Not what I was expecting part two

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"First to jump...the silver wolves" Lexi smirked.
Zorah and Katherine exchanged a look before walking to the edge of the cliff and holding hands before jumping, landing safely in the ring. The boat took them to the sand.
Stefan was next, pin diving into the ring.
Bonnie cast a protection spell on herself before diving elegantly into the ring.
Kol wanted to impress her so he did a dramatic dive...and landed on a rock causing everyone to laugh
"I assure you, I meant to do that" Kol yelled back, entirely unharmed
"Kol! Oh my god, are you okay?" Bonnie asked once he got to land
"I'm fine, darling." Kol assured her, looking into her eyes

Matt hung back
"Matt, it's your turn." Lexi said
"I'll pass. I'm allergic to vervain and I could die if I get caught on a rock. I am only human" Matt said
"Only human?" Rebekah asked
"Rebekah, love. Just leave it" Klaus began
"You are not only human. You are wonderfully, beautifully and incredibly human. You make me wanna change for the better. Never say that you are only something, you are so much more" Rebekah said, kissing him. He kissed back passionately, cupping the back of Rebekah's head softly.
"Okay. Enough! Thirsty Bloodsuckers turn" Lexi announced. Rebekah kissed Matt on the cheek before skipping to the edge and jumping off
"She kissed me" Matt said, dumbstruck.
"I'm next!" Caroline said
"Caroline, love, you don't have to do this." Klaus said protectively
"I'm good" Caroline smirked before diving off the edge of the cliff.
"My love" Klaus mumbled, smiling before he jumped off too

"Oh, I'm next" Tara grinned. She turned around at the edge, "although, I may fall-" She screamed as she fell off the edge, landing in the vervained water.
"Oh shit!"
The boat quickly arrived and deposited her onto land where Stefan was by her side in an instant
"Are you alright...Tara?" he asked
"Your eyes are so green" was Tara's response before she fell unconscious.

"Uh, next!" Lexi called. Mimi straightened her shoulders and went to the edge
"Mimi?" Damon asked shyly. Memories of Augustine were flooding through his mind
"Can I jump with you...I don't think I can do it alone?"
Mimi nodded and he slipped his hands in hers, causing her to look up at him in surprise
"1...2...3!" Damon called before the two jumped into the ring safely. They hadn't let go.
Back on land, the contestants were all talking. The girls all were together
"If the seven of us ally until the diffusion of the teams, we can eliminate all the boys" Katherine said
"I like that plan" Caroline smirked
"Who do we get out first?" Rebekah asked
"Damon or Matt" Tara replied
"What? Why?" Mimi asked
"Matt is human. If we eliminate him early, then we can free him from anything truly horrible" Zorah explained and Rebekah nodded unhappily
"And Damon?" Mimi asked angrily
"He's a jerk" Caroline replied.
"No, he's not. And he wouldn't make a bad ally. He's loyal" Katherine said
"Wait, you're defending him?" Caroline asked
"So from the Silver Wolves, we vote Matt out?" Zorah asked, wanting to get off the topic of Katherine's ex lover
"And from Thirsty Bloodsuckers, Kol" Tara said
"No, why?" Bonnie asked before realising what she had said, going bright red
"Bonnie, he is an Original Vampire. There are three of them. Our odds are better if we get rid of him"

Bonnie sighed disappointedly before accepting this. What her  newfound friends had said was true and besides, hoes before bros

"Campers, after watching that performance, the losing team is..." Lexi said and everyone looked at her worriedly

AN: so who should the winning and losing team be? Who should be eliminated? And in this, please pretend that Matt had vervain in a necklace rather than eating it bc of his mild allergy. Please? For me? 

You guys are the best! 

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