Episode 20: Hear, See, and Speak No Elimination

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Roserade: Last time on Total Pokemon Type Island I beat up everyone! It was lots of fun! No I am going to make their one of their senses disappear. It will take a lot of Team work to get through this on Total Pokemon Type Island!


Heatmor:*looks miserable*

Umbreon: You ok?

Heatmor: No...

Umbreon: What to talk?

Heatmor: No...

Umbreon: But-

Heatmor: FUC- *sighs* I'm sorry, I'll talk. I'll finally talk. That bastard is asleep anyways.

Umbreon: Who- Oh! Him.

Sylveon: You're surprise!? It's obviously him!

Umbreon: Shut it!

Heatmor: Heh. Alright, let's go somewhere. *they leave*

Hypno: I wonder what they are talking about?

Snorlax: Food.

Hypno: Why are we friends.

Snorlax: I don't know, Snozz

Hypno: You son of a-

-behind the girls cabin-
Heatmor: Alright, so you know that Electrode been bugging me, right?

Umbreon: Of course, he's a obvious bad guy. If you wasn't depress at the the time, I would call you a dumbass for joining him.

Heatmor: ...I think you've been letting Flareon get too much control.

Umbreon: Debatable, but we are talking about your issues. So what's up?

Heatmor: Anything looks different about me?

Umbreon: No...

Eevee: *gasp* Obviously he's missing his shell! It's gone!

Umbreon:...How could you tell?

Eevee: I care about my friends!

Umbreon: Right... But, she's right, your shell is gone.

Electrode: Yeah, That bastard took it. I would take it, but he will destroy it if I do anything fishy.

Umbreon:...Of course. *she hugs him* You poor thing. You are just being torture. But, I got a plan!

Heatmor: Alright, guess I'll trust you...

Ivysaur: *in the cabin* SHUT IT YOU TWO!

Espeon: Technically nine-


Umbreon: My bad...


Ivysaur: I hate all of you!

-At dining hall-
Ivysaur: I'm so tired that I feel like a Snorlax.

Snorlax: HEY!

Ivysaur: My bad Baritone... *yawns, But is Shot with a tranquilizer, knocking her out*

Hypno:* blocks the rest with psychic, but purple gas puts them all asleep*

-On the mountain-
Heatmor:*wakes up. He has a metal headband wrapped tight around his eyes* What the fuck? Why can't I see!?

Umbreon:*grumbles, not able to talk to to a metal band around his mouth*

Ivysaur:*has headphones tied to her head* WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!?

Electrode: Great, I can't see...

Hypno: *tries to say "HA!", But is gagged*

Snorlax:*not paying attention to them as he couldn't hear*

Snorlax, Hypno, and Electrodes hindering items were red, The others were green.

Roserade: Hello mons who can actually hear me! Welcome to the challenge. In this obstacle course, it's red vs green! You guys must help each other through the courses. Team that wins is safe. Bye!*leaves*

Ivysaur: What did he said?!

Electrode: Something about a stupid obstacle course. Now where do we go!

Hypno:*tries to speak, but can't*

Electrode: Mmmm mmm mm- SAY ACTUAL WORDS!!!

Umbreon:*sees a note and a bunch of egg and drags Ivy and Heat* Mmm mm-*sighs and hands it to Ivy*

Ivysaur: Slide down the snowy mountain with an egg. If you break an egg you will need to climb all the way back up the mountain.

Snorlax: *finish reading* The less we do that the better! I hate climbing!*he grabs an egg and slides down the mountain* WOOHOO!

Hypno:: MMMM!!!*follows with an egg*

Electrode:*struggles to grab an egg, but he gets one and rolls down the mountain*

Umbreon:*gives an egg to both her teammates and went sliding*

Heatmor:*tripped into a slide* AHH!!!

Ivysaur:*slides* Weee!

Snorlax:*plowing through trees while protecting his egg* No tree will stop me!

Heatmor:*in the pile of tree* Ow...* he got out and felt his egg broke* Arceus damn it! *Heatmor stumbled his way up the mountain*

Umbreon:*tries to say "Damn it" when she sees Heat climbing*

Hypno:*grabs Electrode*


Hypno: Mmm mmm-

Electrode:Its Hypno...

Hypno:*grumbles as he guides Electrode through the mountain*

Snorlax:*makes it with everyone except Heat* Yeah, we got a lead!* team red goes to the next challenge*

Ivysaur: Cmon Heat!!!

-At other challenge-
Snorlax: Hole in the wall. You must fit in one while your team tries to help you fit. One at a time. Dang it!

Electrode: Your ass is not fitting in a hole.

Snorlax: I'm so glad I couldn't here that.

Hypno:*goes on the platform first. It was a complicated shape, but he was able to get through* Mhmmm!

Electrode: *gets on* What's the shape?

Snorlax: Uh...

Hypno: Mmmm Mhmmm!

Electrode: Can you hurr-*is smacked by the wall* Grrr...

Heatmor: Made i-*gets smacked by Ivy's guitar*  OW!!

Ivysaur: YOU'RE LATE!

Ivysaur: We are so behind! Stupid blindfold...

Umbreon:*drags them to the next challenge. Trying no to burn up time. She get on the platform and gets through her wall with relative ease.*

Ivysaur: Nice job Eight! My turn! * she's able to pose perfectly* That's how how it's done!

Electrode:*finally fits in* Finally! Your turn fatass*

Ivysaur:Right leg in a 90 degree angle, left arm pointing to the sky!

Heatmor: *makes it* Easy!

Snorlax:*jumps through his wall, breaking it*

Roserade: I'll count it.

Both team runs to the beach where they have to dig out a key to green them from their restraint.

Umbreon: * as everyone starts digging, Umbreon tackles Electrode to the ground*  Mhmm!

Electrode:What the hell!

Umbreon:*is fighting Trode as she's trying to find Heatmor's shell*

Hypno: Mmm mmmm?

Snorlax: What?

Ivysaur:*pulls out a key* Rockin! * looks at Heat and use the key to take off his blindfold* Now you can see, buddy!

Heatmor: So... bright.*his eyes adjust. He hugs Ivy* Thanks. * He runs up and tackles Electrode*

Electrode: Not again!

Heatmor:*To Umbreon* Find a key!

Umbreon:*nods and searches for a key*

Hypno:*finds a key and unlocks himself* I can speak! * he runs to the finish.

Heatmor: *punching Electrode multiple times* This. Is. For. Everything!

Electrode:*seems knocked out. His metal is bent and busted*

Heatmor:*breathing heavily and grabs his shell. He kisses it* Back to papa* he goes to his team*

Umbreon: Mhmm!*she unlocks herself* Yes!

Ivysaur: *grabs a key, but an electric hand steals it* No!

Electrode:* unlocks I'm self* T-...Thanks!*speeds to finish*

Roserade: Team Red only needs Snorlax to make it to the finish!

Heatmor:*him and Umbreon starts digging* No one left behind!

Ivysaur:*even though she couldn't hear, she understood. She smiled and started digging*

Snorlax:.*finds a key* Yes! *unlocks himself and runs*

Umbreon: Cmon! * she grabs a key and unlocks Ivy* Let's go! * all three ran. Easily catching up to Snorlax *

Snorlax: No you don't!* He does a long jump, jumping into the finish. He barely beat the green team* Yes!

Roserade: Team Red wins and are safe!

Team Red: Woo hoo!

Heatmor:*falls on his knees exhausted*

Roserade: All of Team Green is up for elimination.

Heatmor:*opens his arms for a hug and Ivy and Umbreon jump in for a hug*

-Elimination Ceramony-
Roserade: Time to vote!

-voting booth-
Heatmor: Sorry Ivy.*votes*
Umbreon: Ivy...*votes*
Ivysaur: Heatmor.*votes*
Snorlax: Heat...I'm sorry he's too much of a physical threat.*votes*
Hypno: I wish I could vote Electrode. *votes Heatmor* That's for naming me Snozz.
Electrode: You made a mistake betraying me.*votes Heatmor*

Roserade: Team Ref is safe and Umbreon is safe. *gives marshmallows* Heat and Ivy are left.

Ivy and Heat:*smiles*

Roserade: You aren't scared?

Ivysaur: Its was fun.

Heatmor: I got this back so I'm good either way.*kisses shell*

Roserade:...Heat your out.

Heatmor: I thought so...*he hugs Ivy and Umbreon* She ya girls. *he fist pumps a Hypno and Snorlax* See ya boys.* he flips off Electrode* See ya asshat.

Electrode: Fuck you too.

Roserade:*kicks Heat off* So that was fun to watch. Mad that no one was nervous though... But, the top five should be nerve racking! Who will take fifth place? Find out next time on Total Pokemon Type Island!


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