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We see the scene starting with the island as we see Chris at the dock.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Toon Island, the Screaming Gophers kicked butt in the Awake-A-Thon when Duncan took a snooze on a can and the Killer Bass took their second loss in a row, harsh. Ashton was able to stop Heather's plan of taking Eva's MP3 Player and in the end Eva was sent off the island much to Ashton's dismay. Who will be winning this time today? Will anyone stay awake until the end of the episode? And who will take the next humiliating walk down the Dock of Shame? Stay tuned for the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet on Total...Drama... Toon Island.

We then see everyone as they were seen in the cafeteria as we see the screaming gophers talking to each other as we see the killer bass were sleeping as we see Chris coming to Duncan and sees him looking tired.

Chris: Duncan. you look like death, dude.

Duncan: Stuff it.

Ashton: We all have been awake for like three days Unc. And Harold's snoring didn't help

Chris: Four nights without sleep? How much are you hurting dude?

Duncan: Wanna find out?

Chris: No, no, it's cool, it's cool.

Everyone then turned and saw Harold as we see his face had a marker mustache as he came walking in as everyone thought he was cool but in actuality we see the others laughing at him except for Duncan as he came to the killer bass table.

Harold: Okay, what?

Geoff: Someone messed with your face, dude!

Ashton: I thought you weren't dorky enough! Hahahahahahaha!

Harold then grabbed a spoon and saw his reflection.

Harold: Hey, sweet 'Stache.

Ashton laughs even harder and falls off his bench.

Chris: Listen up, your next challenge begins in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it.

We then go to a part of the island as we see a gym inside a glass box as we see both teams were seen going in it as we see Duncan laying down on a bench sleeping as the others looked at him.

Duncan: Wake me up, and it'll be the last thing you do. (goes back to sleep)

Courtney: This is all your fault you know, you and your snoring face!

Harold: It's called a medical condition, gosh!

We then hear a whistle as we see Chef coming in the gym dressed as a referee

Chris: Chris: Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball, (Holds a dodgeball) the first rule of dodgeball is...

Noah: Do not talk about dodgeball? (He and Owen chuckle)

Chris: As I was saying, if you get with the ball... (throws the ball as it hits Courtney)

Courtney: Ooh! Ow!

Chris: You're out.

Courtney: You can't do that!

She then threw the ball at Chris as he caught it.

Chris: If you catch the ball, the thrower gets sent out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court.

Noah: Throwing balls, gee, another mentally challenging test.

Lindsay: I know, right?

Chris: Ok, now, Geoff, (Gives the ball to Geoff) try to hit me. (Chef gives Chris a ball) If you're holding a ball, you can use it to deflect a ball, but if the ball knocks out of your hands, you're out.

Lindsay: So, what do we do again when the ball comes at me?

Chris: You dodge.

Geoff then threw the ball at Chris as he used his ball to deflect it as Goeff dodged the ball as it hit Ashton in the face sending him to the floor.

Ashton: OW!

Chris: Ooh, you were supposed to dodge. Sorry dude!

Lindsay: Ash are you ok?

Ashton: (With his hand on his head) Yeah, I'm fine. How's my face?

As he moved his hand we see Ashton has a big black bruise on his forehead

Lindsay: Oh, you look... fine.

Ashton: Really?

Lindsay: Yeah.

Ashton: Oh, thanks.

Chris: You have one minute 'til game time, and you'll have to sit one person out each game.

Dimitri: Alright everyone, we need to think about strategy on this, the killer bass will try to do their best on this. So who's gonna sit this one out?

Noah: All right, I'll volunteer, now let's see you all keeners get on out there and dodge.

We then looked to see Chef on the referee chair as he looked at the teams as we saw Harold, DJ, Ashton, Courtney and Katie on the killer bass' side as we saw Dimitri, Heather, Leshawna, Owen and Cody on the gopher's side.

Heather: Bring it on, fishies, otherwise winning three in a row just won't be as satisfying.

Ashton: Oh, you're going down! We're gonna bring the pain.

Chris: Both teams ready? Best of five games wins. Now let's dodge some balls!

We then see both teams grabbing some dodgeballs as we see Ashton getting Heather out immediately

Ashton: Da nananana can't touch this!

We then see Leshawna throw a ball at Ashton's face

Leshawna: Oops. Sorry Ash!

Ashton: Always the face. Why does everyone go for the face?

We then see Ashton had another bruise on his face which was on the left side of his face as he then walked to the bench.

Harold: time to unleash my wicked skills.

Leshawna: yeah, bring it, string bean, let's see what you got!

We then see Harold do some moves and then throw the ball to the ground as it only bounced and rolled to the gopher's side as Leshawna picked up the ball and aimed at Harold as he ran screaming like a girl as he was then hit by the ball and was out.

Ashton: God you suck Harold.

We then see Courtney as she tried to throw a ball at Leshawna only for the ball to be caught by Dimitri as Courtney was out as she walked to the bench as we see Chef looked at the screaming gophers as we see Asuka step in as we see Owen throw a ball as we see DJ dodge it and then threw a ball at Owen as he then ducked and the ball hit cody as Chef blew his whistle signaling he was out as we see both DJ and Katie threw their ballas we Leshawna used her ball to deflect the first one by was hit in the stomach by the second one as Leshawna was out as we see it was down to Dimitri, Asuka and Cody.

Courtney: Easy outs guys, easy outs.

We then see Cody as he tossed his ball up and threw it as DJ dodged it but the ball then spun around coming back and hitting DJ from behind.

Chris: That is one tough ball to dodge.

We then see Dimitri pick up a ball as he threw it as Katie ducked as the ball then bounced off the wall and hit Ashton in the face again

Ashton: Oh come on!

Dimitri: Sorry.

We then see Cody as he picked up a ball and then rubbed it on his shirt as it had static electricity and threw it as Katie then tried to run away as the ball chased her around as she was running she then hit the wall and the ball hit her as the gophers won round one as we see the bass coming together.

Harold: We can do this, we just have to believe in ourselves.

Courtney: Oh, I believe, you stink!

Ashton: Yeah Harold you suck!

Courtney: Look, we need to win this.

Ashton: Don't worry, I have a plan.

We then see round two begin as we see the screaming gopher's team consisting of Owen, Leshawna, Dimitri, Izzy, and Beth as the Bass' team had Ashton, Bridgette, Katie, Sadie and Geoff as we see Ashton has all his teammates balls as we see Ashton spin around as the balls hit everyone on the Gopher team except Owen

Mirabel: This isn't good.

Rex: Don't worry, we have a chance. (To himself) I hope.

Owen: Great Gatsby that is it! GAME ON!!!

We then see Owen picking up a ball as he then threw it hitting Katie and Sadie, as he threw another one as it hits Bridgette, as we see Owen grabbing another ball and threw it as it hits Geoff in the face as Owen then grabbed one more ball and threw it as hard as he could as Ashton saw it coming fast.

Ashton: Oh no! Not again!

The ball then came hitting Ashton square in the face as the others saw it.

Chris: Ow! That one's worth an instant replay. (starts the replay and plays it and rewinds repeatedly) Forward, okay, rewind, forward, rewind, forward, (laughs) rewind, and pause. (laughs) That's gonna leave a mark.

Leshawna: Ooh, he dropped it like it was hot.

We then see the teams come together as we see Ashton coming to the others as they saw his face was all bruised up.

Isabela: You ok Ash?

Ashton: Oh yeah, I'm fine.

Owen: (laughs) I don't know what got into me.

Heather: (to Noah) I'm glad someone is trying today.

Noah: Oh, sorry. (sarcastically) Woohoo! Way to throw some murder balls, go team go.

Heather: Nice team spirit. (to the killer bass) Hey, it's 2-0, how does it feel to suck so much?

Harold: Not very good.

Courtney: It's not over yet. (sees Heather looking at her as she turns to the others) Okay, this is really bad, one more game and we lose the whole challenge, again, we can't let that happen, people, we need someone strong, someone mean, someone who will crush those lame-o Gophers into the dirt.

Isabella: Yeah.

Cana: But the only question is who.

Ashton: I think I know someone.

The others then looked to see Duncan as he was asleep.

DJ: Uh-uh, if we wake him up, he'll kill us.

Ashton: No he won't, he wants to win like us.

Harol: Ashton's right, we need Duncan's fierceness to win this.

Ashton: That's the spirit Harold, now go wake him up.

Harold: Why me?

Courtney: you're the worst at dodgeball, and if he does kill you, you're the only one we can afford to lose.

Harold: No way, I'm not doing it.

Courtney: Well, who's gonna wake him up?

We then see Duncan on the bleachers asleep as we see the whole team using a stick to poke Duncan trying to wake him up.

Ashton: Higher guys.

We then see the stick poke Duncan's nose as he then grabbed it as he was awake and snapped the stick in half.

Duncan: You better have a really good reason for sticking this up my nose!

Ashton: Look we are down 2 to nothing and I understand you need your nap but we need you in this.

Duncan: And why should I help?

Ashton: Cause if we lose this challenge that means you'll be going home.

Duncan: (Sighs) Fine, I'll play, on one condition, you do what I say when I say it.

Ashton: Got it.

Duncan: Okay, here's the strategy I picked up during my first visit to juvie, it's called "Rush the New Guy."

Ashton lets out an evil chuckle.

Ashton: I see where you're going with this.

We then see the teams gather as the bass' was Ashton, Courtney, Duncan, DJ and Geoff as the gophers was Owen, Leshawna, Beth, Izzy and Dimitri as we see Leshawna and Dimitri throw a ball as we see Duncan dodged them as we see Ashton picking up the ball as all them threw their dodgeballs at Owen as they hit him in the face as Chef blew his whistle signaling that Owen was out as we see the killer bass throw their dodgeballs together as they hit Leshawna as we see them do the same thing to Beth, as they threw their balls at Izzy next as Dimitri was left standing as we see the killer bass had their dodgeballs ready as they all threw their dodgeballs at Dimitri as we see Dimitri get pelted by all of them.

Noah: Come on, a little effort out there, people!

Leshawna and Izzy then glared at Noah as we saw the killer bass coming together.

Katie: Yeah!

Courtney: I think we should do the same thing all over again, so, Harold, sit this one out, too.

Harold: But I sat the last one out!

Courtney: It's for the good of the team.

Harold then looked down as we later saw Dimitri as he was seen looking out at the water at the dock of shame.

Asuka: Alright?

Dimitri then turned and saw Asuka.

Dimitri: I've been through worse, and besides I gave it the best I could, but in the end the killer bass won that round to their strategy.

Asuka: But look at the bright side, at least you gave it all you got.

Dimitri: I did. But I had fun.

Asuka: Yeah, we should see how things are going.

We then see the two return to the others as Beth was hit by the many dodgeballs and was out and the Killer Bass has won the second round.

Chris:: Okay, this is it, the final tie breaking game.

Duncan: Okay, who's going in?

Harold: I think it's my turn.

Courtney: No way, we actually have a chance to win this.

Chris: Gophers, Bass, let's send this sample to the lab and see what you're made of!

Chef then blew the whistle as we see the final round as we see both teams getting ready as we see them all throw balls at each other as we see teammates coming in and out as the round continued on as we see it was down to Owen against Harold as we see the gophers cheering as the bass looked shocked.

Ashton: We're doomed.

Owen: Sorry, dude, but you've got to go down.

Duncan: Goodnight, Harold.

Ashton: Tell me when it's over.

We then see Owen ready with four balls as Harold looked scared and then ready's himself as we see Owen started to throw the dodgeball as we then see Harold dodged the balls as he jumped and dodged each one as Owen threw his last ball as Harold then laid back as the ball passes him as it left everyone.

Noah: Whoa.

Ashton: Time out, time out.

Chef then blew the whistle as we saw Harold coming to the others.

Ashton: That was amazing, man, where did you learn to do that?

Harold: Figure skating.

Ashton: But dodging won't be enough, your gonna have to either throw him out.

Duncan: Which you can't do.

Courtney: Or catch the ball, can you do it?

Harold: Definitely.

Ashton: Good, now go catch that ball.

We then see Harold go back to the area as we see Owen with a ball as he was ready and then throw his ball at Harold as he was sent sliding into the wall as we see the Killer Bass looking shocked but we then see Harold holding up the ball as they start to cheer as Ashton and kiss Courtney.

Chris: The Killer Bass wins!

We then see the killer bass come to Harold as Owen was left shocked.

Owen: It's impossible. WHY?!

Ashton: Nice dodging man.

We then see Chris going to the screaming Gophers.

Chris: Gophers, what happened out there?

Noah: What can I say? Weak effort.

We then see the rest of the screaming gophers looking mad at Noah and Dimitri smacked him upside the head

Dimitri: Some help you were. You are so done.

We then see them start to leave as we see the scene change to show Ashton in his bed strumming a guitar as we see Courtney coming to him.

Courtney: That's a pretty good tune.

Ashton: Thanks.

Courtney: Hey I'm sorry about Eva. I know you liked her.

Ashton: It's whatever I know I'll see her again when this show is over.

Courtney: Ash I know that Eva would want you to keep going till the end.

Ashton: I know, and that's what I will do. Btw nice job on the court.

Courtney: Thanks, and sorry about what happened to ya.

Ashton: It's fine, my face was always a pain magnet. But at least we actually won a challenge right?

Courtney: Yeah, right. Hey Ash I have something for you.

Ashton: What's that?

Courtney gently placed a kiss on Ashton's lips and he blushed bright red as she separated from him.

Courtney: See you around.

We then go to the campfire pit as we see the screaming gophers there.

Campers, you've already placed your votes and made your decision. One of you will be going home, and you can't come back, ever! When you hear me call out your name, come pick up a marshmallow. Owen.

We then see Owen as he went to get a marshmallow.

Chris: Gwen. Cody. Dimitri. Heather. Beth. Ben. Rex. Leshawna. Izzy. Asuka. Mirabel. Rias. Erza. Velma.

We then see it was down to Noah and Lindsay.

Chris: And the final marshmallow goes to... Lindsay.

We then see Lindsay walk up to get her marshmallow.

Noah: Alright, see if I care, good luck, because you voted out the only one with brains on this team!

We then see everyone throw their marshmallows at Noah.

Leshawna: You need to learn a little thing called "respect," turkey.

We then see the others laugh as we see Noah walk to the dock of shame.

We then see the scene go static as we then see it show Chris.

Chris: All right, so it wasn't the most dramatic campfire ceremony ever, but I still get paid, ha ha, bonus!

End. Well hope you all liked it seeing how the Killer Bass have finally got a win, and make sure to keep in touch to see more of this story here on Total. Drama. Toon Island!

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