Up the creek

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We see the island with Chris at the dock of shame.

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Toon Island... The competitors were forced to conquer their deepest, darkest fears. Not all of them succeeded, but others surprised the group and faced their fears head-on. Dimitri went up against a bull and soothed the savage beast with music and was later up against his most greatest fear ever, his own mom! But in the end the fight between mother and son ended with the two seeing eye to eye and acting out heart to heart. Once again, the Bass find themselves behind. Can they pull this one out of the water? Find out today on Total. Drama. Toon Island!

We go to Ashton in his bed playing his guitar as he is seen singing to himself.

Ashton: Now maybe you won't get what you came for, sometimes it happens that way, just because you didn't hit what you aimed for it don't mean that you just run away I can still my old grandpappy saying wherever you go in this life go with an open mind try to leave all expectations behind you might be in for a pleasant surprise you'll never know what you'll find if you go with an open mind I can still hear my old grandpappy saying wherever you go in this life, go with an open mind try to leave all expectations behind just let all be one pleasant surprise why don't you see what you find if you go with an open mind.

As he finished Ashton then looked and saw Courtney, Eva, Lindsay, and the other girls staring at him lovingly

Ashton: Um hi guys.

Lindsay: That song was beautiful.

Courtney: Did you write that?

Ashton: No. My mom taught me that song and she told me to sing it when I feel sad. And I am sad right now.

Eva: Why?

Ashton: Today's the anniversary of her death.

Courtney: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Ashton: It's alright, but in all honesty seeing Dimitri and his mom makes me miss mine even more.

Courtney: But I know that your mom would be proud of you for what you've been doing, and you can still keep going.

Dimitri: She's right.

We then see Dimitri as he was walking towards them.

Dimitri: Sometimes things can happen to others that can make them feel upset, I know about that. Back when my mom was making my siblings and I train she told me the hobbies I chose were all just wastes of time. I almost started to believe in the things she said to me, but deep down I actually had faith that the mother I knew and loved was still there, I just kept trying to reach out to her. Sometimes even if your life can have a bit of struggle and some fighting, you can still hold on to what you believe in.

Ashton: Yeah, but I will try to remember my mother in my heart.

We later see everyone as they were seen at the beach with Chris.

Chris: Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience. A canoe trip. You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake... (spookily) to Boney Island! When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two-hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle.

Geoff: We've gotta pour what?

Chris: "Portage."

Everyone then looked at Geoff as he still didn't get it.

Ashton: He means walk to our canoes.

Geoff: Oh.

Chris: When you arrive at the other end of the island, you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me. The first team to paddle home and return their canoes to the beach is the winner of invincibility! Move, campers, move! Oh, wait! One more thing I should mention. Legend has it, if you take anything off the island, (spooky voice) you'll be cursed forever!

Owen: Yeah, haha! A cursed island! Whoo!

Chris: Now, get in your canoes and let's have some fun!

Owen: Yes!

We then see the campers as they were seen going to the canoes as we hear a flush as Beth was seen coming.

Beth: What'd I miss?

Chris: Canoes.

We then see Beth as she runs to the others as we see them going to the canoes.

Dimitri: Ok, we all just need to pick canoe partners. Beth, you and unfortunately Heather are in mine.

Ashton: Courtney would you and Eva care to join me?

Courtney: Sure.

Eva: Yeah why not.

We then went to Geoff as DJ came to him.

DJ: Hey Geoff, need a partner?

Geoff: Excellent!

We then see Geoff and DJ go to a canoe as DJ looked at it.

DJ: Yo, man. Do canoes flip over a lot?

Geoff: No, you're thinking kayaks. Unless we hit some rough water.

DJ: Water can get... Rough?

Geoff: Oh yeah. Sometimes it can get totally radical out there!

We then see the scene change to show DJ in the outhouse confessional.

DJ: When I was eight, my brothers dared me to jump off the high-dive platform at the pool. I was scared, but I jumped. I wasn't gonna let them call me chicken. I landed on my butt. Sounds better than a belly flop, right? Wrong. My trunks went so far up my butt, I had to go to the hospital and get them removed. They invited a new word for what I did. The wedgie flop. I've been afraid of water ever since.

We then see the others as they were seen in they're canoes as Chris was seen holding a starter pistol.

Chris: On your marks, get set, paddle!

He then shot it in the air as we then saw a hawk fall to the ground.

Chris: That's gonna provoke some angry emails.

We then see the others as they were seen canoeing through the water as we see Dimitri looking at Heather.

Dimitri: Ok Heather, I don't like you and you don't like me, but I would advise you and me get along or I'm throwing ya overboard. Got that?

Heather: Whatever.

Dimitri: That's just gonna tempt me to throw you off the canoe anyway.

Heather: Oh fine.

Dimitri: Thought so.

We later see the teams canoeing through the water as we see a fog coming.

Ashton: Fog? That could mean one thing.

We then see a spooky island as a rock was shaped like a skull.

Dimitri: Boney Island.

We then see them arrive as we see the killer bass running with their canoes as we see the gophers catching up as they looked to see skulls on sticks as they ran to a path as they see tree stumps as it looked like something had bit them down as a tree fell down as the gophers looked around and saw eyes in the woods.

Cody: I think I saw something.

We then see the leaves of the bushes moving as we then see giant beavers with tusks come out of the bushes.

Cody: Monster beavers!

We then see them running with the beavers chasing them as the scene changes to show Chris in the outhouse confessional.

Chris: A remnant of the Pleistocene Era, the woolly beaver is a day-active rodent indigenous to Boney Island. Oh yeah, and they're meat eaters.

We then see the scene change to see the gophers running from the wolly beavers as we see a bear scratching its back on a tree as it sees the gophers and beavers running by as it then puts on a pair of glasses as we see the screaming gophers running as they reached a dead end as they then turned to see the beavers leaving.

Dimitri: Looks like we're all safe now.

Owen: Did anybody pack a change of underwear?

Everyone then started to laugh.

Owen: No, seriously. (Laughs and then farts)

All: (Groans in disgust)

We then see nests as many large pterodactyl-like geese came out of their nests as we see the screaming gophers running away as they ran by where the bear was seeing them wearing glasses as the geese flew by as the bear then removed the glasses and broke them in two as we see the others running from the geese who were on their tails.

Ben: Any ideas?

Cody: Oh, wait! Look!

He then pulled out a loaf of bread.

Gwen: Where did that come from?

Cody: I was gonna make us all a picnic.

Gwen: With bread from your pants?!

Dimitri: Just throw the bread!

Cody then threw the bread as we then saw the geese went after it and started to eat the bread.

Gwen: It worked!

We then see the bass running past the gophers.

Dimitri: Come on guys.

We then see the killer bass as we see them walking down the path as they then see two paths.

Ashton: Two paths, left or right. We should go right.

We then see the gophers as they were catching up.

Dimitri: I can see the other team.

Gwen: They're taking the right path.

Dimitri: Then we'll take left.

We then see the gophers as they took the left path as we see them going through the path as Dimitri stopped.

Dimitri: Hold on everyone.

Dimitri then picked up a large rock and threw it to the path as we then saw the rock start to sink.

Dimitri: Quicksand.

We then see the scene changed to the confessional as Dimitri was seen in it.

Dimitri: I learnt there was actually a benefit for being trained 24/7 by my own mother, I've become completely aware of my surroundings.

We then see the scene changed to see the gophers as they were seen arriving to the spot as we see the killer bass were there as well as we see them starting to collect firewoods as we see Beth looking and finds a tiki figure and then takes it as we see the gophers as they were seen trying to get a fire started as we see Courtney as she was seen blowing on the killer bass' fire as it was already lit.

Heather: How did they do that so quickly?

We then see Duncan as he holds up a lighter.

Chris: No rule against carrying lighters. Edge, Killer Bass.

Dimitri: Come on everyone, we can still do it.

We then see the killer bass as they were bringing wood for the fire.

Ashton: This is going good guys.

Courtney: I don't think this is going to be big enough.

DJ: You heard the woman! We need more wood, guys! Come on, let's go!

We then see Harold as he was looking around as he then ran grabbing the paddles for their canoes and then threw them into the fire as the others saw what Harold did.

Ashton: Now look at what you did!

Daphne: Now how are we gonna get back home now?!

We then went to the gophers as Izzy was seen coming to them holding a ball made of tree sap.

Izzy: This ought to do the trick! It's a handmade fire-starter I made from some tree sap and saved. Stand back, guys. This is gonna be big.

We then see the gophers starting to back away as we see Izzy threw her firestarter into the fire as it created a massive explosion of flame

Chris: Whee-hee-hee! We have our fire-building winner! Point for the Gophers!

Heather: Where did you learn to do that?

Izzy: Oh, you know, I spent a summer training with the reserves. Yeah, I got into some trouble there and like, blew up the kitchen by accident, which is why the RCMP is like, still all over my butt. I am so totally AWOL!

Ashton: (whispers) She's crazy!

We later see the gophers as they were seen going to their canoes as the killer bass knew they were done because they had no paddles.

Eva: Now how are we gonna get back?

Izzy: You guys could get someone to swim behind the boats and push them. I did that once for this huge, sixty-foot yacht; the whole crew had to flutter kick for like, eight days to get to shore. And like, four of us got eaten by sharks. (laughs) I didn't. Not me. But it was really insane. Okay, later!

We then see the gophers as they were seen paddling through the water back to the island.

Ashton: Guys, I can't believe I'm saying this, but we're gonna go with Izzy's idea.

Geoff: That might work!

Bridgette: We need someone big enough to push all the canoes back. DJ, you're the only one who's strong enough.

Geoff: You can't ask him to do that! Dude can't swim!

Bridgette: Geoff, I know you're friends, but DJ's the only chance we've got!

Courtney: She's right. Those skinny arms aren't going to cut it.

Geoff: I'll do it.

Ashton: Sorry Geoff but DJ has to do it.

DJ: I can do this. I have to.

We then see the scene go to the confessional as we see DJ was in the outhouse.

DJ: It was all up to me. I needed to swim like a Killer Bass should and no wedgie flop was going to stand in my way.

We then see the scene changed to see the killer bass.

Ashton: It's up to you man.

We then see DJ as he was seen pushing the boats with incredible speed

Ashton: Holy cow!

We then see the killer bass as they reach the beach making them the winners of the challenge.

Chris: The Bass are the winners!

Leshawna: (To Izzy) You cost us the game! You are dead!

Izzy: Right. Okay, you are so lucky that my license to kill is currently expired.

We then went to the campfire pit as the screaming gophers were seen.

Chris: And now, the always anxiety-inducing marshmallow ceremony. When I call your name, come and get a marshmallow. Beth. Dimitri. Gwen. Cody. Owen. Heather. Leshawna. Velma. Rias. Asuka. Ben. Rex. One last marshmallow. The person who doesn't get this marshmallow will walk off the Dock of Shame and take a ride on the Boat of Losers. Who's it gonna be?

We then see it was down to Lindsay and Izzy and before Chris could make his decision we then heard a helicopter as everyone looked up to see a helicopter was there.

RCMP Guard: Izzy! We know you are down there! You are under arrest!

Leshawna: You mean all that trash you were talking was true?

Izzy: No. Just the RCMP part. See ya! You'll never get me alive!

We then see Izzy as she started running away laughing

Ashton: Well that's one way to get kicked out.

Chris: Yeah. That wraps that up. Night everyone.

We then see everyone as they were seen going to their cabins.

Ashton: If I'm being honest, I'm really starting to hate this place more and more.

Dimitri: True, but we all have one reason why we're here and that's...

Dimitri and Ashton: The giant wad of cash.

Ashton: I know. I know. But she's still here!

Dimitri: Well if we're lucky maybe she'll get some well deserved payback.

Ashton: And if she is still here by tomorrow night. I'm taking matters into my own hands.

Dimitri: I know how ya feel, but I have a feeling sooner or later Karma is gonna be coming and going to bite her in the flatness she calls a backside.

Ashton: I'll make sure of it.

Dimitri: Ok, well see ya tomorrow.

Ashton: G'night. Hey camera guy, stay here for a sec. I'm not done for tonight.

We then see Ashton as he was seen going into Heather's make up

Ashton: If that witch is here for war.

Ashton then dumps the makeup powder out

Ashton: Then it's war she shall have!

Ashton then replaced the makeup with itching powder and laxatives.

Ashton: Heather is going to regret she was ever on this show and ever coming into my life again.

He then walked out of the cabin with a villainous smile on his face

Chris: Man, Heather messed him up something fierce. I love it! (To the viewers) And tune in next time to see how far Ashton will go to get Heather off Total. Drama. Toon Island!


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