Quadruple Threats

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, our contestants had a blast, literally! Piplup won the preheat challenge and got to blast everyone else with berries. Meanwhile, the boys had to assemble a statue. Snivy was a pretty gifted builder and so Cyndaquil, Mudkip and Chespin all teamed up to try to take him down. Unfortunately for them, Snivy outsmarted them and was victorious and won the spa hotel, butler and invincibility yet again.
In the end, we said bye-bye to the last girl on the show, Piplup. With four campers remaining, I guess we've only got a few more episodes to go but trust me, you won't want to miss em'. Especially this episode, right now, on Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song; in spa hotel)

Snivy: (eating some steak) Nothing satisfies me more than a filet mignon in the morning. Well, nothing except a million big ones.

Furfrou: So glad you enjoyed it.

Snivy: Yes, thank you very much Furfrou. Hmm, I think I'll go check on the three remaining losers. (Leaves)

(In confessional)
Snivy: If I wanna win, I need the others to turn on each other. Since they're too close friend-wise, I'll have to take another approach. I certainly can do it, after all I managed to turn Squirtle and Bulbasaur against each other and they were best friends before the show began!

(Outside of the cabins)

Chespin: So, you bored too?

Mudkip: Yeah. But I guess boredom beats a life threatening challenge.

Chespin: True. (Snivy walks up to them) What do you want?

Snivy: Nothing. I was just wondering where Cyndaquil was.

Mudkip: Oh, he went for a run to get rid of his excess energy. Hey, here he comes now. (Cyndaquil runs by and trips on a log but does a few flips in the air and lands on his feet)

Cyndaquil: Phew, that was kinda close.

Mudkip: (rushes over) Are you okay?

Cyndaquil: Yeah, I'm good.

Snivy: (to Chespin) Wow, Cyndaquil sure is athletic. I'd hate to go up against him in the finale. (Chespin's eyes widen)

(In confessional)
Chespin: Ugh! I hate it so much when Snivy makes a solid point! Cyndaquil is nice and all, but it's true, he'd beat us all in an obstacle course.

Mudkip: Here Cyndaquil, I'll go grab a potion to make sure your fine.

Snivy: (approaches Cyndaquil) Jeez, Mudkip's pretty smart. He'd outsmart any of us in the finale.

Cyndaquil: What are you trying to do? Make me turn on poor Mudkip?

Snivy: No, no, no. I'm just here to inform you:

Cyndaquil: (to himself) Well, I guess he has a point.

(In the cabins)

Mudkip: Gah! Where is that potion? (Snivy walks in)

Snivy: Hey Mudkip, I was thinking about the finale. I'd hate to go up against Chespin, aka Mr.Popular. Let's face it, if it comes down to a vote he'd obviously win.

Mudkip: (gasps) Well... I guess you do kinda have a point Snivy. (Looks nervous).

(In confessional)
Snivy: (laughs evilly) Perfect! My plan is falling in perfectly!

Raichu: (over the loud speaker) ATTENTION FINAL FOUR!!! For today's challenge meet me in the mess hall to begin.

Cyndaquil: He better be surprising us with a delicious breakfast or something.

(In the mess hall)

Raichu: Alright guys here is the problem. I was thinking to myself about new challenges and I kinda ran out of ideas. So here's what I'm gonna do, have YOU decide the next challenge.

Mudkip: Okay let's agree on something not dangerous.

Raichu: Whoa, whoa, whoa there Mudkip. I'll have to approve the challenges first. Here's a hint, all safe and easy and boring challenges won't be accepted.

Mudkip: Darn.

Raichu: Okay then. (Hands out slips of paper) Right down your challenge ideas and we will get started after you turn them in. (Everyone turns a slip in) Okay follow me outside for the first challenge.

(In confessional)
Mudkip: Honestly, I'm scared to see Snivy's challenge since his could end up being pretty brutal.

(Outside the mess hall)

Raichu: Okay guys, were gonna start with Mudkip's challenge, which was simply solving a puzzle. But sadly, that's not good TV, so you'll all be diffusing a stink bomb instead! (Everyone moans) Filled freshly with Stunky stink!

Chespin: So wait, you forgot to mention the rules for this challenge. Is it for immunity? Or can we get to chose who goes home? (Looks at Snivy)

Raichu: Oh shoot your right! At the end of each round you will receive points for how well you placed. Then at the end, whoever has the most points will receive immunity. Alrighty now, less talky more hurty. (Blows a whistle) GO! Get diffusing those stink bombs!

Mudkip: (panicking) Ah! Which wire do I cut?

Cyndaquil: No doubt one faulty choice will blow us up!

Chespin: There's only four minutes now! What do we do? (Looks over at Snivy) WHAT? YOU'RE DONE!!!

Snivy: It's child's play actually. Only an idiot would fail this challenge.

Mudkip: Um... Uh... I think I'm gonna cut the blue wire (bites it in half and his time stops) YES!

Cyndaquil. Way to go Mudkip! (He and Chespin cut their wires) Yes we did it!

Chespin: Um, well why do I still hear ticking?

Raichu: The stink bombs explode in five, four, three, (Cyndaquil quickly cuts a red wire, as does Chespin) two, one! (Chespin's blows up) AND THATS GAME!

Chespin: (gagging) Oh my god, this stink is so nasty.

Snivy: Well it suits you. You finally have your true scent, the scent of failure! (Laughs)

Cyndaquil: Wow. You have some serious issues to work out.

Raichu: Okay settle down guys. Snivy took first so that's four points for him. Three points for Mudkip. Two for Cyndaquil and a measly one point for Chespin! 

Chespin: (sarcastically) Great!

(In confessional)
Chespin: Of course Snivy is already winning! I need to make sure he goes down because if that doesn't happen Cyndaquil would go next, except he and Mudkip would vote me off and- (shakes his head) Okay Chespin, you're starting to spiral. Focus. As long as I win challenges I can't go home.

Raichu: Back into the mess hall for the next part!

Cyndaquil: Why didn't we just stay in there at the beginning?

Raichu: I needed some fresh air.

Snivy: (sarcastically) Yeah because Stunky scent is considered fresh.

(At the mess hall, everyone sits down)

Raichu: Okay, this challenge here is brought to you by Chespin. He wanted it to be a nut eating contest but nobody wants to watch that.

Chespin: I can think of quite a few people who'd like that.

Snivy: Okay name someone who's not you or part of your evolutionary line. (Chespin opens his mouth but can't think of anything to say) That's what I thought.

Raichu: (clears his throat loudly) HELLO!? I'm still talking up here! So we decided to grossify things a bit. You must eat a plate of Koffing's special Sludge flavored poffins and finish the fastest. Oh and if you barf? Automatic last place!

Mudkip: (stomach rumbles) Uh oh. I'm starting to feel a bit queasy already.

Koffing: (comes out and hands everyone some poffins) Okay campers! Y'all better enjoy these! It's took me a full ninety seconds to make these and I'm not getting that time of my life back!

Snivy: Um... okay? Your point?

Raichu: Both of you cram it. (Blows whistle) GO!!!

Chespin: (starts scarfing some down) This is so gross. But I need that first place.

Snivy: (takes a bite) Okay! Eww, gross. (Almost pukes)

Chespin: Looking kinda green Snivy.

Snivy: (rolls eyes) I always look green because I am green.

Cyndaquil: Okay only a few more left. (Swallows one whole and begins to choke) Mud. Kip. Help. (Mudkip doesn't notice)

Mudkip: (to himself) I can't eat this I'm gonna die. (Continues bickering to himself as Cyndaquil coughs out the poffin)

Cyndaquil: Air! Sweet air! I can't believe I almost died.

Snivy: Really? Because this show has almost killed us several times! (Continues eating)

Cyndaquil: Huh? You saw me choking! Why didn't you help?

Snivy: Hahaha. You really don't know me at all.

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: I always thought that deep down, everyone had a good side. Snivy proved me wrong.

Chespin: (finishes) BOOM! Yes all done!

Cyndaquil: (finishes) Me too! I'm done! (Looks towards Mudkip) Mudkip hurry!

Mudkip: I can't! I've got a very weak stomach!

Chespin: Don't let Snivy beat you!

Mudkip: (takes a bite) That wasn't so bad. No wait, it was way worse than bad. (Begins vomiting as Snivy finishes)

Raichu: Guess that does it for this round. Koffing, looks like you got some work to do.(Motions to the barf)

Koffing: I hate my life.

(Outside the mess hall)

Raichu: Okay revolting manners aside.

Mudkip: Ugh... It still hurts! (Pukes behind a bush as everyone winces) Okay I think I'm done...

Snivy: (mutters) Weakling.

Raichu: So Snivy still leads with 6 points. Then Cyndaquil and Chespin with 5 points each and last is vomit comet with 4 points.

Chespin: So who's challenge is next? Cyndaquil's or Snivy's?

Raichu: Would you please just let me get to it! Gosh, you guys need to learn a thing called patience. (Calms down) Next up is Cyndaquil's
challenge, and it's gonna be a tough one.

Cyndaquil: Um, okay I guess.

Snivy: Good thinking Raichu. Saving the best challenge for last.

(In confessional)
Snivy: All I have to do is do good on this challenge and I'll pretty much win. For my challenge, I picked something all the other losers would suck at so it's a guaranteed win.

Raichu: So Cyndaquil's challenge is an obstacle course!

Cyndaquil: But we just ate and we're gonna- (lightbulb goes off in his head) Oh, that's the point.

Raichu: Of course! I'm good with planning these things. First you will jump over several hurdles, then you must go up the rock climbing wall that hangs over a pit of sharks-

Snivy: Again with bringing in real animals?

Raichu: Yep. Continuing, you must crawl under some barbed wire and then finally jump across a rolling log.

Chespin: So that's all?

Raichu: Oh...

Chespin: NO! I take it back! I take it back!

Raichu: Since Chespin's not impressed, I guess I'll just add a dozen more rolling logs to the end!

Mudkip: Ugh! (Sarcastically) Nice going Chespin.

Snivy: Yeah.

Raichu: Oh, I forgot to add this. Each time you puke, you get five seconds added to your total time! So up first let's have Chespin!

Chespin: Why me?

Raichu: Why not?

Chespin: (sighs) There's no fighting this is there? (Takes his mark as Raichu blows the whistle. Chespin goes to jump over the first hurdle but falls flat on his face)

Snivy: (erupts in laughter) Can't wait to watch the replay of that.

Chespin: Grrr. (Gets over the remaining hurdles and starts climbing up the wall and turns around to talk) Ha! I'm doing better than you thought, huh Snivy.

Snivy: Think what you want to. (Uses Glare on Chespin and it paralyzes him and he falls into the shark pit)

Raichu: Ooh! That has to hurt bad. (Chespin gets up covered in bites and makes it past the wall and the barbed wires up ahead)

Chespin: (to himself) Okay, just a little more... (jumps onto the first log but struggles to balance. After he balances, he jumps over the rest and across the finish line) YES I DID- (starts puking a bit)

Raichu: Good thing you crossed the finish line before puking...

Mudkip: How is that a good thing?

Raichu: Moving on, Chespin's time is 3 minutes and 24 seconds. And since he puked after finishing no extra time will be added.

Snivy: It was still a pathetic run indeed.

Cyndaquil: (angrily) WOULD YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH FOR ONCE YOU JERK!!! (Everyone stares at him, Snivy's eyes widen with slight fear)

(In confessional)
Chespin: Well, that was out of character for Cyndaquil but I'm proud of him for it:

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: I'm usually nice but Snivy, man he's the worst person I've ever met. How did I not see this from day one! I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed after my over the top reaction. (Scratches his head a little embarrassed)

Raichu: Okay, big mouth Cyndaquil, calm down. Snivy you are up next.

Snivy: Let's just get this over with. (Begins and jumps over all hurdles perfectly and scales the wall with ease. Then he slowly makes it under the wires)

Raichu: Wow. He's making good time.

Snivy: Good. Just the logs to go! (Jumps on the first log but falls off as Chespin and Cyndaquil high five) Ugh, stupid losers. (Gets back up and struggles across the logs and finishes)

Raichu: Congrats on not puking and you made good time too. 1 minute and 16 seconds.

Mudkip: Yikes that's gonna be hard to beat.

Snivy: Sure is. (To Chespin) But Cyndaquil may beat me since he's so athletic. (Chespin grits his teeth a bit)

Raichu: Mudkip let's go!

Mudkip: (stomach rumbles) Ugh, my tummy's rumbling again. Can I go later? (Raichu blows whistle) Guess not. (Knocks down first few hurdles)

Cyndaquil: Come on Mudkip! I know you can do it!

Mudkip: Thanks Cyndaquil. (Knocks another hurdle down and pukes. Continues that pattern through the rest of the hurdles) Am I almost done?

Snivy: Not even close.

Mudkip: That's it I can go on anymore. (Starts puking rapidly)

Raichu: Okay, okay! You can stop! This much puking will hurt the ratings.

Cyndaquil: Guess I'm up.

Raichu: With Mudkip's time as incomplete, it means you gotta beat Snivy's time to win.

Cyndaquil: Should be kinda hard but I think I still can do it. (Begins and perfectly jumps over the hurdles. Climbs up the wall and then does a flip over it) Uh oh. Probably shouldn't have done that flip. (Barfs)

Mudkip: (From the side) Come on, you can let Snivy win!

Cyndaquil: Noted. (Continues under the barbed wire) Ahhh! I think I'm stuck! IM STUCK!!  (Takes a few deep breaths) Its okay, slow and steady. (Continues and quickly hops over the logs to the finish)

Raichu: Including one barfing penalty your time is... 1 minute and 7 seconds! That means Cyndaquil wins!

Cyndaquil: Yes!

Raichu: That puts Cyndaquil and Snivy both at 9 points. Chespin at 7 and Mudkip at 5. Sorry Mudkip, it's pretty much hopeless for you.

Mudkip: (sighs) Isn't it always.

Raichu: And last up is Snivy's challenge which is...

Snivy: A frightening contest. (Everyone looks at him confused) You heard me.

Raichu: Nobody calls it that but, you have to scare Koffing. Whoever frightens him the most wins and the others get ranked behind. I'll give you five minutes to prepare:

Mudkip: (to Cyndaquil) I've got a perfect idea on how to win, but since it's pretty much impossible for me, I want you to follow me.

(In the cabins)

Mudkip: Hold this for second.

Cyndaquil: So what exactly are we doing?

Mudkip: Just wait and see. All you have to do is a scary scream.

Cyndaquil: Okay. I think I can manage to do that.

(Back on the campgrounds)

Raichu: That's time competitors. (They all come back) Chespin, you're first.

Chespin: I've got an awesome plan. Prepare to lose guys. (Sneaks up on Koffing who is laying on a lounge chair under a tree. Chespin uses Pin Missle to break a branch of and it falls in front of him)

Raichu: Wow no reaction. That's worth a whopping zero points.

(In confessional)
Chespin: So yeah, that branch was suppose to hit Koffing but it missed so... yeah. Not my finest plan.

Raichu: Mudkip.

Mudkip: (walks up behind Koffing) (passionlessly) Boo.

Raichu: Weak. Another zero points. (Mudkip just smiles and walks off) Snivy, impress me.

Snivy: Oh you'll be impressed. (Scurries up the tree and rustles around. Koffing looks around and sees a silhouette of a knife in the tree)


Raichu: What? No! (Snivy squishes a Berry and it splashes all over Koffing and looks like blood.)

Koffing: AHHH!!! HECK NO! HECK NO!

Snivy: (appears) How was that.

Raichu: Impressive. Truly horrifying, but impressive nonetheless. Unless Cyndaquil beats you, which I highly doubt he can, I guess you win.

(In confessional)
Snivy: The knife silhouette you saw was actually just a part of my leaf tail, just in case you're curious.

Raichu: And that leaves Cyndaquil. Umm, where's Cyndaquil?  (A small hooded figure apears with a scythe and swings it at Raichu and Koffing) HOLLY Sh-

Koffing: (screaming) Run for your lives!

Mudkip: Why should we?

Cyndaquil: (takes off hood) It's only me guys.

Raichu: Wha-? But how did you? What did you?

Cyndaquil: This scythe is actually an old rod with a blackened banana tied to the top. You were just too scared to notice. That and it's pretty dark out.

Raichu: Phew. Glad that's over. I nearly had a heart attack. But, that makes Cyndaquil the winner of that challenge which also means he wins invincibility!

Cyndaquil: Woo whooo! (Does a flip)

Snivy: What!? No!? I clearly was better! That was just a dumb Halloween costume!

Raichu: Tell that to the voting booth my friend.

(In confessional)
Cyndaquil: Yes! I can't believe I won! I guess I owe thanks to Mudkip for helping me at the end so, thanks Mudkip!

(In confessional)
Chespin: This is the perfect chance to boot Snivy but, would that be the right choice? I hate him but there are other threats...

(At the campfire)

Raichu: You all voted. One of you will be eliminated, right here and miss out on one million big ones. (Drops the serious act) Man that must suck, to come so close and lose. (Chuckles a bit) Anyway the loser's not gonna be Cyndaquil. (Tosses him his pokepuff)

Cyndaquil: Mmm. Victory tastes so good.

Raichu: For dramatic effect, I'll read out the votes today. (Snivy rolls his eyes as Chespin moans) We have one vote for Chespin. (Snivy smiles) One vote for Snivy.

Mudkip: Ha! Better quit smiling now!

Raichu: And a vote for Mudkip. The last vote, and the Pokémon going home is...

(Snivy narrows his eyes and bites his lip. Chespin and Mudkip look nervous, Mudkip squeezing his eyes shut. Cyndaquil looks nervous as well, despite being safe)

Raichu: Snivy! Time to hit the catapult!

Chespin, Mudkip and Cyndaquil: YES!!!!

Snivy: What?! (Begins to start looking angry but the calms himself down) You know what? I guess I kinda expected this.

Chespin: Wow, I'm surprised you're taking this nice-


Chespin: (mumbling) Never mind.

Snivy: How could you boot me? I'm the best player in this game, no doubt. You wanna have the most boring finale? Fine! (Hops in the catapult) Just fire it. I can't wait to get away from these lose- (gets catapulted) ERRRSSS!!!

Chespin: See ya never Snivy! (To himself) Wow this feels good.

Mudkip: So wait, who voted for me then... (takes a look at the votes) Huh?

Raichu: (laughs) Okay you caught me, it was really just 1 vote for Chespin and 3 votes for Snivy. I just wanted some dramatic effect okay?

Cyndaquil: Classic Raichu.

Raichu: (clears throat) Tune in next week to see who advances to the finals! What will go down with only three left? How does everyone who's been booted feel about this elimination? That last answer is probably ecstatic but find out the other answers next time on Total Drama Pokémon!

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