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Boy, oh boy. Not sure where to begin with this one either.

Okay. So, I can't much about season 1. It seem like they got along very well as just friends.

But season 2 is when things seem to change between them. They have a good bit in common.

One thing I will say about this one is that it didn't seem as abusive as Duncney. I mean, sometimes they would do tiny hits.

But it wasn't anything major. I actually wouldn't have a problem with this ship if it didn't go down the way it did.

It's not the ship itself that bothers me. It's the fact that Duncan kissed Gwen, knowing he's still In a relationship with Courtney.

That's the part that bothered me. The way they did it. Though in the main plot, they seemed to end up breaking up.

Though I will say I did like their interactions in seasons 1 and 2.

See. If Courtney and Duncan were officially over each other then he kissed Gwen, then I would be fully on board with that. But because it didn't happen that way, I'm not.

Okay. So. Final ranking. 7/10.

I will admit. I like how they're personalities are together. And I could see them together. But only if Gwen and Duncan learned how to become good spouses and not focus on other people while dating.

I know I ranked this one pretty high up. But this one for me is in a similar boat as Duncney for me.

I disapprove of the ship in the main plot. But I enjoy seeing people write they're own fanfiction about them.(Usually or doesn't involve Gwen being a boyfriend stealer/kisser.)

But yeah. The ship for me is fine. I just don't like the way it went down in World Tour.(RIP Courtney's broken heart)

It's sickening. Gwen and Duncan both knew they were wrong. Yet still decided make horrible and immature decisions.

Could they possibly end up together after season 5? Maybe. I mean after Duncan gets out of jail they could make up. But. Who knows?

Gwen and Duncan have lots of trouble staying loyal/being interested in the relationship. And that's the main reason why I ranked them one point lower then Duncney.

If they could just learn to just focus on each other and not easily get distracted by other hot and exciting people, then their relationship can work.

But since that didn't happen. I can't say for sure.

But yeah. That's my opinion on Gwuncan. Do you like Gwuncan? Or can you not stand it? Let me know your thoughts on the ships.

And feel free to request ships that I can do opinions on.

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