On The Run

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Raichu: Last time on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars, we had our season annual dig on the beach! Everyone was searching for keys to open a chest that would dictate what team they were put on this season. While not much happened due to the sheer chaos of it all, we DID finally form our teams for the season. They are the Enraged Enteis, the Surreal Suicunes, and the Reckless Raikous! Thirteen members on each team left us with one chick who was left out, and that was none other than Torchic, who foolishly waited around for someone to do the challenge for her. Spoiler alert, NOBODY WANTED TO! DUH! So she ended up being the first boot of our All Star season. Fitting as she's more of a flop star than an all star. Anywho, today we've once again got something a little unorthodox planned. What exactly will it be? Find out right here on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

(Theme song; In front of the cabins)

Alcremie: That was sooo scary yesterday, I legit thought I was gonna be eliminated already.

Fidough: Oh my gosh that would've been awful! I mean you did already win a million, so maybe you'd have been fine-

Alcremie: Hey! Nice to know you wouldn't mind me not being here, but I guess that's the reality sorta as we are on different teams.

Fidough: Hey wait that's not fair I didn't mean it like- (Alcremie smirks) Oh you're joking phew. Heh. But yeah it sucks we are on different teams, but it should be fine.

Buizel: (walks over) Hey Fidough, come on over here with me, our team's trying to have a group meeting.

Fidough: Oh sorry I didn't know. (To Alcremie) See you later. (Leaves)

Alcremie: (to herself) I guess at least Spheal is on my team and he's pretty nice. (Sees Spheal walk by) Oh there he is I'll- (notices he's talking to Chespin)

Spheal: I'm like soooo excited to get to be on the same team with you! It's gonna be great!

Chespin: Ha yeah I look forward to working with you man. It's crazy to think about how we got to get here you know?

Spheal: TOTALLY!! Oh and P.S., I'll for sure help you vote off Snivy the first time we lose.

Chespin: Straight up? (Fist bumps Spheal) That'd be awesome.

(In confessional)
Alcremie: I guess I forgot how Total Drama Pokemon obsessed Spheal is. I mean he is a devout fan of the show. It makes sense he wants to befriend the OG contestants, and I can't blame him. Guess I'm going it alone for a bit... it's just... ugh I wish I was better at making friends. (Facepalms)

(At the Reckless Raikous team meeting)

Buizel: Alright team so I think we should have a team captain, and it should be me!

Flaaffy: Oh come on Buizel, you know it should be me.

Buizel: Really? Who won the Rhydonculous Race, was it you? Oh wait no! It was me! (Smirks)

Flaaffy: Who knocked you out with a Thunder Punch? Oh wait that was me- (readies a Thunder Punch when Buneary stops them)

Buneary: Okay you two enough! Before you end up tearing each other apart over nothing.

Bulbasaur: Why do teams always start with suggesting a leader? I mean, we all know it never works out in the end.

Chikorita: Yeah I gotta agree with Bulbasaur on this one.

Bellossom: Maybe we should try to get to know each other better? Just get better acquainted and all. (Pauses). Hey Buneary did you wanna go first?

Flaaffy: Wow, wanting to get her to spill her weaknesses are you? Nice try.

Bellossom: Wh-what? No! What are you even- why would you-

(In confessional)
Treecko: Yeah Buneary and Flaaffy REALLY seem to have it out for Bellossom. They must be so dumb they have it twisted in their heads that she's some kind of jerk? Yeah I'm not gonna let them slander her character. I'm gonna try and take them out as fast as possible.

Cubchoo: Wow um... it seems like there's some sort of tension going on...

Treecko: It's not a big deal. People need to get over themselves that's all.

Sandshrew: Fair enough. (Pauses) So... meeting adjourned?

(In the dining hall; the Enraged Enteis gather to eat)

Scorbunny: What the H-E-double hockey sticks is this? (Motions to the food) What even WAS this it's just burnt to a crisp and completely black!

Togedemaru: I know right, it's usually gross paste. Never thought I'd prefer that to something but- (takes a bite and spits it out) Yup, that's nasty alright.

Lycanroc: I wonder what happened, think there's a new chef? (As he says that someone walks out in a chef hat)

Fuecoco: Yayayay I make breakfast hahaha! Hope you all om nom nom it! Hehehe! (Runs back into the kitchen)

Quaxly: Well that explains it.

Grookey: Whelp... guess we gotta choke it down...

Charmander: (stands up) Whatever, I'm outta here. (Walks by Cyndaquil and taps him). Got a sec? (The two head outside) Hey so I was thinking, how about getting the old Fire type gang together again?

Cyndaquil: Oh you mean our team from season one?

Charmander: Precisely! You, me and Litten were always a wicked squad,  and I know I may be rough around the edges a bit but we balance each other out nicely in that regard.

Cyndaquil: Yeah that is true. I do trust you Charmander, and I think of you as a friend. I just have one condition.

Charmander: Sure, what is it?

Cyndaquil: Can we have Mudkip join us?

(In confessional)
Charmander: Three's a good number to work with. Four might put us over the top into threat territory. Plus Mudkip is major dead weight... (thinks) Guess I'm gonna have to compromise though.

Charmander: I'll tell you what, I kinda just wanted to keep it to us three guys, but if you wanna work with Mudkip too I don't care. And we won't vote for him obviously.

Cyndaquil: (thinks for a moment) Sounds good to me! You got yourself a deal! (They shake hands).

(Near the woods by camp)

Roserade: Here you go you poor tree, some fresh soil!

(In confessional)
Roserade: The environment here reflects that malicious attitude of the host Raichu. Obviously that only means one thing. I MUST help tend to the forrest as much as I can while I'm here! Good thing I always bring my tools and my nutrient enriched soil with me!

Snivy: (approaches) What are you doing? Tending to the, um, tree? (Roserade nods) Oh that's right, gardening.

Roserade: Yup! And not just flowers but all kinds of nature are important to me.

Snivy: (narrows eyes) Mhmm... (casually) So look, you know how I play this game, and I'll promise to have your back if you have mine.

Roserade: Oh that's very kind of you!

Snivy: Feel free to share anything with me, and you can relax and letdown your guard if you need to. That's all. (A challenge alarm sounds) AGH- My ears!

Raichu: (over the speakers) GOOD MORNING CAMPERS! ITSSSS CHALLENGE TIME!! Meet me at the amphitheater once again for today's challenge! And make it snappy!

(At the amphitheater)

Squirtle: Hey Oshawott, you can sit next to me!

Froakie: (on the other side) Excuse me, I saved him a seat next to ME! Feel free to sit over here.

Oshawott: Oh bother...

(In confessional)
Oshawott: Not this again! You know, I question how I, such a shy introvert, even get in a position where people want to be my friend so bad.

Oshawott: Oh um, I'm just... I'll just sit in the middle. (Sits down)

Froakie: Nice going Squirtle, you couldn't just try and be nice and sit next to me?

Squirtle: (jaw drops) HUH!? DUDE YOU WERE HERE FIRST!!!

Froakie: (mutters) Oh right...

Raichu: HEY! Bickersons! Zip it! You all need to listen very carefully to what I'm about to tell you. What I have to say is of the utmost importance.

Riolu: Alright then, what is it?

Raichu: Now that you've all been acquainted, at least somewhat, you have a good feel of how your team is looking this season. And I'm sure there may be someone you just can't stand.

Chespin: (looks at Snivy) Understatement of the century!

Raichu: That is why today we are going to have ALL TEAMS vote for the team member you want off of your team!

Everyone: (shocked) WHATTTT!?!?

Chikorita: For reals!? Just a straight up elimination out of nowhere?


Fidough: No, no, don't worry. Team let's all vote for Igglybuff she's a known villain (Igglybuff huffs in anger)

Litten: Talk about unfair, we didn't even do anything yet.

Weavile: And it seems to me you're just gonna end up with the villains being targeted so how is that fair?

Raichu: I never said anything about fair. In fact, all of you should know by now that this show is very unfair and that's why we love it!

Bulbasaur: So hang on a second. Just to confirm, we are all voting for who we want to eliminate?

Raichu: Yup, that's correct.

Bulbasaur: And whoever gets the most votes will be eliminated?

Raichu: Has that ever not been the case? Now then, one at a time, please submit your votes!

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: Yeah, this sucks alright. Like what am I even supposed to do here?

(In confessional)
Spheal: Talk about CRAZY!! Raichu is nuts for doing this, I mean what's Total Drama Pokemon without challenges?

(In confessional)
Sprigatito: My team doesn't really have such an overwhelmingly hated player... so honestly I have no clue how this is gonna go down.

(In confessional)
Chespin: Snivy or Weavile... hmm well both are good options but its honestly a no brainer. (Writes down his vote) Snivy duh!

(In confessional)
Snivy: I'm probably getting the most votes anyways but I don't mind (votes for himself and holds it up) That's right, Raichu I'm calling your bluff. No way you're gonna let the interesting players get taken out right off the bat.

Psyduck: (hands Raichu a list) Here ya go! The results have been tabulated! Whatever that means.

Raichu: Thank you Psyduck. And now without further ado, the three Pokémon that have been most voted for are... (the camera dramaticly pans across everyone in the bleachers) Quaxly, Snivy and Igglybuff!

Quaxly: WHAT!? ME!? HOW!? WHY!?

Raichu: Unlike the other two, yours was actually a tight vote but you still were chosen in the end. Sorry.

Sprigatito: Are you kidding me guys? What did Quaxly do?

Scorbunny: I'm surprised you say that after you lived through the worst of it last season. He's not the nicest... (Grookey looks guilty and shrugs)

Chespin: YES! Snivy get your sorry snake tail outta here!

Chikorita: (laughing) Being a villain doesn't pay off I guess.

Riolu: Exactly. Justice has been served, right Igglybuff?

Igglybuff: Oh screw this show, screw everything about it!

Raichu: Alright now if you three would come up on the stage here.

Spheal: (whispers to Chespin) Somethings up. Raichu usually doesn't do something like this. Plus Snivy is WAY too smug right now for someone who's getting eliminated.

Chespin: You don't think- oh crap what's happening here?

Raichu: Alrighty I've got a surprise for you three. Ready? Think fast! (Throws pokepuffs at them)

Igglybuff: Huh? A pokepuff? Wait, does this mean... we are safe!?

Raichu: CORRECT!

Fidough: WOAH WOAH WOAH! WHAT is going on? You said we were voting for someone to be eliminated.

Buneary: Yeah, you lied!

Raichu: Actually, I believe I said "Has that ever not been the case?" when asked if they were being eliminated. Instead, what we have here is quite the opposite. Quaxly, Snivy, Igglybuff, the fate of the team is now in your hand! (Everyone gasps)

Weavile: (laughs) Goodbye Chespin, we won't miss you.

Raichu: (to everyone) For today's challenge your team WONT be your allies. Instead they will be your competition. We have a classic race through the forest type of challenge planned today, and it will be a last member to finish is eliminated type of deal!

Shinx: No way! Our new friends are actually our enemies?

Raichu: For today that is. Anywho, this challenge will be only for some of you! That's right, not everyone will be competing, in fact, only four members of each team will compete today.

Fennekin: Okay I'm confused, how are we deciding who competes then?

Raichu: YOU aren't. (Motions to Quaxly, Snivy and Igglybuff) THEY are! (Everyone gasps)

Snivy: (evilly laughs a little) Excellent!

Raichu: Alright Quaxly, who do you want to see race for their life here?

Quaxly: Gee, Hmm I dunno... how about he who obviously voted for me, GROOKEY!?!? (Sprigatito looks sternly at Grookey who in turn nervously whistles)

(In confessional)
Grookey: Whelp, I can't blame anyone but myself for this one. Probably shouldn't have voted for Quaxly when we were trying to get along but... HEY I'm like ninty percent sure he voted for me!

Quaxly: I'll also pick Scorbunny who didn't mind voicing the fact he voted for me.

Scorbunny: That's fair I guess...

Quaxly: And hmm... I dunno about the rest. Let's just go with... Lycanroc and Machoke.

Machoke: What!? Dude are you kidding me?

Quaxly: What? You two are fast, you'll easily be safe. That helps one of the two that I know voted me go home, nothing personal.

Lycanroc: Wow... thanks...

Raichu: Snivy! It's your turn now!

Snivy: Well Chespin is a gimme. Hmm who else? You know what, I like Quaxly's strategy, So I'm gonna pick Pachirisu, Sawk and Weavile.

(In confessional)
Snivy: Squirtle and Froakie are busy at each others throats, so them disliking me isn't a concern. Chespin is the biggest issue, so either he loses or someone who'd be a threat later on loses. The fact that after today two teams will lose each time means the more players who goof up on my team, the more likely I'll be safe. So either outcome here is fine by me.

Pachirisu: Seriously? Ugh, Snivy!

Weavile: (smirks) I'm actually excited for this. Don't worry, I'll make sure Chespin finishes last.

Raichu: Last up is Igglybuff.

Igglybuff: I mean it's just so tough to pick I guess but-

Riolu: Booo! Drop the act and get on with it!

Igglybuff: (growls) Fidough, Buizel, Flaaffy, Treecko.

(In confessional)
Igglybuff: There's obvious drama going on between Buneary and Bellossom, but their boyfriends and Flaaffy seem WAYY more angered with it all. I'm sure putting them against each other will result in this feud absolutely blowing up, and thus taking the target off my back! (Smiles) Yes, I am a genius!

Buneary: What? Igglybuff are you serious?

Igglybuff: Look I'm sorry, but it was a tough decision and I thought they were arguing with each other and that would be bad for the team.

Buneary: What why would you- (remembers about this morning) Ohhh that...

Buizel: Don't worry I'm not going anywhere Buneary.

Flaaffy: Me neither. We got this. BOOM!

Raichu: Okay then, everyone else, YOU ARE SAFE! CONGRATS! The four members selected from each team listen up. When I say go, you follow the marked path through the woods, and you'll follow it to the finish line! Last member of each team there will be eliminated! Understood? (They nod) Alrighty! GOOOO!!! (They run off into the woods) Now as for the rest of you, feel free to sit back, chat, and relax! Or you can watch the challenge on the big screen with me and have a heart attack over your friend potentially being eliminated.

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Wow you're so kind Raichu.

Chikorita: Yeah real nice.

(In confessional)
Chikorita: I gotta be honest, I don't know which is worse. Competing for your life in a sudden death challenge or having TO WATCH someone you care about compete in said challenge, as you can't do anything to help them. (Frowns)

(In the woods)

Weavile: (running alongside Machoke) Alright Machoke, we're the fastest but let's slow it down to mess with Chespin shall we?

Machoke: Um, are you sure that's a good idea? Well for me at least it isn't.

Weavile: What do you care? You'll be fine.

(In confessional)
Machoke: Yeah Weavile can be pretty selfish at times. She definitely is more concerned about Chespin being eliminated even if it's at my expense.

Machoke: (stops running) Alright fine. So how are we doing this?

Weavile: (stops) Simple. Knock him out! (Others race by and as Chespin comes by Weavile uses Ice Punch but he blocks with Spiky Shield)

Chespin: (angry) Hey! What the heck?

Machoke: This will be so easy ha! (Uses Dynamic Punch and sends Chespin flying and knocks him out) And he's outta here!

Weavile: Ahahah! Nicely done Machoke.

Machoke: Time to keep going. (Spots Sawk) Hey Sawk! Wanna run alongside us?

Sawk: Oh, sure. Why not? (He follows along as Weavile looks unhappy)

(Elsewhere along the path in the woods)

Treecko: (to Buizel and Flaaffy) Hey so what's your damage? Being so rude to Bellossom and all that.

Buizel: Our damage? She's a not-so-nice Pokemon, and if you can't see that you're blind.

Treecko: For doing what exactly?

Flaaffy: For backing up that jerk Oricorio. Duh.

Buizel: Yeah we had WAYYY too much relationship drama thanks to her.

Treecko: (sarcastically) Oh yeah, it's Oricorio's fault for everything when YOU were the one who kissed two girls in one day? That's how it happened right? And you think YOU aren't the villain still?

Flaaffy: Hey! Buizel changed and he and Buneary are happy together. We don't need you stirring up drama! TAKE THIS! (Tackles Treecko and Buizel jumps in too and they all start fighting)

Lycanroc: (running by) Yikes. How is there so much drama!? The season just started!

Fidough: Well with this many personalities things are bound to get explosive.

(Back at camp)

Oshawott: Eep, I really hope Buizel and Flaaffy are safe. I know they aren't on our team but still, I care about them.

Froakie: Aww don't worry Oshawott, it'll be okay. I hope they are safe too. (Squirtle's jaw drops)

(In confessional)
Squirtle: (angry) All the flak he gave me in season one for being buddies with Bulbasaur who was on an opposing team! Like, ARE YOU SERIOUS!? Froakie is a full on hypocrite now and ugh! You saw his smirk! He knows what he's doing!

(In confessional)
Froakie: (laughing) Squirtle was so ticked off! Did you see his face?

Squirtle: (to himself) Ignoring him...

Alcremie: (sitting nervously) Ugh, this is just... I don't want to watch but I can't help it...

Meowstic: (overhearing) Oh hey, do you want a distraction?

Alcremie: Huh?

Meowstic: I have my Switch with me, we could play a game on that if you want to. I mean, I dunno if you game at all, but hey it's a distraction.

Alcremie: Oh I appreciate the offer, but um... maybe can I just watch you play?

Meowstic: You sure? It's more fun to play yourself you know. (Alcremie nods) Alright, well I'm currently working on making a house in Animal Crossing and- (begins to ramble on)

(In confessional)
Meowstic: Video games are a great way to distract yourself from real life world problems. Just don't... don't forget about them for too long. Eesh. Or you might end up putting off your work and flunking a wood-shop assignment like I once did. I wonder if I can still turn it in late... it's only been what? Three years now? (Sheepishly laughs)

Litten: (sitting with Fennekin) Aww you know you're the cutest ever babe.

Fennekin: (blushing) Litten... Hehe oh stop it.

Charmander: (walks up) Ahem.

Fennekin: Oh hey Charmander. Sorry, did you need something?

Charmander: I'm borrowing your boyfriend for minute is all. (Drags Litten to the side) Dude, come on! Are you for real?

Litten: Bro what?

Charmander: What happened to the tough guy from season one? Where's your edge? Man, Fennekin really softened you up.

Litten: (a little mad) HEY! I'm as rough and tough as ever! Just you know, with the occasional facial and manicure to smooth out the edges- WAIT NO! FORGET I SAID THAT!

Charmander: (laughs) Hey whatever makes you happy. But if you're interested in playing this game for real and not just making out with your girlfriend, let me know. You, me, and Cyndaquil would be great alliance.

Litten: Oh dude, I am FOR SURE in on that! Sounds wicked. (They fist bump)

(In the woods)

Pachirisu: (stops running) Hang on... oh crud did I take a wrong turn? Where am I?

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: One of the downsides of never competing on this island before is that I really have no feel for these woods. Ugh!

Pachirisu: Maybe if I retrace my steps- (turns around and bumps into Lycanroc) Oof. Ow, hey.

Lycanroc: Oh, sorry there. Why are you headed back?

Pachirisu: Never mind, I was just trying to find a way- (notices a cave) Hey a cave! I bet that's a shortcut.

Lycanroc: Um, you sure about that? Caves are hardly- (Pachirisu runs off) Hey wait up! (Follows her in and they head down a path)

(At a swamp in the woods)

Grookey: Alright, we're at the swamp, awesome! Let's keep it up Scorbunny!

Scorbunny: (nods) Right! We got this. (Pauses) So... how exactly do we go about crossing?

Grookey: (grabs onto a vine and starts swinging) Vines duh! Easy peasy!

Scorbunny: Easy for you to say, you're a monkey! Whatever, I got this. (Jumps up and starts swinging across when a vine snaps) AGHHH OH COME ON!!

Grookey: Scorbunny! (Rips a vine off and whips it at Scorbunny, tying around his leg and Grookey catches him) Gotcha!

Scorbunny: W-woah! Nice save! Thanks!

Grookey: No problem, we're pals after all! (Suddenly a Sonic Boom cuts the vine and Scorbunny falls onto a rock, and then slides off it into the swamp) Ack- whoops. Yikes. That's gonna leave a mark...

(In confessional)
Scorbunny: (holding his head in his hands) Ugh! Not fun. Not fun one bit.

Buizel: You're next Grookey! (Grookey swings off before he can get hit)

Treecko: What the hell was that? Scorbunny isn't even your competition here.

Buizel: Oh right, that's you. (Hits Treecko) BAM!

Flaaffy: NICE! Now let's push our way through this swamp.

Buizel: Yeah this won't be a big deal, it's just murky waters. (Tries to Aqua Jet across but struggles and bumps into a Muk) Ugh.

Muk: MAN! It's been a while since I've been disturbed... All you punks... GET OUTTA MY SWAMP!

Flaaffy: (laughing) Yeah okay Shrek, why don't you make us- (hits her with a powerful Gunk Shot) OWW!!

Scorbunny: (surfaces behind them) Gah! Well I'm outta here. (Swims off).

(Elsewhere in the woods)

Chespin: (limping while running and covered in bruises) Ugh stupid show... Weavile and Machoke are SOO gonna get it... wherever they are.

(In confessional)
Chespin: I know I'm behind, but I'm not out! I know this island better than any of the others, I'm certain of it! I've got myself a clear path to finish line.

(Elsewhere in the woods)

Sawk: (running) So that's how I ended up earning my blackest belt!

Machoke: Woah, that's wicked. I didn't know there were so many levels past straight up black belt.

Sawk: Oh yes, there are quite a few higher up belts.

Weavile: (rolls her eyes) Oh I'm sure there are. (Mutters) Whatever lies you want to tell yourself the better.

Machoke: WOAH! (Comes to a stop at a gorge) Why is there a giant pit here!?

Weavile: Whatever, let's just go around it- (looks to her side and sees the gorge continues) Oh come on!

Sawk: Guess we have to cross, but it's far too big a gap to jump.

Machoke: Leave it to me! I got this!

(In confessional)
Machoke: Now THIS is why you work out kiddos. Well, this AND to look aesthetic (Cockily grins into the camera)

(Machoke knocks a tree down with a Karate Chop and uses his strength to pick the trunk up and place it as a bridge) 

Sawk: Nicely done. Very impressive indeed, though I was thinking the same thing and was just about to do that too you know.

Weavile: Then go ahead, make your own bridge. Come on Machoke. (They start to cross, Sawk included, when the trunk starts to break) SHIT!

Machoke: RUN FOR IT! (hops off the tree)

Weavile: GAH! (Loses her footing and starts to fall)

Sawk: AGH! (Makes a jump and looks like he is going to make it across but Weavile reaches up and pulls him down with her. They splash into the river far below)

(In confessional)
Weavile: Like I'm gonna let someone finish before me! Competition is competition. This was NOTHING to do with him being a dolt that doesn't recognize my accolades.

Machoke: (yelling down) Are you guys okay!?

Weavile: I guess. Now help us get back up!

Sawk: No, Machoke you go and finish, don't let us hold you back. We can make it up ourselves. (Weavile looks angry)

Machoke: Thanks man, appreciated. You guys got this, I'll see you there. (Runs off)

(Back at the amphitheater)

Sandshrew: (laughing) Good, looks like Weavile fell. Fingers crossed she goes home.

Vulpix: Heh, yeah that'd be amazing. Even better would be her AND Machoke going.

Raichu: (to the camera) Wow, looks like things are gonna be cut close for everyone! Anywho, I better be off to the finish line.

Riolu: And how exactly are you getting there? You'd have to move faster than them in theory.

Raichu: Riolu, after a season of me you think you'd learn to stop questioning things. (Laughs and heads off)

Spheal: I guess it's just (motions with his hands) PRODUCTION MAGIC!! OOH AHH!

Riolu: (narrows his eyes) Um, what?

Spheal: (sighs) He's probably just being teleported by Kadabra yet again.

Raichu: (comes back over) Hey! Not cool exposing my secret Spheal!

Spheal: Oh oops... sorry...

Raichu: Well since the cats outta the bag, might as well invite you all to gather at the finish!

Mudkip: So wait by that do you mean- (suddenly everyone gets teleported to the finish line) WAH!

Bulbasaur: (dizzy) Woah...

Squirtle: (eyes spinning) I'm getting teleportness sickness... (barfs into a bush)

Sobble: Eww Eww!

Raichu: Oh come on that's not a real thing Squirtle! Now then, have fun sitting back and relaxing here without stands to sit in.

Buneary: Hey! We can't even see the screen now!

Raichu: Oopsies! Guess it'll be a surprise when you see a familiar face make it here!

Buneary: You've gotta be kidding me. (Sighs) Ugh I'm already freaking out over here.

Bellossom: Me too... I'm sorry we have to stomach this. (Buneary just sorta turns) Hey I'm really sorry about what happened with Oricorio on the Rhydonculous Race.

Buneary: (awkwardly) Oh um... it's okay. I appreciate you saying that. Truthfully I'm not all that upset at you though.

Bellossom: Wait really!? I thought you resented me for not doing anything about it, because honestly I didn't realize it was going on and I swear-

Buneary: D-don't worry about it. Flaaffy just has a rather strong personality and is protective. Same with Buizel. I mean I'll be honest, I thought it'd be best if we could just... not have to interact with each other since it does bring up unpleasant memories... but I guess Raichu had other plans.

Bellossom: (sheepishly laughs) Oh alright, no I totally understand that. (Awkwardly) I'll just- I'll leave you be. Um, sorry again, and yeah... (backs away)

(In confessional)
Buneary: Okay maybe it wasn't the best idea to tell her all that right to her face... (makes a confused face) It's just, yeah I'd rather NOT have to talk to her. (Sighs) Though I guess she was in the dark about it, and she does seem nice, so I'll have to try to convince Flaaffy and Buizel to treat her better.

(In the cave)

Pachirisu: Oh man... this is taking much longer than expected.

Lycanroc: WAIT! (Catches up to her) You know how dangerous caves are right?

Pachirisu: Um, I guess?

Lycanroc: (panicked) And what's up? A cave? A shortcut? It's a CAVE, it's not for sure gonna have another exit! You sure you're feeling okay?

(In confessional)
Pachirisu: (facepalms) Yup, I made a VERY stupid decision. No excuses, full blame is on me.

Pachirisu: Yeah... (takes a deep breath) But hey these caves here are huge and go everywhere, I'm positive there's a way out. Let's find it!

Lycanroc: Definitely! We gotta get going- WOAH! (A stalactite almost falls on him but Pachirisu pushes him outta the way) Heh, thanks for that. Appreciated.

(At the swamp in the woods)

Flaaffy: LOOK OUT! (She and Buizel dodge a Gunk Shot) Close one.

Buizel: Way to dodge. Now then let's fire back! (He uses Water Gun and she uses Thunderbolt to attack Muk and he retreats into the swamp) OH YEAH!

Flaaffy: Now that's how it is done!

Buizel: Let's get going before... (looks around and spots Treecko swimming across) Treecko! (Uses Water Gun and misses but Treecko stops swimming)

Treecko: Gah! Hey!

Flaaffy: Sorry boyfriend to the accomplice to the home-wrecker! But we aren't letting you beat us!

(In confessional)
Treecko: Boyfriend to the accomplice to the... um, what? HUH!?

Buizel: Let's settle this with a Pokémon battle. I'm ready to go.

Treecko: (sarcastically) Wow you're gonna two v one me here aren't you? How fair...

Buizel: You bet we are! You are so screwed-

Flaaffy: (stops him) Eh I guess that would be a little rude. How about all three of us try and make it together? (Buizel looks shocked as they catch up to Treecko)

Treecko: HUH? Oh um, yeah sure that'd be great. (They go to shake hands when Treecko notices an evil grin on Flaaffy)

(In confessional)
Flaaffy: Oh I'm gonna hit him SO GOOD! And he's not gonna see it coming at all heh.

(Flaaffy readies an attack but Treecko swiftly pulls away just in time dodge. He jumps on their heads to get across the swamp while firing Bullet Seeds at them)

Flaaffy: OWW!!

Treecko: (smirking) Nice try! See you in the toilet bowl! (Runs off)

Buizel: HURRY! SWIM!

(At the gorge in the woods; Sawk and Weavile work to climb up)

Weavile: I can't believe you told Machoke to just go on without us!

Sawk: Isn't he your friend? Don't you want him to at least be safe?

Wevaile: HA! Are you for real? What matters is that I'M safe first and foremost. What good does it do me if he's safe but I'm eliminated?

Sawk: Wow, you really need to take some time to reflect on your personality.

Weavile: EXCUSE ME!?

(In confessional)
Sawk: Yes, I'm aware she deliberately pulled me down into the gorge. (Frowns) Definitely NOT appreciated in the slightest, and I know she's gonna try and trip me up again, but hey I'm ready for it.

Chespin: (flies over the gorge) AGHHH OWWW- (stands up) Wow, thank you random wild moose that headbutted me!

Wevaile: GRRR WAS THAT CHESPIN!? (Chespin peers over and Weavile tries to shoot him with Ice Shards but misses)

Chespin: Ha! Take this! (Uses Pin Missile to hit Weavile and she loses her grip a bit) I'm outta here! (Runs off)

Weavile: NO! Wha- AGH! (Fully loses her grip and falls) Sawk! Help me!

Sawk: Yeah... I'm gonna go with no. (Continues climbing up as she tries to shoot him but he deflects all Ice Shards) Nice try.

Weavile: GRRRRR! I KNEW YOU WERE A PROBLEM! I am SO taking you down.

Sawk: I accept the challenge, good luck catching up to me though.  (Makes it to the top and runs off)

(At the finish line)

Mudkip: Wow this is taking a while huh?

Cyndaquil: Hey look! Here comes somebody!

Mudkip: Oh really? What are the chances. (Fidough runs up).

Fidough: Alright! Yippee!

Raichu: Wow, you look completely unharmed.

Fidough: Pfft, I knew better than to trust the marked paths of yours.

(In confessional)
Fidough: Yeah, I have a good sense of direction too. Didn't have to face a single painful obstacle! (Proudly nods) Gotta play this smarter, not harder.

Fidough: (runs over to Alcremie who is watching Meowstic play his switch) Hey I'm safe!

Alcremie: (happily gasps) FIDOUGH! YAY THANK GOODNESS!! (They hug) Sorry for not coming up to you, Meowstic was helping distract me because I was so anxious thinking about you being eliminated.

Raichu: Aww how sweet. Well it looks like the newbies aren't done finishing yet! (Grookey and Scorbunny cross the finish line) Guess the others must be a bit rusty after all that time not competing.

Grookey: YEAH! We did it! (High fives Scorbunny)

Scorbunny: That's right, we killed it!

Sprigatito: Great job guys!

Grookey: Whelp your little planned failed Quaxly. Ha! (Quaxly looks annoyed)

Quaxly: Oh whatever.

(Elsewhere in the woods)

Flaaffy: FASTER! FASTERRR!! We gotta catch him!

Buizel: He may be fast, but so are we! I'm sure of it.

Flaaffy: Look! Up in the trees! There he is! (Treecko jumps from tree to tree)

Treecko: Oh crap...

Buizel: TAKE THIS!! (Flaaffy hits him with Thunderbolt and Buizel uses Sonic Boom to cut the tree branch and make him fall) Got him! NOW RUN RUN! (They run off and Treecko quickly follows them).

(In the cave)

Pachirisu: There! There's a way out past these rocks!

Lycanroc: Awesome! Let's knock them outta the way.

Pachirisu: Hey, sorry for getting you into this dilemma by the way.

Lycanroc: Huh? Oh don't be. It was my choice to come in the cave, I didn't have to follow you.

Pachirisu: Well it was nice of you to want to make sure nothing happened to me. (Takes a deep breath) You're a good guy, but you don't have to try and overcompensate for when your darker half went rampant. (Lycanroc stands there in silence) Sorry, I didn't mean to be incentive there-

Lycanroc: (sighs) No, you're good. You just saw right through me, it's kinda crazy actually. (Smiles) Thanks. (They get the rocks out of the way finally) Hey look! I guess you were right, I see the finish!

(At the finish line)

Raichu: Machoke, you've made it!

Machoke: BOOYA! (Flexes) Oh yeah, that's right! (Pachirisu and Lycanroc run up)

Pachirisu: Yes we made it!

Lycanroc: Nice!

Togedemaru: Pachirisu thank goodness! (Gives her a hug) But um... Lycanroc... sorry man but... (Motions to Machoke standing next to Scorbunny and Grookey)

Lycanroc: WHAT!? Aww man are you kidding me, I'm last?

Raichu: Afraid so! (Looks away) Oh look! Here come the remaining three of the Suicunes!

Chikorita: (yelling) CHESPIN RUNNN!!

Snivy: (Mutters) Or you know, just take your time.

Chespin: (yelling and running) WORKING ON IT! (Sawk passes him)

Weavile: I AM NOT LOSING THIS!! (Runs fast but can't catch up to them and Chespin and Sawk finish first) NOOOOOOO!

Chespin: YESSSS!!!

Sawk: Looks like somebody got what they deserved.

Raichu: Weavile, sucks to suck. You are last!

(In confessional)
Weavile: (breaking stuff and swearing in rage)

Machoke: Oh no! Weavile I'm sorry. I'll win it for us, don't worry.

Weavile: OH SHUT UP! This competition is garbage anyways. But... hmph, good luck I guess.

Raichu: Aww so heartfelt. NOT! Now then only the last team remains! And here they come!

Buneary: Buizel and Flaaffy!

Bellossom: Treecko...

Raichu: This is gonna be close! They are jockeying for position! (The three run neck-a-neck)

Buizel: I'm not losing this!

Flaaffy: You're gonna finish last you dumb gecko!


Treecko: (softly) Hmph. I'm NOT letting my girlfriend down like this. (Smirks) Not sorry in advance. (As they near the finish, Treecko fires off a Leech Seed to hit Flaaffy and tie her up and she falls just in front of the finish. Buizel crosses the finish followed by Treecko).

Flaaffy: NOOO!!

Treecko: YES! Sorry but that's what happens to dumb sheep like yourself. You get sheered. Metaphorically. But hey this is what you get when you are a no good bully who blames good people for things they aren't responsible for. (Smugly) Honestly, I'm not sure I could live with myself if I were able to believe my own lies like you do.

Bellossom: (shocked) TREECKO!?

Treecko: No worries I made it, and took care of one of the problems. (Sees Bellossom looks upset) Um... what I did was good right?

(In confessional)
Treecko: I mean even if Bellossom feels bad and can't see it, I did good. We are still gonna be targeted but at least there's one less vote now. That AND Flaaffy was so rude to me and my girlfriend.

Buneary: Oh no... Flaaffy...

Buizel: I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have crossed.

Flaaffy: It's not your fault, I think we ALL know who's it is.

Cubchoo: Sorry to interrupt, but did you expect him to just lose then or- ACHOOO!

Flaaffy: It's not that he pulled a trick to beat me, it's that he's a villain getting rewarded which is so uncool.

Buneary: (hugs Flaaffy) I'm not gonna be able to do this without you. The season just started, this can't be happening!

Flaaffy: Hey Buneary look, you can this. You've got Buizel and there's nobody more determined and skilled as you. I believe in you. You just gotta stand up for yourself, and don't let others drag you through the mud you know? (Buneary nods)

Bellossom: (approaches) Hey I just wanted to say I'm really sorr-

Buneary: (angry) BACK OFF! I sooo take back what I said earlier. Between Oricorio before and the fact your dating someone who can be so hurtful like Treecko now, it's clear you aren't as innocent as you paint yourself. NOW PLEASE LEAVE US ALONE!!!

Raichu: GAH! Okay wow, never expected to be frightened by Buneary like that but here we are. Anywho, we are running behind schedule. Time for a triple flush!

(The screen wipes to Weavile, Lycanroc and Flaaffy all in the flush of shame toilet)



Lycanroc: Wow... you guys sure are intense...

Raichu: TIME TO FLUSH! (Presses a button and then get flushed and scream) With three at once, better hope there's not a clog (laughs). Koffing do you have the plunger if we need it? (Koffing just turns and leaves) Rude. Now then, three more dreams have been canned and the show is finally ready to be put into full swing. Stay tuned for our first team challenge next time, on Total Drama Pokemon All Stars!

Lycanroc: (screaming from inside the toilet) HELPPPP! WE'RE STUCKKK!

Raichu: (eyes widen) KOFFING!!! GET THE PLUNGER!

*Hey everyone!!! Thanks so much for reading! Hopefully you enjoyed it!

A LITTLE TIP- I just wanted to say that with soooo many characters I'm sure it's next to impossible to remember who is on what team, so here's an FYI! In the chapter image, the Pokémon are actually sorted by team so you can look at it to see who's on which team! So going from left to right and top to bottom, the first team, the Enraged Enteis, going forward consists of Grookey through Togedemaru. The Surreal Suicunes are Meowstic through Squirtle. And finally the Reckless Raikous are Bulbasaur through Buneary. Hope this helps!

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