Welcome Campers!

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Raichu: Hello, and welcome to the best new show in all the universe. I'm your host, Raichu. And this is Total Drama Pokemon! Here on Total Drama Pokemon, contestants will compete in life threatening challenges for the ultimate prize, 1 million dollars! They'll have to use their brawn, their wits, and make alliances to win. Without further ado, here are the contestants! FYI, I will tell if they are a boy or a girl since Pokemon can be different genders, but look the same. First off, from Kanto, welcome Bulbasaur, Squirtle and Charmander!

(They arrive on a boat)

Squirtle: Wow guys this is so cool! I never thought we'd be here.

Bulbasaur: Yeah Squirtle, I just hope it doesn't get too violent.

Charmander: Well this type of show is violent, and I'm ready so bring on the physical challenges (pretends to shadowbox)

Squirtle: We probably have to wait for the other guys to arrive though. (Charmander looks at Squirtle with a slight glare)

Raichu: Next up we have the Johto starters, Totodile, Chikorita and Cyndaquil. Chikorita is a girl, the others are boys. From now on I'll just say if they are a girl since there are mostly boys competing here.

Bulbasaur: Okay, yeah cuz we're all boys.

Raichu: (to Bulbasaur) Shut it! Don't make me thunderbolt you! Anywho, yeah, Chikorita is a girl.

Chikorita: (giggles) Yeah, I'm a girl.

Totodile: Hi guys! (Jumping up and down) I'm so excited! Can't wait to make new friends.

Cyndaquil: (goes over to Charmander) Hi, I'm Cyndaquil. Nice to meet you. (Charmander ignores Cyndaquil)

Raichu: From Hoenn, please welcome Torchic, Mudkip, And Treecko! Torchic is a girl.

(They exit the boat but Treecko just quickly runs by everyone and stands in the back)

Torchic: Hello, I'm Torchic. Yes, the same Torchic from my countless Pokemon Showcase performances,

Totodile: (runs over to Torchic) Wow. I'm a big fan, I only saw you that one time, but you did pretty good!

Torchic: That's sweet but I don't really like water types so could you please take a few steps back. (Totodile frowns and does as he's told)

Mudkip: (dragging a bunch of stuff) Hey, do any of you guys mind helping me? (Squirtle and Bulbasaur rush over to help) Thanks!

Squirtle: No problem Mudkip! Wow you sure have a lot of stuff here, what is it?

Mudkip: I think it's more a question of what isn't it. (Sheepishly laughs a little)

Raichu: Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup, welcome. Piplup is a girl and you guys are from the Sinnoh region, right?

Piplup: Yep, the best region there is! I'm very proud of that!

Turtwig: Yeah, it's pretty awesome. It introduced many new Pokemon like Starly, Shinx, Palkia, Dialga... (Turtwig continues rambling on)

Chimchar: (does a few flips and then lands) Yes! Perfect landing.

Cyndaquil: Wow! Those were some awesome flips. How'd you learn to do that?

Chimchar: My big brother Infernape taught me. He's a professional acrobat and a wicked good fighter too!

Raichu: Unova is the next region, so here are Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott.

Tepig: (sniffing) Mmm. I can't wait for the yummy food! I can smell it already!

Chikorita: Oh, I was using sweet scent, so that's probably me, sorry.

Snivy: I hope you all aren't getting comfortable here because I came to win. (Walks by with his head held high)

Oshawott: Um... Hi. (Shyly waves)

Raichu: Next up are the Kalos starters, Froakie, Chespin and Fennekin, who is a girl.

Chespin: Hi everyone I'm Chespin! (Goes over to Chikorita and Bulbasuar) Nice to meet you guys!

Froakie: (stands next to Oshawott) Hi, nice to meet you. You excited for some of these dangerous and sweet challenges?

Oshawott: D-d-dangerous? Um, I gotta go. (Runs off. Froakie just shrugs)

Fennekin: Wait a minute. This isn't the deluxe resort my parents told me I was going to!

Charmander: Ha! Looks like you got lied to.

Fennekin: Gosh darn it! I can already tell I hate this place!

Raichu: Good! And our last few guys are pretty new. From the Alola region we have Litten, Popplio, and Rowlet. Rowlet is a girl.

Rowlet: (Flys of the boat) I'm so glad to be here Raichu! I can't wait to meet some cute boys.

Litten: (to Popplio) You got all my colored graffiti spray cans right? (Popplio nods) Sweet. Thanks for helping carry my stuff.

Popplio: Hey guys, wets up? (Starts laughing) Get it? Cuz I'm a water type! (Gives Litten his stuff and stands next to Piplup)

Piplup: So are you like a clown or a comedian?

Popplio: Kinda a little of both. I'm the headliner comedian at my family's circus in Alola.

Raichu: Alrighty then that's everybody! Now then, let's move on. Enough chit chat! Follow me for a brief tour of the island!

(At campfire)

Raichu: This is the location were we hold the Pokepuff Ceremony. As you know this game starts of with teams. If your team loses the challenge you come here and must vote off a player. If you don't get a treat that means you are out and you lose your chance at winning.

Turtwig: Ooh, I hope they have chocolate pokepuffs. I can't wait till I end up here.

Chespin: Um, I think you maybe wanna try not to end up here.

Turtwig: Oh right, that would mean my team loses...

(In the mess hall)

Raichu: This is the mess hall, where you will enjoy meals.

Tepig: Sweet! Can't wait for supper! What's the chef making?

Raichu: Why don't you ask him? Introducing our chef, Koffing.

Koffing: Today's food will be sewage soup and cardboard crackers. (Everyone looks disgusted and Torchic pukes)

(By the cabins)

Raichu: Lastly, these are the cabins. The teams that place 2nd and 3rd after the days challenges stay here,

Piplup: Well where to the winners stay? I'm never gonna be on one of the losing teams.

Chimchar: Piplup, just move your head a little to the left.

Piplup: (looks to the left to see a spa hotel) Yep, that's the place. (Stares at it)

Mudkip: Awesome! I'll be able to relax there! No offense but those cabins looks really unsafe,

Rowlet: Wow Mudkip your very observant. (Snaps out of it) Yeah, is that even legal?

Raichu: Sure is! And now for the next order of business... Teams! It's pretty simple, we will be having teams based on types.

Snivy: Our types? Seriously?

Raichu: Yep, it'll be Team Grass versus Team Fire versus Team Water! We figured it'd be easier to remember that way. So now, get to know your team!

(At Team Fire)

Cyndaquil: So guys, maybe we should tell a little bit about ourselves first?

Charmander: Before that we need a team leader, and I nominate myself.

Torchic: Fine by me. I'd wanna be in charge but it seems like too much work.

Chimchar: I think I'd make a good leader! I'm nice, strong, quick, smart-

Charmander: Well my big brother is Charizard! CHARIZARD! As in one of the strongest and most well known Pokemon ever! It's pretty obvious that I should be the big shot leader of the team. (Charmander and Chimchar start arguing)

Litten: (using spray cans) (to Fennekin) Hey I could give you a cool spray tattoo if you'd like. Pick anything.

Fennekin: Um, no thanks? What are you some type of vandal?

Litten: Vandel, artist, whatever you wanna say.

(At Team Grass)

Rowlet: (to Chikorita) So, who do you think is cute on our team?

Chikorita: Well I don't really think I know them well enough to-

Rowlet: I've narrowed my choices down to Bulbasaur, Treecko, Turtwig, Snivy and Chespin.

Chikorita: Yeah that's kinda the entire team.

Snivy: (to Treecko) I've noticed you're awfully quiet, frankly don't think you've uttered a single word yet, and you know what I like it. I can tell you take this seriously, wanna form an alliance?

Treecko: Hmm. I'll think about it.

Snivy: Okay then, later. (Leaves)

(At Team Water)

Totodile: (laughing) LOL! Popplio your jokes are so funny!

Popplio: You think so?

Piplup: (looking miserable and mumbling to herself) Ugh, they are so annoying. They are so loud!

Mudkip: (to Oshawott, Froakie, and Squirtle) What do you guys think the first challenge is gonna be?

Squirtle: Interesting question, but I have no idea.

Oshawott: I hope it isn't gonna be that tough or scary.

Froakie: Don't worry, your friends are here. Plus, I'm really athletic so if it's a hard challenge I got it.

Raichu: Alrighty campers your first challenge will be tomorrow, so get some shut eye.

Chespin: Which team gets to sleep in the spa hotel? There are only two cabins.

Raichu: Okay fine, I will let everyone stay in the spa hotel tonight.

Everyone: Woo whoo!

Raichu: Wait I almost forgot. This is the confessional (motions to the confessional) This is where you guys can share your innermost thoughts. You can also just get something off you're chest or let everyone at home know what you're thinking. Now, goodnight everybody.

Piplup: The spa hotel is amazing! But do you know what would be better? One million dollars! And I'm gonna win it.

Bulbasaur: My teams cool and all, but I miss Squirtle.

Squirtle: (sighs) I wish I was with Bulbasaur.

Torchic: (loudly sighs) Okay I admit it. I'm not really a big shot celebrity, I just did one contest. At least I have one fan.
(End confessional)

Popplio: Okay what did the Arabian prince ask the princess? Wanna go on a magikarp-et ride? (Laughs hysterically)

Chimchar: I think Charmander's my biggest competition. Good thing we're on the same team!

Snivy: Hmph. I don't think this shows gonna be as challenging as I thought. All these losers are gonna go down easily.

Raichu: There you have it for our brief introduction episode to the show. What will be the first challenge? Who's gonna be eliminated? Only one way to find out! Tune in next episode for even more drama on Total Drama Pokemon!!!

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