Day 18: Tanzania

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I sat in economy class opposite of Heather and Alejandro while playing my game. Duncan next to me.

/"Why do I feel like a puppy in the same room as two venomous snakes and a Doberman?" I ask with concern.\

Duncan was whistling and smiling while carving on the seat. 

"Smiling, whistling, this is the happiest I've ever seen you." Alejandro said.

"What can I say, it's like all my problems were shoved out of a plane. Speaking of failed romance, you want me to hit the common area with Kaylub, so you two lovebirds can start building your nest together?" I look over at the mention of me.

"Yeah if...stop it!" Alejandro and Heather said together. I snicker softy.

"Blaineley was right. You two are so lame for each other." The two gasp as Duncan sits by me with a smile. I blush looking to my game. "Come on let's hit the common area." I nod following him out feeling a pair of eyes on me as I go. 

Once in the common area he pulls me down onto his lap and places a soft kiss to my neck as he watches me play my game.

"I missed this. I'm glad the teams are dissolved and Courtney is gone so I can finally be at peace just being with you." I blush at his words as he holds me close to him. We remain like this till we land.

"I'm going to check on Sierra and Cody." He nods letting me go as he exits with the others.

I rush to check on Sierra and Cody. Mostly Cody. I see him in a backpack and he looks absolutely worse for wear. Sierra was about to put him on her back when I rush over and take the straps. 

"I think it's best if I hold onto him. Whatever you did, I don't want him to get worse." She squealed before rushing off the plane obviously not hearing the second part. I turn and look at Cody. I shake my head. "I'll make sure you live." I pick up the backpack, which was acting like a carrier, putting it on my back. Cody groaned a bit. "Sorry, but this is the only way." I walk off the plane and over to the group. Chris was in a Traditional Maasai warrior garb.

"You okay in there Cody?" Chris asked as Cody murmured out utter nonsense. "Pure poetry guy. I can see married life is treating you well." He said with a wink at me as I blushed.

"Due to his weakened condition, I'll be competing for the both of us." I walk closer to Chris and whisper to him, "this wasn't my fault, I'm only looking out for him." Chris chuckles.

"I know, that's the good part of married life. The spouse looking after the other," He said before backing away with a smirk to address the group. I blush deeply. "Okay, challenge time."

We head to a place with fruit on podiums and Chef in a winter gear. I tilt my head as he seemed to be sweating up a pool. 

"Part one combines two of Africa's most popular sports: soccer and cricket." He said holding up a soccer ball and a cricket bat. "I call it: Sock-it-to-me, the me being you of course."

" Chef expecting a blizzard?" Heather asked.

"Behold, the penalty parka, plus pants. Created specifically to help people sweat out their cheating ways. Looking hot Chef." He throws a green gourd at Chris only for him to dodge by ducking out of the way sending the fruit towards me. I step aside letting it go flying past me. "Each player must run one at a time from the starting line to that pile of African sabu plums, grab as many as you can carry and run back, and you'll be doing all of this while your fellow competitors pumble you with soccer balls." Chris said.

"Ooh, pummeled by a soccer ball, how painful." Duncan mocked till Chris threw the soccer ball at Duncan's head making direct contact. He screamed out in pain as he was on the ground. I giggle.

"You were saying? Next, take the plums you brought back and whack them with the cricket bat to smash those gourds open. Like this," Chris threw the plum in the air and swings sending the plum right into Chef's head causing the man to fall. "Whoever cracks their gourd open first, wins a reward that will be muy helpful in the next challenge. Now, positions people, Sierra, you're up first. Kickers, get ready." We get into position as Sierra gets ready to run. "Ready, steady, Serengeti!" He calls out before blowing the whistle. 

Sierra runs as both Duncan and Heather miss her. She gets the plums and Alejandro and I kick the soccer balls causing her to drop them. 

"Awesome, Duncan top that." Chris blows the whistle again. 

Duncan runs and Sierra kicks only to get the ball kicked back at her. He gets the plums. 

"I told you soccer is a whimpy sp-" He then gets hit on both sides of the head with soccer balls as well as in the nuts. Heather, Alejandro, and I cheer.

"Heather, your go." He blows the whistle. 

Heather runs as Alejandro kicks. It misses Heather, but does a dirt spin and comes back to hit her in the face. 

"Whoa, harsh dude, but hilarious." Chris said as I cover my mouth to stiffen my giggles. Heather gets the plums as I was the only one capable to knock her over before she reached the finish. "Bring it on Alejandro." Chris said blowing the whistle.

Alejandro ran and easily sent back every ball. I dodged the ones coming for me, but he made it to and from the plums without a scratch. 

"Wow, and then there was one, wifey you're up." Chris said blowing the whistle. 

I blush as I run and dodge the balls, even Alejandro's special balls aimed for Cody. I get the plums and easily return being only the second one not to get hit.

Once back, we all get our bats and stand behind the line. 

"Remember, first person to smash through gets the advantage...and go!" We start swinging as Sierra hits Chef in the nuts. "Seems like the universe is none to pleased with your meddling either Chef." I hit my gourd leaving a large crack in it as does Duncan and Heather. "Unlike the D-man, Alejandro's girlfriend is a batting feind." This comment causes Heather to miss her next shot that actually hits Alejandro. "Oh yeah, they're meant for each other."

"Shut up Chris." The two say together 

"Okay, this is ridiculous." Alejandro says as I swing cracking open my gourd. Heather follows right after cracking hers open as well.

"And the winner of our first challenge is Kaylub and Cody, second going to Heather." I clap happily as Heather and I stand by Chris. "The rest of you have ten seconds left to crack your gourd, and trust me, you want what's inside." Alejandro breaks it easy, Duncan throws the bat, and Sierra hits Chef in the nuts...again. "Broken but not a gourd. No success for Sierra will make it much harder for them to deal with this." Chris points to a crate that leaps with animalistic noise coming from inside. My eyes widen as the sounds are kinda familiar to me. 

"Should we be running right now?" Duncan asked terrified.

"Yes, you should be scared. Part two of our challenge is a genuine African safari, and the prey." He taps on the box making the sounds grow louder. "Why only the most dangerous and chauvinistic animal of all...Ezekiel." I yelp and cover my mouth shaking as the others gasp as well.

"But, you shoved his dirty butt out of the plane in London," Heather said.

"I know, he's like a one-man cockroach infestation. We thought we got rid of him awhile ago back at Sweden, but when a certain blonde whose name rhymes with plainly ratted Zeke out, Chef went a hunting and found the scrawny lunatic down in the hold. I should warn you. He's totally feral. Thanks to all that time with the animals. Whoever nabs the beast formerly known as Ezekiel wins invincibility, and first class seats to our next destination."

"With the player of their choice, blah, blah, blah. Where's my reward?" Heather said.

"One not your reward, two in a second! Go to your gourds and check inside. They contain what you'll use to hunt with." We go over and look inside. I pull out a slingshot and a pouch.

"Oh, yes, do you know how many windows I broken with one of these." Duncan said pulling out a slingshot.

"What's the pocket for, magic beans?" Heather asked.

"Close," Chris said reaching into Heather's gourd and pulled out a small pink ball. "Tranquilizer balls. Sling them with enough velocity and they burst on contact, numbing the area and releasing a hearty dose of sleepy time goodness. Watch as this intern demonstrates." Chris loads a slingshot and fires at the intern. The intern faints and Zeke reaches for him through the bars. "See, it's like paintball only with naps. Now stand back people, we're going to give the violent psycho a head start. Hey, frosty, release the beast!" Chef opens the cage as Ezekiel goes running.

"He doesn't even look like him." Sierra points out.

"Yeah, well it sure smells like him." Heather said covering her nose.

"Okay, since Kaylub and Cody won the first challenge, they gets eight tranq balls. Heather, Alejandro both cracked theirs open so you both get three. Duncan two." He hands out the pink balls.

"Hey, I should get three. I cracked my gourd too." Duncan complained.

"Technically, you beat your gourd with a cricket bat. Sierra, since you didn't put a dent in your get these and one ball." He hands us all a pair of goggles.

"No slingshot?" She asked.

"Nope, you're gonna have to throw the ball hard enough to make them burst. Which will be hilariously unsuccessful...I'm sure. And," Chef blows a horn. We all run. 

I stop and put Cody down to put the goggles on him. "Are you feeling any better?" He mumbles nonsense again. "Okay, well guess not." I pick him back up and look out for Zeke and other natural predators.

I hum a tune while searching for Zeke as I hear a response. I load my slingshot quickly and turn to the sound. Out comes Ezekiel standing on both feet and seems... normal. "Friend... you... win... if... me... nap?" He said before seeing Cody and growling going back to an animalistic way.

"Yes!" I say quickly grabbing his attention. "I do win if I shoot you with the tranquilizer ball so you can nap." He blinks before hearing screaming. He runs off as I fall to my knees breathing heavily. "Cody, are you okay?" He nods in response as I sigh. I decide to take a breather before going for Ezekiel again.

I sing a song about the saragenti as Chris rolls up to me. "So the other competitors shot each other with the balls and now we're going to wake them up to sing. Wanna join?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Gotta find Zeke." I said as he looked at me with concern since I shivered just saying his name. He sighed and shrugged.

"Go win, and be careful." He said the last part with much concern in his voice. I nod. He drives off as I walk away.

I somehow end up where the group was and there's music that starts to play.

Heather: Well, it's a beautiful day on the Serengeti. The perfect time to snag a pup. 

I'll find Zeke and win this dumb game, as soon as my leg wakes up. Ah!

Alejandro: Going alone just makes you look sad and pathetic. Plus, you'll die without a trace.

Heather: Hey!

Duncan: We teamed up and almost had Zeke. I could see the zits right on his face. Really! We were that close!

Heather: "Almost" gets you nowhere around here. You're a loser duo, and that's all.

Alejandro: "Loser" is what the lion called you, when you couldn't find your balls. Tranq balls, that is. I wonder where they went?

Sierra: I better sing or I get kicked out. (faints) I got something I want to say. Cody? Kaylub? Cody? I ca- I can't feel my face. Where'd you put it? Cody?! Kaylub?! Co... (faints)

Heather: Well, it's a beautiful day on the Serengeti. The perfect time to snag a pup.

I'll find Zeke and win this dumb game, as soon as my leg wakes up.

My leg.

Alejandro: My hand. (gets punched by Duncan)

Duncan: My arm.

Sierra: Ugh, my face.

Alejandro, Duncan, Heather and Sierra: Wake uuuuuuu-uh-uh-uup!

Wake uuuuuuuuuuuuup!

"Somebody better catch the Zeke fast because the plane is taking off in exactly one hour with or without you." Chris said as I left then I returned to see Sierra.

"Hey, need some Tranqs?" I ask as Duncan comes over.

"Sure, thanks Kaylub." I hand her two and give Duncan two as well.

"Thanks," he says before rushing off with Alejandro. I head off in a different direction.

I stop for a while and grab some bananas. I eat some and give some to Cody. "Thanks, Kaylub. Honestly you're the best. I feel better already." I blush and smile.

"That's good to know. Now I don't have to carry you around anymore. Let's go!" Cody nods as we both race towards the river.

Once we arrive, everyone was there as Duncan was asleep with Ezekiel on his back. I raise an eyebrow. "Whoa, congrats Alejandro, you are on your way to first class." Chris said.

"I would have had a shot if he didn't steal all my ammo." Heather said as Alejandro shrugged.

"Aww, you two are so cute. Now quick, grab Duncan, and let's get the heck out of Africa before Zeke wakes up." Chris said as we rush to the plane.

On the plane it's elimination time. I vote for Heather as always. "Mmm, tensiony, alrighty then, one vote for Heather, one for Alejandro, one for Duncan, one for Sierra, another for Duncan, and the lucky loser is...Duncan." I blink and look to him.

"Kinda expected this." Duncan gets the parachute. I go over to him with concern in my eyes. "I've gotten out of bigger jams then this-" He then screams as Chris pushes him out. He plumits from the sky.

"I'm going to miss that delinquent. Now, Alejandro, who you bringing to the big leagues."

"It's a tough call, but Kaylub." My eyes widen.

"What?" Heather, Cody, Sierra, and I say in unison each for a different reason. I blink a few times before waving goodbye to Cody and Sierra as I head to first class.

/"Now I'm alone with the rattlesnake without a rattle."\

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