Day 10: Jamaica

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I woke from my slumber to find myself in the cargo hold. I started to panic when a person appeared before me. "Ezekiel?" I gain a nod as I sit up. "W-what are y-you doing h-here? Are y-you okay? W-where h-have y-you been?" He cups my mouth and silences me. I blink at him. He's changed a bit...less himself.

"I told you I was going to win this thing, so I'm not going home without the money," He said uncupping my mouth as I got up ready to leave.

"W-well I s-should get b-back before t-the others n-notice I'm gone." I say stuttering before running back to economy class before he had a chance to stop me. I was scared out of my mind. I curled up to Cody shaking like a leaf as he looked down at me confused, but then wrapped an arm around me holding me close making me feel safe. Then I hear a boom as Chris comes over the intercom.

"Attention passengers...Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" He screams as we go plummeting from the sky. I scream and hold onto Cody who does the same to me.

We then crash land on an island as we all get off. I find out that Izzy and Owen got crushed by the plane. I rush to help them out. 

"Uh, Chris, Izzy and Owen need help," Courtney said as she tried to pull Owen out. I manage to get Izzy out as the medics arrive.

"Izzy and Owen are going to be fine. Thanks to travel insurance help is on the six to thirty-eight hours." Chris said with a smile.

"What about the rest of us?" Gwen asked.

"Well, we're out of gas, plane's busted, and we're broke...but the show must go on. You can't waste any of this footage. Think of the hits we'll get on cliptune."

"Where are we?" Tyler asked as I looked around.

"Jamaica mon. We were supposed to land in ochos rios, but since somebody forgot how to fly. We'll have to do the challenges here instead and fast. Before whoever owns this dump shows up and asks for a location fee."

"Didn't you guys budget for a whole season?" Noah asked.

"Somethings cost more than expected. Airplane ready hot-tubs don't grow on trees you know."

"You must have an emergency fund." Heather stated.

"Spent it on our last fuel up." My widen as he says this.

"Which went so well." Noah added sarcastically.

"Grab your board shorts and meet me at the waterfall." Chris then walks away with Chef in tow. We get into our swimwear as I have on a black top over my Pokeball swim trunks. I also put back on my black trench coat knowing I'm not getting in the water.

/"I still can't swim." I whisper blushing slightly. "I just never seen a reason to learn...till I got on this show. Even then I only thought we'd be doing land challenges."\

We meet Chris by the waterfall as he is wearing a...womens dashiki? "Heh, pretty blouse," Noah commented.

"It's a dashiki mon." He said as I couldn't help but giggle.

"Yeah, a womens dashiki." DJ said laughing as well.

"What!?" Chris was shocked as I nodded giggling at him.

"Can we get to the challenge please?" Courtney said.

"I like to call our first challenge: The Treasure Hunt of Death. We were supposed to do this at Dunn's River Falls, but this far more dangerous waterfall will have to do."

"S-so...a w-water challenge?" I ask as he looks over at me.

"Fraid so, wanna say a few prayers?" I shake my head stepping back.

"My t-team can d-do this without me," I said as I looked at my team with hope, but the girls, excluding Sierra, looked at me like they were going to toss me off anyways. Cody at least had pity in his eyes.

"Your challenge begins with a dive off beautiful, wherever we are, falls into the lagoon far below."

"Which is full of what, sharks?" Noah asked his sarcastic tone making me smile.

"Nope," they all sigh in relief, but I felt like something was up. "Electric eels and sharks," I knew it. "Players must tag team dive into the infested waters, for as long as you can hold your breath, to search the lagoon floor for pirate treasure. Aka the golden chain Chef always wears on karaoke night. First team to bring me Chef's treasure wins a major advantage in the next challenge. So, good luck especially to Team I am super duper mega whopper hot. With Izzy and Owen out of commish, you'll have to work extra hard to make up for their absence."

"No problem, Tyler, It's your lucky day. You get to do all the dives." Noah says as I look over at their team of three.

"Yeah, wait," Tyler said as I shook my head at him.

Cody goes first for our team as DJ is still his own team and Tyler goes for Team Chris. "Ready, steady, freddy, go!" Chris calls as all three dive.

Cody comes up empty handed as do the others. Tyler dives again as does DJ as Cody tags Heather. She gets distracted by Alejandro, who was taunting her, as she belly flops onto the water. Heather tags Sierra who does a cannon ball as water falls on us causing an eel to land on Courtney's head shocking her and also Gwen. Tyler keeps jumping and pulling up objects that aren't the chains as our team cycles through skipping me. I see Gwen having a little problem with the sun. "H-here Gwen use m-my coat." I drape it over her to block her from the sun.

"Thanks, whoa," She trips on a rock pushing me over the edge as I take a deep breath before hitting the water. How did this happen? I ask myself as I slowly drift to the bottom. I then notice something gold out of the corner of my eyes. I decide to try to get over to it, more or less, I end up taking a hold of it as my vision blackens and I see someone coming towards me as my vision and thoughts turn blank.

When I come too I'm in the infirmary with Owen, Izzy, and an intern. 

"Hey Owen," I say then look over to Izzy who is doing something incredibly smart. "I-Izzy?" She turns to me and I can tell I don't want to know.

"Hey, Kaylub, you were out for a while." I nod to Owens words as a chainsaw cuts open the roof above Izzy and the army appear.

"Say goodbye Izzy, we're airlifting you home for special treatment." An officer said.

"Izzy's leaving the competition for good. Oh, Izzy, why did I ever want to breakup with you?" I look at Owen confused.

"Logic, we are incompatible, ergo the relationship must end. Adieu," she said as they took her away. I blink a few times.

"What, wait, Izzy." He tried to reach in the direction they took her, but she was long gone.

I soon get the okay to stand again as I go stand by Owen. 

"You okay?" I ask as he looks down.

"Yeah, I just miss Izzy." I nod agreeing with him. "You never knew what to expect with her." Then the song bell rang as I looked around to see Chris peeking in.

"This emotionally demented moment sounds like a song." I tilt my head as he smirks. The music starts.

Owen: I miss the way, Izzy said hello!

By hoofing me, in the kiwis!

I miss the daytime, when Izzy moved so slow.

Kaylub: Ooh, ooh.

Owen: Cause other times, she'd get freaky!

Oh, Izzy! Oh, Izzy! I...I miss you so!

Oh, my Izzy, my little Izzy. Why'd I ever let you go?

Kaylub: Actually, she kinda dumped you.

Owen: I miss her smile, and the way she liked to bite

on my arm, when there was trouble-

Which was all the time. (laughs)

Oh, I miss the way, she'd always say goodnight.

Kaylub: Ooh, Ooh.

Owen: And boot me in the kiwis, double! Ouch.

Oh, Izzy! Oh, Izzy! I...I miss you so.

Oh, my Izzy, my little Izzy!

Why'd I ever let you go?

Why'd I ever let you go?

I place a hand on him in comfort.

The doc comes in and checks us both out before giving us the clear to return to the others. 

"Hey, wait up, doc says I'm okay to compete." Owen says running as I walk back to my team. I notice that Gwen and Sierra were missing. I cover my ears seeing Chris with a Megaphone.

"Owen and Kaylub are back." Chris says into a megaphone. I look up at the death trap that we have to bobsled down and blink a few times. "Round one Team Amazon, ready?"

"READY!" Sierra yells down. Then Chris presses a button to make a really loud beep. Both girls go down the death trap.

"So some military guy took Izzy away?" Noah asked as Owen told him what happened in the infirmary.

"Yeah, maybe it's cuz she's so smart now." Owen said.

"She cracked time-travel." I say as Noah looks at me like I just told the biggest lie ever. I look away. Gwen and Sierra come out smushed against the wall of the pool.

"47.36 seconds is the time to beat. Team I am so hunky-dory dreamy hot." I blush at that as I realized Chris was only in his swimwear. I advert my eyes.

"READY!" Alejandro said as Chris beeped again. The guys go as I watch them crash.

"58.49, Team Amazon still leads by a healthy margin. Team Victory," He called up.

"TEAM VICTORY READY!" DJ yells down as him and Irene go through the death trap actually having fun and landing perfectly. I clap for him as he smiles at me.

"45.01 seconds, we have a new leader. Team Victory takes round one." Chris said pointing the megaphone at us making me wince even more into myself as I hold my ears tighter.

"We're all here now. You don't need to keep using that." Courtney said as I hold my ears more.

"Maybe I just like it. Round two," He said as Heather and Courtney go for Team Amazon, Noah and Owen go for Team Chris, and DJ continues to go for Team Victory. He beeps as the girls go down screaming.

Chef and Chris get some water as Heather and Courtney come out and hit their heads. "Let's hear it for the helmets people. The girls come in at 56.28, better than the boys first run, but not by much. Team I am so wicked, wicked hot." At this point I am covering my face with my hands at how red it is.

Owen and Noah, somehow get through the course and fall into the pool Owen crushing Noah. "55.16 for the men. It'll take a miracle to get out of last place now." Noah puts a thumbs up of life as I move Owen off of him and help him up. He smiles at me grateful as I shyly smile back. "Team Victory ready?"

"READY!" DJ goes through the course maybe faster than before and came out landing perfectly.

"44.37, DJ beats his own highscore and widens his lead even further. Round three." I go up with Cody and put the helmet on. Tyler and Alejandro are behind us with DJ.

"You asked me earlier why I was nice to DJ. Well, I hated to see him suffer, but you see how happy he is now. That's because I painted that symbol on Irene to fool him into thinking his curse was over." I turn to Alejandro with a flame in my eyes. He did not just do that.

"Wait you mean DJ's still cursed?" Tyler said shocked as I look at them.

"Irene, no." I look back at DJ with concern.

"DJ, you weren't supposed to hear that. Sorry my friend. I was only trying to help." Alejandro says as I glare at him before walking over to DJ.

"You were never cursed to begin with. The dog in Paris was a fake paper mache copy. I only pointed out the symbol because I thought it was unique and a joke about you thinking you had a curse. It's just a mindset." I said as I patted him on the arm.

"Team Amazon Ready?" Chris called up. I smile at DJ as he nods, but I have a feeling he doesn't believe me. I go back over to Cody who sits behind me on the longboard making me blush.

"READY!" Cody calls down as we go down leaning forward for more speed. We get out as I land on my back and Cody in over me. I blush as he smiles. He gets up first and helps me up.

"53.41 seconds for a three run combined total of 2:37 seconds, good, but will it be good enough?" Chris says as I watch the guys run through and Alejandro break a piece of the boarding causing it to be like a ramp. Oh, no, DJ. They then come out. "The men are in first place with a total score of 2:35 seconds. Team Victory?" I see DJ leave Irene on the side as I sigh.

Then as he did the run he was flailing around and then went sailing through the sky. "Incomplete. The men win and Team Endless non-victory goes to the elimination room one last time. You know...if he ever gets back." That has me concerned as Team Chris cheers. My team grumbles as Heather growls.

I enter the plane and sat with DJ and my team. "Sorry you have to go. I'm going to miss you," I said giving DJ one last hug before he went to the elimination room.

"Good luck Kaylub. I'm going home to Mama and will be cheering for you from there," he said before closing the door. I sighed.

/"And there goes my last talkable friend on the show. Now I'm left with girls who either don't like me, are obsessed with me and another guy paired together, or just don't even know I exist even though we're on the same team, guys I rarely talk to, and..." I blush unable to continue. "I'm going to miss my friends."\

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