Their kids after math!

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After math music
Geoff: hello dudes!
Brigette: welcome to the tdtk after math! We're your host Bridgette and...
Geoff: Geoff! We're also parents of geo! So..... Lots of drama happening! The love between Jayden and Emily-
Geoff: ok..... We also have in the peanut gallery the original casts!
Brigette: there's The evil duo Tammy and aj, the friend ship of Logan and maddy turn into more than friends! Lots this and more!
Geoff: as you know her from the little mis farm girl pageant, you love her, yet also hate her!, it's Tay!
Sugar: woo! That's my girl!
Noah Dave and Emma: WE KNOW!!!
Sugar: grrrrrrr.......
Tay: hey y'all! Walks on stage!
Brigette: welcome Tay! May I ask you a question?
Tay: sure!
Geoff: how is it to be the first one out?!
Tay: it's worst then the time daddy cast a spell for me to be a plain ol'human for a day! No magic, or sparkles can make me feel good!
Brigette: sorry to hear that! So did you have any hate on any one on your short time!?
Tay: ONA! I HATE HER!!!! She's a pixie wannabe who sings like a donkey!
Geoff: wow, looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, am I right!
Brigette: how bout we play some clips of your time on the show
Shows Tay on the boat
Tay: I'm so winning this here pageant with my magic and beauty! Pa-za!
Gets hit by a apple
Tay:Ooh a flying app-
Gets pushed off the boat!
Tay: gotcha!
Shots paint rapidly and hits a deer
Deer: grrrrrrr....
Tay: like I'm scared of you
Deer: growl!
Tries to Bites her and chase her!
Tay: uh oh! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Runs away!
Geoff: now that's crazy!
Tay: yay! I'm famous!
Brigette: let's play truth or hammer! First, do you think that you were mean to anyone on the show?
Tay: NO! A hammer comes down and hits her and Tay goes flying! Ahhhhhhh!
Geoff: ha ha ha ha! That was good! Ok thanks for coming Tay! You can go sit bye your mom that would be great!
Brigette: next is everyone's favorite maniac, it's not izzy, it's her daughter Katie!
Katie: woo! Comes in from swinging on a vine with her mom! Weeeeeee! Hi ya peeps!
Geoff: how did you switch your craze personalities?
Katie: I don't know what your talking about.
Geoff: well let's remind you! Roll the clip!
Katie: hello
Brigette: at the beginning Katie's journey was normal, but when Danny found her diary things got all
Katie: no comments.
Ding ding!
Brigette: Geoff, did you hear that!?
Geoff: why yes! You know what that means, it's time for that's gonna leave a mark!
Shows dink standing there, then Danae falls on him!
Geoff:looks like dink has a new crush! Ha!
Brigette: and Danae has just fell in love!
Shows Ona flying with her birds who see Danny staring at her, they attack Danny who is hopping back and falls off the cliff and lands on the beach while Ona looks terrified!
Geoff: ouch! Well that's why I'm they call it a crush!
Shows tommy just walking and trips on a rock.
Scott: lame!
Sky: zip it punk!
Dave: yeah, villan!
It shows a stampede of moose run over him!
Everyone: ooooooooooh! Ouch!
Geoff: now that's gonna leave a mark! Ha ha!
Brigette: well that's all the time we have! So.....
Geoff: thanks for watching! Tune in next time for.....
Geoff and Bridgette: total drama their kids!! After math!!

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