The sucky outdoors

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We see the island as we see Chris at the docks.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Toon Island. A talent contest brought out the worst in our campers. It was awesome! The Killer Bass struggled to find any talent on their team, and Bridgette's clumsiness pretty much knocked out their best prospect, Courtney. Dimitri stopped Heather from doing one of her biggest tricks, trying to steal Gwen's diary and read it in front of the entire world. And in the end the killer bass came up at the top and no one was voted off due to the reward challenge. Who will be the next one to walk off this crappy dock? Find out tonight in the most dramatic marshmallow ceremony ever! On Total. Drama. Toon Island!

We then see the campfire pit as everyone was seen there as Chris came to them.

Chris: Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills. I'm not gonna lie to you. Some of you may not come back alive.

Beth and Owen then gasped hearing what Chris said.

Chris: (Laughs) Just joking. All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it. Oh, and watch out for bears. Lost a couple of interns in pre-production. First team back for breakfast wins invincibility! (Blows an air horn) Well off you go!

We then see Chris as we see the screaming gophers looking at each other.

Leshawna: Did he say there are bears up in here?

Owen: I had a little encounter with a bear once. Let's just say his head looks real nice up on my mantle.

Izzy: Ooh! This one time, I saw a bear eating our garbage! He had old spaghetti noodles hanging from his big, huge teeth! It looked like blood and guts!

Ashton: Ok crazy pants that's enough.

Dimitri: Let's just go.

We then see them walking through the woods as we see the killer bass walking as we see Katie and Sadie as they see a blueberry bush.

Katie: Sadie, look. Blueberries.

Sadie: (gasps) I love, love, love blueberries!

Katie: Oh my gosh! Me too!

We then see the scene cut to Katie and Sadie in the outhouse.

Katie: Sadie and I are BFFFL's.

Sadie: Best female friends for life.

Katie: We even got the chickenpox together!

Sadie: Oh my gosh, that was so fun.

Katie: It was so fun to have someone to scratch all your little scabs!

Sadie: I know, right?

We then see the scene cut to the screaming gophers as we see Heather scratching her arm.

Heather: Ugh! She is so the next one to leave.

Ben: Who?

Heather: Who do you think? (points at Asuka) She dumped Harold's red ant farm into my bed!

Dimitri: Hey, you tried to steal Gwen's diary and read it out to the entire world.

Heather then turned to Dimitri.

Heather: So?

Dimitri: So what Asuka did was a punishment for you.

Heather: Ugh! She is going down!

We then cut to Katie and Sadie as they finished the berries.

Katie: Okay. They were so yummy. Can you believe how yummy those were?

Sadie: They were so yummy. (looks around) Katie, where's the rest of the team?

Katie: I don't know. They must be nearby. Killer Bass, where are you?!

Sadie: Killer Bass! (gasps) This is just like when we were seven and we lost our moms at the mall.

Katie: And you started to cry and the security guards had to like, page our moms and they were so mad.

Sadie: Oh my gosh, like, take a pill. We're fine.

Katie and Sadie: Killer Bass, where are you?!

We then cut to the screaming gophers as they were seen at their campsite.

Owen: Uh... (chuckles nervously) There's no food here.

Rex: This is a survival task. Look in the instructions.

Owen: I wonder if there are any bears around today. Wouldn't it be funny if we made some bear sounds and then they came?

Izzy: Ha, that would be so funny.

Owen: (Roars) I'm a bear!

Heather: Would you please shut up? I'm trying to read here! (Read the instructions on the map) It says we're supposed to find our own food. (Scoffs) I still don't see it.

Dimitri: I believe they mean in the woods.

Owen: I'll go! I'm good at finding food!

We then see Owen walk off into the woods

Heather: Well, at least this will be a good week for my diet.

We then cut to Katie and Sadie as they were seen wandering around the woods.

Sadie: You don't know where we are, do you?

Katie: Yes! Okay, no. It's so not my fault. Have you ever noticed that all trees look the same?

Sadie: Ooh, I knew I should have known better than to listen to you.

Katie: What, you don't think I'm smart enough to find them?

Sadie: You're not exactly the best with like, directions.

Katie: Yuh-huh, I am!

Sadie: Nuh-uh! Apparently, you're not! 'Cause we're L-O-S-T. Lost!

Katie then blew raspberries at Sadie as we then go to the screaming gophers as they were seen waiting for Owen.

Heather: (moans) I am so hungry.

Izzy: (groans) I think my stomach ate my stomach.

They then looked and saw a man with pizza.

Pizza Guy: Yo! Who ordered the pepperoni, extra cheese?!

Cameraman: It's for the camera crew! Over here!

Heather: (gasps) No way.

We then see the leaves rustle as we see Owen coming with fish.

Owen: I am man, I bring fish!

Heather: Are you kidding me?

Dimitri: Nice work Owen.

Owen: Thanks man!

Rex: Where did you even learn to fish?

Owen: My grandpa taught me. I caught a shark once, it bit me in the butt. (Pulls his pants down) Check it out.

The others then looked away and screamed in disgust except for Izzy.

Asuka: My eyes!

Erza: They burn!

Izzy: That is so awesome!

We then see the scene changed to show Dimitri in the outhouse.

Dimitri: I cannot unsee what I just saw.

We then see the scene changed to Asuka in the outhouse.

Asuka: That is going to give me nightmares. (Gags and vomits)

We then see it changed as it showed the woods as it was night time as we see Katie and Sadie were still lost.

Katie: Well, at least I know how to drive, you... you have-to-walk girl. Now who's smarter?

Sadie: Trip to the beach last year, ring a bell?

Katie: Oh, I can't believe you're bringing that up. I did have a totally fetch bikini on that day, though. Ha.

Sadie: You drove my mom's car into a snack shack!

Katie: It was totally in my blind spot! Whatever! If it wasn't for me, you'd be riding the bus to the mall!

Sadie: Well, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't be able to find your way to the mall!

Katie: Oh, I know my way to the mall!

Sadie: You lean on me! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't even be on this show!

Katie: (gasps) You're just saying that because I'm prettier than you are!

Sadie: [gasps] I knew you thought that!

Katie: It's true. Everybody thinks so.

We then see the scene changed to the outhouse as Katie and Sadie were there.

Katie: Sadie's like the prettiest girl I know.

Sadie: Aww, well you're the prettiest girl I know.

Katie: We are really pretty, aren't we?

Sadie: Don't you love that we can say that to each other and not feel totally conceited?

Katie: I love that about us!

Sadie: (gasps) Me too!

We then see it changed to show Katie and Sadie.

Sadie: That's it! When we get back to camp, we are so splitting up as BFFFLs!

Katie: Fine!

Sadie: Double fine!

We then see the killer bass as they were seen putting up a tent.

Ashton: Nice job everyone.

Duncan: What's for dinner? I'm starving.

Courtney: I hope you don't expect me to dignify that with a response.

DJ: Hey guys, look what I found!

They then looked to see DJ as he was carrying a bunny.

Duncan: Well, I've never had rabbit stew before, but what the heck? I'm game.

DJ: (sighs) This is my new pet! I'm callin' him Bunny!

Courtney: You couldn't find any food? (gasps) Then it looks like we're eating grubs and berries for dinner.

Duncan: Has anyone seen Tweedledumb and Tweedleidiot?

We then cut to the woods as Katie and Sadie saw a tree with a fork in it.

Sadie: Katie, look. It's the tree with the fork in it. That's good, right?!

Katie: No. It's not good. It's the same tree we saw two hours ago! we just walked in a gigantic circle!

They then hear a owl hooting as they then screamed and ran in a cave

Katie: We'll be safe here until morning.

They then saw a bat as Sadie screamed and ran as the bat chased her and left as she was seen hugging herself

Sadie: We're going to die here. We're going to die here.

We then see the scene cut to the gophers as they had a fire and cooking the fish.

Owen: Okay. Fire's hot. Fish are grilling. Tent is tenting.

Rex: Nice goin', man. Fish looks awesome.

Owen: Thanks, man. I owe it all to grandpa.

Mirabel: So you and your grandpa really fought a bear once?

Owen: Heck yes. It was the scariest day of my entire life.

Lindsay: (gasps)

Owen: We were out in the woods when we came upon the great beast. I tell you, he was ten feet high if he was a foot! And then he roared his terrible roar! (imitates roar) We grabbed our shotgun. We knew it was either him or us. It was nothing personal, just the law of the wild. And then, bam! One shot was all it took to fell the great beast. We took his blood and marked ourselves to honor him. It was a good death.

Heather: Yeah right. There's no way you took down a ten-foot bear. Hey, has anyone seen crazy girl?

Lindsay: I think she had to pee.

Trent: That was over an hour ago! Izzy! Izzy?!

Owen: Izzy the Gopher, where are you?!

They then hear rustling from the bushes as Owen went to it.

Owen: Good. We thought we lost you there for a minute– (sees something big come out of the bushes) Great Pyramid of Giza!

We then see it was a bear as the others saw it as Owen began to scream as Cody was in fear as a wet spot was seen in his pants as Owen began to run around the others.

Owen: We're all going to die! We're gonna get eaten alive by a bear! Oh, the horror! Somebody help us! I want my mommy!

Heather then tripped Owen as he fell to the ground as they heard the bear growling.

Heather: The trees! Climb into the trees!

Ashton: (in the distance) Izzy knock it off!

We then see the bear remove its head as it was revealed to be Izzy.

Izzy: How'd ya know it was me?

Ashton: (in the distance) You just tried to scare me with the same disguise!

Izzy: Oh right.

We then cut to the killer bass as they were seen at a campfire.

Ashton: Good news guys I've brought food.

Isabela: That's good.

Duncan: This reminds me of this really scary story I heard once.

Geoff: Awesome. Tell it, man.

Duncan: Are you sure? Because the story I'm thinking of is pretty hardcore.

Courtney: (Sarcastically) Ooh I'm so scared.

Duncan: All right. But don't say I didn't warn you. One night, a lot like this one...

Duncan: So suddenly... They-they heard this tap-tap-tapping on the side of the car. The girl started to freak out, and by this time, even the guy was getting a bit scared. So he turned the car on and he stepped on it. When they got back to the girl's house, she opened the door and screamed! Because there, hanging from the door handle... (sinisterly) Was the bloody hook. They say that this killer is still alive, wandering these very woods. He could be just about anywhere, really. Maybe even right here!

He then lifted his arm up to reveal a hook hand as the others but Ashton screamed in terror as they hid behind DJ as Courtney, Isabela, Cana, Daphne and Jessica were hugging Ashton as Duncan was laughing.

Courtney: Duncan, that was so not funny!

Duncan: Oh, yes it was! I just wish it was all on camera! Uh, oh wait, it is!

Courtney: You are so vile. Do your parents even like you?

Duncan: I don't know, Jumpy McChicken. I haven't asked them lately.

A wolf howl was heard as Courtney then came and hugged Ashton tightly as we then cut to the screaming gophers as they were seen having fish.

Izzy: Rockin' the fish sticks! Nice!

We then hear a rustling as we then see a bear come out,

Izzy: Heh. Wow, that costume is really good. I mean, I thought mine was good, but this one is like, really good.

Ben: It's probably Chris trying to mess with us. Yeah, nice try man.

Owen: wen: We know you're not a bear, dude.

The bear then growled at Owen.

Asuka: I don't know guys, it looks kind of real.

Heather: Chris did say there were bears.

Owen: Oh, come on, guys. They're just trying to see if they can punk us twice! This is not a real bear and I'm going to prove it to you.

Owen then grabbed on the bear's head and tried to pull it off only for him to rip off the fur on its head.

Owen: Wow. That does look kind of real.

The bear then growled at Owen sending the fur to his face.

Owen: Yeah, that's a real bear.

The bear then took the fur and put it on its head as we see Owen begin to run screaming as we see the others run to the tree as we cut to the killer bass as we see them in their tent as we see Bridgette getting up.

DJ: What's wrong? Gotta go pee?

Bridgette: Like crazy, but I'm too scared to leave the tent.

DJ: Yeah, me too. (holds up a jar)

We then see Bridgette come out as we see her looking around as a swarm of bats then flew by as one hit her in the face as she started tumbling back as she then kicked an ember to the tent as it burned it away as everyone looked at Bridgette.

Bridgette: Oops.

We then cut to the screaming gophers as they were seen in the tree.

Dimitri: Now what Heather?

Heather: Don't look at me.

Heather: Don't look at me.

Gwen: It was your idea to climb the trees.

Heather: Well, why don't you ask the bear hunting expert? Hey Owen, what now?

Owen: How should I know?

Leshawna: Dude, you said you killed a bear!

Owen: I was being theatrical!

Heather: This is all your fault! If you hadn't been growling like that, we never would've attracted him to our site!

Owen: Excuse me for living!

Dimitri: Oh for the love of Pete!

Dimitri then took a deep breath and then let out a very loud lion roar and the bear ran away whimpering as he came down from the tree

Dimitri: Ok guys, you can come down now.

We then see the others coming down as they looked surprised.

Rex: How did you do that?

Dimitri: (Rex's voice) I just do practice.

Owen: So spot on dude.

We then cut to the killer bass as they looked at Bridgette.

Courtney: Great. That's just great, Bridgette! Now we have nowhere to sleep!

Duncan: Yo, drama queen. Relax, it's cool.

Courtney: Cool? It's "cool"?! Things can not possibly get worse!

We then see a drip of water come down as it begins to rain.

Ashton: You had to say it.

We then see Katie and Sadie in the cave as we then go to the gophers as they were seen in their tent as we then go to the killer bass as DJ was using a tree branch to shield the others from the rain as morning came as we see the killer bass wake up.

Ashton: Well at least this was a nice night, let's head back.

We then went to the cave as we see Katie and Sadie wake up.

Katie: (groans) Is it morning yet?

Sadie: Ugh, I think that was the worst night of my entire life. (yawns) It was even worse than the night I went out with that guy with the manky bad breath 'cause he ate those sausages at that place. (sees Katie frozen in fear.) What?

They then looked and saw the bear as it growled as they ran away as we then see the killer bass making it to the campfire pit as well as the screaming gophers.

Courtney: We're he first ones back!

Heather: Oh no! They beat us here! (To Dimitri) This is all your fault!

Chris: Uh uh uh uh. Not so fast, Gopherinos! It seems that the Killer Bass are missing a few fish.

Courtney: Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie? I'm pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night.

Duncan: Darn shame.

We then look to see Katie and Sadie coming to the campsite.

Katie: We made it!

Sadie: We're safe! Oh my gosh, guys! We got totally lost and then got into this massive fight!

Katie: And there was this huge bear, and he was all "Rahhhh! You're in my crib, so get out!"

Sadie: And we had to run, and it was like, so scary!

Katie: Oh, Sadie, I'm so sorry I said I was prettier than you.

Sadie: And I'm so sorry I brought up the snack shack.

Katie: And I'm sorry I said your butt was too big to fit in the bus seats.

Sadie: You did?

Katie: Um, well, not to your face.

Sadie: Oh, who cares? We're safe! And you're my best friend and I love you!

Katie: Oh, I love you too!

They then hugged each other.

Courtney: (clears throat) You two finished your little love-fest? (sees them shake yes) Good. Because thanks to you, we just lost the challenge!

Chris: All right, Killer Bass. One of your fishy butts is going home. Gophers, you're going on an all-expense paid trip to... the Tuck Shop!

The screaming gophers then cheered and ran off as we see the killer bass looking at Katie and Sadie seeing how they cost them the challenge. We then see the screaming gophers as they were seen in the hot tub enjoying snacks.

Owen: Oh, my gosh this is so good! I never thought chips could taste so good! I think I'm gonna be sick. (Turns and vomits)

Heather: That's so incredibly gross.

Owen: (groans) That's better. Whoo! The Screaming Gophers rule! Hey, gimme some of those chocodiles. (Izzy hands Owen a bag of Chocodiles)

We then go to the campfire pit as we see the killer bass there.

Chris: You've all cast your votes The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately hit The Dock of Shame, grab the Boat of Losers, and get the heck outta here. And you can't come back. Ever. Now. I can see you're all tired, so tonight, I'll just throw them to you. Ashton. Jessica. Cana. Isabela. Daphne. Courtney. Duncan. Bridgette. DJ. Harold. Geoff.

We then see it was down to both Katie and Sadie.

Chris: Ladies. This is the final marshmallow of the evening. Sadie.

Sadie: No! Why Katie? Why her?!

Katie: It's so unfair!

Sadie: I so can't do this! I've never been anywhere without Katie! We have to be together or I'll totally die!

Katie: Sadie, listen to me. You can do this. You are strong and beautiful, and like, maybe even smarter than me. And plus, you're like, the funnest girl I know. You have to do it for both of us!

We then see KAtie as she was on the boat of losers leaving.

Sadie: (Crying) I miss you already!

Katie: (huffs) I miss you more!

Sadie: No, I miss you more!

Katie: No way! I totally miss you more!

Sadie: I miss you infinitely more! Bye!

We then go to the cabins as we see Ashton coming to Courtney.

Ashton: You alright Courtney? Duncan wanted to tell me to tell you he was sorry for scaring you.

Courtney: I was not scared. It was completely circumstantial. And there is no such thing as a hook man.

Ashton: Yeah, you're probably right. Let's head inside.

We then see them going inside their cabin.

End. Hope you liked it and be sure to keep in touch to see more of the story here on Total. Drama. Toon Island!

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