Welcome to camp pahkitew part 2!

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Chris: yup! Like season two were gonna have captain! And we're using the doom balloons to find out who is which team captain! Last two standing win!Grab all the balloons you can! Ready! Go!
Jayden: yikes! Runs away with a bunch of balloons!!
Chris: and the war begins... Now! Uses an air horn!
So I'm walking around carefully until I hear a noise."huh?" And then a balloon hits my face and I'm covered in slime!
Maddy:woo! Oh sorry Logan.
I catch myself staring at her beautiful eyes and gorgeous hair staring at her dreamily as she swings on a vine away." Wait, am I....dang it!"
Maddy in confessional: woo! My first hit! But I'm sad it's hat cute guy Logan. Oh no! Gasp oh he is just so dreamy! Gasp Andy calm down! I know he gots cute hair, and stunning eyes! And....blushing ok fine Andy.gasp he is just so stunning, he is what I call drop dead cutie!gigles! Gasp. Ok.....Door opens and she's hit by a balloon!
Syd: sorry fellow cade- gets hit by a balloon!
Katie: yes! I did it! Woo- also gets hit!
Ona: oh my! I am so sorry! I feel just terribl- gets hit!
Nicky: I did it! Woo! Oh sorry gals I didn't mean to brag abou-gets hit
John: you talk to much! Suggestion don't blow your cover peop- gets hit! Dang it!
Conner: you might want to listen to your self dude! Ha ha ha ha- gets hit! What the heck!
Jayden: latter!runs away!
Gia: Chris can you go to commercial?! Please!
Chris: very well. The balloons have just dominated a huge crowed! Who will win, what will the team names be? What is the surprising twist? All this and more! Stay tuned to find out!
Gia: wooooo! That was awes- gets hit! Ahhhhhh!
Chris: bye!
Joy: sis! What's wro-gets hit shoot!
*commercial break!*
People in: Jayden,Emily,geo,Tammy,tommy,Danae,dink,kacey,AJ, Danny,charolette, and Tay
People out: Logan,maddy,Nicky,Katie,Syd,joy,Conner,John,Gia, and Ona
*end of break*
Tommy:I see you gel and Emily! Throws two balloons at them!
Geo:gets hit! Ow!
Emily: dodges it and walks backwards throwing her last balloon at tommy and it's a direct hit!yes!
Tammy: looks like your out of balloons!
Emily: ahhhh!trips
Tammy: hah!runs off but then throws his last balloon!
Jayden:jumps out of a bush and hits tammy and jumps in front of his balloon!no!gets hit!
Emily:finally gets free. Jay!
Jayden: you ok Emily?
Emily: why did you do that?!
Jayden: well I don't know? Maybe because I don't want to face between my sis and some one else?
Emily: thanks. But I don't have any balloons left.
Jayden: or do you? Hands her 3 balloons hidden under his hat!good luck.
Emily: thanks knuckle head! Or should I say jay?
Jayden: jay?
Emily: yay, you can call me em, a lot of my friends call me that. We are friends right?
Jayden: yeah! Totally! Now go win the challenge!
Emily: thanks jay!
When she leaves!
Jayden: Yessssss! Air fist pumping!
Danae: bro, why so happy?
Jayden: no reason.
Danae: your hiding something from me, also your covered in dirt.
Jayden: huh? Looks down, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Tay: high yah! Tries to hit Danae yet hits herself!aw nuggets!
Tommy:throws a balloon and hits Tay!yess!
Aj: throws his last balloon at tommy.
Tommy: huh? Dodges it and hits aj! Then sees dink in a tree and hits him! Score!
Emily:spots Danny and charolette and hits them.sweet!
Kacey: hmmmm.... Hello Emily! Levitates near her, were are you?
Emily: hits her with her last balloon! Yes!
Chris: and Emily and tommy win! Tomorrow we pick teams! But first a twist! Tonight's a twist elimination!
Everyone: what!
Chris: so start voting for everyone but Emily and tommy!
At the elimination camp fire!
Chris: the following people are safe.......


. And the final mash mellow goes to
.shows ona worried
.shows Tay not worried at all
.ona! Bye Tay!
Tay: what! I demand a recount!
Chris: ok 21 for Tay and 1 for ona!
Tay: nooooooooo!
Emily: what's the twist?
Chris: well you know how I said you could pick the members of a team?
Emily and tommy: yeah?
Chris: I lied! You can only choose one!
Emily: jay!
Tommy: uhhhhhhh aj!
Chris: you also get to choose how Tay gets eliminated for being the mvp's!
Emily and tommy: flush of Shame!
Chris: ok! Flushes tay.
One down twenty to go,who will be team mates, who will be allies, and who will be enemy's? Find out this and more next time on total drama their kids!
Chef: Chris you forgot about the cabins?
Chris: oh right! Everyone is camping tonight! Bye, Tune in next time!

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