) Hehehe. Suckers.

Litten: What are you doing?

Snivy: Gah! You startled me!

Litten: Where are you going with Piplup's poffins?


Snivy: Umm... (hands the plate of poffins to Litten) Piplup, look! Litten stole them!

Litten: What? No I didn't! Snivy was the one-

Piplup: That's it! (bubble beams Litten who drops the food and starts freaking out about the water)

Chespin: Dear god, why must someone always be causing trouble.

Chikorita: Don't know. (Adds some fancy ingredients) I think that will balance out the sweetness and bitterness. Now to finish decorating.

Chespin: Wow Chikorita your pretty good at-

Chikorita: Wait! No looking it's a surprise.

Mudkip: (to himself) Okay, the poffins are out and time to decorate.

Raichu: And time's ups guys!

Mudkip: Or not.

Raichu: I will be the judge. So line up and let me give them a taste.

Litten: Um, Piplup destroyed my puffins so can I-

Piplup: Only because you ruined mine first.

Raichu: Quiet both of you! Okay Cyndaquil, you first.

Cyndaquil: I'm not proud of it but here. (Raichu examines it)

Raichu: Okay this doesn't even look edible. NEXT!

Cyndaquil: It can't be that bad. (Takes a bite) Yep, that's bad. (Spits it out)

Charmander: I made you a Leppa and Tomato berry poffin.

Raichu: (takes a bite) It's a little over cooked and a bit spicy but hey I've had worse! (Charmander smiles)

Snivy: I made mine out of many different berries.

Raichu: I'll just say the presentation looks nice. Very professional. (Takes a bite) And it tastes pretty good, just a little too bitter for my tastebuds. Snivy is in the lead.

Snivy: Yes. (Smirks at Litten who frowns)

(In confessional)
Litten: I actually thought Snivy was pretty okay at first but he is a class A jerk. How did I not see that before?

Raichu: Okay Chespin, you went a little nutty with the nuts.

Chespin: But I think they taste pretty darn good.

Raichu: Yeah... No. I couldn't even taste the berries. Next.

Mudkip: I didn't get to decorate but it's made of mainly Oran and Sitrus berries.

Raichu: (eats poffin) Wow, that tasted really good, just lacked design so sorry but Snivy still is winning. Chikorita you're the last one, get up here.

Chikorita: So I made mine out of quiet a few types of berries but for the design... (reveals her poffins which have Chespins face on them)

Chespin: Wow! That's so amazing.

Raichu: I have to admit the designs uncanny but lets see how they taste. (Takes bite) INCREDIBLE! You win, you win!

Chikorita: Woo whooo!!!

Raichu: Onto the next part.

(In the battle arena)

Raichu: So we will now be starting the contest! As usual, there is a preliminary round in which you have to show of your skills. After that is contest battling till the champion is crowned. So Chikorita, for winning you automatically get a spot in the battling!

Chikorita: Alright! Awesome!

Raichu: The other seven of you will have to showcase your moves to advance on. You got ten minutes to prepare.

(10 minutes go by)

Raichu: Okay times up and here's how it will work. You will all be judged on a scale of one to ten by the three judges Which are me, Koffing.

Koffing: You better be good maggots!

Raichu: And our celebrity judge, Milotic!

Piplup: Oh my gosh, Milotic! (Cheers) You are so amazing in all those professional contests!

Litten: Yeah, aren't you like, well, a superstar.

Milotic: (giggles) Oh please, you guys are too kind!

Raichu: Now everyone back stage except for Charmander, because you're up first.

Charmander: I totally got this. (Begins his performance with a swirling Flamthrower followed by embers and finishes with another Ember)

Raichu: Eh, decent performance.

Milotic: I think you may want to diversify the types of your moves.

Charmander: Huh?

Koffing: She means don't just use fire type attacks dummy! (Raichu gives a four and Koffing and Milotic give threes)

Raichu: Okay that's a ten for Charmander. Next, Litten.

Litten: (takes a deep breath and begins. Starts with a few flips and an Ember. Then uses Shadow Claw to sprinkle down the embers. Goes to to another flip but wipes out on his back) Oww! My back! The pain!

Raichu: Yikes are you okay? (Koffing laughs) Chansey! (Chansey carries Litten off in a stretcher) Well that was an incomplete performance. Chespin you are next!

Chespin: Okay here I go. (Uses Seed Bomb followed by Pin Misslie, causing an elegant explosion. Then uses Another Pin Missle to finish) How'd I do?

Raichu: I'll admit that was pretty elegant, seven from me!

Milotic: I agree, seven from me too.

Koffing: Six.

(Chespin leaves the stage and Snivy enters giving Chespin a smirk)

Raichu: Well that's a solid twenty for Chespin. Okay, amaze us Snivy.

Snivy: I intend to do just that. (Begins with a Leaf Tornado that swirls into the sky. Then uses Vine Whip to do flips and such. Finishes with a triple flip and Leaf Blade combo)

Raichu: Impressive! I give it an eight.

Milotic: Same here.

Koffing: Well I give it a nine! That was beautiful! (Everyone stares at Koffing) No comment.

Raichu: And that's a twenty-five. Snivy is in the lead. Mudkip you are up next. (Mudkip nervously enters)

(In confessional)
Mudkip: So I used some of my TM's to get some pretty cool moves and I just hope it works

Mudkip: O-okay. Here goes. (Uses Scald an the ground to send in flying up wards before doing flips and then lands. Then uses another Scald into the air followed by an Ice Beam which freezes it causing a light flurry of snow. Finnishes with a Tackle into a Mud Bomb which mixes with the snow and causes a beautiful atmosphere)

Raichu: (jaw drops) Wow! That was incredible! Ten!

Milotic: Definitely a ten!

Koffing: Could have been better, nine.

Milotic: That was truly amazing Mudkip. You should think about becoming a professional coordinators partner.

Mudkip: Wow! Really you think so? Thanks so much!

(Mudkip leaves and Cyndaquil enters and does a good display of a Fire Spin and Flamethrower combo)

Milotic: Just as I told Charmander, just try to diversify more.

Cyndaquil: (sighs) Okay.

Raichu: So that's a fourteen for Cyndaquil. Last but not least we have Piplup.

Piplup: Okay, prepare to be dazzled and amazed! (Uses a Whirlpool and spin combo. Does several flips followed by a Peck into a Bubble Beam.) And done!

Raichu; That was awesome. I give it a ten.

Koffing: Nobody is perfect, nine.

Milotic: I have to give it a nine. There was just a little mistake in the flip transition

Piplup: What? But I totaly did better than Mudkip!

Raichu: Chill, you are still moving on!

Piplup: Fine, whatever.

(In confessional)
Piplup: I'm not upset it's just... (angrily) I totally should have won!!!

Raichu; Moving on to the battling are Chikorita, Mudkip, Piplup and Snivy!

Cyndaquil: I'm gonna go check on Litten.

Charmander: Why? He's just a wimp.

Cyndaquil: You know what Charmander, ever since the merge you've become a complete jerk and I don't like it! (Leaves and Charmander crosses his arms)

Raichu: Time to randomize the matches. (Finishes randomizing) Match one will be Piplup versus Chikorita!

Chikorita: Let's have a good fight okay?

Piplup: (shakes her hand) You bet.

Chespin: (from the audience) Go Chikorita! You can do it!

Litten: Yeah make Piplup lose! But I also want you to lose so...

Chespin: Really Litten?

Litten: What? You got Fennekin booted!

Raichu: Let the contest battle begin!

Piplup: Alright, let's start off with this (Piplup uses a bubble bean but Chikorita counters with a razor leaf and cuts all the bubbles in a beautiful burst)

Milotic: Quite an excellent display of strength and beauty. (Piplup's points get reduced to 3/4)

Piplup: Errr.

Chikorita: Have a Vine Whip. (Grabs ahold of Piplup)

Piplup: Your gonna wish you haven't done that. (Uses whirlpool and sends Chikorita swinging around before sending her flying down)

Raichu: Eesh! Chikorita is unable to battle, Piplup is the winner.

Piplup: YES! (Helps Chikorita up) That was a good match.

Chikorita: Ow... (holds her heard) Thanks. Good luck in the finals.

Raichu: Next up is Snivy versus Mudkip. And, go!

Snivy: This should be a piece of cake. (Uses Leaf Tornado which clashes with Mudkip's Scald but he quickly Tackles Snivy and his score goes down.)

Mudkip: Alright! (Snivy uses Vine Whip to hit Mudkip back)

Raichu: Ooooh, three minutes left and Mudkip and Snivy are both at about 7/10ths points!

Snivy: Take this! (Uses Leaf Tornado followed by a powerful Slam attack and Mudkips score goes down to 4/10)

Mudkip: (struggles to his feet) I'm not done yet!

Snivy: Give up, I'm four times effective against your evolutionary line, what can you possibly do- (gets hit my Mudkips Ice Beam and is frozen. Mudkip follows with a barrage of attacks and the ice thaws. Snivy's points are reduced to 2/10)

Raichu: Will Snivy be able to turn things around? (Buzzer sounds) Guess not. Mudkip wins!

Snivy: Hmph. (Walks off)

Mudkip: Guess that means I'm up against Piplup now. (Gulps)

Raichu: Yep. (Piplup enters) Let the final match begin! (Blows a whistle)

Chikorita: C'mon Piplup! You got this!

Cyndaquil: You can do it Mudkip!

Litten: Yeah! Go Mudkip!

(The battle begins as a Bubble Beam and Scald attack collide. Then Mudkip hits Piplup with a Mud Bomb but she retaliates with a Peck attack)

Raichu; Ooh its neck a neck on this match folks! (Mudkip uses Ice Beam but Piplup dodges and it freezes the stage)

Piplup: (Slips and falls) Ah! Stupid ice!

Mudkip: (falls) Oops, that's was a mistake. (Mudkip can't seem to stand up but Piplup manages to her feet and sends Mudkip flying with a whirlpool and Bubble Beam and he gets knocked out)

Raichu; Mudkip is unable to battle, Piplup wins invincibility!

Piplup: Woo whoooo! Yes! I knew I'd win! I knew it!

Milotic: You surely are a top performer Piplup.(Piplup tilts her head up and smiles) I hope to see you on the contest stage one day.

Piplup: Thanks. (Smiles) It means a lot.

Raichu: Alrighty, meet me at the campfire in ten minutes.

(By the cabins)

Charmander: So you expect me to believe Snivy did that? Not happening.

Litten: Oh come on! He's evil! Just talk to Chespin.

Charmander: Yeah right. Get outta here. That's the type of thing classic Litten would do to try and show he's bad even though it's not even that big a deal.

(In confessional)
Litten: Ugh!!! Why won't anyone believe me!? I shouldn't of said I was going after grass types or else Chikorita and Chespin could be allies. (Sighs) Guess it's probably me or Charmander since Piplup hates his guts.

Piplup: Hey Chikorita! Have a second?

Chikorita: (nods) What's up?

Piplup: Raichu said I could invite someone to the hotel and I'm gonna pick you. Us being the only two girls left and all. We should stick together.

Chikorita: Really? Thanks and I'd love to be friends.

Piplup: I think we are on the same page of who's going tonight.

(In confessional)
Chikorita: Sorry Chespin but Snivy can wait, there's another jerk that has to be dealt with.

(At campfire)

Raichu: When I call your name you can come up and receive a pokepuff. If you don't receive one, you are out of the game.

Snivy: For the love of Arceus just get in with it!

Cyndaquil: You know it'd be done quicker if you didn't interrupt. (Snivy glares at Cyndaquil, who nervously smiles)

Raichu: Piplup, you get the first one.

Piplup: Obviously! (Receives her pokepuff)

Raichu: Also safe are... Mudkip... Chikorita... Snivy... Chespin and... Cyndaquil. That leaves us with Charmander and Litten. Charmander, ever since the merge occurred you have been acting kinda meaner then ever and face it, you don't have a ton of allies. And Litten, sabotaging Piplup today was totaly out of character and a bit of a jerk move. So, the final pokepuff goes too...

(Charmander and Litten both look a bit nervous)

Raichu: ...Charmander.

(In confessional)
Piplup: Sorry bub, but that's what you get for trying to sabotage me today. Charmander can always go next.

(In confessional)
Chikorita: He could have been gunning for me and what he did today was so wrong.

Litten: (sighs) I guess we all gotta go sometime.

Cyndaquil: Bye Litten. I'll miss you. (Gives him a pat on the back)

Charmander: And I guess I'll miss you to buddy. The you before you formed an alliance behind my back. (They look at him puzzled)

Litten: There was no alliance!

(In confessional)
Charmander: Well now I feel like a jerk. Except they could be lying but, they also could not be.

Litten: (climbs in the catapult) Before I go I wanna warn you about something. Listen to Chespin. Just don't ever trust- (gets hurled) AHHHH!!!

Raichu: Guess that does it for this episode. Will anyone be able to survive our next challenge? What tortures will I bring? Will Snivy continue to deceive others or will he actually make one friend for once?

Snivy: Excuse me? I'm right here!

Raichu: Find out next time on Total Drama Pokémon!

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