Toxic boxing! Part 3.

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Chris: welcome back to....... Total drama their kids!
Emily and Jayden: AGAIN!!!!
Chris: (rolls his eyes!) ok,...... Now time for the fight I've been waiting for all day!
Everyone glares at him.
Chris: I mean the fight I've been waiting for ever since it was suppose to happen!
Everyone still glares at him.
Geo: uh Chris, there is no way I'm gonna fight joy.
Joy: (is blushing majorly) and I'm not even gonna go in that box!
Chris: just get in the box!
There both gone!
Chris: some one go get them!
Geo: noooooooooooo! Is hiding under his covers!
Jayden: skates in! Ok, what the heck are you doing?!
Geo: I can't go out there! I can't!
Jayden: face palms! Dude, you need to get out of here! Grabs him but he falls back! Man, you got a grip! Ow!......
Geo: sorry dude. Is still hugging his bed!
Jayden: that's it! If you won't come out I'm bringing joy in!
Geo: what! No!
Jayden: to late! Skates out the door!
Geo: uhhhhhh.... Hides under his covers again!
Gia: get down from there joy!
Joy is in a tree!
Joy: never!
Jayden: skates over an climbs the tree! Ok, you and geo obviously need to talk some things through! So why don't you come with me?
Joy: nuh uh!
Jayden: sigh, I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice! Grabs her by the waist and carries her down! One down, geo to go! Skateboards with joy on his shoulder and Gia follows him.
Jayden: is in the cabin with her! OK. throws her onto goes bed!
Geo: OW! What the heck man!
Jayden: Sorry dude, but seriously, you two need to either talk, or fight! So what's it gonna be?......
Geo and joy are in the fighting cage!
Jayden: I really thought it was going to be talk!
Gia: same.
Chris: let the fight begin!
Geo: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... Hits her softly! Take that!
Joy: is still super blushing. Uhhhhhhhhh........ Punches geo hard and runs off!
Geo: OW! Falls to the ground while holding his chin!
Chris: one........two.....three! Joy wins!
Warriors cheer!
Chris: sky dogs, looks like you'll be sending some one home tonight, but I'll need today's winners go come as well!
Jayden: soooooo...... Who do you guys think we should vote for?
Kacey: geo.
Danae: what? Why!?
Kacey: my tea leafs say we should! And trust me, the leafs are never wrong!
Nicky: are you sure kace?
Kacey: yes, plus he didn't finish his challenge, so what do we got to loose?
Jayden: Kacey is smart and makes a good point, but it mean voting for my best bud on this show! What to do oh what to do?
Jayden: sigh, fine......
At the camp fire ceremony!

Chris: when I call your name, you will get a marshmallow and you will be safe! For now!........
And dink.........
Geo, your up on the block tonight cause you failed to complete your task!
Katie, your up because you have been crazy and secretive since you came back and you are the newbie..... Sooooo...........
The final marshmallow of the night goes toooooooooo.........
Shows a scared Katie.
Shows a sad geo.....
Katie! You get to stay another day!
Katie: YES! Sees geo! Oh, sorry man.
Geo: I'm not surprised, I let my crush on joy get in the way of the game. Sigh....... I guess it's time for me to leave.
Chris: about that.....
Everyone: GASP!
Joy: is in a tree above the camp fire and heard everything! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! She screams to herself! But then sees something in the bush and a flash of orange goes bye! What the? Gasp! Oh no!
Chris: funny you should think that Geo, if it wasn't for the surprise twist!
Everyone but Kacey: GASP! WHAT?!
Chris: yup, tonight's loser, is a warrior tomorrow!
Everyone: GASP!
Joy: O!M!GEEEEE! Falls off the tree! Ow! I'm ok!
Chris: twist turns fights and frights! What will happen-
Gia: what will happen next time on total drama their kids!
Chris: HEY!
Gia: uh oh! RUN! Runs off!
Hey guys sorry I haven't published in like forever, I'm trying to do the best I can in school, and with all the drama lately, yeesh! I hope you understand! Oh and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
-mg2868 out! Peace!

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