Back off! | Episode 15

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Chris: Welcome back to TDR!

Chris: You may have heard about a deadly virus going around called COVID-19!

Chris: Today, I decided to test the campers and see how long they can keep sane!

Chris: And I don't mean torture.

Chris: I mean in quarantine.

Chris: I don't know if this is legal but...

Chris: I put every camper in a cage with a speaker and whatever..

Chris: Before the lawyers say anything, the campers have things to keep them entertained!

Chris: The campers are asleep so it's time to wake them all up!

Chris: *From speakers* Good morning campers!

Chris: *From speakers* You're all in cages with whatever you need!

Chris: *From speakers* Food, water and entertainment!

Chris: *From speakers* You don't have a toilet in your cage!

Chris: *From speakers* The reason why is that you will be able to get out of your cage!

Chris: *From speakers* But you MUST wear a mask!

Chris: *From speakers* Anybody caught out of their cage without a mask will be out of the challenge!

Chris: *From speakers* If you start to get insane, you can call out to me and I'll let you out!

Chris: *From speakers* Last person in their cage wins immunity for their team!

Chris: *From speakers* Let the challenge begin!

(In Jen's cage)

Jen: No probs!

Jen: This is probably just for a day anyway!

Jen: I should buy more clothes..

(In Alejandro's cage)

Alejandro: This is NOTHING!

Alejandro: Being trapped in a robot suit for a year really makes you feel isolated..

(In Izzy's cage)




(In Heather's cage)

Heather: I am NOT staying in here for more than an hour!

Heather: Maybe I can say that I need to go to the restroom and meet up with Noah!

Heather: Alliances really help you.

Heather: But only one person can win!

Heather: And that person will be ME!

Heather: The 10 mil is MINE!

Heather: *Villainous laugh*

Chris: *From Heather's speaker* Shut your yap Heather!

Heather: Whatever.

Heather found a rock next to her and then threw it at the speaker.

Heather: Can't have Chris ruining my plans!

Heather: Luckily, I snuck in a walkie talkie!

(In Cameron's cage)

Cameron: This is surprisingly not too bad!

Cameron: I don't have to deal with any drama..

Cameron: Or Heather... or Alejandro..

(In Noah's cage)

Literally just Noah reading a book, unbothered.

*After half an hour passes*

Chris: Looks like nobody has turned insane, peed their pants or complained.

Chris: Time to turn it up a notch!

Chris then started playing annoying music.

Chris: *From speakers* Nobody's quit yet!

Chris: *From speakers* And I'm bored!

Chris: *From speakers* Enjoy the 'great' music!

(In Tom's cage)

Tom: This music is SO not tight!

Tom: I don't think I can stand hearing it for more than 5 minutes!

Tom: Chris!

Tom: I want out!

Chris: *From speakers* Looks like Thomas as quit!

(In Jen's cage)

Jen: Tom quit?

Jen: If Tom gets to quit, I get to quit!

Jen: I quit!

Chris: *From speakers* Looks like Jen quit as well!

(In Leshawna's cage)

Leshawna: Jen and Tom quit?!?

Leshawna: UGH!

Leshawna: Some team..


Leshawna: I guess I'M the only person strong and sane enough to last!

Confessional- Leshawna: I'm DEFINITELY the strongest on my team! No offense to people like Brody though!

Leshawna: At least I have a boombox in here with me!

Leshawna then turned on the boombox.

Leshawna: Oh great!

Leshawna: It's playing the SAME annoying SONG that's on right now!

Leshawna: I CAN NOT believe I'm even ON this show!

(In Izzy's cage)

Izzy: Izzy needs to get out of here!


Chris: *From Izzy's speaker* The RCMP didn't capture you...I did!

Chris: *From Izzy's speaker* Well, Chef did but he can't take all the credit.

Chris: *From Izzy's speaker* You're seriously annoying me!

Then, Izzy chewed of the speaker from the cage wall.

Izzy: Nobody gets annoyed by Izzy except Eva and Noah!

(In Jasmine's cage)

Jasmine: This cage is too small!

Jasmine: Combined with this terrible music, this is the WORST thing that has ever happened in my life!

(In Heather's cage)

Heather: This walkie talkie doesn't have batteries?


Heather: Calm down Heather.

Heather: You can just sneak out for a 'bathroom break' and steal some batteries from Chef!

Heather: Only problem is that Chef is more alert than a magnet..

Heather: So, I either have to sit here and try to stay sane or get crushed by Chef..

Heather: For once, cheating doesn't sound that good right now.

Heather: I'll be able to stay here and stay sane long enough to carry my team and WIN this challenge!

(In Courtney's cage)

Courtney: Why is my team so WEAK?!

Courtney: If I was on my own team, I would win this WHOLE show!

Courtney: I should make an alliance with Heather!

Courtney: But she's already in an alliance...

Courtney: Now I've got to figure out how to break her alliance..

Courtney: On second thoughts, I'll be solo for a while longer and eliminate a few more people.

Courtney: I'm truly a master strategist!

(With Chris)




Chris: Chef!

Chef: What?

Chris: Can you do me a little favour?~

Chef: What is it now?..

Chris: Can you flip that lever?

Chef: Fine..

Chef then walked over and flipped the lever.

Chris: *From speakers* Enjoy the show!

*If you're wondering what show, it's Total Dramarama cause Idk what to do with this challenge*

(In Leshawna's cage)

Leshawna: Seriously?

Leshawna: This ain't gonna make me quit!

Chris: *From Leshawna's speaker* Not even if I show you a series of Heather x Harold fanart?

Leshawna: On EARTH is that?!

Chris: Some people ship them together!

Chris: I'll show it to you.

Chris: Or you could quit.

Leshawna: I REFUSE to quit!

Chris: So be it!

*2 hour later*

Chris: More people quit than I expected.

Chris: Just because of a little baby show!

Chris: The only ones left are Courtney, Noah, Sam and Shawn!

Chris: It looks like I'm gonna have to use the old scam tactics eh?

(In Courtney's cage)

Chris: *From Courtney's speaker* Courtneyyyyyy!

Courtney: What do you want?

Chris: *From Courtney's speaker* There's a lawyer outside wanting to make you an official lawyer!

Chris: *From Courtney's speaker* All you gotta do is forfeit the challenge!

Courtney: I'm going to become a lawyer FAIR and SQUARE!

Courtney: And I'll look good doing it!

Chris: *From Courtney's speaker* Whatever you say.

Chris: That didn't work..

Chris: I'll try Shawn!

Chris: I know how to crack him!

(In Shawn's cage)

Chris: *From Shawn's speaker* Shawwwwwwn!

Shawn: What is it?

Chris: *From Shawn's speaker* Chef's gonna put a zombie in your cage!

Chris: *From Shawn's speaker* In order to avoid it, you have to forfeit the challenge!

Chris: *From Shawn's speaker* Did I mention that this zombie is REEEEEEEEEEALLY hungry?


Chris: *From speakers* And Shawn's out!

(In Noah's cage)

Chris: *From Noah's speaker* You're the last one left Noah!

Noah: That's fine.

Noah: I won't be losing this challenge.

Chris: *From Noah's speaker* You suuuuuuuure?

Noah: Yes I'm suuuuuuuure.

Chris: So you're not gonna forfeit this challenge?

Chris: Even if it means to see Cody again?

Noah: I'm not stupid McLean.

Noah: You're tricking me.

Noah: Now go play with Chef or something.

Chris: *From Noah's speaker* You're no fun.

Noah: Thanks.

Chris: What was I thinking making Noah my assistant...

Chris: He's blander than paper.

Chris: Sam's an easier target..

(In Sam's cage)

Chris: *From Sam's speaker* Free brand new video games outside the cages!

Sam: FREE?!


Chris: *From Sam's speaker* All you gotta do is forfeit!

Sam: I....FORFEIT!

Sam: Video games HERE I COME!

He rushed out his cage to see no video games.

Sam: He...tricked me...

Chris: Sorry man.

Chris: *Whispers* Not sorry!

Chris: It's down to Courtney and Noah...again...

Chris: Bring in Beth and Justin!

Chris: *From Courtney and Noah's speakers* You'll be spending the rest of the time with your rival!

Chris: *From Courtney and Noah's speakers* First one to get visibly annoyed loses!

Courtney: Beth?!

Courtney: I would rather get stabbed with a rusty, dirty knife than spend ANY time with Beth!

Courtney: It's unlike me to do this but...I forfeit!

Chris: Wow..

Chris: That's REALLY unlike Courtney!

Chris: *From speakers* And Noah wins for the Prestigious Peacocks again!

Noah stepped out of his cage.

Noah: Sorry you had to lose to me again Court.

Courtney: It's ok.

Courtney: I forfeit.

Confessional- Courtney: I LOST to NOAH AGAIN?! I was STUPID to forfeit! But I have a strategy! Sam's been dead weight since day one. He's GOT to be the one eliminated!

Confessional- Noah: For once, I'm actually willing to participate in challenges. And I can't stop smiling. Don't know why. I rarely smile.

Chris: Swans...Time to vote off a member of your team!


Chris: Voting time!

Confessional- Leshawna: Sam's dead weight.

Confessional- Courtney: Sam.

Confessional- Sierra: Sam.

Confessional- Brody: Courtney bailed on us! That's NOT a vibe dude!

Confessional- Kitty: *Takes selfie* Courtney bailed on us. That's a good reason to vote somebody off! 

Chris: It looks like we have a tie between two contestants!

Chris: I will now name those two contestants!

Chris: If you're not one of them, help yourself to a marshmallow!

Chris: The two people who tied are..

Courtney and Sam.

Chris: Everybody else, come get a marshmallow!

Courtney: Wait WHAT?!

Courtney: I used to be a CIT!

Courtney: I'm a necessary asset to this team!

Chris: Calm down Courtney!

Chris: I, Chris McLean, the hottest host in history, will be choosing who to eliminate!

Chris: Courtney, you're annoying and always complain when somebody beats you!

Chris: Seriously, get a grip on yourself.

Chris: Sam, you're a video game addict and it's slowing your team down!

Chris: Forfeiting your team's win for video games..

Chris: Seriously?

Chris: Anyway.

Chris: I choose to eliminate...


Chris: You're not bringing in that much money for me so..

Chris: Time for the sewer of shame!

*Sewer of Shame* 

Chris: Any last words?

Sam: I'm coming Dakota!

Sam jumped into the sewer.

Chris: I wanted to push him in.

Chris: Back to your cabin guys!

(In the Prestigious Peacock's cabin)

Heather: You're unsurprisingly good at being quarantined.

Noah: I try.

Heather: I'm guessing you're an introvert.

Noah: No. I'm an extrovert.

Heather: Whatever.

Heather: Goodnight shorty.

Chris: I can't think of any interesting questions so...bye!

1780 words  I finally got an episode done

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