Cries That Bond

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, Chespin, Oshawott and Litten hunted down the other campers. New friendships were formed, rivalries continued and it was a blast to watch!
Chespin won the first challenge for his team, while Charmander won the second. That left Team Water for elimination but no voting was required. After being torn between Squirtle and Froakie, Oshawott saved them both but injured himself. So he left after a touching good-bye. With nine guys gone already, we are nearing the halfway point but what will happen today? Find out now on Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; then in the mess hall)

Squirtle: (to Mudkip) I miss Oshawott. He was always nice but I never realized how golden hearted he was till yesterday.

Mudkip: Yeah, I miss him too.

Squirtle: What a saint.

Piplup: (walks up with Froakie) Well now you know how I felt when Turtwig left.

Mudkip: So you really did care about him.

Piplup: That's not the hot issue right now.

Froakie: Yeah the problem is we lost our numbers advantage, and frankly that was the only advantage we had.

Squirtle: Come on guys, as long as we work as a team we will do-

Froakie: I've been thinking about what Oshawott said Squirtle but I don't see us being friends happening. I just won't reprimand you as much now.

Squirtle: Gee thanks.

(At Team Fire)

Litten: (comes over to the table) Guess what guys? I snuck in Koffing's kitchen and was able to steal some pokebeans he made!

Charmander: Score! Best teammate ever. (Chows down)

Fennekin: Yeah Litten that was very nice of you.

(In confessional)
Fennekin: Oops. I shouldn't of said that! He's gonna try to act all macho now.

Litten: Here Fennekin. (Gives her a poke bean he carved in the shape of a heart)

Fennekin: Wow this is the sweetest thing ever.

Litten: I figured it's time I stop pretending to be someone I'm not. (Cyndaquil grins from across the table and gives him a thumbs up)

Cyndaquil: (to Charmander) I'm glad to see our team getting along.

Charmander: Yeah whatever. Are you gonna eat your poke beans?

Cyndaquil: (sighs) Nope. You can have them.

(In the spa hotel)

Chespin: Wow this breakfast seems way better than usual.

Snivy: That's because you got to pick what Furfrou made and I think I speak for all of us when I say nuts in pancakes aren't good.

Chespin: Sheesh. Sorry.

Chikorita: (lying) Um, well I liked it.

Snivy: Then how come you just had one bite.

Chikorita: Um... I'm full.

Bulbasaur: Well that's a statement alright. I wonder what today's challenge will-

Raichu: (over the loud speaker) ATTENTION CAMPERS! Meet me in front of the cabins for today's competish!

Bulbasaur: Guess I'm gonna get my answer. (Everyone leaves while Chespin is staring at Chikorita)

(In confessional)
Chespin: I've been thinking about what Fennekin said and maybe she's right, But I still don't want her to know cuz what if Fennekin is wrong?
(Exits confessional but Snivy peaks around the corner hearing everything he said)

(In confessional)
Snivy: (laughs evilly) Perfect.

Raichu: Alright campers, it's time for the days challenge.

Piplup: Yeah we know, just get on with it.

Raichu: (rolls eyes) Anyways the challenge is a few trust testing competitions! Here's how it works, each round will have a challenge that has at least two members of the team compete in it. And as you could have guessed it will have a trust element involved.

Cyndaquil: So how do we win?

Raichu: First team to win two challenges wins AND The winning team gets to pick who goes home! (Everyone gasps)

Mudkip: Woah! Seriously?

Charmander: Wow, that's actually a good twist. And yeah I'm actually serious.

Raichu: Okay, we will be heading to the beach for the first challenge.

(Everyone leaves except for Snivy who stops Chikorita)

Chikorita: What do you want Snivy?

Snivy: (lying) I just feel really bad about before but I need to warn you about something. Fennekin is trying to steal Chespin.

Chikorita: (nervously) Wait what? I don't like him... and as if I'm gonna believe you (looks over to see Fennekin and Chespin talking) WHAT!? That's definitely weird, I've never seen them talking before...

Snivy: Tried to tell you.

Chikorita: How could she? We were kinda friendish! She is going down! (Snivy smirks)

(At the beach)

Raichu: For the first challenge, contestants participating will be... Piplup and Mudkip for Team Water... Chespin and Bulbasaur for Team Grass and for Team Fire... Charmander and Fennekin

Fennekin: Okay, so what do we have to do?

Raichu: I'm getting to that. One of you will have to navigate your blindfolded partner across the sand to finish line while avoiding booby traps.

Cyndaquil: I don't see any booby traps.

Raichu: That's because they're underneath the sand. Still fresh from the first challenge.

Cyndaquil: Should have figured I guess. Good luck guys, you got this!

(Fennekin, Piplup and Chespin all put a blindfold on and head to the start)

Piplup: Wait a second why are we blindfolded if we can't see the traps?

Bulbasaur: And how are we supposed to give directions if we can't see any of the traps?

Raichu: (sighs) If you look closely you can see. (Blows airhorn) GO!!!

Mudkip: Okay Piplup, just go straight for now.

Piplup: Whatever. (Starts moving forward)

Charmander: Lets see, I kinda feel like you should go right.

Fennekin: Um okay. (Steps onto a stinkbomb and starts coughing) Ah, eww!

Charmander: (starts laughing) Okay, okay. Whoops, my bad.

(In confessional)
Charmander: Okay that honestly was an accident but none the less, still hilarious to watch.

Litten: Come on Fennekin! You can do it. (Fennekin continues walking)

Bulbasaur: Okay Chespin, stop. There's something in the dirt I'd say two feet in front of you. Try using vine whip to pick up whatever it

Chespin: Okay. (Uses vine whip) But isn't everything buried a booby trap so why am I picking this up. (Lifts up a beehive)

Bulbasaur: ITS A BEEHIVE! Get rid of it! (Chespin throws it backwards and it lands on Fennekin's head)

Fennekin: Ahhh! (Begins to run in circles) Somebody please get it off me! Ahh! (Charmander begins to laugh again)

Bulbasaur: (sheepishly laughs) Heh, heh... Sorry Fennekin!

Chespin: Come on Bulbasaur if we hurry we can still win.

Mudkip: Sorry but I wouldn't count on that. Piplup move three paces right and then four paces forward.

Piplup: Okay if you say so... (crosses the finish line) Yes!

Mudkip: Alright Piplup you won!

Raichu: Match one goes to Team Water! (Everyone takes their blindfolds off)

Fennekin: Seriously Charmander, you really let me down. You so didn't have my back at all that challenge!

Charmander: Oh come on, you know I didn't mean to laugh.

Froakie: Way to go Mudkip and Piplup. All we have to do is win the next one.

Mudkip: Alright! I just can't wait to get back into the spa hotel. I miss it so much.

(In confessional)
Piplup: Well I guess I know I can trust Mudkip from now on. Maybe he'd make a good alliance mate...

Raichu: On to the next challenge! Competitors will be Squirtle and Froakie. (They both frown) Snivy and Chikorita. And lastly, Cyndaquil and Litten. This should be a quick, but fun one.

Snivy: Oh dear god.

Raichu: We have the EXTREME trust fall. One of you climbs that 10 foot ladder, fall off backwards and hope your teammate catches you. Then you do it vice versa. Cyndaquil, Snivy and Squirtle will fall first.

Squirtle: Oh darn. (The three climb the ladder)

(In confessional)
Squirtle: Okay I know I can't trust Froakie but I mean come on, he would never just try not to catch me. He wants to win too!

Squirtle: Okay Froakie, I'm gonna do it. Just please please please catch me sure.

Froakie: Whatever.

Squirtle: Okay, three, two, one. (Falls off backwards and Froakie steps out of the way, having Squirtle plumit to the hard ground) Awwww, my head.

Froakie: Sorry but that's what you get for being a betrayer.

Bulbasaur: He is not! You are the one who betrayed his own team by not caring here! I hope your happy you jerk!  (Rushes to help Squirtle)

Mudkip: (whispering to Piplup) Is it just me or does Froakie seem to really go too far with the littlest things? (Piplup just shrugs)

(From atop the ladder)

Snivy: Okay Chikorita, you know if I didn't trust you I wouldn't jump. I understand if you don't catch me, I was a jerk to you and I can't undo that but the least I can do is try to regain your trust.

Litten: Come on man, quit yapping and get jumping!

Snivy: Fine. (Falls off and Chikorita manages to catch him)

Chikorita: Woo whooo! We did it!

Raichu: And that's a point for Team Grass!

Litten: Are you ready Cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil: (slowly nods) Yeah. Uh-huh.

Litten: Don't worry I'll catch ya! (Cyndaquil jumps off and Litten catches) See I told you.

Cyndaquil: Alright, phew!

Raichu: A point for Team Fire. Time to switch roles guys.

Froakie: We can't win so why bother?

Squirtle: Come on Froakie just do it.

Froakie: Why? So you can not catch me? Sorry Raichu, but I'm out.

Chikorita: (from the top) Um, I'm not sure if I can do this.

Snivy: It's fine... I wouldn't trust me either.

Chikorita: Don't be so hard on yourself. Look I don't despise you anymore. Oops that came out wrong. It's just... (slips off ladder but Snivy manages to catch her)

Snivy: Well I wasn't expecting that but I guess it worked out.

Fennekin: Come on Litten and Cyndaquil! You guys can do it!

Litten: Ready? Cuz here I come! (Jumps off)

Cyndaquil: Gah! No! I'm not ready! (Scrambles to catch Litten but barely misses the catch) Oh no, I'm so sorry.

Litten: (dazed) Uhhhhhh.

Raichu: That's means Team Grass takes this round! Leaving only Team Fire without a win yet.

Chespin: (to Chikorita) Wow, I was really surprised you jumped.

Chikorita: Well, it was for the good of the team. And I've been thinking maybe Snivy payed his dues and I don't think he really meant what he did.

Chespin: Maybe you're right.

(In confessional)
Chespin: Or maybe you're wrong! Snivy could just be trying to play her again but I don't wanna argue with her cuz then she might not like me and (takes a few deep breaths) Rule one of life. Never trust a snake.

(In the battle arena)

Raichu: So for our possible final challenge, two members will enter the battle rink together but they will be tied together! You have to work as a team to avoid attacks from our machines around the perimeter and once one of you gets hit you're done.

Piplup: Like seriously Raichu? Why must you make everything so complicated?

Squirtle: I know right.

Raichu: I'm glad you two like it because you are competing! Along with... Snivy, Bulbasaur, Litten and Fennekin.

(In confessional)
Fennekin: (sequels)

(The teams take their marks and the challenge begins)

Bulbasaur: Ice beam at three o'clock.

Snivy: I see it. No need to state the obvious. (They both dodge it as Bulbasaur rolls his eyes)

Litten: Fennekin duck! (She's does and the water gun barely misses her)

Fennekin: Phew, thanks Litten. You know I'm so glad to be doing this challenge with you.

Litten: Yeah same here. (Pauses to dodge attacks) You know there was something I wanted to talk about. I know I've been acting kinda hot and cold toward you during this competition. It's just that-

Fennekin: Look out! (Tackles Litten so he doesn't get hit by an energy ball) Now follow me this way.

Squirtle: (jumps) Come on this way.

Piplup: No we should go left.

Squirtle: Okay fine whatever. (Piplup barely dodged an attack)

Piplup: Squirtle look out for that thunder shock!

Squirtle: Ah! (Withdrawals into his shell but it causes the string to pull Piplup in and she gets hit)

Piplup: Ouch. (Sarcastically) Great, just great Squirtle.

Bulbasaur: Oh no, Squirtle's out.

Snivy: So? Just focus.

Bulbasaur: Chespin was so right about you! You may be fooling Chikorita for a second time but you will not- (gets hit by a focus blast) Oww.


Fennekin: Alright Litten we did it!

Litten: Sweet. So I was trying to say I wanna-

Fennekin: Everyone's leaving, so I guess we should hurry to the next challenge. (Runs off and Litten follows)

(In the mess hall)

Raichu: All teams have one point so whoever wins this one wins the entire thing! This challenge will require everyone to participate.
It is a cooking challenge.

Mudkip: Well at least it's not dangerous.

Froakie: Seriously Mudkip! Whenever someone says that Raichu always adds a dangerous element to it.

Raichu: As I was saying before I was interrupted, one member will be the eater. The other three will cook.

Chespin: I'll eat for my team.

Charmander: Don't fret it guys I got this.

Froakie: Squirtle is probably our biggest eater.

Squirtle: Quit teasing me you jerk!

Piplup: Would you quit bickering!? I'll just do it.

Raichu: Eaters you can wait here and slip on your blindfolds. And yes, you heard me. You will be blindfolded.

Charmander: Uh, not sure what that even does here but, whatever.

(In the kitchen)

Koffing: Okay future chefs. Today you will be preparing fish, but the fish your cooking with is poisonous so me sure to cut around the dangerous parts. (Gives each team a fish)

Fennekin: So according to the diagram you should cut it from left to right first. Wait no! I mean up and down, err- I don't really know.

Cyndaquil: (Cuts a piece of the fish) Does that seem right.

Litten: I guess. We don't have much time so let's just go with it.

(At Team Water's station)

Squirtle: Where did Mudkip go?

Froakie: To get something, now let me cut it.

Squirtle: (sighs) Fine. I'm tired of arguing today.

(At Team Grass' station)

Chikorita: (quickly chops up her fish) So I just do this, than this.

Bulbasaur: Are you sure you know what your doing?

Chikorita: Positive. My mom owns a restaurant and I help her prepare food all the time.

Snivy: Well let's just get going, Team Fire's already done. (Mudkip races by and bumps into Snivy) Hey! Watch where your going!

Mudkip: Oops, my bad. (Heads over to his team and put down some spices) I had these in my bag and they really help spice up a dish. They can make even the grossest thing taste good.

Squirtle. Sweet. Mudkip your bags got everything in it. (They laugh and Froakie just frowns)

Raichu: And that's time guys and gals. Time to see who wins this thang.

(In confessional)
Charmander: So while the others were cooking, Raichu told us what they were making and I'm kinda scared. I trust my team but enough to put my life in their hands!? I don't think so!

Raichu: Ready guys? (Blows air horn) EAT!

(Nodbody takes a bite. They are all very hesitant)

Piplup: I'm not sure I can do this. (Takes a wiff of the food) Actually, it smells really good.

Mudkip: (to Squirtle) Awesome, my spices are working!

Piplup: Here it goes. (Takes a bite) It's not that bad except for the...wait a second is that paprika I taste?

Froakie: Mudkip?

Mudkip: Sure is!

Piplup: Oh no! Oh no! (Begins to panic) IM ALLERGIC! (Sneezes and coughs) SOMEONE CALL 911! I can feel my throat closing up! (A Chansey comes out, puts Piplup on a medical cart and wheels her off)

(In confessional)
Mudkip, How was I supposed to know she was allergic? Ugh, I feel awful now.

Cyndaquil: Come on Charmander! Just eat it!

Charmander: Um hello? It's poisonous and not like poison type poisonous that can be healed. It's the deathly poison.

Chikorita: Chespin why aren't you eating?

Chespin: I'm afraid Snivy put something in it.

Snivy: Seiously? I'm not a bad guy Chespin, just stop stereotyping me as one.

Chikorita: I promise he didn't. Don't you trust me?

Chespin: (Chikorita's voice echoes in his head) Yeah, I do! I completely trust you Chikorita! (Scarfs down the fish and burps) Done!

Chikorita: Alright Chespin! (Hugs him)

Chespin: Hey no biggie, I knew I could trust you.

Raichu: Looks like that's game everyone! Would you all please head to the elimination campfire, and yes I mean all of you. (Begins to leave)

Koffing: Hey Raichu! Aren't you gonna have these crazy kids clean up my kitchen?

Raichu: What do you mean?

Koffing: Just look at it! They trashed it and it is all messy and stuff.

Raichu: You can handle it right? Besides I gotta job to go do. You know, host the end of the show... So yeah, you got this. Bye! (Scurries off)

Koffing: (begins to clean his kitchen) Stupid Raichu, trashing my kitchen and not paying me enough.

(In confessional)
Piplup: So after my allergic reaction crisis I have to make an amendment to a previous statement, I can NEVER trust Mudkip.

(At the bonfire)

Raichu: Team Grass, first tell me which team you'd like to send someone home from. (They begin to talk amongst themselves)

Bulbasaur: Defiently Team Fire guys.

Snivy: No I think waters the stronger team, like maybe we should boot Squirtle.

Bulbasaur: NO! You know he's my friend.

Snivy: (lying) No I didn't, so calm down.

Chespin: This is hard, most of the guys seem pretty nice. (Snivy whispers in Chespin's ear) Wha- how do you know that? (Snivy continues whispering) Okay-okay fine sheesh.

Chikorita: Um what were you guys doing?

Snivy: I just had an idea and we have an idea on who's going. We want to nominate somebody you'd like to see go. (Whispers to Chikorita)

Chikroita: Good.

(In confessional)
Chespin: How did Snivy figure out I like Chikorita and now he's freaking blackmailing me! I feel bad but in order for him to keep his lips sealed he made me agree to who he wanted gone.

Bulbasaur: Okay Raichu, we decided the unlucky loser is from Team Fire.
(Team Water cheers)

Squirtle: Yes! Thanks so much Bulbasuar. (They smile at each other)

Chikroita: The Pokémon we have decided to eliminate is...

(Litten and Fennekin nervously look at each other. Cyndaquil crosses his fingers. Charmander has a serious look on his face)

Chikorita: ...Fennekin.

Litten: No! No. This can't be happening.

Raichu: Afraid so.

Fennekin: (begins to cry) Litten I am going to miss you. You've been an amazing friend and I- I'm just gonna miss.

Litten: Its gonna be okay. (Fennekin stops crying) But there is one thing I wanna do before you go.

Fennekin: What's that? (Litten kisses Fennekin)

Litten: Fennekin you're an awesome girl and I just wanna know if you'd go out with me. I know this is rushed but hey, so is this show.

Fennekin: (starts crying tears of joy) Yes. Yes! (They kiss again)

Cyndaquil: Awe, that's romance at its best. (Sheds a tear)

Raichu: Sorry to break up this love fest but Fennekin you've got a catapult to board.

Chikroita: (to Chespin) Wait, I thought Fennekin liked you?

Chespin: No, we just talked a few times. What made you think that?

Chikorita: (gasps) SNIVY! (Looks around for him but he isn't there) That jerk got me again!!!

Raichu: So Fennekin any more last words?

Fennekin. Litten I hope you win! And good luck to everyone else too, except for Team Grass.

Litten: Wait! Here. (Gives Fennekin a book) Its a scrapbook with some of my drawings for you. Remember me with this until I win and we can go on a date.

Fennekin: Awe Litten (leans in for one more kiss but then gets catapulted away) AHHH!

Raichu: Another heartfelt goodbye has come across yet again. So how will Litten do without Fennekin? And also, we're nearing the midway point and you know what that means! So tune in for more action next time of Total Drama Pokémon!!!

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