A small rant

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I'm going to continue the shipping opinions, but there's something I want to get off of my chest.

Okay. Between the Gwuncan vs. Duncney stuff, I noticed there is this particular pattern.

(Very commonly) people will bash Courtney and Gwen on their actions but it seems like NO ONE(rarely) brings up Duncan's actions....

I don't get it.

For example,(not all. But some) of the Duncney fans will literally just blame Gwen for Duncney ending....

This honestly bugs me because they'll say Duncan's there favorite character and hate Gwen for Gwuncan.

I'm like"Dude. The ship name has both names in it for a reason"

You literally just throw all the blame on Gwen when really, it's kinda all of their faults.

I think lots of it is they like Duncney and can't bring themselves to realize Duncan's wrong and instead of realizing it, they mentally justify it because it's Duncan.

Then, people that(for some reason) hate Courtney and will just blame Courtney for Duncan cheatings. They'll literally try to justify it. And then they'll bring up her constantly hitting Duncan in the coconuts and say she deserved what happened to her.

Then they'll bring up her trying to change him.

Okay. This to me is just bad reasoning.

1. Okay. If Courtney was trying to change him and Duncan felt she was going too far, why didn't he tell her?

He clearly didn't care about her feelings because he didn't mind cheating on her on the plane. So he wasn't afraid of hurting Courtney's feelings.

So why didn't he just bring it up?

2. I personally don't think Courtney deserved it. Okay, yes she did constantly hit him in the coconuts which was wrong.

But for some reason everyone thinks that gives Duncan the "ok" to just cheat.

Literally because she kicked him in the coconuts It's alright for him to cheat?

If he really wanted to establish a serious relationship with Courtney, he would've asked her to stop doing that.

Though the fact Courtney has to resort to kicking Duncan there just to get him to stop insulting her is a problem itself....

Moving on

I honestly can't stand how nobody can acknowledge Duncan's horrible actions.

Okay, some people acknowledge it. But some people just block all of his out and decide to blame Gwen, Courtney, or even both of them and not acknowledge that all three of them were the cause of Duncneys end.

Okay. I'm sorry if I sound mean, or hurted anyones feelings. And I'm not trying to change anyones opinion on Duncney or Gwuncan. It's just something to think about.

Both girls suffer the blame while Duncan is(mostly) off the hook. I mean. Seriously.

It's either. Gwen is bashed and called a whore or something. And then people start referring to Courtney as a whiny bitch. And then Duncan is just"cool" and "hot".

Both girls suffer the fandoms hate from (mainly) Duncan's actions(yes he is to blame for most of this)

Okay. I think I'm done now. Feel free to discuss your opinion on my rant in the comments(I'm ready for the hate)[I-I think]

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