Episode 2: Golden Ticket

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Roserade: Last time on Total type Island. We met all the competitors. Some were nice, some were rude, some will actually eat Muk's food!

Muk: Why you little!* uses gunk shot*

Roserade: * jumps over it* Oh no. Well we will figure out more about the competitors this episode of Total Type Island! Muk calm down already!

-at the camp grounds-
Roserade: Capers this is the camp grounds. This is where you'll meet for challenges. If your team wins you get to go in the golden mansion! * points to the huge golden mansion. Every go ohh and ahh* then the ok 2nd place cabin, then the 3rd place old cabins! Take last and one of your team mates will be eliminated. And they are kicked out, literally, by the boot of shame.

Eevee: Is it painful?

Roserade: We tested it many times. The answer is mostly. And the bathroom you can confess ion your private thoughts to the camera. Now go and do your first confessional!

A Sandslash: These opponents are nothing. They can't beat me if I had one arm tied behind my back.
Eevee: Hopefully no one is weirded out by my sisters.*she turns to jolteon* What is there to be weird about, we're awesome! *turns to Vaporeon* It's natural a girl her age to be embarrassed by her family. *turns back* Guys!

Klink: Are first confessional, YES! But, we have nothing to say... Don't be so negative!

Roserade: Everyone like it here so far.

Minum: It kinda smells. Sorry, don't hurt me.

A Sandslash: Ha, wimp. But, she is right, it smells horrible!

Roserade: Blame Muk.

Muk: Hey! At least my nephew Koffing doesn't mind.

Koffing: To be fair I'm cousins with Trubbish and A Grimer. *he nervously chuckled*

Muk: Well all of you besides Koffing-* Munchlax eats Muks food* and Munchlax sucks.

Roserade: There will be three teams-

Klink: But, there is 22 of use! That doesn't split even...

Roserade: I was getting to that, before you rudely interrupted me. Anyways this first challenge is we will scatter you in the woods. You will have to find golden coins we scattered around. Last one to get the coins is automatically eliminated.

Hypno: How will we be scattered-* Muk behind them uses the boot of shame to kick them into the forest*

Roserade: Muk let's sit back and watch them search aimlessly.

-in Forest-
Krickitune: Ahhh!* slams into a tree* Ow!

Maractus: HELP!* lands on Krickitune* I'm alive!

Krickitume: Ow...

Maractus: Opps I'm sorry! *picks up Krickitune* Are you ok!?

Krickitune: *brush dirt off his mustache* I'm ok. Trust me. Hey want to go search for coins together?

Maractus: Sure!

- in a diffrent part of the woods-

A Sandslash: AHH!* lands in the lake. He tried to swim out buts struggled due to his weight*

Eevee: Oh no!* klink And Eevee saw the splash. Eevee turned into vaporeon and pulled out A Sandslash. She turned back.* Are you ok!

A Sandslash: *cough cough* I-I'm fine!

Eevee: You can join us. *turns to ubreon. Whisper* Your kinda cute* and turn back. Eevee blushing a storm*

A Sandslash: What?

Eevee: She said you can join us.

Eevee: Umbreon why!?

-somewhere else-
Munchlax is sleeping on nosepass. Snowrunt is with hypno. Sableye has goomy on his head. Slurrpuff is with Wishiwashi.

-at a place full of beehive-
Minum: *wakes up* Huh? AHHH!!!* combeee and beedrills surround her* HELP!!! Huh!?* all the bees are turned to black as they all fainted

Electrode: Hop on* minum hops onto him as they roll away.

-in the deep woods-
Maractus: Two gold coins* gets them and passes one to Krickitune *

Krickitune: Thanks!* heats growls* Maractus run!

-at the finish line-
Roserade: Nosepass, Munchlax, electrode, and minum you are safe. Nosepass and minum team Molten Groundons, Munchlax team Flooded Krogers, Electrode team Galactic Rayquaza.

-close to finish line-
Mightyana: Thank Arceus your bandages can be used as a parachute Dusk.

Dusclops: Your very welcome.

Roserade: Dusclops team Flooded Kyorgers, Mightyana, Galactic Rayquaza. *Pikipecks And Koffing* Koffing Molten groundons, Pikipecks is with Dusclops.

Maractus: IM HERE!

Roserade: Maractus, Galactic Rayquaza. Where's Krickitune?

Maractus: Well...

-back in the woods-
Krickitune: * is fighting 3 ursarings* I'm tired of this* knocks them all out with a critical bug buzz* I hope I'm not last place. *runs*

Roserade: Eevee Molten Groundons, Klink flooded kyogers! And it looks like sand-* hippopotast pops up from the ground* Hippo is galactic raquayza, Sandslash your Molten Groundons.

Sandslash: Still made it.

-in the woods-
Snowrunt: I-I got one!* purple smoke surrounded him and evil laugh behind him* GASTLY!!! *runs and drops coin*

Hypno: Easy* picks up coins and laughs.

Snowrunt: What? I was scared!

-finish line-

Roserade: Hypno, Throh, sableye, And goomy! Hypno And goomy team flooded kyogers, Throh surprising made it on Galactic Rayquaza, And sableye is on Molten Groundons.

-in woods-
Wishiwashi And Slurrpuff: Got it!

Heatmor: Coin caught

Snowrunt: G-got it.

-finish line-

Roserade: Krickitune is on team Galactic Rayquaza. *heatmor walks in* Molten Groundons my good man

Heatmor: Eh * walks to team*

Roserade: Only 2 more spots!

Wishiwashi: *her and slurrpuff and behind Snowrunt* NO!* turns to school form and darts right into the finish line, unknowingly taking Snowrunt with her.

Roserade: Wishiwashi And Snowrunt makes it! Sorry Slurrpuff your out!

Slurrpuff: Oh...

-at elimination ceremony-
Roserade: Any last words?

Slurrpuff: Actually-AHH* get kicked off*

Roserade: Now Telstar find out what will happen next on Total, Type, Island!

Still in
A sandslash

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