Race For The Flower

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I was in the cabin with Cameron and Lightning who made a Cameron doll... punching bag... and was currently hitting it as Cam was in his sleeping bag terrified. I sigh as I read my book.

"Lightning is furious at me for winning the last immunity. He's focused all his energy on pumping iron and psyching me out," Cameron said as I sat next to him as Zoey was across from us and bent the middle of a fork. "Me, the guy who gets psyched out by feathers and big drinking cups." Then Chef brought over three large drinking glasses. Cam freaked out and nearly fell backwards as I helped him remain up. "Are you even listening to me?" He snapped at Zoey as I leaned away from the two. 

"You know what you gotta do?" Zoey asked Cameron as she leaned across the table into Cams personal space.

"Start backing away from you quietly?"

"You gotta grab your fear by the throat and throttle it into courage."


"The thing that can turn a passive small town girl that sews her own clothes into a hardened extermination machine." She then shot an egg towards Chef who was carrying dishes. I catch the egg and glare at the new Zoey. "Besides, whatever Lightning is thinking can't be that bad."

"Oh, he's gonna eat me alive, I know it." Lightning then clears his throat causing us to turn to him as he salts up the Cameron punching bag and then eats its eye out. Cameron screams. "It's like he's chewing my soul." I pat his back as he hyperventilates.

"Easy little guy, we are going to take Lightning out, three on one, no mercy, no pity, no prisoners." Zoey said as she hyped up Cameron.

"It's going to be a friendship finale either way." Cameron said as we high-fived and he held out a hand for Zoey. "Don't leave me hanging." When Zoey high-fived him, he screamed in pain.

We then meet up with Chris in a mutated forest. 

"Finalists, welcome to the mutant forest of terror." Cameron backed away scared as steam came from the ground and I caught him when he nearly fell in. "Oh yeah, watch your step, biohazardous sinkhole. They put the mutant in mutant forest of terror."

"Thanks teammate." I nod.

"They're also where Chef gets the toxic marshmallow of loserdom from." We watch as Chef fishes up a toxic marshmallow. "Two of you get to eat those later." Wait two?

"Ain't gonna be Lightning. I got the strength of a bear and the speed of a cheetah flying a jumbo jet." Lighting said as I raised a brow.

"And the brain of a jellyfish," Zoey said.

"The challenge: Race through the mutant forest to find the elusive Chrisinis flower. First player to present it to me wins immunity."

"Which means they get to pick who to take with them to the grand finale," Cameron said as Zoey and I smiled.

"Yeah, thanks for doing my job, pillow face," Chris said annoyed.

"Wait, flower picking? I thought this was a challenge, not a tea party," Lightning said walking over to Chris.

"Oh, it's a challenge, move a little to your left for me would ya?" He moves to the right. "Your other left." Lightning does so and the yellow plant spits fire onto his bum. I bite back a laugh as Chris was smiling accomplished. Chef then puts Lightning out with a fire extinguisher. "This place is full of those pretty little tea party flowers, but the flower you're looking for is attached to a very special plant... A venus flytrap, or as I like to call him Larry."

"Wasn't Larry your pet venus flytrap?" I ask remembering something like that off of Sierra's blog about Chris. He blinks at this and nods. 

"Kid, how did you know that?" He asked as I was standing by him.

"Sierra has a blog." I smile remembering the small fact. He then looks past me to see the others. We both walk back to them.

"Whoa there, save the insults for when you're in the forest and probably on fire. It's funnier for us that way. Find Larry and you find the flower. Oh, and watch your step, those sinkholes are everywhere." We watch as an intern falls in one. "Wait for it," and comes out with wings and mutated ogre arm, feet, and eye. "Seeya, Josh, enjoy your new job at the circus!" Chris yells.

"Question, how are we supposed to find this Larry?" Zoey asked. Chris pulled out a map.

"Ah, I see, we each get a map." Cameron commented.

"No," He rips the map in four pieces handing them to us, "you each get a piece of the map. You think printer cartridges grow on trees? You can work together or,"

"Sha-bye bye, suckers!" Lightning then runs off as I shake my head.

"or you can go it alone." He walks away as Zoey, Cam and I put our pieces together.

"We have all of the path except for the final destination which is what Lightning has." I say looking at the map.

"So we follow the path," Cam started.

"And then let my warrior instincts take over. Let's roll... and watch out for those sinkholes." Zoey finishes and then walks off.

"No problem, I noticed they send a jet of steam when stepped on thus creating a hole one could fall through if not paying attention." A jet of steam passes Cam as I dive for him knocking him out of the way of the hole. "Whoa, thanks again." He says as I get us to our feet.

We walk for a while following the trail. 

"Um, Zoey, are you okay? You don't seem quite yourself." Cameron tries to talk to Zoey. 

"End of the trail. Warrior instincts don't fail me now." I hear a fly coming our way.

"Duck!" I say as Lightning goes by on a fly fighting it. Then he drops his piece of the map.

"The map, yes, I need that piece." Zoey said as both Cam and I were confused.

"Uh, you mean we need it right, right?" We then get up and go try to find her. "Hello, Zoey, need clarification here." Then a giant fly comes our way as I stand in front of Cam growling as the fly then flew away. 

"Stay here, and don't move. I'll find Zoey." I tell Cam as I take off and see Zoey about to fall into a pit. I rush over and catch her as Lightning takes off with the pieces of the map. "Come on, we need to get back to Cameron." Zoey races off as I follow. "Cam, Lightning got the map, Zoey nearly fell into a pit and I saved her but lost the map...sorry." I say as Cam just nods.

"Well how are we supposed to find Larry now?" Zoey asked as we walked for a while.

"Hmm, Larry is a venus flytrap, they're found in nitrogen poor environments like a bog." Cameron said as Zoey and I protected him from falling into a pit and a fire plant.

"There was a bog on the map just northeast of us," Zoey said as we head off and arrive at the bog and Cameron nearly falls in as Zoey catches him.

"Look, it's Larry." I point out in the middle of the bog was the flower in the jaws of the gigantic venus flytrap.

"He's huge," Cameron said shivering.

"No, he's colossal," Chris said through a loudspeaker as I blinked.

"Think Zoey, how am I gonna get that flower?" I raise a brow.

"We, could hop across on the stepping stones." Cameron said as I noticed one of the stones wasn't a stone.

"Um-" I started.

"Yeah, stand back, I'm on it." Zoey said as she started across the stones.

"But-" I tried again, but she got thrown back as I caught her. "I tried to warn you." I say as she glares at Cam.

"Zoey, I swear, I didn't know it was a grumpy mutant turtle." Cam tried to explain to an upset Zoey.

"Booya, first," He then noticed us. "What how did you three," he growls, "stupid map. This game ain't over yet." Lightning then jumps on the turtle's head and lands in Larry's mouth. "Hey, Zeros watch and weep at the hero." He then gets eaten and tries to fight out. Cam jumped into Zoey's arms.

"It ate Lightning like he was snack sized." Cameron whimpered.

"Guess he's not a picky eater." I glare at Zoey as I plan to head over and get Lightning out, but than Larry spits Lightning out. "What do you know, that big mutant does have taste." Then we see Larry return to his relaxed state and the flower reappears. "Cam, Kid, the flower, let's grab it." I nod as Cameron still looked down right terrified.

"But, but Larry, he's so big and carnivorous and oh sweet mother of pearl, he's looking at me like I'm dessert." Cameron said as Zoey puts him down and grabs the front of his shirt.

"Snap out of it, you gotta dig deep and find your inner warrior. I need that flower."

"We-we need that flower." I point out and separate the two.

"Fine, from what happened to Lightning, that flower must be Larry's bite sensor. Problem is there's no way to grab the flower and clear his mouth fast enough." Cameron said as I thought of something.

"Hmm, I got a plan," Zoey said as I feared what she had in mind. She tied a rope to Cam and he was then lowered into Larry's mouth.

"Um, Zoey, for the record... I don't like this plan." Cam said as I was feeling antsy about this.

"Neither of you have to like it, now focus Cameron. It's all teamwork." I look at her with wide eyes.

/"Zoey wouldn't let me in on the plan, how is that teamwork? Here I am worried about Cams life when she won't let me help." I pout in the confessional.\

Cameron's branch was starting to break. 

"Zoey, bring him back." I say as she completely ignores me and Cameron sneezes allergic to the pollon Larry emits. "Zoey!" I shout at her as Lightning swings by and Cameron's branch snaps. I jump and catch Cam sliding on my back when we land. I hiss at the feeling of the ground rubbing against my bare neck.

"Thanks Kid for the catch." I wave it off as Zoey comes over and bickers with Cam. I feel liquid running down my back and reach back to feel a slickness on my neck. I check my hand and see blood. 

"Guys! This is no time to bicker." I say as I point out the fact that Larry got up and was now chasing after Lightning. I pull up my hood to hide the wound. We then go after Larry as Zoey takes up the lead. I stay back with Cam incase he needs assistance.

Zoey gets the flower as Larry tosses Lightning going after Zoey. "Cam, catch," She tosses it to Cam who picks it up and then proceeds to sneeze as Larry tries to hit him. I growl at him and pick up Cameron running after Zoey and away from Larry. "Throw me the flower, guys, Larry is gaining on you."

"Cam throw her the flower." I say still carrying him.

"Cam pass it here, I can win this." I wince at the bad choice of words as Cam holds onto the flower and gets out of my arms as I stop and look at him like he's freakin nuts.

"You can win this and vote me off, no way, friendship finale, more like frenemy finale." He then gets eaten and drops the flower. 

"Cameron!" I jump and try to get Cameron out, but Larry hits me away causing me to hit a tree really hard as it knocks the wind out of me and I pass out.

"Kid, are you okay?" I open my eyes with a groan as I see Chris smiling down at me. I blush as he chuckles. "Yep, you look fine to me." I get to my feet and touch my neck to feel bandages. "Yeah, you took a nasty fall from Larry. Well it's time for the elimination ceremony." He looked away before I see a dust of pink on his cheeks. I tilt my head confused. He leans down and pecks me softly on the lips causing me to turn into a bright red tomato face. "No matter what happens, It was a pleasure to have you on the show Kid." He said with a genuine smile and a sparkle in his dark orbs. I think I just got darker as I pulled up my hood and hid my face in my hands.

"Elimination time," Chris said as we stood on the dock. I stood next to Cameron and Zoey avoiding eye contact with Chris. Not in a bad way, but I just don't want to become a blushing mess. "Lightning, by refusing to help rescue a fellow player from the jaws of a monster."

"Yeah, baby."

"You've secured yourself a place in the finale, and you get to choose your opponent in said finale."

"The Lightning is not surprised by his win."

"Who will get the hurl of shame? Will it be Kid and Zoey, Kid and Cameron, or Cameron and Zoey?" Chris said as I raise my hand. "Yes, Kid?"

"In every other season it's always been three? Why make it different this season?"

"Because we're shaking things up this time around, so only two will be moving on." I nod as I had a high suspicion of the pair that were going to be hurled. I silently walked over and climbed into the hurl of shame as the others looked towards me.

"Zoey, come on. Lightning is going to pick Cameron due to his weak body and the fact that he's still holding a grudge." I say as the others turn to Lightning.

"Little girl's right. I pick Cameron, because I'm gonna eat you alive." Lightning said looking at Cameron. I growled lightly at being called a girl... again.

"Bon appetit and bon voyage." Chris said as he hurled Zoey and I. Zoey screamed the entire time as I focused my energy as a wind wrapped around the two of us providing up a safe landing on the other side of the lake. 

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