Paintballing Palooza!

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Chris:  Hello and welcome back to another episode of Total Drama Return of Camp Wawanakwa! Last time, our contestants had to eat some pretty disgusting breakfast made by our wonderful cook, Chef! New friendships were formed, relationships were tested, and there was a whole lot of vomit! But in the end, MacArthur ate her teammate's food, disqualifying her team! So Josee convinced everyone to vote her off and MacArthur took the catapult home! Will new relationships form? And what type of pain will our competitors experience? Find out here on Total Drama Return of Camp Wawanakwa!

(Theme Song)

Chris: (on the loudspeaker) Good morning competitors! I hope you all had a good night sleep... NOT! Meet me at the forest entrance in 20 minutes!

(At the Soaring Eagles Boy's cabin)

Brody: (crying into a pillow) I miss MacArthur so much!

Jacques: (annoyed) Uh! Stop crying! You kept me up all night! I need my beauty sleep so I can perform well for the team.

Brody: (continues crying) But I miss my princess! And you don't even care.

Jacques: Yeah, I don't care, cuz she lost us the challenge!

Cody: Woah guys! Let's just calm down, we got a challenge to win.

Duncan: Well I gotta side with Jacques here on this one. I mean, your girlfriend sempt pretty cool but she did blow it big time. Sorry man.

(In confessional)
Brody: (sighs) I can't believe MacArthur's gone. I gotta win this for her though! Or at least beat Jacques and Josee for her. As much as I want those ice dancers gone, I'm still gonna play fair and win this thing fairly! MacArthur, if your out there, I love you babe! And I wish you were here!
(End confessional)

(At the Ferocious Tigers Boy's cabin)

Mike: Well, we better get going team.

Alejandro: Chill Mike, we still have 10 minutes. (Walks over to Scott) Hola me amigo! So I was thinking... you seem like a pretty smart guy, so wanna form an alliance? The two of us could make it all the way together!

Scott: Hmmm. Maybe Al, but you gotta prove to be trustworthy. With that whole "my legs don't work" thing in All Stars.

Alejandro: It's Alejandro, and you can totally trust me. I'll find a way to prove it to you in this challenge. And we can vote for whoever you want.

Scott: Whatever. I'll think about it.

Tom: Hey, has anyone seen my brush? (Finds it quickly)

(On the other side of the room)

Lightning: (doing push ups) 47, 48, 50, 51!

Dave: Um, doofus there's a 49 you know! Have you always been this dumb?

Lightning: (approaches Dave) Do you want me to mess up your face for you wise guy?

Dave: (backing away) No thanks, but I just wanted to let you know that Sky is a jerk and she's playing you. I heard she's planning to vote you off if we lose next time. Just something you should know.

Devin: Ok guys. Ready to head to the forest? We've gotta win again!

Tom: Wait! Let me finish brushing my hair first. (Finishes) Okay, now I'm ready!

Devin: Alright! Let's go team!

(At the forest entrance)

Chris: Welcome campers! It's time for your next challenge! You guys will be having a paintball hunt! I have randomly selected the hunters. If I call your name come grab a gun. From the Soaring Eagles, Junior, Stephanie, Noah, and Josee. And from the Ferocious Tigers, Devin, Mike, Dave, and Jen. Those of you hiding will be wearing team colored sunglasses, and you've got 10 minutes to hide! Go!

(In the forest)

Carrie: So Ryan, wanna stick together? It'll be harder for them to catch both of us if we're working together.

Ryan: Sure! Sounds like a good idea! Follow me. (Runs down a path and Carrie follows)

Courtney: If you dare follow me Duncan I will kill you!

Duncan: I wouldn't dream of following you so you better leave me alone! And don't you dare try to follow me!

Courtney: Ug. You are such an ogre!

Duncan: Whatever. Just keep your distance. (Walks off by himself)

Zoey: (walking with Gwen) I'm glad we're on the same team this time.

Gwen: Yeah I can't believe Chris had the nerve to put me on the Villainous Vultures! What a jerk. (Laughing with Zoey)

Zoey: (sees Samey walking by herself) Wanna tag along with us Samey?

Samey: Definitely! I'm all confused in these woods. I've never been to Wawanakwa before.

Gwen: Well I have, and let me tell you this island sucks. (All start laughing)

Bridgette: So Geoff, where should we hide?

Geoff: How about that cave on the other side of the island? No one will find us there.

Bridgette: Great idea!

Lightning: I'm gonna go myself. I don't need some jerk (looks at Sky) who wants to vote me off to come with me!

Sky: Umm I'm not really sure what you're implying... but that's no way to talk to your teammates!

(Lightning walks away and then Sky goes off on her own)

Tom: So... Anyone know good hiding spots? I can't let my shirt get stained!

Kitty: I don't really know any spots... Maybe we could go this way. (Tom walks off somewhere else) Or I could just go alone (snaps a selfie and leaves)

Heather: So... Sierra. We should totally go together! Right friend?

Sierra: (spots Cody hiding off in the distance). Um actually we should split up Heather! You know so people don't think we're working together! Well, see ya!  (Chases after Cody)

(In confessional)
Heather: Well playing Sierra again clearly isn't working out too well. I need to find a new alliance member. Someone who doesn't know me enough to hate me. Hmm I guess I could try Kitty. She seems pretty gullible.
(End confessional)

Heather: (chases after Kitty) Wait up Kitty! (In a fake nice voice) I know this island so well, so I was thinking I'd help you out! Wanna work together?

Kitty: Sure. So, you lead the way. (Both walk into forest)

Chris: And hiders your time is up! Go hunters go! (Blows air horn and hunters rush off into the woods)

Devin: Hey Mike, you wanna hunt together? I mean, we'd probably have a better chance of catching the others.

Mike: Sounds great! Oh, but if you see my girlfriend Zoey, do me a favor and don't shoot her. I know it's kinda betraying our team but...

Devin: Yeah I know what you mean! I don't wanna shoot Carrie either! If we find them, let's just pretend we never saw em!

Mike: (laughs) Yeah that's a good excuse. Come on let's go this way. (Hears rumbling in distance) What was that? (Holds up paintball gun)

Devin: (sees Jacques' hair sticking up over a bush) It's Jacques. (Whispering to Mike) Come on let's go get him!

(Mike takes a shot at Jacques but barely misses. Jacques then does flips and such to avoid the shots. Devin rapid fires a bunch of shots but Jacques dodges. Then Jacques grabs Mikes paintball gun and slams it on his head, drops it and then runs off. Devin's gun is now jammed form shooting too fast)

Jacques: Haha! See you losers (sticks his tongue out)

Devin: Ug! Great! The one person I actually wanted to shoot! That ice dancer is such a jerk!

Mike: (in pain) Ow! My head. (Stand ups) Great, now Jacques got away and we're gonna loose! (Takes a deep breath turning into Chester) Stupid game, back in my day we played board games like decent folk for fun!

Devin: Um are you ok Mike? I'm sure we can still win this! Jacques just a cheater. I think you just hit your head too hard. (Helps Mike walk away)

Dave: (sees Lightning) Oooh this is gonna be good. (Is about to shoot when...)

Ella: Why hello there Prince David! (Dave drops his gun) I've missed you! (Hugs Dave). Oh and just so you know, Lightning is on our team!

Dave: (lying) Really? Oh my gosh I forgot!

(In confessional)
Ella: I think my prince is finally ready for me! Eeeee! Dave broke up with Sky, so this is perfect! We can finally be together forever!
(End confessional)

Ella: How about I tag along with you my prince?

Dave: Ok, but just call me Dave.

Ella: Sure thing Dave!

(Somewhere else in the forest)

Josee: (sneaking around. Hears rustling in the bushes. Starts shooting without caring who it is) Gotcha!

Lightning: Crap! (Paint splatters all over him)

Josee: Yes! An amazing shot by me! I can taste the gold!

(Towards the entrance of the forest)

Jen: Hmm. Where to look? This island is so confusing!

Tom: (comes out of a nearby bush) Omg Jen I'm glad to see you! I'm like so sweaty and gross already! Could you maybe protect me and I'll help you search?

Jen: Sure Tom! I have no idea what I'm doing! And this forest is disgusting! (Shoots a bug crawling on the floor) Ew.

(While Tom and Jen are talking, Junior sneaks up behind them and shoots Tom)

Tom: AHHHH! MY SHIRT!!! (Falls to the ground)

Jen: NOOOOO! Tom you better wash that shirt right away before the stain is permanent!

Junior: Alright!

(In confessional)
Junior: My dad would never let me play paintball because he thought it was too dangerous. But this is so cool and a totally awesome challenge to be in!
(End confessional)

(At the bottom of the cliff)

Devin: (talking softly) Come on Mike let's check over here!

Cody: Sierra we're on different teams! Please don't follow me!

Sierra: (sadness in her voice) Oh Codykinz! We can't just let this show tear us apart! We must stick together!

(In confessional)
Cody: Sierra really helped me out in World Tour and is a nice friend but we are on different teams. I can't take her stalking me so I just have to tell her what I'm feeling.
(End confessional)


Sierra: (hears someone coming) Cody shhh! Someone's coming! We gotta hide! (Picks up Cody and covers his mouth)

(Cody breaks free of Sierra)

Devin: (spots Cody) It's Cody, Mike! Let's get him!

Mike: (as Chester) You kids with your machinery. Let's just throw rocks! (Picks up a rock and throws it at Cody)

Cody: Ow!

Devin: Mike! You just gave us away! (Quickly fires at Cody)

Sierra: Cody, no! (Jumps in front of Cody to block the shot but gets hit instead. Cody then scrambles away)

Devin: Oh no, Sierra!

Mike: (takes a breath, turning back into himself) Devin? Why'd you shoot Sierra?

Devin: I didn't! Weren't you watching? And that doesn't count, right?

Chris: (flies over on his jetpack) Nope! It does count. Thanks to you Sierra is out! (Flies away)

Devin: But it's not even my fault! She jumped in the way!

Mike: (sighs) Well, no use in arguing against Chris.

(Somewhere else in the forest)

Jen: Hmm. (Mumbling to herself) Where is everyone? (Continues walking past some trees but then hears someone) It sounds like someone's crying.

Brody: (crying loudly)

Jen: Ah ha! (Spots Brody sobbing under a tree and then shoots a paintball at him) Yes!

Brody: (continues crying) MacArthur I've failed you!

(Somewhere else)

Emma: This place is so stupid and confusing.

Noah: (runs up to Emma, catching his breath) Hey. Emma. I was thinking I could protect you since I'm a hunter.

Emma: Noah that's sweet of you but I can handle myself.

Noah; Um, well I kind of wanna stay. Is that ok? (Dave and Ella come out from behind a nearby tree) Put the gun down!

Ella: Go Dave! You've got this!

Dave: Ella hurry and run. (Dave shoots at Emma while she is talking to Noah) Yes!

Emma: Ug! Noah I thought you were gonna protect me! Now I'm out because of you! (Walks off)

Noah: (sad and mad) Dave, you took out my girlfriend so I'm gonna take out yours! (Shoots Ella after a few tries)

Dave: What!? She's not. We aren't. Ug! (Storms off)

Ella: Oh Dave! We were just meant to be! Goodbye for now my prince! (Singing as birds carry her off) Ah ahh ahh ahh ah!

(In confessional)
Noah: Yeah. I'm pretty sure Ella just defied gravity. And why was Emma mad at me? I hope she isn't really mad because without her I'm just a miserable know it all.
(End confessional)

(Somewhere else in the woods)

Jacques: Ha! Stupid Devin and whoever was with him. What a bunch of losers. I'm too athletic and smart for them. (Runs into a tree)

Devin: (sees Jacques) Haha! You should talk Jacques! You just ran into a tree! (Aims gun at him)

Mike: (comes out on the other side of Jacques) You're not getting away this time! (Devin rapid fires a bunch of shots at Jacques, hitting him a few times)

Jacques: (curses) Man that hurt. (Mike and Devin high five)

(Somewhere else in the forest)

Scott: (walking along) Al are you gonna follow me this entire time?

Alejandro: I am just here to help me amigo! (Hears some bushes moving. Junior shoots at Scott) Look out Scott! (Alejandro shoves Scott out of the way, saving his butt) Phew! That was a close one! (Whispering) Follow me to a good hideout!

Scott: Sure. Whatever.

Junior: Hey get back here! (Runs after them)

(Somewhere else)

Carrie: So Ryan, have any idea where we are? I think we're lost.

Ryan: I have got no idea. But as long as we don't get caught as guess we're good!

Carrie: Good point! (Giggles)

Stephanie: (comes stomping out of a bush) UG! WILL YOU SHUT IT ALREADY!

Ryan: Woah Steph! Calm down, you might attract some other hunters and could you try to be nicer baby?

Stephanie: SERIOUSLY RYAN?  That's it! If you love Blondie so much you can just date her cuz WE ARE OVER! (Shoots both Ryan and Carrie)

Carrie: (gasps)

Ryan: Stephanie? We are just friends! Now you got us out, kinda like when you boomeranged us in the North Pole!

Stephanie: Really? Are you still talking about that??!

Carrie: Um but we're on the same team! Ryan and I are only friends, I swear!

Stephanie: Well he's all yours now and I COULDN'T CARE LESS! (Stomps off)

Chris: Ooh and Stephanie just took out her own teammates!

(Somewhere else)

Josee: (searching for someone) Hmm if I was hiding, I'd probably be... up in a tree! (Looks up and spots Sky sitting in a tree. Shoots at her)

Sky: (jumps from branch to branch dodging her shots. Then does a flip off the tree) Can't seem to hit me, can you? (Runs away)

Josee: UG! (Throws gun on the ground out of anger) I hate this stupid show!

(Somewhere else)

Gwen: Look out guys, I think I hear someone coming.

Samey: (points to a bush) Over there! I hear something!

Duncan: (walks out from behind the bush. The girls start to scream) Woah chill! It's just me!

Zoey: Oh phew! I thought we were all toast!

Gwen: Ug! Really Duncan?

Duncan: Sorry! (Hears something else) Duck guys! (Dave emerges from behind a tree and shoots at Gwen. Zoey and Samey run off) Gwen, look out! (Duncan shoves Gwen out of the way, but end up getting shot himself)

Gwen: Oh no! Duncan! (Rushes over to Duncan who's on the ground)

Duncan: I'm fine! Just run! I'll hold Dave off for you!

Dave: Oh Yeah! Another one for the Dave -man! In your face! (Duncan punches Dave in the gut) Ok. I'm just gonna lay down for a little now.

Gwen: Thanks Duncan! (Gives Duncan a little kiss on the cheek and then runs off to find Samey and Zoey)

(In a cave in the back of the forest)

(Geoff and Bridgette are in the cave making out when Junior stumbles in)

Junior: Ok ew! That's gross! Can you even breathe? (Then shoots them both. Geoff and Bridgette still remain kissing) I guess I'll just go now.

(Somewhere else in the woods)

Courtney: (swatting at flies above her head.) Bug off you vile creatures!. (Trips and gets tangled in some vines) Ug! I'm stuck!

Jen: (spots Courtney and all the flies) Ew! This island is disgusting! (Aims at Courtney and shoots her) Yes! I'm not half bad at this! And my hair is still perfect!

(Somewhere else in the forest)

Heather: So... Kitty, you seem like such a nice person! I really hope we can become great friends this season!

Kitty: Sure! That'd be awesome!

Heather: Yeah I know right! And also, one other thing, I wanna make sure we make it far together! So I was thinking... we could form an alliance. You interested?

Kitty: Yeah! Just to let you know. Devin's one of my good friends on this team, so don't try to make me vote him off.

Heather: Yeah no problem!

Stephanie: (walks over and starts shooting at the girls while they're busy talking. Both girls get shot) YES! I AM THE BEST AT THIS! HEY RYAN, YOU'RE MISSING OUT ON THE BEST GIRLFRIEND EVER!!!

(Somewhere else)

Samey: It been like 3 hours! Do you think it will be over soon?

Zoey: I certainly hope so!

Gwen: Well some of these dumb challenges can go on for a really long time. Like once I had to stay awake for a few days as a challenge! Chris is such a jerk!

Zoey: Wow that's so mean of him!

Cody: (spots Gwen from across) HEY GWEN! OVER HERE!

Gwen: Cody! Be quiet!

Mike: Did you hear that Devin?

Devin: Yeah! It came from over that way! (Points to the left). Let's go! (They rush over and spot the other team. Devin shoots Gwen and Cody, and Mike shoots Samey.

Mike: (sees Zoey and stops) Don't worry Zoey I won't shoot you. (Takes a deep breath turning into Mal) Oh but I will! (Shoots Zoey several times) Mwah-ha-ha! (Then turns back to Mike)

Zoey: Ow! Mike!

(In confessional)
Zoey: Was that... Mal? It couldn't be though... could it?
(End confessional)

Gwen: Great Cody, now we're all out!

Cody: Sheesh! Well we still have other teammates to win it for us.

Chris: (flies down in his jetpack) And that's the game! Soaring Eagles, looks like you're out of teammates and the Ferocious Tigers win! Sky, Alejandro, and Scott were left for you. Eagles, meet me at the campfire in 10!

Devin: Yes! We did it Mike!

Mike: (sighs) But now Zoey might go home because of me. (Walks off with his head down)

(By the cabins)

Alejandro: So did I prove myself to be trustworthy enough? After all, I did save your butt and get us to a safe hiding spot for the rest of the game.

Scott: Yeah. I guess you did Alejandro. Consider us allies. But if you try to turn on me, you will be the next one outta here!

(In confessional)
Lightning: So I know Dave told me Sky was using me but I don't care. After seeing Sky do good in this challenge makes me see how amazing she is!)
(End confessional)

(At the Soaring Eagles Girl's cabin)

Samey: (to the girls in the room: Zoey, Carrie, Gwen, and Courtney) So who are we gonna vote off?

Gwen: Well Cody's definitely got my vote! He is so annoying and cost us the game!

Courtney: Yeah! That little pip squeak is good at nothing! And if we eliminate him, Sierra is guaranteed to go home next.

Carrie: I kinda think Stephanie should go home. She shot Ryan and I just for working together, and we're on the same team!

Samey: That is a good point, She doesn't seem like a nice person either.

Gwen: What do you think Zoey? You seem kinda quiet. Everything ok?

Zoey: (thinking about Mike being Mal). Uh yeah! I'm fine. I'm not sure who I'll vote off yet.

(At the campfire)

Chris: Alright campers! Time to cast your votes! (Everyone votes) Ok there are 14 marshmallows. If you don't receive one, you're done! The people safe are: Gwen, Courtney, Carrie, Samey, Emma, Zoey, Noah, Duncan, Jacques, and Josee. Also safe are Junior and Ryan! That leaves Brody, Cody, and Stephanie. Brody, all you did was cry this time, and Cody, you got a lot of your team out while Stephanie, you shot your own teammates!

Stephanie: Well stupid Carrie and Ryan deserved it! I better not be the one going home!

Chris: The next marshmallow goes to... Brody! (Brody catches the marshmallow in his mouth) And the final one goes to... Stephanie! Cody, you're out!

Cody: What?!

Chris: Yep! Now for the catapult!

Sierra: (comes running over) CODYKINZ NOOOOO!

Cody: You're gonna have to win for the both of us. And before I go, I just wanna say that sometimes your annoying, but I love- (gets catapulted) AHHHHH!

Sierra: (glares at Chris and then tackles him) My Cody wody was just gonna say he loves me! How could you just catapult him away like that?! I'LL WIN FOR YOU CODY! I LOVE YOU TOO CODYKINZ!

Chris: (gets up off the floor and brushes his shirt) Well that's it for this episode of Total Drama! Tune in next time for an even more drama packed episode with even more pain filled challenges here on Total Drama Return of Camp Wawanakwa!

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