Team Tower Takedown

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Raichu: Okay guys, I'm keeping this recap short. Last time on Total Drama Pokémon, we had a booming time with fireworks and a dizzying time jumping off a cliff. In the end of all that madness, Snivy came out on top and since he was immune, that left poor Chikorita to get the catapult ride outta here. Guess we'll never see her again... or will we? Find out right here, right now on Total Drama Pokémon!

(Theme song)

Raichu: (to camera) Hello viewers! As you can see I'm not on that lovely island of ours today. No, I'm at the other island with a deluxe resort! And who is here you may ask?

Tepig: (runs by) Alright! Lunch time! Lunch time! I'm gonna get a steak and burgers and fries.

Chimchar: Careful you don't explode Tepig.

Raichu: That's right, all our loser contestants!

Treecko: Who are you calling a loser? I'd rather be called winner-challenged.

Raichu: Okay, not happening. (Continues walking) Here, our losers get to kick back, relax and have fun until the finale goes down.

Litten: Seriously Raichu, this resort is amazing.

Fennekin: Yeah! Totally beats that crusty camp.

Litten: And an added bonus. Fennekin and I get to hang together. (They kiss)

Raichu: Awe, how sweet. Moving on, in addition to good food, contestants can also chill in the pool. (Froakie backstrokes by as Turtwig swims along. Totodile and Popplio sit at a swim up bar)

Totodile: Another glorious day today huh?

Popplio: Yeah, I'd say its good but it's just a bit to Samur-Hot! (They both laugh)

Totodile: How do you keep coming up with these?

Popplio: Eh, they just come to me.

Froakie: Would you guys keep it down a bit. I'm trying to relax.

Turtwig: Oh come on Froakie, it's fine.

Froakie: No it's not, I should be on the show still. The only good thing is that (loudly) Squirtle lost!

Squirtle: I can hear you!!!

Bulbasaur: Just ignore him. I brought you a juice box.

Squirtle: Hey thanks. (Puts on Squirtle Squad sunglasses and sits in a lounge chair)

Rowlet: Oh Bulbasaur there you are! Wanna come take a swim with me?

Bulbasaur: Um, maybe later. (Rowlet begins to chase Bulbasaur) Oh god no, stay AWAY FROM ME! (Jumps in the pool and splashes Torchic)

Torchic: Gah! Don't splash me Bulbasaur!

Raichu: Okay losers, gather ground the buffet for a special announcement.

(By the buffet table)

Treecko: This better be good.

Torchic: Yeah, I was trying to sun bathe.

Raichu: So hears the dealeo.

Popplio: Do you mean the Sealeo? (High hives Totodile)

Raichu: We are down to six players in the game, and for this next challenge, I need one Pokémon to volunteer to help out one of the final six members.

Chikorita: OOH! I volunteer to be Chespin's partner! I miss him so much!

Fennekin: Haven't you only been here for like a day.

Chikorita: Well yeah, but how did you feel when you were without Litten?

Fennekin: You do have a point. (Kisses Litten)

Turtwig: I'll be Piplup's partner!

Chimchar: I'll help Cyndaquil. I need to make it up to him for that challenge early on in game.

Raichu: Okay, anyone wanna help Charmander? (Nobody says a thing) Anyone?

Tepig: (takes a break from eating) Oh, I guess I'll help out Charmander.

Squirtle: I'll be Mudkip's assistant.

Bulbasaur: What? You can't leave me with Rowlet!

Squirtle: Sorry buddy, but I think Mudkip needs my help.

Treecko: And since nobody else is about to, I guess I'll have to be Snivy's partner.

Raichu: Done, all volunteers follow me. The rest of you, carry on.

(In the mess hall)

Cyndaquil: (stomach growls) Okay, I'm gonna have to win the next challenge or I may starve to death.

Charmander: Same here. (Chespin begins to eat, while glaring at Snivy)

Snivy: You trying to paralyze me or something Chespin? (Chespin ignores) What a loser.

Chespin: Let me say this, I have never despised someone more in my entire life.

Snivy: Great! Now I feel so special. It's not my fault I'm good at this game.

Chespin: You're not good, you're a jerk and jerks never win in the end.

Snivy: Oh yeah? Just watch me.

(In confessional)
Chespin: I miss Chikorita so much but I have to put my feelings of depression aside if I wanna be sure to beat Snivy.

(Chespin and Snivy get up as Mudkip and Piplup sit down)

Piplup: Geez, they at it again? (Cyndaquil nods)

Mudkip: I don't think I've seen this side of Chespin before.

Piplup: Well, he's out for revenge now, but so am I. (Glares at Charmander)

Charmander: Oh please don't tell me your still mad about two challenges ago!

Piplup: Fine then I won't. And for the record it was three challenges ago.

Charmander: Pfft. Whatever.

Raichu: (Enters the mess hall) Hello final six! Snivy what are you doing here?

Snivy: I finished my breakfast at the spa hotel and thought I'd come check on the losers here.

Raichu: Okay then, so for this challenge it will be a TEAM CHALLENGE!

Charmander: Good because I call Cyndaquil!

Raichu: That's not how it works. Your partners have already volunteered to help you. Chespin's partner come in here!

Chikorita: (happily) CHESPIN!!! (Tackles him and gives him a big hug) I missed you so much.

Chespin: (smiles) Chikorita? I just can't believe your back. I'm elated.

Raichu: Yeah well it's only for today. Piplup's partner...

Piplup: (crosses her fingers) Please don't be Popplio. Don't be Popplio!

Raichu: It's Turtwig!

Piplup: Yes!

Turtwig: Hey Pipilup! (Runs over to her)

Chimchar (walks in) I didn't feel like waiting for my cue so...

Charmander: Ugh! What are you doing here loser?

Chimchar: I'm here to be Cyndaquil's partner. I wanna make up for the troubles I caused him before.

Cyndaquil: Well that's awfully nice.

Tepig: (comes in) And I'm your partner Charmander. Hey do you have any leftovers?

(In confessional)
Charmander: UGH!! Why Tepig? He was the first out! Really, nobody else wanted to be my partner?

Raichu: Okay just forget this. Squirtle and Treecko get in here.

Mudkip: Squirtle!

Squirtle: Hey Mudkip! I came to help out if that's alright with you.

Snivy: Glad to see I'm someone's favorite to win.

Treecko: Yep, no matter what we are still pals. (Fist bumps him)

Raichu: Okay everyone over to the docks. We are sailing to the other island. We tore down the medieval castle from earlier in the season for this next challenge.

(On the island in front of a enormous tower)

Mudkip; Woah. That's sure does look intimidating.

Chespin: You got that right.

Raichu: Okay, so the goal is to reach the top of the tower and ring the bell first! Winner wins a special prize, they will get to chose two campers to put up for elimination and everyone will only be able to vote for those two.
(Everyone gasps) and their partner wins a gift card to Koffing's new restaurant.

Everyone: Ugh!

Tepig: Mmm-mmm! Sounds great.

Raichu: Okay... Moving on, there are three levels to clear but before you go in you must successfully answer a trivia question. I'll space out the time when I ask them but once you get one right, start climbing the tower stairs to level one.

(Everyone takes their marks at the buzzers)

Chikorita: We gotta beat Snivy and Treecko.

Chespin: Definitely.

Cyndaquil: Good luck Mudkip, you too Charmander.

Charmander: Seriously Cyndaquil, you're supposed to me my right hand man not Mudkip's. Quit being nice and focus on us winning.

Chimchar: Hey. Shut up! Don't talk to him that way or you'll have something coming your way!

(In confessional)
Chimchar: I figured since Cyndaquil isn't the most feared competitor I could work as some sort of bodyguard for him today. And to ensure Charmander loses.

Raichu: Okay first question, name ANY Pokémon that made a quest appearance on this show.

Charmander: (buzzes in) Okay wait... just let me think...

Raichu: Times up! (Turtwig buzzes in) Yes, Turtwig?

Turtwig: Sabrina's Kadabra appeared during the fear challenge.

Raichu: That's correct! You guys are clear to take on the tower.

Piplup: Alright Turtwig! Nice job. And I just wanna say I really appreciate you helping me out.

Turtwig: Hey, it's no big deal to me. (They leave)

Raichu: Next question, which competitor is allergic to paprika?

Charmander: Who the hell would know that?

Mudkip: I would. (Buzzes in) Its Piplup.

Raichu: Correct. Get going you two.

Squirtle: Woo whooo, let's go!

(Level one of the tower)

Piplup: Phew. We finally made it up all those stairs. (They walk into level one) Lasers!? Is he for real?

Turtwig: Hmm, he wouldn't really kill us because of lawsuits so I bet these are just stunning lasers.

Piplup: Okay, if you say so. (Begins to crawl under a laser, as does Turtwig)

Squirtle: (arrives with Mudkip) No biggy. We got this.

(Back in front of the tower)

Raichu: That answer's correct!

Cyndaquil: Alright! If we hurry, we can still catch up to Treecko and Snivy. (Chimchar and Cyndaquil leave)

Raichu: Okay only two pairs left. Who was afraid of roller coasters?

Tepig: Ooh I know it! (Is about to buzz in when Charmander stops him)

Charmander: Hold on, I got this. (Chespin buzzes in)

Chespin: It was Cyndaquil.

Raichu: Yep! (They run off) That just leaves you Charmander. Better hurry and get this question right. Who was the contestant second to be voted out.

Charmander: Umm...

Tepig: Rowlet! Come on I won't quit helping you yet. (They leave)

(Level one of the tower)

Snivy: Just stay low to the ground. We're thin enough to slowly slide under.

Treecko: You don't have to tell me twice.

Cyndaquil: (arrives) Yikes. How to tackle this challenge...

Chimchar: Hey your sort of athletic if I remember? Just follow my lead. (Starts flipping past the lasers and Cyndaquil follows everyone stares at them in amazement)

Cyndaquil: Oh my gosh we made it. I didn't know I could do that many flips.

Chimchar: You just gotta fully believe in yourself. As they say no risk, no reward.

Chikorita: Wow, they were good.

Chespin: Don't expect me to do that. (Laughs)

Snivy: Yeah because that'd be impossible.

Chikorita: Chespin, let me handle this. (Throws a pebble at Snivy and he loses his balance and gets hit by a laser)

Snivy: OWWWW!

Chikorita: That's what you get. Hopefully that will teach you not to be so mean.

Piplup: Nice one Chikorita. (Gets past the final laser) Yes I made it! C'mon Turtwig you're holding me up.

Turtwig: Sorry, I'm gonna have to try and jump for this one. (Jumps but wobbles all over but still makes it across) Phew.

Piplup: You sure are lucky.

Turtwig: Ever since I got my good luck charm. (Holds up the Piplup medalion and she smiles)
Did you know that some legendaries take years to hatch from an egg... (they leave the first zone and Charmander and Tepig arrive)

Charmander: Alright, we got this.

Mudkip: Squirtle I've almost made it are you close? (Turns around to see him at the beginning) Oh...

Squirtle: Sorry, I'm just terrified. There's no way I'm gonna fit!

Mudkip: Hey I got it! Just get in your shell.

Squirtle: Why didn't I think of that? (Gets in his shell and spins underneath the lasers in a few seconds) Alright!

Mudkip: Come on let's get going. (They leave level one)

Treecko: Guess this isn't working out too well for us.

Snivy: Just keep crawling. We're almost there.

Chespin: (helps Chikorita over a laser) Just a little more Chikorita.

(At level 2)

Cyndaquil: Sweet! First ones to level two!

Chimchar: It looks like some sort of sand pit. What the heck are we supposed to do?

Cyndaquil: I don't know. (Turtwig and Piplup arrive)

Turtwig: Hey look, there's a sign over there.

Piplup: It says dig in the sand to find an evolution stone. Okay, let's go! (They begin to start digging as Mudkip and Squirtle arrive too)

(At level one)

Snivy: Phew. We made it. Let's hurry! Chespin's pretty close behind.

Chespin: You can do it Chikorita just jump over that laser. (She barely does it)

Chikorita: I feel bad. I'm here to help you not slow you down.

Chespin: Trust me, I'm glad your here with me. (They leave)

Charmander: (finishes) Yes I made it! Hurry up Tepig your destroying my chance at immunity.

Tepig: Sorry Charmander. I'm doing my best here.

Charmander Well do better. (Tepig finishes) Good.

Tepig: (to himself) We could have gone faster if we actually worked together.

(At level two)

Squirtle: Ugh. This is the third hard stone we found! Stupid wannabe evolution stone.

Mudkip: Don't give up, we still can find one..

Turtwig: Okay Piplup we're looking for stones of that are either water, fire, thunder, leaf, moon-

Piplup: What about sun? (Holds up a sun stone)

Turtwig: Yeah that'll work! (They head for level three)

Chimchar: Uh! There goes the lead. (The others arrive)

Snivy: (spots a stone coming out of the sand) Ha! Way too easy.

Chespin: I see one! (Chespin and Snivy grab the same stone) Hey let go!

Snivy: No you let it go you thief. I had it first!

Chespin: Um no you didn't! (The stone flings away and lands in Tepig's hands)

Tepig: Hey Charmander. I got one.

Charmander: Wait seriously? (Sees the stone) Aha oh yeah! Yes I can still win this!

Cyndaquil: I got one Chimchar. Let's get going.

Chespin: Sorry, I lost the stone Chikorita.

Chikorita: Don't worry, because I found one. (Shows it to Chespin) Now let's win this thing for you.

Snivy: Boo!!!

Treecko: Come on, don't lose focus of the challenge.

Squirtle: (To Mudkip) Just curious how the heck is Snivy still in this game?

Mudkip: (eyes widen) I really have no idea.

(At level three)

Piplup: (panting) We finally made it. What's it look like up ahead?

Turtwig: Ma-ma-ma...

Piplup: Okay just spit it out!

Turtwig: It's MEWTWO AGAIN! (Turtwig jumps into Piplup's arms)

Mewtwo: That right, I'm the final test. Show me what you've got! (Charmander, Cyndaquil and their partners arrive)

Tepig: Oh my golly gosh.

Cyndaquil: (gulps) Why this again?

Chimchar: I'll be able to beat him way before you Charmander.

Charmander: In your dreams loser! You were the fourth eliminated and I'm in the final six.

Chimchar: So? That doesn't mean anything? (Charmander laughs at him)

(At level two)

Treecko: Look! A fire stone! (Grabs it) Let's go! If Chespin wins you are a goner.

Snivy: Unfortunately that's most likely the truth. So yeah, you got that right.

Mudkip: Hey Squirtle can I ask you something?

Squirtle: Sure.

Mudkip: Well it's just that-

Squirtle: I found an ice stone Mudkip! Your not done yet, just ask me later k? (Grabs Mudkip and they run)

(At level three)

Piplup: Okay Turtwig now! (They use Bubblebeam and Razor Leaf)

Mewtwo: Ha! Truly pathetic! (Sends their attacks back at them)

Chimchar: Hey Charmander, how strong is my flame wheel? (Uses it on him)

Charmander: Oh, your asking for it bub. (Sends a flamethrower his way)

Cyndaquil: Um guys, aren't we supposed to be fighting Mewtwo?

Tepig: Yeah, I wanna win that gift card!

Charmander: Just stay out of it Tepig! (Chespin and Chikorita arrive)

Chikorita: Oh darn.

Chespin: Hey who needs to win anyway? (Begins to walk down the stairs)

Chikorita: You do! Come on, I know this looks pretty scary but if anyone can do it it's you!

Chespin: Are you insane?

Chikorita: Yes. Insanely in love to do this together. (Grabs him and uses Razor Leaf) Hey Mewtwo come and get us! (He uses Psystrike but Chespin protects them with spiky shield. Then Chespin uses Pin Missle and Chikorita uses Razor Leaf again and it hits Mewtwo)

Mewtwo: Impressive. Your power has grown since before, you may pass.

Chespin: Alright!

Chikorita: I knew you could do it.

Chespin: Thanks for believing in me. (kisses her on the cheek)

Turtwig: Okay he's distracted now! (Piplup and Turtwig combine their Bubble Beam and Energy Ball Attacks to create a huge explosion on Mewtwo)

Mewtwo: (dazed a but) You two pass also!

Piplup: (jumps in the air) Alright! Hurry Turtwig. (They leave)

Chespin: Ugh oh, they passed us let's hurry! (Chikorita and him also leave)

Mewtwo: (hits Tepig and Cyndaquil) You are still as weak as before and you aren't even on the same team. Get your partners head in the game if you wanna pass.

(The remaining competitors arrive)

Treecko: Ugh. Not this whole Mewtwo thing again.

Mudkip: Guys duck! (A shadow ball is hurled their way)

(At the top)

Raichu: (sipping on a soda pop) Ahhh! So relaxing. (Hears something) Looks like we got someone coming!

Chespin: Okay, a few more steps! (Reaches the top) Yes!

Raichu: Gotta ring the bell to win.

Chespin: Oh, right. (He and Chikorita ring the bell followed by Piplup and Turtwig)

Piplup: Eh, second place isn't so bad.

Raichu: (over the intercom) AND WE HAVE A WINNER!!!

Turtwig: Seriously we are right next to you! Well then again, others aren't...

(In confessional)
Piplup: Seriously Raichu? I think I can't hear out of my left ear anymore.

(At level three)

Snivy: Crap. Well better just give up.

Raichu: (over intercom) Well I forgot to mention something, last one up has to clean all the toilets! And FYI everyone's getting beans tonight.

Snivy: Okay hurry, hurry!!! (Uses leaf tornado and Treecko uses pound. Mudkip and Squirtle also attack Mewtwo several times)

Mewtwo: Decent enough you two may go.

Charmander: Well take this Chimchar! (Tackles him)

Cyndaquil: OKAY ENOUGH!!!

(In confessional)
Tepig: Wow. I don't think I've ever heard Cyndaquil yell before.

Cyndaquil: You two have to stop acting like children. Chimchar you said you wanted to help me win, or was it you just wanted Charmander to lose.

Chimchar: Well... it was kinda both. But point taken. Take this! (Uses Fury Swipes on Mewtwo)

Cyndaquil: Finally we're getting somewhere. (Attacks Mewtwo too)

Mewtwo: Excellent you too.

Charmander: Come on Tepig help me out!

Tepig: I am!

Mewtwo: Weak.

Charmander: Weak? I'll show you weak? (Uses Fire Blast and burns Mewtwo)

Mewtwo: Okay, now I'm a bit impressed. Go.

(At the top)

Raichu: And here come Squirtle and Mudkip in third!

Mudkip:  Oh yeah! Thanks for your help today Squirtle.

Squirtle: It was no problem. I owed you.

Raichu: And Snivy and Treecko take fourth.

Snivy: (approached Chespin) You better not tell me you won.

Chespin: Okay then, I won't.

(In confessional)
Snivy: ARE YOU (swears) KIDDING ME? (Continues to swear)

Raichu: And fifth goes to... Cyndaquil and Chimchar!

Chimchar: Phewf, we made it.

Raichu: And last place is Charmander and Tepig.

Charmander: What? (Glares at Tepig)

Tepig: Hey I tried my best!

Chimchar: (to Charmander) And don't be ridiculous, it wasn't even his fault you lost. It was your own!

Raichu: (clears throat) As the winner, Chikorita here's your gift card.

Chikorita: Um... thanks? (Goes over and gives it to Tepig) Here, why don't you have it Tepig.

Tepig: Really? Oh my gosh thank you so much!
(Gives her a hug)

(A helicopter hovers by)

Raichu: Whelp, looks like the losers' ride is here. (They enter the plane)

Chikorita: Bye Chespin! Best of luck!

Turtwig: See you later Piplup.

Squirtle: Stay strong Mudkip and win this for us. (The helicopter departs)

(At the elimination ceremony)

Raichu: Chespin, as the winner, which two campers will go up for elimination?

Chespin: Snivy and Charmander.

Raichu; Okay everyone else can vote and go get their pokepuffs.

(In voting both)

Snivy: I hate Chespin so much but I have to vote Charmander. I mean, what choice do I have?

Chespin: Bye Snivy! Hopefully see you never!

Mudkip: Who to vote for? Who to vote for? (Votes Charmander then exits)

(At the bonfire)

Raichu: Tonight I'm going to read the votes. We have one vote for Snivy, and another one for Snivy. (Pulls out more votes) A vote for Charmander, wait make that two votes! (Pulls out the final two votes) A third for Charmander and.... a third for Snivy! We have a tie.

Snivy: (pissed) So now what?

Raichu: A tiebreaker of course!!! For this tiebreaker, each of you must duel on top of a platform. Whoever falls off gets hurled, got it? (They take their positions) BEGIN!

(On top of the platform)

Charmander: You are so going down. I'm way stronger than you.

Snivy: Oh yeah? We'll just have to see about that...

Charmander: (swings at Snivy but he blocks) Ha! I'm too strong for you! Just give up.

Snivy: Fine by me. (Steps to the side and Charmander falls forward on his face) Nice knowing you, sucker. (Whacks him and sends him flying off)

Raichu: And Snivy is the winner! That was quick.

Charmander: Ugh! Crap!

(At the catapult)

Raichu; Like to say anything before you get hurled?

Charmander: Yeah, I'd like to say this was totally unfair and I deserved the money.

Piplup: Well you lost fair and square. Now get outta here you bother.

Charmander: Whatever. At least now I don't have to clean the toilets.

Cyndaquil: Good-Bye Charmander. It was nice getting to meet you.

Charmander: Who cares. Friendship is not worth a million- (gets catapulted) BUCKSSS!!!'

Raichu: And with that, we are down to five. Who will make it to the final four? What other tricks does Snivy have up his sleeves? And lastly, will anyone ever survive to win? Because, let's face it, these next final few challenges are go-ood! Find out what goes down, next time on Total Drama Pokémon!

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