If you can't take the heat.

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We see the island as Chris was at the dock of shame.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Toon Island... Our competitors became hunters. And the hunted. Ashton was able to give Heather her just desserts and Dimitri joined in on the fun even if it meant costing his team the win. And Cody made a new friend who quickly beat the crap out of him. Can anyone say medivac? And that meant Ashton had to take Cody's place on the screaming gophers cand Cody got the shaft. The Gophers are still the underdogs. Can they bounce back? Or is their goose finally cooked? Find out tonight on Total. Drama. Toon Island!

We then see the island as we go to the killer bass cabin as we see the guys were asleep as we then see Duncan getting up and starting to do some push ups as he smelled the air and looked to see a pair of underwear on the floor.

Duncan: Ugh!

DJ and Geoff: (laughing)

Duncan: Not cool, Harold, man! Not cool!

Harold: Those aren't mine.

Duncan: Oh right! You're always leaving your gitch lying around!

Harold: No, I'm not! Gosh!

Geoff: Uh, yeah you are, dude.

Harold: You have like, absolutely no proof.

Geoff: No one else wears that kind, dude.

DJ: And your mom sewed your name onto the label.

Harold: Whatever. I'm going for a shower!

Duncan: Hey, don't forget to clean the skid maker! I think Harold needs to be taught a lesson, boys. Who's with me?

DJ, Duncan, and Geoff: Yeah!

We then see everyone as they were seen at the beach.

Chris: Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen! You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward and the losers will send somebody home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking. To cook, you need ingredients. Every morning, a truck brings us food. Today's task starts there.

We then see a truck come out of the water as we see a dolphin was the delivery driver as we see everyone looking at the back to see various food.

Geoff: We could do a killer Italian theme!

Duncan: Hello, head chef!

Geoff: Seriously? Then let's get grabbin'!

We then see the screaming gophers coming to the truck.

Ashton: Since I'm the master chef I'll be the one to cook for the challenge. And here is one thing to let ya guys know, nobody is allowed in the kitchen with me. Not Dimitri, not Lindsay, and especially not Heather.

Dimitri: I understand, we'll all just wait for you to be done and bring the food.

Ashton: Thank you. It's showtime!

We then see the screaming gophers outside the kitchen.

Owen: Remind me again why we're waiting out here?

Dimitri: Nobody is allowed in the kitchen but Ash, and besides Owen you'll just eat the food before we bring it out.

Owen: Oh, good point.

We then went to the kitchen as we see the bass and Ashton in the kitchen.

Geoff: Okay. We've got like, three courses and 10 people. So everybody partner up!

DJ: I know how to make pasta sauce!

Bridgette: I know how to boil pasta!

Harold: Me and Sadie can rock the antipasto. I'm like a black belt when it comes to cutting cheese.

Then the whole killer bass started to laugh at Harold.

Duncan: Cheese.

Harold: What?

Sadie: (Stiffles a giggle)

Harold: What?!

Duncan: I guess that leaves the rest with dessert.

We then see Ashton as he was seen smiling at the killer bass as we go to Ashton in the confessional

Ashton: Geoff is taking his job as head chef seriously. I'm proud of him

We then go to the killer bass as we see some of the laundry being taken away asd a person giggles sinisterly as we see Geoff behind the doors and did a thumbs up to DJ as he nodded holding a bucket of water.

DJ: Uh, where do you want the water, Brid– (Intentionally spilling the water on Harold) Oops!

Harold: Aw! Hey! Smooth move, Dorkahontus!

Geoff: Oh, bummer! Better go change, dude!

DJ and Geoff: (stifled giggles)

We then see Ashton as he was seen slicing various ingredients together and cooking them as we go to the confessional as we see Ashton was there.

Ashton: For those who are wondering, I am preparing a surprise.

We then see Harold in the killer bass cabin looking through the drawers.

Harold: Shirt. Shirt. Shirt.(Holds up red thong underwear) Looks like it's your time to shine.

We then see the killer bass preparing their dish as we see Harold come in wearing the red thong underwear.

Harold: Okay, who took all my shorts?

DJ and Geoff: (stifled giggles turn into laughter)

We then see Chris coming in looking at the bass and then Harold.

Chris: (Shudders) Three hours and counting, guys.

Ashton: Three hours is all I need.

We then see Harold as he was seen cutting up some sausages.

Geoff: Dude. You've gotta put some clothes on, man. It's unsanitary to cook in something that... (snorts) small.

Harold: So gimme back my pants then!

Duncan: Harold's right, guys. If you go to the cabin, you'like find a clean pair of underwear and shorts waiting.

We then see Harold smile as he walked off as Geoff, Duncan and DJ all laughed as we see Harold going to the killer bass cabin as he sees a pair of shorts and underwear as we see Duncan, Geoff and DJ all laughing as Duncan held up some hot sauce as we see Harold taking off the thong underwear and puts the new underwear on and then felt a burning sensation at his lower regions.

Harold: My biscuits are burning!

He then ran to the docks and jumped into the water and came out having a sigh of relief.

Harold: Idiots!

We see Ashton as he was seen finishing up the dish and placing a serving lid on top of the dish hiding it. We then see Harold come in wearing his pajamas as DJ and Duncan clapped at him.

Duncan: Nice jammies.

Harold: This is all I've got left. So if you sickos want to see me butt naked, hit me with your best shot.

Duncan: Well, stop leaving your butt bags all over the cabin and we'll back off.

Harold: I told you it wasn't me!

Duncan: Well, I tried.

Geoff: Hey, guys! I made some sandwiches! (hold up a plate of sandwiches)We can chow down while we work!

Harold: Aw, sweet! I'm seriously starving. (Chomps on a sandwich) This tastes like sweat and lotion. It's probably the worst sandwich ever. (Pulls out a pair of underwear) Gross!

DJ, Duncan, Geoff, and Sadie: (laughing)

Geoff: We'll return all your shorts and panties when you admit your guilt, dude.

We then go to a table to see Beth as she placed the tiki figure on the table as Geoff lit some candles.

Dimitri: Your meal will be coming soon sir.

Geoff: Back in a sec with your meal, dude. I mean, sir.

We see Ashton as he was seen bringing the dish to the table as we see Chris was trying the killer bass' dishes.

Chris: Your antipasto passed the testo. Pass the pasta, please. (tries the pasta) On a scale of one to ten, fifteen. How will the Gophers respond?

We then see Ashton as he is seen bringing the dish on a tray and brings it to the table as he removes the top.

Ashton: I present to you A coffee encrusted tomahawk steak, cooked medium rare, with saffron infused mashed potatoes, Gouda Mac and Cheese, all washed down with a fine red wine.

We then see Chris as he then tries the food Ashton prepared.

Ashton: So?

Chris: Well I have to give this about... eleven points.

Ashton: Eleven points?

Chris: Time for dessert.

We then see Chris as he was seen trying the killer bass' dessert.

Chris: Eh... six. The Bass have twenty-one, so the Gophers need all ten points just to tie it up.

We then see Ashton as he was seen bringing a cake looking like a volcano.

Ashton: I have a chocolate cake modeled after Mt. Fuji from japan.

Chris then took a bite from the cake as we saw the gophers looking at him.

Chris: Not bad, not good but not bad, five points. The Killer Bass win by twenty-one points.

Ashton: I understand. (sees the tiki figure) What's that?

Beth: I brought it back as a souvenir. You know, from the other island.

Ashton: You did what?!

Chris: You mean Boney Island? The deadliest island in Muskoka? The one I specifically said not to take anything from or you'll be cursed?

Beth: Yeah... I didn't know! I'll put it back!

We then see Beth as she took the tiki figure and ran off as we later see the others at the cabins.

Leshawna: I don't know about y'all, but Heather has got to go.

Ashton: Agreed.

Owen: Yeah, but Beth cursed us with that wooden tiki doll thingy.

Leshawna: Mm, true. Dear curse, please hit Heather next. And if possible, hit her upside the head!

Dimitri: But all we can do is hope.

We then see the campfire pit as the screaming gophers were seen.

Chris: I've got fifteen Gophers sitting in front of me tonight. But only fourteen fluffy bits of sweet safety in my hands. So good luck. When I call your name, come up and get your marshmallow. Dimitri. Ashton. Asuka. Rias. Erza. Velma. Ben. Rex Mirabel. Leshawna. Owen. Gwen. Lindsay. Heather, Beth. It's down to you. Whoever doesn't get this last marshmallow must immediately walk The Dock of Shame and leave on the Boat of Losers. Forever.

We then see the others looking at the two as Chris was making his decision.

Chris: The final marshmallow goes to... Heather.

Heather: You heard him. Boat of Losers, that-a-way. That really was stupid of you to take that doll from the island.

Leshawna: Seeya girl.

We then see Beth as she walked to the dock of shame as we later go to the cabins as we see Harold was asleep as we see DJ, Geoff and Duncan came and moved the bunkbed out of the cabins as we go to the morning as we see Harold wake up as he got up and sees the girls in the water laughing.

Courtney and Leshawna: Good morning, Harold.

Harold then looked to see hw was not wearing any clothes.

Harold: Ee!

He then grabbed a pillow to cover himself as we see Duncan, Geoff and DJ at a canoe boat.

Duncan: So, learned your lesson yet?

Harold: Yes! Okay! Yes!

Geoff: Oh, we're gonna need more than that, man.

Harold: I'll never leave my crusty underwear out again! I swear!

Geoff: What the heck? I believe him. It was a pleasure doing business with you!

He then threw a bag of Harold's clothes to him as we see Harold run to the cabin as DJ, Duncan, and Geoff were heard laughing.


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