Truth or dare, that is the question | Episode 4

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Chris: *To Chef* Do I HAVE to do a recap EVERY episode? 

Chef: Yes, you have to.. 

Chris: Ughh! Ok.. 

Chris: Welcome back to Tdr! 

Chris: Stacy got eliminated last time.. 

Chris: Time to wake up the campers. 

Chris: There! Happy? 

Chef: Yup! 

Chef: Wanna hang out after this episode? 

Chris: Of course! 

Chris: *using mega phone* WAKE UP PEOPLE! GET YOUR BUTTS OUTSIDE! 

(In the Prestigious Peacocks cabin) 

Cameron: I guess it's time to wake up! 

Alejandro: We won last time! We can win again! 

Heather and Noah: SHUT UP EEL! 

Alejandro: Mi Amour, how could you?.. 

Confessional- Alejandro: Mi Amour usually calls me names like 'Alejanhoe' and 'Aletrashdro'. But she's never called me an eel! 

Confessional- Cody: I'm definitely NOT jealous of Noah and Heather!... 

Jasmine: Let's see what Chris is up to. 

(Outside the cabins) 

Chris: Welcome campers! 

Chris: Today, we'll have a CLASSIC challenge that has been mentioned throughout the seasons... 

Chris: Truth or dare! 

Noah: Every season this challenge is in, there's ALWAYS a catch! 

Chris: No catch! 

Chris: If you don't do your truth or your dare, you get eliminated just like in the no pain no gain episode! 

Shawn: How do we know if somebody is lying? 

Chris: Well... 

Chris: I'm bringing back Clucky! 

Dave: Oh no! Not Clucky! 

Chis: Oh yes! 

 Chris: Everybody get to your seats! 

Dj: How do we know which seats are ours? 

Chris: It'll have your name on it. 

Sierra: You're the BEST Chris! 

Sierra: Smiley face! 

Chris: Ummm.. 

Chris: Just...Get to your seats.. 

Everybody got into their seats. 

Alejandro: At least I have a seat near Mi Amour! 

Heather: Drop dead eel! 

Cody: Noah? 

Noah: Yeah? 

Cody: Are you gonna pick truth or dare when it's your turn? 

Noah: Dares never end well so I think truth.. 

Cody: Ok.. 

Noah: Why'd you ask? 

Cody: I just wanted to pick what YOU picked... 

Noah: Are you sure you're NOT a Cody clone? 

Cody: Of course not! 

Confessional- Cody: I'm SUCH a gay disaster! 

Noah: Just checking.. 

Chris: Our first person from the Prestigious Peacocks is... 

Chris: Mike! 

Mike walked over to Chris reluctantly. 

Chris: Truth or dare? 

Mike: Truth.. 

Chris: Do you love Anne Maria?

Mike: Vito liked her but I don't think I like her.. 

Clucky stood still. 

Chris: Boooooooooring! 

Chris: The first person on the Swift Swans is... 

Chris: Max! 

Max: Truth Chris! 

Max: And make it snappy! 

Chris: Do you LOVE Scarlett? 

Max: NO! She betrayed me! 

Clucky started clucking like crazy. 

Chris: Looks like Clucky disagrees! 

Max: The bird is demented! 

Chris: You're gonna hurt her feeling! 

Max: That's what I want! 

Chris: No points for YOU! 

Max: Whatever! We don't need this measly one point! 

Chris: It's 1-0 MAX! 

Chris: The next person is.. 

Chris: Rodney!

Rodney quickly walked over to Chris. 

Chris: Truth or dare? 

Rodney: Truth.. 

Chris: Why is EVERYBODY picking truth? 

Chris: Who do you love? 

Rodney: I don't know... 

Clucky started clucking again. 

Chris: Dude, we all know you're a love sick puppy! 

Chris: Tell the truth. 

Rodney: I love Scarlett,Amy,Jasmine,Stacy and N-Noah.. 

Clucky doesn't move. 

Chris: You really need to get your act together! 

Chris: Pick ONE! 

Rodney slowly walked back to his seat. 

Chris: I guess it's 2-0 now.. 

Chris: Next person... 

Chris: Sierra! 


Chris: Truth or dare? 

Sierra: DARE!

Chris: I dare you to swap seats with Cody! 

Sierra: Easy! 

Sierra ran over to Cody, picked him up and put him in her seat. Afterwards, she sat down in Cody's seat. 

Chris: Its now 2-1! 

Chris: Owen, you're up! 

Owen: Dare! Bring it on! 

Chris: I dare you to show us your secret stash of food! 

Owen: Ok.. 

Owen: Can I do it AFTER the game? 

Chris: Nope! 

Owen motioned for everybody to follow him to the Peacock cabin. 

Owen: It's under my blanket. 

Chris: I said SHOW us! Not tell us! 

Owen lifted his blanket and showed everybody his stash. 

Chris: We can go back now! 

(At the truth or dare area) 

Chris: It's 3-1! 

Chris: Swans gotta work on their skills!

Chris: Next is... 

Chris: Jen! 

Jen: Oh yay! 

Jen: Truth! 

Chris: Is it true you are dating Tom? 

Jen: We only call each other babe because it's a TREND! So no.

Clucky stood still.

Chris: Ok..

Chris: It's now 3-2! 

Chris: Izzy you're up! 

Izzy: Izzy picks DARE!

Chris: I dare you to turn into Brainzilla! 

Izzy: Somebody hit me on the head! HARD! 


Owen walked over to Izzy and hit her head really hard. 

Brainzilla: Get away from me imbecile! 

Chris: It's 4-2! 

Chris: Tom! 

Tom: Truth! 

Chris: Do you ACTUALLY consider Jen as a good friend? 

Tom: Of course! She's my blogger buddy! 

Clucky doesn't move. 

Chris: 4-3! 

Owen: Ima go turn Brainzilla back into Izzy. 

Owen hit Brainzilla on the head harder than before. 

Izzy: Thanks Big O! 

Chris: You're up Noah! 

Noah: Truth.. 

Chris: Do you have a crush on somebody? 

Noah: Why are most of these truths connected to our love lives? 

Chris: Answer the dang question.. 

Noah: Fiiiiiiiine! 

Noah: Yes I do. 

Clucky doesn't move. 

Chris: *quietly to the camera* It's probably Cody! 

Chris: 5-3! 

Chris: Beardo! 

Chris: Truth or dare? 

Beardo couldn't talk so he can't pick. 

Chris: Dare? 

Beardo nodded. 

Chris: I dare you to talk! 

Beardo: Fine.. 

Chris: Wow! You're voice is as deep as I thought it would be! 

Beardo made a sad trombone sound and walked to his seat. 

Chris: 5-4! 

Chris: Dj! 

Dj: I say truth. 

Chris: Is it true that you still have that curse? 

Dj: No! 

Dj walked over to pet Clucky but accidentally stepped on her. 

Clucky started clucking crazily. 

Chris: Clearly you still have that curse! No point! 

Chris: And so it stays 5-4! 

Chris: Leshawna! Come on up! 

Leshawna: Dare! 

Chris: I dare you to kiss Heather! 

Leshawna: Fine! 

Leshawna shuffled to Heather and lightly kissed her. 

Leshawna: Now give me the fricking point! 

Chris: Yup! 5-5! 

Chris: Jus- 

Justin: Truth! 

Chris: Do you love Beth? 

Justin: I love ALL my fans! 

Clucky started clucking. 

Justin: I SAID, I love ALL my FANS! 

Clucky didn't stop clucking. 

Chris: Enough Justin! 

Chris: It's still a tie! 

Chris: Up next is Brody! 

Brody: Dare! 

Chris: I dare you to tell us who do you hate the most! 

Brody: I'm cool with most people but Dave's just plain rude dude! 

Clucky didn't move. 

Chris: The score is now 5-6! 

Chris: Cody! Come over here! 

Chris: Truth or dare? 

Cody: Truth! 

Chris: Do you like anybody here as MORE than a friend? 

Chris looked over to where Noah was sitting. 

Confessional- Noah: Chris just ran out of bad truths to give us..I wonder if Cody ACTUALLY has a crush on Sierra?.. 

Cody: Ummm..No? 

Clucky started clucking. 

Cody: Heh...I guess.. 

Clucky continued clucking. 

Cody: Fine...I do.. 

Clucky stopped clucking. 

Chris: 6-6! 

Chris: I'm starting to get tired of all these truths! 

Chris: From now on, ONLY DARES! 

Chris: Dave! Get over here! 

Chris: I dare you to kiss the person you hate the most! 

Dave: Ewwwww! I'm NOT kissing Max! 

Dave: He likes Scarlett! 

Max: I DO NOT! 

Chris: You can kiss him and get the point! Or not.. 

Dave: I'll PASS! 


Chris: Still 6-6

Chris: Heather! 

Chris: I dare you to tell us who your crush is! 

Heather: Ummm.. 

Heather: Alejandro? 

Clucky stood still. 


Chris: 7-6!

Noah: Ew. Why you gotta be so sappy for? 

Heather: Says the one who admitted they had a crush on someone here! 

Heather: *whispers* I know you have a crush on Cody.. 

Noah: *whispers* No I don't! 

Heather: *whispers* I'm your friend! You can tell me anything! 

Noah: *whispers* Fine! I do have a crush on Cody! 

Heather: *whispers* Your secret's safe with me! 

Alejandro: *whispers* But not with me! 

Noah: *whispers* Don't.You.Dare! 

Alejandro: *whispers* Whatever you say amigo! 

Chris: Sam! Your dare is to stop playing games until somebody accepts/completes their dare! 

Sam: NOOOOOOOOO! Fine... 

Chris: Somebody keep an eye on him! 

Chris: Cameron! Your dare is to fight Heather! 

Cameron: I CAN'T DO THAT! 

Chris: No amour! 

Cameron: I think i'll pass! 

Chris: 7-6 still.. 

Chris: Kitty! I dare you to say something nice about your sister! 

Kitty: I guess she's good at multitasking.. 

Chris: FINALLY! 7-7! But 7-8 now cause Sam's done his dare!

Chris: Shawny! I dare you to let yourself get eaten by a zombie! 

Shawn: NO! 

Chris: 7-8 

Chris: Tyler! I dare you to say something bad about Lindsay! 

Tyler: She isn't the brightest tool in the box.. 

Chris: 7-9!

Chris: Jasmine! I dare you to snatch Shawn's beanie! 

Jasmine: Easy! 

Jasmine ran over to Shawn and snagged his beanie. 

Shawn: HEY! 

Jasmine: Still love you though! 

Shawn: Fine..I love you too.. 

Chris: It's 8-9! 

Chris: Beth! I dare you to slap Justin in the face! 

Beth: He doesn't love me so that would be easy! 

Beth walked up to Justin and smacked his face. 

Justin: OW!

Chris: 8-10! 

Chris: Alejandro..your turn! 

Alejandro: The other team have more people than us! 

Chris: Yup! 

Alejandro: They OBVIOUSLY won! 

Chris: I'll give you triple points if you complete this dare! 

Chris: Your dare is to punch Heather in the face! 

Alejandro: I can't do that to Mi Amour! 

Heather: And you WON'T! 

Chris: Well done Swift Swans! I guess fourth time's not the charm! 

Noah: That's not even the saying... 

Chris: Shush child!

Chris: I'll see you all at the campfire! 

(At the Prestigious Peacocks cabin) 

Heather: Who do we vote? 

Noah: I say Justin! 

Alejandro: Why? 

Noah: He was the ONLY person on this team that constantly lied! He didn't even say the truth! 

Heather: So did Cody! 

Noah: But he told the truth afterwards.. 

Noah: Justin's STILL looking into that mirror! 

Heather and Alejandro turned their heads to see Justin looking into a mirror and giving himself compliments. 

Cody: Then it's settled! 

(At the campfire) 

Chris: Time to vote! 

Confessional- Noah: I've hated Justin since island! 

Confessional- Cody: Noah's the smart one here! I vote for Justin! 

Confessional- Justin: Noah's the anti me! He's too smart for his own good! My vote goes to him! 

Confessional- Heather and Alejandro: Justin! 

Chris: I would NORMALLY let you have your privacy when voting but this time, NO PRIVACY FOR YOU! 

Owen: Good luck guys! 

Chris turned on the tv. (The tv has come out of nowhere..) 

*Shows Justin voting for Noah* 

Noah: I like being smart! Thank you very much!

*Shows Cody voting for Justin* 

*Shows Noah voting for Justin* 

Justin: What's to hate? 

*Shows Heather and Alejandro voting for Justin* 

Chris: Looks like AleHeather is real.. 

Heather: Shut it Chris! 

Chris: But according to the amount of people that voted for Justin, he's eliminated!

Justin: This show just got 100% uglier! 

Alejandro: No! This show just got 100% less stupid! 

Justin: At least I have my modelling status! 

Chris: Until you get pushed down a sewer! 

Justin: I forgot about that.. 

(At the sewer of shame) 

Chris: You've already said your last words so.. 

Chris pushed Justin into the sewer before he could realise how filthy it was. 

Chris: Now he's gone, everybody go back to your cabin! 

(At the Swift Swans cabin) 


Max: Oh shut it! 

Beth: What's wrong? 



Ezekiel: I saw that geek earlier eh! He was fine eh! 

Sierra: Shut it homeschool! You don't understand LOVE! 

Dave: Love brings disappointment...

Sierra: Don't be salty because Sky rejected you! 

Dave: I don't need her! I'm perfectly fine without her! 

Sierra: Whatever you say.... 

Confessional- Sierra: I record everybody in their sleep! Dave keeps on saying stuff like 'Sky you're really pretty!' and 'You're the cutest girl i've ever met!'. I know he still loves Sky! 

Chris: Tomorrow will be a GRUESOME challenge! So get your rest!

 Everybody groaned and went to bed. 

Chris: Soooo...You wanted to hang out? 

Chef: Yup! 

Chris: Let's go to Red Lobster! 

Chef: Anything you want, dude! 

Chris hugged Chef but couldn't get his arms all the way round him.

Chris: Wait a minute...


Chris: Well, heh, that's it for this episode! 

Chris: What will umm happen next? Will I get a bigger paycheck? 

Chris: All of that answered next time on.. 

Chris: TOTAL 

Chris: DRAMA 


Chris: Now the episode's over.. 

Chris: Let's go! 

Chef picked up Chris and put him on his shoulder. 

Chris: I love you bro! 

Chef only nodded in response. 

2098 words   I just wanted to include Chref :D

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