Episode 2: Hope is Magic Part 2

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'The following Episode contains scenes of extreme stunts performed by animated teens and ponies, do not try any of what you see here at home, seriously, you could get really messed up, puhuhuhuhuhuhuuu!!! Enjoy the show!'

The next Episode shows Princess Celestia standing in front of the camera while the contestants stood behind her


"Last time on Total Equestrian Despair..." Celestia called out before the screen changed to flashbacks from the previous Episodes "... Monokuma went to meet up with me when I was bored to tell me that he was planning on creating a new reality show, this time it's a survivor x Total Drama reality show but with Viewer Voting in mind and thus he and a few other clones went to go get the contestants for the show as Monomi told Twilight the events of the second killing game which made Twilight protective of her and the next day Makoto woke up to go to the bathroom only to barf onto Monotaro who he called a failed Monokuma Clone, of course he didn't agree with it and tried to eliminate him but Makoto wouldn't listen as he used hope to help him get weaker until Kyoko helped him defeat Monotaro to which he called for help as Rarity came to his aid and in the end it was her ability that caused everybody to peacefully get lunch and after a while the others came as they asked a few questions, alongside Toko who was concerned about her alternate personality which caused some of the hosts to get worried as we tried to give her some helpful ideas to which she agreed and afterwards the teams were made as more rules and things were explained before the contestants went on their way, some with bad ideas while others... With worries and after a while the next challenge was to begin which is a race for the pieces of elements but will they find it or not, let's find out right now on Total... Equestrian... Despair!" Celestia announced


The intro begins as the screen moves towards Ponyville where Monokuma was seen walking with his kids and his sister as they tried to chat about the game

Dear mom and dad I'm doing fine

The screen moved past them before it stopped in sugarcube corner where Pinkie and Teruteru were making cupcakes that Akane, Hina, Hifumi, Mahiru, Himeko, Hiyoko, Sayaka and Sonia began eating with Akane, Himeko and Hiyoko being excited

You guys are on my mind

You asked me what I wanted to be

The screen then switched to the Carousel Boutique where Tsumugi, Celeste, Junko, Mukuro and Chiaki were testing out clothing with Rarity with some of them failing to get into the outfit causing them to fall down while Rarity chuckled nervously

And I think the answer is plain to see...

I wanna be... Famous!

The screen then zipped out the other window towards Fluttershy's animal sanctuary where Fluttershy was worried on what Mahiru, Angie, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Gundham, Ibuki, Korekiyo, Leon and Yasuhiro were doing before she turned around only to see that Gonta was stuck between loads of animals who either sat on him, licked him or whatever else making her chuckle a bit while Gonta was just staring at the camera in confusion on what's happening as he muttered help

I wanna live close to the sun

Well pack your bags 'Cause I've already won

The screen then changed to Rainbow preparing to race Sakura, Ryoma, Maki, Kaito, Mondo, Taka, Peko, Fuyuhiko, Nekomaru and Kazuichi before she rushed off with super speed causing the six to stop and drop their jaws to the ground which caused Rainbow to return and cheer only to see them looking in awe at her

Everything to prove nothing in my way

I'll get there one day

Cause I wanna be famous

The screen then showed Tenko, Byakuya, Chihiro, Kaede, Keebo, Kirumi, Kyoko, Mikan, Miu, Nagito, Rantaro, Tenko, Toko, Makoto, Hajime, Shuichi and Ultimate Imposter in Twilight's castle reading books as some of them began cheering happily

Na, na, na-na-na-na-na-na-na, na, na-na-na-na

The screen then changed to nighttime as the contestants were seen walking to both sides of the castle either in worry or anger as we see the hosts throwing cupcakes one after another


I wanna be...


I wanna be...


I wanna be famous


I wanna be...


I wanna be...


I wanna be famous

The screen then showed the contestants whistling a bit as they looked at the screen before the Monokubs finished the banner which Princess Celestia then puts on the wall in front of the door which read 'Total Drama Equestria' 

After the intro Fuyuhiko was heard groaning impatiently


"Can we start now?! I'm getting tired of waiting!" Fuyuhiko called out

"We can start when Fluttershy calls out go" Pinkie answered

"Yes, let's try again" Rarity suggested

"Okay, ready..." Fluttershy started as the contestants prepared to run "Set..." Fluttershy started as the contestants began giving competitive looks "GO!" Fluttershy called out

Afterwards a party popper was heard going off thanks to the white and blue bear as everybody rushed off to the first part of the challenge

"Go, go, go guys, we have to make it!" Nekomaru called out

Hifumi was then heard panting

"I'm getting tired!" Hifumi called out

"When did you last eat something healthy?" Makoto asked

"Back in the castle" Hifumi answered

"No, I meant before that?" Makoto asked

"Well, uh..." Hifumi asked

"If you keep going like this you might get sick and maybe even die!" Kyoko reminded

"I'm sorry but I didn't know I was going to run in this challenge!" Hifumi explained

"Next time, watch your tastes" Celeste said

"I have to agree with Celeste here" Sayaka said

Hifumi then sighed in nervousness

"Yeah, you're right" Hifumi said

But Hifumi just began getting slower and slower before it was like he was walking in a fast pace as most of the contestants rushed past him causing him to get worried as he tried to run only to stop and pant

"You know, it's best you start walking with me" A guy then said

"Wha—? Huh?" Hifumi asked

Hifumi then turned around and saw Dave walking towards him

"Don't worry, I know we're enemies for now but I can assure you that I'll make sure you win" Dave said

"Thanks" Hifumi thanked

"No worries, now let's go" Dave suggested

The two then began walking as they began chatting a bit about whatever they wanted

Meanwhile most of the contestants have arrived at the place, first were 'the Powerful Yak's'

"There it is!" Akane called out

"Sweet! Let's go!" Ibuki called out

They then went to their spot as they read the first challenge's lines on it

"Get to the other side of the cliff safely by using any equipment that is laying right next to you to get the Element of Honesty stone"


"That must've been what Princess Celestia was talking about, right?" Mukuro asked

"Yeah, I guess so, let's search for a few things we could use" Sakura suggested

Gonta then rushed to the box and checked it out

"A pickaxe? Some rope? A pillow case? Gonta thinks none of these are safe enough" Gonta explained

"Now what do we do?" Hina asked

"I think I know... Come to the mat and we can discuss it" Nekomaru suggested

[hr]Meanwhile another team arrived at the challenge which was the 'The Dreaming Hippogriffs' as they went to the stand as they read the challenge

"Guess we'll have to figure out how it works, don't we?" Chihiro asked

"Yeah, we just gotta make sure we don't use the whistle a lot, I mean that will cause us to lose the challenge" Fuyuhiko said

"I agree, we should also figure out how to use the stuff, I mean, we can't allow somebody to die, can we?" Peko asked

"Of course not and that's why I have a great plan that will make sure we win!" Miu explained

"Alright, let's go then!" Keebo suggested

The team then ran off to their team mat as they began thinking while the 'Royale Dragons' arrived at the first challenge as they tried to go to the sign only for Monokuma to pop up

"Ack!" The group called out

"Stop scaring us you bitch!" Hiyoko called out

"Oh, my apologies Hiyoko and everyone else, I didn't mean to interrupt you but it seems like you're losing one member" Monokuma said

The team then turned to each other only to see Hifumi was not with them

"Where's Hifumi?!" Mahiru asked angrily

"Did he seriously run off just to make us lose?!" Kirumi asked

"I doubt he wants to do that, I mean, maybe she's with Celeste" Makoto explained

"Hello! I'm here!" Celeste reminded

"Oh right, then where is he?!" Makoto asked

"I don't know and one of you should go get him or you should wait because if you don't manage to get all your team members in one place you can't go anywhere so until your full team is in one group I'm afraid you're gonna have to wait" Monokuma said

Hiyoko Saionji's Confessional:

"Of all the things that could happen, this is the 'Worst... Possible... Thing!"

Sayaka Maizono's Confessional:

"I have reason to believe this is Kyoko's fault, I mean, I'm sure she just did that so that I could get out in an instant!"

"Okay, so who's gonna get Hifumi now?" Celeste asked

"I will!" Makoto said

"Of course not! You're gonna be staying here like my knight! If you dare set one foot off of this team you're going to be eliminated and all the viewers will vote for you!" Celeste reminded

"Excuse me! He's not your slave Celeste so back off!" Kyoko ordered

Celeste than turned to Kyoko


"Or else?!" Celeste asked angrily

"Are you trying to get Makoto out of this team, Kyoko?!" Sayaka asked angrily

"Of course not! I'm just reminding Celeste to not force Makoto to do stuff he doesn't want to!" Kyoko explained

"To be fair Kyoko, you're acting very suspicious right now and I think you should be ashamed of that! I mean! It's your fault Hifumi ran off!" Sayaka reminded

"No it's not, it's yours you scared him off with your mind reading you witch!" Kyoko reminded

"Excuse me! I'm not a witch and besides I have amazing intuition!" Sayaka reminded

Kirumi then walked in between the duo

"Calm down girls, let's have a talk about this" Kirumi suggested

"Yes you are a witch! You basically ruined Makoto's whole career! You caused him to get in a killing game! You caused him to be targeted in the trial and you caused the whole killing game as a whole! It's all your fault!" Kyoko reminded

"Are you saying I did all that?! I thought it was the people who didn't even have a single brain cell!" Sayaka said

After Sayaka said that Celeste and Kirumi glared at her

"What did you just say?!" Celeste asked angrily

"I thought you wanted to protect all of us, guess you are a witch after all!" Kirumi said angrily

"Oh come on! How many times do I have to say it?! I'm not a witch!" Sayaka reminded angrily

Mahiru Koizumi:

"I feel like I want to do something to stop this but I don't want to anger other people, I mean our team is breaking like shards right now"

Makoto then approached the four

"Okay everyone let's calm down, I'm sure we can talk about this easily" Makoto said

After a while 'The Angry Griffons' also ran by as they rushed across the breaking 'Royale Changelings' as Byakuya stopped and turned to them for a moment as he started to feel a little worried

Byakuya Togami:

"What's happening to Makoto's team, their relationships are beginning to break, of course this is one team that has a bunch of fools but I can't help but feel bad for them and normally I don't, should I do something? I probably should think about it"

Byakuya then tried to approach the team only to hear Tenko calling out to him

"Come on you male degenerate! We've got a challenge to go to!" Tenko called out

"Oh right, coming!" Byakuya called out

Byakuya then rushed off to his team only to see they had a situation

"What's happening here?" Byakuya asked

"Well, there's kinda nothing to break our fall here, I doubt we could get down safely" Hajime explained

"That does seem dangerous, what do you suggest we do Angie?" Himiko asked

"Why? We should ask Atua of course" Angie answered

"Angie, we're in a literal challenge, can you think about imaginary gods later?" Tsumugi asked angrily

"I agree but I think I can think of something safe we could do" Byakuya explained

"Really?! You can?!" Nagito asked

"I think Atua has spoken, we should just do what Byakuya requests, I mean he's the oldest out of us here" Angie explained

"I don't think I'm that old" Byakuya said

"Still, I think Angie's right, whatever idea you have, it should work" Hajime said

"Whatever, in the meantime I'll think of my own plan" Tenko said

Just then 'the Friendly Ponies' ran by before they were stopped by Monokuma too


"Ack! What do you want?!" Kaito asked angrily

"Yeah, we still can't trust you after recent events!" Shuichi reminded

"I know, I know but just like the 'Royale Changelings' you have to wait since you're missing Dave" Monokuma explained

"That's so not good, we were on the right trail! Somebody must've left him all alone!" Chiaki said

"I'll go get him!" Kaede suggested

"Are you sure? I mean, the last time you split off from Shuichi it ended up with something horrible" Maki reminded

"I know and I was planning on changing that so that you guys trust me again" Kyoko said

"Well, it's a good thing that you're willing to risk yourself but just be careful" Kaito suggested

"Will do" Kaede said

Kaede then rushed off but she accidentally went the wrong way which nobody noticed

"Dave! Where are you?!" Kaede asked

Just then she noticed something which caused her to give a scream which nobody heard

[hr]Meanwhile back with the teams Dave came back as he noticed the group standing there waiting as he joined up

"Sorry for the wait!" Dave called out

The group then turned around only to see Dave causing them to sigh in relief

"That's a relief, now let's get going!" Leon suggested

The group then wanted to rush off again until Monokuma reappeared

"Uh uh, you're not going there yet, there's one other person missing!" Monokuma said

The group then sighed in disbelief as they turned to Dave

"Did you see where Kaede went?" Kaito asked

"Uh... No I don't, I just came here with Hifumi, I didn't see anyone else on the way here" Dave answered

Kaito then got worried

"Okay, that's bad" Kaito said before turning to the other members of the team "Did any of you see where Kaede went?" Kaito asked

The group then got worried as they shook their heads

"Well unless somebody finds Kaede I suggest you wait here! In the meantime I have some judging to do!" Monokuma said

Monokuma then left as the group got worried

"Shoot! This is just like in my game! Kaede is there first and then she disappears! It's like she's the Ultimate Bad Luck!" Shuichi said

"Don't worry, let's all go through every path and try to find her and meet back here in half an hour, just don't get lost" Chiaki suggested

"Alright and remember guys, stay on the path!" Leon reminded

The group then split off into multiple paths which the 'Suspicious Dragons' saw as soon as they came back

"Where are they going?" Rantaro asked

"And why are they splitting off?" Teruteru asked

"I don't know but we should focus on winning the game, come on!" Akane suggested

Meanwhile back with the 'Strong Yaks' Hiro had an idea

"I got a plan! Just watch!" Hiro suggested

Hiro then want to sit on a pillow near the cliff before turning to his fellow team members

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Ibuki asked

"Of course, just watch" Hiro answered

Hiro then slid forward once more only to fall down causing him to slide with his pillow causing it to break in half which caused Hiro to fall on his butt and continue to slide as he pulled up the two pieces of the once strong pillow

"Uh oh" Hiro then said

"Hiro! A ramp!" Mukuro called out

"What?!" Hiro called out in confusion

Mukuro then pointed to a spot causing Hiro to look at it with wide eyes before he flew off the ramp and hit a tree causing him to slide down before dropping to the ground in pain before calling out...:

"I'm okay!" Hiro called out

Hina then turned to her other team members

"Okay, let's not do that" Hina suggested

"Agreed" Sakura said

Gonta then began pulling out a bunch of stuff out of the box as he tried to look for a guide for help or something as he began getting worried

Meanwhile Byakuya had finished putting a few ropes and pillows on the contestants' backs while Hajime handled the tree

"Is everyone ready?" Byakuya asked

"Yeah, but are you sure this is gonna work?" Himeko asked

"Yes just trust me" Byakuya said

"Y-Y-Yeah, j-just trust m-m-my husbando!" Toko ordered

"Ugh! Fine! But only because I had no other idea!" Tenko said

"Okay, Byakuya will be going first while Himiko will go last so that people can catch her in case she falls, at least that's what Atua suggests" Angie suggested

"Alright, let's get going" Tsumugi said

Byakuya then puts the box near the cliff before motioning his team members to follow him as he grabbed pick axes before slowly climbing down

"Ooh, now that's smart!" Nagito said

"See, I told you Atua's right!" Angie said

"Ugh! Whatever!" Tenko said

The rest of the team then did so which Miu noticed

"Ugh! Those bitches just stole my idea! Well, whatever let's just go" Miu said

Her team then followed after her while Keebo pressed some button causing him to start slowly flying down while he checked on his team members

"Slowly wins the race" Keebo reminded

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we got it! No need to say it twice" Mondo suggested

The group continued to climb down as they focused on that plan

Meanwhile the 'Friendly Ponies' were still searching for Kaede in groups of two (Or in Kaito, Maki and Shuichi's case three) as Kaito's search led them back to the entrance of the Everfree Forest which caused Celestia to turn to them


"Huh, what's wrong?" Celestia asked

"We kinda lost somebody" Maki explained

"What?! You did?! Who?!" Celestia asked in shock and worry

"Kaede, I mean, she went to search for Dave who had just come back but then she suddenly disappeared!" Shuichi explained

"Yeah, not even Kaito found her" Maki explained

"Ugh! I knew we should've blocked off the woods part outside of the path" Celestia groaned

"Do you know where she went off to?" Kaito asked

"No I do not but thanks for telling me, I'll have some ponies investigate it, I will allow you to continue the challenge but stay on the path and do not go out of it!" Celestia ordered

"Yes ma'am but most of the other team members are investigating other places too, they might not know about it" Shuichi explained

"Oh great! You know that you could've told me as a team!" Celestia reminded

"Apologies but we didn't" Maki apologized

Celestia then sighed in disbelief

"Very well, I'll allow you three to finish the challenge but your other team members are disqualified from the challenge just for this Episode" Celestia explained

"WHAT?!" The trio called out

"I'm sorry but it's just the way it has to be but next time let me know together" Celestia said

"Could you please bring us back to the challenge?" Shuichi asked

"I'm afraid not, just go there yourself but don't worry, next time I will be putting signs all over the place" Celestia said

"Very well" Kaito said in defeat

The trio then began walking off

"I can't believe this is happening!" Maki said

"Me neither, it's all my fault!" Shuichi explained

Shuichi then began sobbing which Kaito and Maki noticed

"Calm down bud, I know you miss your girl but at least nobody has already left for the next challenge right?" Kaito asked

The screen then flashed to where Kaito saw most of the teams already gone

"You just had to say it didn't you?" Maki asked

"Okay, let's quickly move to the challenge place and get our stuff, we'll handle the rest later" Kaito suggested

"Alright, let's get going!" Shuichi said

[hr]Meanwhile a few meters away from those still climbing the cliff were the 'Grumpy Griffons' who were walking while Byakuya wore the necklace

"Whew! That was tough! Let's agree never to do that again!" Himiko said

"Agreed" Hajime said

Just then a cry for help was heard which made the group turn to see six members of the Young Six

"W-W-What's going on?" Toko asked

"I don't know but I think we have another challenge going on" Nagito explained

"Let's start with that blue griffon then, I'm sure that thanks to our team name he's the one we should help" Tenko said

"I like that kind of idea, let's get to it!" Tsumugi suggested

The six then rushed over to Gallus who could only look at his friends with a frown

"What's wrong mister?" Himiko asked


"Well, I'm having an argument with my friends and it seems a few of them are crying because they claim I 'hurt' them which I didn't!" Gallus said

"L-L-Let me guess, i-i-it's a f-f-friends-ship challenge n-now" Toko said

"Let me handle it because I'm sure none of you know anything about friendship except for Angie" Himiko said

"You got this girlfriend!" Angie called out

Himiko then turned to Gallus

"So Gallus, where did they claim you hurt them?" Himiko asked

"By stealing their girl or boyfriends and Silverstream's mad at me 'cause I started it!" Gallus explained

"Well, that sounds terrible but don't worry, I'm sure I can help" Himiko said

"Really? How?" Gallus asked

"Of course" Himiko answered

Himiko then tried to go to one of Gallus' friends only to stop

"Wait! You may not talk to any of my friends, that's cheating!" Gallus called out in worry

Himiko then turned around in confusion

"What did you just say?" Himiko asked

Gallus quickly got sad again

"I mean, I don't think they're willing to answer" Gallus answered

"Then how about we talk to them together?" Himiko asked

"No!" Gallus called out in shock and worry before quickly silencing himself "I mean, no, I don't want to, I think I need some rest" Gallus answered

Himiko then went back to Angie and the other team members

"Okay, this is not working" Himiko explained

"Welp, that's not good, not good at all" Tenko said

"Hmm, I seem to be realizing some signs of lies, allow me to do it" Byakuya said

"Byakuya, I don't think this is such a good—" Hajime started


But Byakuya didn't listen as he approached Gallus and picked him up with both arms

"You're gonna listen loud and clear right now! I will not allow you to make such blatant lies, I want you to tell the truth right now and give me the Element of whatever the heck or else we're gonna have a problem!" Byakuya reminded angrily

"B-B-But Byakuya, I won't allow you to cheat and if you do you might get less points, I mean I was supposed to try and give yourself a friendship lesson as per challenge rules!" Gallus reminded

"Stop lying and give me the Element of Harmony or else—!" Byakuya started

After saying 'else' he pulled up his fist ready to whack it against Gallus as Himiko rushed to the whistle while Nagito and Tenko tried to calm him down as Himiko shook the bell

[hr]Meanwhile in the Castle of the Two Sisters a bell was heard ringing

"Go and help them, I have a feeling they are in big trouble" Twilight said

"On it!" Fluttershy called out

Afterwards Celestia teleported Fluttershy away while she held Celestia's bell

[hr]Meanwhile with the 'Strong Yaks' they had finished climbing as they heard Hiro groaning as Hina and Sakura ran towards him and rolled him onto his back

"Are you okay?" Sakura asked

"I think I broke a spine" Hiro answered

"I knew that was dangerous! Never do that again please!" Ibuki pleaded

"Yeah, my bad" Hiro apologized

Afterwards Gonta and Nekomaru held him up as Hiro held onto both their necks with his feet off the ground

"Okay, let's go and after challenge is over Gonta go meet up with Celestia" Gonta explained

"Yeah, we'd best get you fixed Hiro" Nekomaru said

"And for the record we're not happy with what you did!" Ryoma reminded angrily

"Yeah, I think I learned my lesson" Hiro said

"Now let's go" Nekomaru said

The group then slowly began walking in order to not let Hiro fall

Meanwhile the 'Royale Changelings' were still climbing until they heard a tree slowly moving

"Makoto, are we gonna die?!" Sayaka asked

"I hope not" Makoto answered

"Oh okay and if we do I'd like to say one last thing, Kyoko's a bitch and should not win this game!" Sayaka said

But just then the tree was heard snapping which the trio heard

"Uh oh..." The team said

Just then the team fell down with a scream as they screamt for their lives while the tree followed them

"I don't wanna die! Yasuhiro! I wish I could've served you longer!" Hifumi called out

"First of all it's Celeste and second of all I wished Makoto was my knight for a little longer!" Celeste called out

But when they were out of view the tree approached the camera before it got to close and it switched to a different scene

[hr]This scene was where Fluttershy had teleported to the 'Grumpy Griffons' as she noticed what Byakuya was planning on doing

"Help! Somebody! Help!" Gallus called out

"You've got one last chance if you still wanna see another day, give me the Element of Harmony!" Byakuya ordered

Just then Byakuya got kicked causing Gallus to drop to the ground

"That's enough Byakuya! You've hurt him for too long!" A voice then said

Byakuya then grunted as he went to slowly sit back up as he turned to his team only to see Fluttershy in front of him while smiling at Tenko

"Thanks Tenko, you're very kind" Fluttershy thanked

"No worries Flutters, now handle him" Tenko suggested

"Will do" Fluttershy said before suddenly looking at Byakuya with an angry look "What were you thinking?!" Fluttershy asked angrily

"I didn't do a thing! I just stopped him from lying!" Byakuya explained

"That doesn't matter, it was a challenge, you had to fix a friendship problem and what you just did was way worse, a troubling problem!" Fluttershy reminded angrily

"Are you calling me troubling?! I just wanted to stop this brat from blatant lies! I mean! Did you want me to be stuck in a killing game without lying?!" Byakuya asked

"I know you were in a killing game but this is different, this guy was a fellow student and if you had smashed his skull we would have to banish you into the sun!" Fluttershy reminded

"Are you saying my attack was a crime?!" Byakuya asked angrily

"Yes, now I want you to apologize to Gallus or you'll be disqualified from the challenge!" Fluttershy reminded

"I won't! He needs to—" Byakuya started before Fluttershy started glaring "Your glares won't work on me!" Byakuya reminded

Fluttershy then glared harder which caused some animals who were in the surrounding area to back off while Byakuya got nervous

"Atua theorizes that you can't win against that stare!" Angie said angrily

Byakuya then sighed in disbelief

"Fine! But only because that stare can scare most kids!" Byakuya said before turning to Gallus "Sorry Gallus" Byakuya said

"Good" Fluttershy said before turning to Gallus "Don't worry Gallus, your job for the day is done and if you want I could let you see a therapist" Fluttershy suggested

"No worries Fluttershy, I'll handle it" Gallus said

Gallus then flew off as the 'Grumpy Griffons' could see the other members of the Young Six getting worried expressions for their friend

"As for the rest of you, I'm afraid I won't allow you to get the Element of Kindness, I know you called me for a good reason but it was a risk and reward kind of situation, I'm sorry but it's the rules" Fluttershy said

"No worries, we get it" Himiko said

"And a certain someone will be watching out now, won't he?!" Tenko asked angrily

"Yeah, yeah, I got it!" Byakuya said angrily

"Now then, you may continue on and stay on the path, we've lost a lot of contestants this round!" Fluttershy reminded

"YES MA'AM!!!" The group called out

Not questioning anything the group rushed off as Fluttershy flew off into the distance but what they didn't know was that the 'Powerful Yaks' approached the second challenge


"Well, we've arrived!" Nekomaru announced

"This certainly looks nothing like a challenge" Hina said

"Call me weird but I think this is the challenge" Ryoma said

Ryoma then pointed to somewhere as the group turned to the other side where they saw the five members of the Young Six looking in sad expressions

"Somebody should go chat with them" Hiro suggested

"Allow me" Mukuro said

After Mukuro said that Sakura got worried

"Are you sure? I mean, you literally kill for the sake of fun" Sakura reminded

"Well, yeah but that doesn't matter, I've seen my fair share of sad Junko's so I can easily decipher what seems to be the problem" Mukuro said

"Gonta thinks that is good idea" Gonta said

"Very well, go ahead" Hina suggested

Mukuro approached the group

"Hey guys, what's happening?" Mukuro asked in worry

The group then looked away and some even began sobbing like they didn't want to talk while Yona turned to Mukuro

"Yona don't know Mukuro, I mean, Yona and her friends literally got attacked a few moments ago and—" Yona explained

Mukuro then gasped in shock as she approached Yona

"Wait, somebody attacked you guys?" Mukuro asked

"Yeah, Yona doesn't know why but that person looked like someone from your game, he had dark blonde hair and a green and white suit" Yona answered

"Hmm, this does seem to fit Byakuya a lot" Mukuro said

"That's the one, when he attacked Yona's friend Gallus, Yona got so scared Yona couldn't get a word out" Yona explained

"Well, to be fair, I know how you feel, having yourself or your friend attacked during our lives" Mukuro explained

"Really? Can you tell Yona, Yona wants to learn how to be strong just like you?!" Yona asked excitedly

"Of course, allow me" Mukuro suggested

But while Mukuro was handling Yona a bunch more contestants ran into the room those being the 'Suspicious Dragons'

"We made it! What a relief!" Kazuichi called out in relief

"That's what you think? I really wish you were on another team!" Sonia said angrily

"Also from what I heard you distracted Sonia so that you could ask her to have a crush on you, didn't you?!" Gundham asked

Gundham then began approaching Kazuichi before Akane appeared between the two

"Calm down guys, you can talk about this later, let's just focus on the game for now" Akane suggested

"Are you serious?! He started this whole debate and he's thinking of continuing it and for the record Sonia doesn't love you!" Gundham reminded

"Of course she does, I just wish you never revived!" Kazuichi said angrily

Sonia then glared as she approached Kazuichi

"Are you serious right now?! Are you forcing me to be your girlfriend?!" Sonia asked

"Of course not! It's just— After he revived you went back to hating me like your mind accidentally pressed a reverse button!" Kazuichi reminded

"Let's all just calm down, I'm sure there's a reasonable—" Rantaro started


"Sonia didn't press the reverse button, I'm sure of it!" Gundham reminded

"Then you must've used your demon powers to bring her attention to you!" Kazuichi reminded

"Do you want to have a brawl?!" Gundham asked angrily

Mikan then approached the duo in anger and worry

"That's enough! I know you're enemies but I do not want a brawl to happen!" Mikan said

But Kazuichi didn't listen as he turned to Gundham

"Alright, let's do it!" Kazuichi said

Akane then got nervous as he turned to the duo

"G-Guys, I wouldn't recommend doing this during the challenge, I mean, what if you two get seriously injured" Akane said

"Are you saying you're calling me weak?!" Gundham asked

"No! I'm not! I just want to say that you have to stop this argument, I mean, this is getting out of control!" Akane said

"I agree, this is getting too dangerous!" Kiyo explained

But right when she said that Gundham pounced onto Akane and started attacking her as Akane attacked back while her team members tried to stop the duo only to get stuck into a brawl too as they began dodging or attacking while trying to stop the two

[hr]Meanwhile Rainbow got a tingly feeling which Twilight noticed

"Are you alright Rainbow?" Twilight asked

"No I'm not! I have a feeling that there's a brawl happening check the camera's for the second challenge" Rainbow suggested

"On it!" Rarity called out

Rarity then approached the computer that was installed and checked the camera only to see lots of pink blood bursting out while the group attacked

"Uh guys, we should probably stop this" Rarity suggested

The group then approached the PC only to see a brawl happening too which made Rainbow, Applejack and Spike worried while Starlight, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Twilight looked away for a moment as Celestia had an idea

"I'll go and split them up, it's too dangerous for you guys to handle" Celestia said

"Very well, we wish you luck princess" Spike said

Celestia then teleported off

[hr]Meanwhile with the 'Royale Changelings' they woke up from the fall as Celeste grunted

"Ugh! That was a tough fall!" Celeste said

Makoto then turned to the tree next to them

"We should be happy we made it, if we were hit by a tree we would've been dead by now" Makoto said

Sayaka and Kyoko were the next to wake up as they turned to each other in anger

"THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" Sayaka and Kyoko called out angrily

Mahiru then approached the duo

"Let's calm down girls, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for this" Mahiru said

"BUT SHE STARTED IT!" Sayaka and Kyoko called out angrily

Hiyoko then began waking up from the shout as she angrily turned to the trio

"Actually, it's not, it's that fat pig's fault!" Hiyoko said

"You shouldn't call people a fat pig Hiyoko, this could easily get you eliminated" Makoto said

"But it's still right, if it weren't for him climbing above us none of this would've happened" Hiyoko reminded

"Actually no because the tree just fell off, maybe we put the rope on a broken tree" Celeste said

Kirumi then turned to the group after waking up

"Or somebody decided to cheat" Kirumi explained

"Well, we weren't, only the person behind this dangerous trick and I think it's Kyoko, she just wanted to kill me!" Sayaka reminded

"Are you calling me a serial killer?!" Kyoko asked angrily before scoffing "I think it should be your fault, I mean, you caused all this drama in the first place!" Kyoko reminded

"No I didn't! You did, you wanted to steal Makoto from me again!" Sayaka reminded

Hifumi then began waking up as he angrily turned to Sayaka

"What you're saying is wrong! I mean, Sayaka! You died in our game which allowed Kyoko to get Makoto as his girlfriend, I suggest you don't target Kyoko as he had the chance to do it!" Hifumi explained

"Are you planning on making it worse, Hifumi?!" Mahiru asked angrily

"Of course not, I was just stating the obvious" Hifumi explained angrily

"Well, turns out your fatty ass almost cost us our lives!" Hiyoko reminded

"Well to be fair, you should've let me climb first before you all climbed after but oh no! You decided to climb right when I was climbing, thus you were capable of killing me!" Hifumi explained

"Alright guys, let's all calm down, I mean, sure it may be Hifumi or our fault but—" Makoto said

"Actually for your knowledge, it's Sayaka with her witch powers" Kyoko corrected

"First of all it's just intuition and second of all it's you who gave us that idea thus you should be the one to blame!" Sayaka explained

"I don't wanna know who's fault it is, let's just work together to finish each challenge and if anyone mentions anything about their fault I'm gonna blame it on somebody else!" Makoto said

"WHAT?!" The team gasped in shock

"I don't wanna do that so I suggest you'd best behave!" Makoto said

Afterwards Sayaka and Kyoko glared at each other before the group walked off again

[hr]Meanwhile Celestia arrived at the second challenge as she noticed the brawl getting worse before she used her magic to stop the brawl causing the team to be stuck in embarrassing positions while some began bleeding a bit from multiple parts of their bodies

"What do you guys think you're doing?!" Celestia asked angrily

"Gundham started it, he asked for a brawl and we tried to stop it but he wouldn't listen causing a brawl to happen causing us to get between it and start fighting to split the duo up!" Akane explained

"Yeah, we tried to warn Kazuichi to stop charming us but he just wouldn't listen!" Sonia explained

"Very well, Kazuichi, you are therefore disqualified from the challenge and as from the others you may continue on" Celestia said

Celestia then teleported the team into normal positions

"But I didn't do a thing!" Kazuichi explained

"Are you sure? Then how many times have you tried to charm Sonia, not just here but since you met her?" Celestia asked

"A lot but Sonia just wouldn't listen! I have reason to believe she's manipulated by Gundham" Kazuichi explained

"Don't you think Sonia would've told you that she loved you when she had the chance?" Celestia asked

"Are you saying it's my fault this happened?!" Kazuichi asked

"Of course, you've been hurting your friends and enemies for a lot of times so I suggest you stop, if not I may as well disqualify you from the game" Celeste reminded

"Ugh! Fine!" Kazuichi said

"Good! Now allow me to teleport you to the Castle of the Two Sisters" Celeste said

"Very well" Kazuichi said before turning to his enemies and friends "I'll get revenge just you wait!" Kazuichi said angrily

After saying that Kazuichi and Celeste left as Mikan called out

"What about us and our pains?!" Mikan asked

But nobody answered as Sonia scoffed before turning to the other characters as they saw Mukuro was talking with Yona before she turned to Smolder

"I'll go talk to Smolder, wait here" Sonia suggested

Sonia then left

Mikan Tsumiki's Confessional:

"There's been a bunch of drama happening right now and I can't seem to fix it despite us being friends, so viewers, whoever's watching please vote off Kazuichi, Gundham or Sonia, they're the ones who caused this and I don't want anymore people getting hurt! Thank you!"

Afterwards the screen showed Yona and Mukuro finishing their talk


"Feeling better now?" Mukuro asked

"Yeah, Yona feels stronger right now, I'm sure Yona will be able to handle everything, thanks for the help and as prize, here's the Element of Kindness" Yona said

Yona then showed the Element of Kindness which Mukuro then grabbed with a warm smile

"Thank you Yona, I'll keep this as a memento" Mukuro said

Afterwards Mukuro and Yona hugged it out as the 'Strong Yaks' walked off until Nekomaru stopped for a moment to look and see Mukuro walking past her

"How did you know what she needed?" Nekomaru asked

"You don't wanna know, all you need to know is that sometimes we need to show a little kindness to others" Mukuro explained

Nekomaru then smiled for a moment before walking after her

Meanwhile back with the disqualified team members they met with each other

"So, did anyone find out where Kaede was?" Chiaki asked

"No, me and Kokichi didn't" Leon answered

"Same for me and Chiaki" Dave answered

"No that's bad, what do you think about that Kaito?" Leon asked

The group then waited for a moment as they looked around only to see he was also gone making them worried

"Okay, guys this is not funny, whoever planned their disappearances should stop!" Chiaki ordered

"Yeah, Kokichi, do you know where they are?" Dave asked angrily

"No I don't and that is definitely not a lie" Kokichi answered

"I can feel in his voice that it's true so it's definitely not Kokichi who stole them" Leon said

"Okay, should we go search for them or...?" Chiaki asked

"Yes but this time we'll stay together, we can't risk any more people wandering off into the woods without our knowledge" Dave suggested

"Good idea, let's go" Leon suggested

The four then wandered off together in search of their team members

Meanwhile their 'missing' team members had just finished climbing the cliff

"That was so tough! I can't even feel my hands anymore" Maki said

"Yeah, same here but for now we should probably go to the next challenge" Kaito suggested

The two then walked off as Shuichi turned to one spot where the fallen tree was as Maki was heard calling out

"Shuichi, is it still for today?!" Maki asked

"Yeah, I'm coming, I just wanna investigate something for a moment" Shuichi suggested

"Oh okay, just follow the path once you're done" Kaito suggested

"Yeah, I got it" Shuichi said

Kaito and Maki then walked off as Shuichi went to investigate the bushes behind the tree only to see Kaede standing in the shadow

"Kaede! I found you!" Shuichi called out

Shuichi then rushed over to Kaede but when he got in the spotlight he noticed it was a sculpture of Kaede standing there with a shocked expression

"Kaede?! What happened to you?!" Shuichi asked

Shuichi then picked up the Kaede sculpture as he tried to walk off with it only for some mysterious creatures to appear causing Shuichi to drop the sculpture of Kaede on his foot causing him to hop in pain before hitting a tree causing him to fall down as he turned to the mysterious creatures who then began glaring at him while he screamed for help but just like Kaede nobody heard him scream

While Shuichi was on his investigation Maki and Kaito were waiting for him at the second challenge as everybody had been missing only for no one to arrive

"Seriously, where's Shuichi?" Kaito asked

"Should we go try and find him?" Maki asked

"No, we need to stay on the challenge path, we can't just go roaming around in this dangerous forest, maybe we should wait here for a moment" Kaito suggested

The duo then sat down as they waited for Shuichi

Meanwhile the 'Royale Changelings' were walking down the darker part of the forest as Hifumi got a little worried


"Are you sure this is the right path?" Hifumi asked

"Of course, I mean, it was the only path here" Makoto answered

"And besides, even if Makoto didn't know the way, I'm sure we'd have found the way ourselves, right?" Celeste asked

"Of course, I mean most of us are smart except for that witch over there" Kyoko explained

"For the last time! I'm not a witch!" Sayaka reminded

"Calm down girls, as long as we stay together we'll be fine, we just have to make sure we stay close together because if we split of we could get lost or worse get ourselves into danger without anybody knowing" Mahiru explained

"True and besides we're really far out in the forest that I'm sure nobody would easily find us" Hiyoko explained

"Well, I can definitely see none of us splitting off, I mean, it was a good reason for us to wait until Hifumi came, though I do have to wonder two things, first off why were you so slow and secondly why were you with Dave?" Kirumi asked

"Well, it's just, I couldn't run easily with the state I'm in right now and when I knew we were gonna lose Dave reminded me he was slow too so that's why we walked together, to be fair it was a little worrisome, I mean, I knew you were gonna be mad at me but he reassured that we were still enemies but we could chat if we wanted to" Hifumi explained

"Wow, that does seem smart but next time tell us when you're planning on walking slowly" Makoto suggested

"Of course, I will" Hifumi said

After he said that the team had made it out of the maze as the path got a little lighter

"Let's take a break for now, we've been walking for a while now" Kyoko said

"And have others run past us, I don't think so" Makoto said

"I know it's dangerous, especially during this game but I can definitely see ourselves getting tired midway, especially with one weak person" Kirumi said

"I'm not weak! I'm just fat!" Hifumi corrected

"Still" Kirumi said

"Fine, we'll take a break for five minutes and once we're done we're gonna walk further" Makoto said

Afterwards the six sat down in a circle as they chatted about what they wanted to do with whatever the prize was

[hr]Meanwhile the 'Strong Yaks' were still walking except they had gone the wrong way and thus they were lost

"Are you sure this is the right way?" Hiro asked

"I'm not sure! Can anyone use their feet to feel the grass or something please" Hina asked

"Of course" Nekomaru answered as he pulled off one of his slippers and puts it on the ground only to feel they were standing on the grass "Uh guys, I think we're lost" Nekomaru said worriedly

"Shoot! This is not good! This way we're definitely gonna lose!" Mukuro explained

"Does anyone know which way we went again?" Ibuki asked

The group then looked at each other in worry before Gonta called out

"Hold on everyone, Gonta got an idea!" Gonta explained

"Really?! What is it?!" Sakura asked

"Gonta will climb a tree like a monkey, and check which way we have to go, Gonta know how whistle look like" Gonta explained

"That's a good idea but isn't that a little dangerous?" Ryoma asked

"Gonta strong, Gonta know how to handle anything" Gonta answered

"Very well, if you say so" Hina said

Gonta then began climbing on a tree as their friends turned to the tree only to see something

"Uh Gonta, you'd better look at this!" Ryoma suggested

"Gonta look at what? Nothing scary happening here, is there?" Gonta asked


Meanwhile the other 6 started surrounding themselves in a circle in worry, fright, protection or whatever the heck until somebody was heard laughing as the group turned to see Ibuki doing so

"Ibuki, what are you doing! Run!" Ryoma ordered worriedly

"Oh guys don't you see?" Ibuki asked

Ibuki Mioda:

When I was a little girl and the sun was going down!

"Tell me she's not—" Hiro started in confusion

Ibuki Mioda:

The darkness and the shadows, they would always make me frown...

"She is!" Hina answered

Ibuki Mioda:

I'd hide under my pillow

From what I thought I saw

But Granny Mioda said that wasn't the way

To deal with fears at all

"Then what is?" Mukuro asked in confusion

Ibuki Mioda:

She said 'Ibuki you gotta stand up tall

Learn to face your fears

You'll see that they can't hurt you

Just laugh to make them disappear!'

Ibuki then turned to the tree Gonta was climbing on

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Afterwards the tree changed back to normal causing the group except Gonta and Ibuki to gasp in shock before they joined along in her song as they began dancing around some scary trees they saw as colors were shown while they did a pose once each of them made a tree turn back to normal

Ibuki Mioda:

So, Giggle at the Ghostly

Guffaw at the Grossly

Crack up at the Creepy

Whoop it up with the Weepy

Chortle at the Kooky

Snortle at the Spooky

Ibuki then began speaking rapidly while her team members tried to understand what she said

And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna...

Ibuki started before chuckling a bit before she decided to finish the song


Afterwards everybody fell to the ground and began laughing until Gonta came down before getting confused

"What just happened here?" Gonta asked


"Nothing, just a funny joke between us, right Ibuki?" Ryoma asked

"Yep, definitely!" Ibuki answered

"Well, if you're ready, we need to go this way!" Gonta said

"Alright, let's go guys!" Nekomaru said

It's been a few hours since Shuichi was gone and Kaito and Maki got bored

"Should we start the next challenge now or...?" Kaito asked

"I don't think so, I mean, what if Monokuma reappears and tells us to wait or go get them?" Maki asked

"Maybe you're right but I mean, we've lost a lot of people this time" Kaito reminded

"True, I don't wanna lose you or any remaining participant again, I mean, Kaede is still missing and Shuichi ran after her" Maki explained

"What if Shuichi doesn't trust us?" Kaito asked in sadness and worry

"Come on Kaito, you know that's not true, I'm sure Shuichi's just found Kaede" Maki explained

"I doubt he did, I mean, Kaede has been missing longer than her, what if she's far off into the woods?" Kaito asked

"True, but if Shuichi's not here for another 10 minutes we're gonna search for him, I promise" Maki answered

"Very well" Kaito said

Meanwhile the 'Grumpy Griffons' had arrived at the fifth challenge as they noticed there were a bunch of bridges color coded for the teams

"Okay, we're here!" Byakuya said

"I never knew the 4th challenge could be so tough!" Tenko said

"Well, I mean, we had to walk over a very large and strong river, of course it was tough!" Tsumugi said

"Well, I do see some castle so we should probably go there, I mean, there's a bridge we could use" Byakuya said

"Well, let's go to the bridge then" Angie suggested

The group then approached the bridge only to see a sign which they read


"Welcome to 'Wood Stepping Stones', inspired by Total Drama and Squid Game, guess each question regarding fangans or any canon stuff correctly and you may step onto the next podium, every question has one answer, just press the red button once you want a question to be read" Byakuya read

"Wow! That sounds like a tough game, allow me to start it!" Himiko suggested

"No, let me do it!" Nagito suggested

"Well, let Nagito start, I know you're smart too but he's the Ultimate Lucky Student" Hajime said

"Fine, but afterwards I'll go" Himiko said

"Great! Let's go then" Tenko said

Hajime then pressed the button causing a lid to open up as a bunch of remotes appeared as Nagito went on first

"Okay, are you ready Nagito?" Angie asked

"Of course!" Nagito answered

Himiko then pressed the button as the screen lit up as the first question appeared

'Who is in love with a minor'

Is it...?

A: Angie and Himiko or B: Hiyoko and Mahiru

"Hmm, this is a tough one, I mean Hiyoko and Mahiru feel like crushes or mother and daughter while Himiko is a huge fan of Angie" Nagito thought out loud

"Just go with what you think is right!" Hajime suggested

"I'll say B" Nagito answered

Just then a loud beep noise rang which caused the group to cover their ears for a moment

"Wait! Himiko! You have a crush on Angie! And she's a major?!" Tenko asked in shock

"Hehe, kinda...!" Himiko answered nervously

Byakuya then puts his fingers on his forehead in disbelief

"This is so wrong for all the wrong reasons" Byakuya said

"Nevermind that, Nagito, go ahead with the next question" Makoto suggested

"Alright" Nagito answered

Nagito then pressed a button as a new question appeared

'What's the name of the reality show with 15 mascots in it?'

Is it...?

A: Mascotronpa or B: Hostronpa

"That's a 50/50 chance of correctly guessing, right?" Tsumugi asked

"Y-Yeah, it i-is" Toko answered

"What do you think it is Nagito?" Hajime asked

"I think it's... C?" Nagito answered

After saying that the group face slapped

"That's not an answer!" Hajime answered

"Very well, I think... B" Nagito answered

Afterwards a ding sound was heard as new words appeared

'Choose some wood to stand on'

"That's so tough! I won't be able to do it!" Nagito said

"You're the Ultimate Lucky student, aren't you, just guess!" Makoto suggested

Nagito then began guessing before she moved one foot forward which caused him to fall down onto the right wood before he fell down in the ditch

"Nagito!" Himiko called out

"Atua! Please save him! He's an innocent soul!" Angie pleaded worriedly

Just then Hajime fell onto the ground with a grunt making the group gasp in shock as they turned to Angie in awe

"Are you a god?!" Hajime asked in shock

Angie Yonaga's Confessional:

"I'm now a full on god, yes! Once this challenge is over I'll be fixing everything here, if somepony is hurt I'll be fixing them up, if somebody needs some advice, I'll give them and with all of this power within me I can easily help the world! Atua really is on my side today!"

"Yep! I have always been a god until I was expelled from Mount Columbus" Angie explained

"Oh okay" Hajime said worriedly

Hajime Hinata's Confessional:

"I can't help but feel bad for the Princesses, now that she thinks she's a god I can already see tons of bad stuff happening in my head! I gotta do something!"

"Angie, you do know that gods are now a myth on Earth don't you?" Byakuya asked

"Myths, shmyths, I know for a fact that Atua my best friend and she listens to what I say!" Angie reminded

"Where did you meet Atua?" Hajime asked

"It's a long story and before you ask I'll tell everypony, they'll be so happy to hear it!" Angie said

[hr]Meanwhile in the Castle of the Two Sisters Celestia was looking at the clock until Rarity called out

"Uh guys, something dumb just happened" Rarity explained

The group then turned to Rarity in worry

"What just happened?" Pinkie asked

"Well, uh, remember how we made the warps appear whenever somebody gets knocked off course?" Rarity asked

"Don't tell me they didn't work?" Rainbow asked

"No, no, no, they do work, it's just, look at this" Rarity suggested

Rarity then showed the screen as the hosts listened to what was said only to gasp in shock right after

"This is not good!" Twilight said worriedly

"I didn't know that was needed, what should we do Princess?" Applejack asked

"I don't know but we should probably keep an eye on her, she might do something dangerous" Celestia said

As the hours went by more and more people came and started their last challenge as some of them got to the other side easily while others took a while longer but after a while the 'Powerful Yaks' finished first as they rushed to the entrance of the castle and rushed in and when they arrived they began panting while the hosts turned to them


"The winners of the first challenge are... 'The Powerful Yaks!' which means they don't have to send someone home!" Monokuma announced

"I knew the skip jump would work!" Hina said

"Yeah, but Gonta feel worried, Gonta hear one time Celestia didn't put signs" Gonta reminded

"It's a long story, besides we have a bunch of ponies investigate it, they're on the works on finding the missing contestants" Celestia explained

"We even gave them protective gear in case they run into danger" Fluttershy explained

Just then somebody turned to them

"Speaking of which, listen to this!" The white and blue bear said

The monitor's audio then got on as somepony was heard speaking

"I found them! I found them! But there's some— AAH! They found me!" Somepony shouted

Afterwards a sound of dropping was heard while the screams slowly went away

"Oh no, is that pony okay?" Fluttershy asked

"I tried to pinpoint the location but it doesn't seem to work so until further notice the game will be postponed" The guy explained

"Also did you just hear the pony say 'I found them'? Does that mean more than one person has been found?" Rainbow asked in worry

"This is not good! We'd better figure it out soon!" Celestia said

"Let's just focus on the order of wins!" Twilight suggested

"Good idea" Celestia said

After saying that both 'The Royale Changelings' and 'The Grumpy Griffons' ran in

"Looks like the second and third teams have made it in the nick of time, the Grumpy Griffons will be second and the Royale Changelings will be third" Celestia announced

"YEAH!" The two teams cheered

[hr]The screen then flashed to show Kaito and Maki waiting for Shuichi while the others were still walking around while the other two slides showed 'The Dreaming Hippogriffs' and 'The Suspicious Dragons' still struggling the challenge

"It is now down to the Friendly Ponies, Dreaming Hippogriffs and Suspicious Dragons, who will be the first to send someone home and who will win last place?!" Celestia announced

Everybody then turned to the door as they waited for somebody to appear as they waited in anticipation until two teams ran in, 'the Suspicious Dragons' and 'Dreaming Hippogriffs' as they jumped towards their mat and the person that made it first was...

"The Suspicious Dragons!" Celestia announced

"Dang it!" Peko called out


"With that being said we're gonna have to change a few teams' placements" Celestia explained

"What?! You didn't say that!" Byakuya reminded angrily

"Well, then you should not have attacked Gallus!" Fluttershy reminded

"It was his fault not mine!" Byakuya said

"No it wasn't!" Rarity reminded angrily

"It's not worth it Rarity" Twilight said "But before we do, let's bring in the 'Friendly Ponies'" Twilight announced

Twilight then shines her horn very brightly before the 6 'Friendly Ponies' dropped on their mat

"Did we lose?" Kokichi asked

"Of course we were dumbass! It's all thanks to Shuichi! I knew he would leave us behind again just like he always did!" Kaito reminded

"Okay before I do start I'd like to say that we have unfortunately lost two very special people during this game" Celestia explained

"What?! How?!" Makoto asked angrily

"Well, let's just say somebody didn't tell us that we had to put signs to show the way, especially in such a big forest, I don't know what caused this to happen or why that happened but I'd like to say that it's nobody's fault except for me and the fellow hosts" Rainbow explained

"That's correct and we're having a few ponies investigate the crime so if anyone's got any knowledge or something let me know but for now just know that Shuichi and Kaede are missing" Celestia said

"We will keep it in mind" Chiaki said

"Good, now let's see what happened during the game, first of all somebody literally forced Makoto to not search for Hifumi which was a good reason but since Makoto wanted to sacrifice himself their team is gonna be moved to 4th place!" Celestia explained

"Oh come on!" Mahiru called out

"You are so dumb you know that, right Celeste?!" Hiyoko asked

"I never knew it was based on our judgment so I'll try my best not to do that again" Celeste explained

"Secondly, during the game Byakuya literally threatened to hurt Gallus which moves him to 3rd place" Fluttershy explained

"Wait?! Does that mean... The 'Suspicious Dragons' are second?" Byakuya asked

"They would've if Kazuichi didn't attack Gundham, or the opposite which lands you back in 2nd place, seriously, this is a win and lose thing! Somebody stop this!" Celestia said angrily

"Welp, we're still safe so it's fine" Tenko said

"Well, that's all for now which means the 'Friendly Ponies' and 'Dreaming Hippogriffs' are up for elimination" Celestia announced

"I know how people can vote!" Pinkie said

"Well, you can do that then in the Author's notes or something like that, so now I'll send you all back and we can start the next voting" Princess Celestia said

Everyone was then teleported back to Ponyville where they split off to do their own thing



Meanwhile somewhere in the void Kaede continued to scream before she stopped

"Am I safe?!" Kaede asked in worry

But when she opened her eyes, she noticed she was all alone

"Huh? Where am I? I thought the challenge was going on?" Kaede asked in confusion

Just then Kaede heard a voice

"Kaede! I found you!" Shuichi was then heard calling out

Kaede heard that familiar voice as she stood up and looked around

"Shuichi?! Is that you?!" Kaede asked

"Kaede?! What happened to you?!" Shuichi asked from the distance

"I don't know?! All I knew was that I wanted to search for Dave but then I got here by some chicken/dragon kind of creature!" Kaede answered

Just then Kaede find herself shaking as she struggled to hold her balance before she fell to the ground by a thud before Shuichi was heard teleporting in with a scream

"Get away you monster!" Shuichi called out

Kaede then turned to look at Shuichi who did so

"Shuichi?! You're here?!" Kaede asked

Shuichi then turned to Kaede in happiness

"Kaede, you're here?!" Shuichi asked in shock and disbelief

Kaede and Shuichi then rushed to each other in happiness before they hugged only to stop in confusion and worry

"What happened?" Kaede asked

"I don't know, all I know is that I saw some chicken or was it a dragon like creature" Shuichi explained

"Same here but when I got turned to stone all I remember was screaming, do you know if the others will find us now?" Kaede asked

"I don't know and I promised Kaito I'd be back soon, but now I think he'd be feeling horrible for not seeing me again, what should I do?" Shuichi asked

"I don't know but for now let's go investigate the void together, I think we'll be fine together even if there's nothing here" Kaede said

"Good idea" Shuichi said

And with that the duo started their investigation, an investigation to find their way out but what they didn't know was that when they went through some hall they got back to the hall they came from

(Author's note: Hey everypony, I know this might sound weird but it's me Pinkie Pie, I'm here to interrupt the story to give you all a little explanation on how this voting will work, you'll be voting with square brackets for the 2 characters you would like to see get eliminated, it can be anyone that is UFE just keep in mind to vote in square brackets but if you want you may add your reason, here's the list though!

[A] Chihiro Fujisaki

[B] Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu

[C] Junko Enoshima

[D] Keebo

[E] Kiyotaka Ishimaru

[F] Miu Iruma

[G] Mondo Owada

[H] Peko Pekoyama

[I] Kaede Akamatsu

[J] Kaito Momota (Leader)

[K] Kokichi Oma

[L] Leon Kuwata

[M] Maki Harukawa

[O] Chiaki Nanami

[P] Shuichi Saihara

[Q] Ultimate Impostor (Dave)

Voting will end in 48 hours!)

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