Episode 6: Trick or Scream

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Roserade:*in a phantom of the opera outfit*Welcome to a very scary episode of Total Pokemon Type Drama!  Last time the Flooded Kyorgers one by a surprise landslide. And a tie breaker was the caused of Wishiwashi to be punched and kick out of the island. The campers can't handle this epi-
Muk: * in Jason Mask * Rawwwwrrre
Roserade: *faints*
Muk: This time on Total Pokemon ya da ya da.

The campsite is swallowed by pure darkness. Everyone were confuse and walked outside.
Hypno: What happening?
Roserade: Everyone get dressed in your Halloween costumes.
Eevee: Wait? It's Halloweeen?!!!!! EEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Eevee: Halloween is my favorite!
Umbreon: Why? I'm the only one allowed in Halloween.
Eevee: Easy, you get friends. Heck you can get a boyfriend this time
Umbreon: *blushing*S-SHUT UP
Eevee: You know Sandslash is a pretty nice guy!
Umbreon: Wasn't he your crush!
Eevee: Now he's yours!
Everyone gets dressed
Roserade: Ok who is what? Eevee/Umbreon go first
Umbreon: Frankenstein Monster Wife. Before you ask, it was Espeon idea.
Heatmor: Weird I'm Frankenstein.*laughs*
Umbreon:*laughs* How weird would it be that someone would be the mosnster-
Sandslash: I'm Frankenstein Monste-*looks at Umbreon and blushes*

Sandslash: Why is she the wife!!!*blushes*

Umbreon: Why is he the monster *blushes*

Heatmor: *puts up sign that says best wing man* I told him to be the monster.

Roserade: Well that's awkward. Nosepass what are you my man!
Nosepass: A mummy.
Roserade: Minum I see your a fan of the famous signer Pika-Star.
Minum: *In the cute pika cosplay*Y-Yeah! She's my idol.
Roserade: Nice, maybe a little creepy. Koffing are you a pumpkin.
Koffing: Try to a costume with no arms or legs.
Roserade: Fair enough. Sableye?
Sableye: Gollum. Precious!
Roserade: Now for Flooded Kyorgers.
Klink: We are the Sun! And the Moon...
Hypno: Just Ghost.
Roserade: Lazy! Next!
Goomy: *muffled* a Knight !
Munchlax: A sumo.
Snowrunt: a wizard!
Dusclops:I'm a a vampire. I know not original...
Roserade:Kinda boring, but cool. Now for Galactic Rayquazas.
Krickitune:I'm Mozart
Roserade:*cough*Lame*cough* Hipopotast your up.
Hippotast:I'm a cowgirl, YEEHAW!!!
Mightyana:I'm a pirate.
Electrode:I'm a great ball.
Roserade: But, upside down. Throh next
Throh: *sigh* I'm Ernie from Sesame Street.
Roserade: *laughs* Alright now on to the challenge! Muk is going to hunt you down. Last team standing wins, first team out have to chose someone to be eliminated.
Heatmor: So like a really horror movie. A slow, smell, scary killer slowly runs after you!
Muk:I heard that!
Roserade: Anyways, RUN!*blows an air horn. Everyone runs away and hides*

(In the Forest)
Heatmor: *Is running and is tackled by Umbreon into a cave* WHAT THE-*umbreon hand covers heatmor mouth*
Umbreon:You told him to be the monster, right?
Heatmor:You caught me. Just me being a wingman. Did not know you can only be Umbreon in Halloween.
Umbreon:*blushes* WHY!?!?* sighs* Your the worst.
Heatmor:Go to him.
Umbreon: WHAT!!!!?????
Heatmor:*sees Sandslash running by and pushes her into him*
A Sandslash:Ow...Hey wife. Wait that didn't sound right.
Umbreon:Heh, it's alright.*heatmor winks at her* L-Lets go find a hiding spot.
A Sandslash: Oh, alright!*they walk together.
Heatmor:I love young lov-*is taken by Muk*

(Near the campground)
Munchlax:*eating while Throh and Krickitune walk by*
Throh: Munchlax, what are you doing?
Munchlax: Eating.
Throh: But, there is a-
Krickitune:He's not our teammate. Let's leave him.

Krickitune: No need to save our enemy. Like If you help a rival they could steal your music and claim it as their own, we can't be taken advantage of.

Munchlax: *Coughs out a statue of Roserade* Whats this? It seem important. I'll keep it.

(Somewhere else)
Electrode:Man, everyone is so friendly!
Mightyana: Yeah, it's pretty cool.

Electrode: I hate it! I know I was supper friendly and helpful, but I'm about balance. If everyone is so friendly and there is no conflict how do we develop as Pokémon l. That is where I come in!

Electrode: Hey look, it's Dusclops!
Mightyana: Where?* looks over and was knocked out*
Electrode: *use magnet rise to put him on top of a high tree* Your way to loud to hide by yourself. *sees Hypno and Snowrunt* Easy targets!

(Deep in the Forest)
A Sandslash:Hahaha, did that really happen? Man, your crazy Umbreon!
Umbreon: What can I say, that cop had it coming. *they laughs until they see a bush rustle* W-What that!?
A Sandslash: Come out!*get in front of Umbreon to protect her*

Umbreon: *blushing* I'm in love!

Nosepass: *pops out* Hi.
A Sandslash: Nosepass!? You scared the hell out of us!
Noespass: Opps sorry!
Umbreon:*looks at Noespass muddy feet* Why are you coved in mud?
Noespass:Oh yeah I feel in mud.
Muk: *from behind Noespass* Thanks for the trail, Maggot!*captures Noespass*
A Sandslash:*use icicle crash to trap Muk in a ice prison* RUN!* Umbreon and him run*
Muk: MAGGOTS!!!!
Umbreon:Nice idea! You got guts!
A Sandslash: Thank-*they both trip on a paralyzed Hypno and Snorunt* Ow...
Muk: I'll take all 4 of you!
Umbreon: No you won't! Slash cover your eyes* Sandslash does so and Umbreon uses flash*
Muk: MY EYE!!!
Umbreon: RUN!*they run*
A Sandslash:*laughs* Now that's guts! Your my type of gal!
Umbreon: Thanks-Wait What?*blushes*
A Sandslash: Eh, I didn't mean it that way...*blushes* Unless you want it to mean it that...
Umbreon: If that means we are a couple then sure!*sees Muk recovering and putting Hypno and Snorunt in a bag* RUN!* They do so*

Umbreon: *blushing* ...Eevee was right.

A Sandslash: First girlfriend, lets go!

(At the campground)
Koffing: *floating in the air* He can't get me up here!
Hipopotast:I LIKE YOUR THINKING!* digs underground*
Koffing: HEY THAT MY IDEA!*flies into a net* What!
Muk: I knew my nephew would try that!*captures Koffing and grabs a shovel to dig up Hippotast
Hippotast: Dang it!*get captured*
Munchlax: *walks out side* Man I'm stuff*gets captured*
Muk:That was easy!

Muk: You might ask, 'Muk how are you capturing these campers so easy', well I know they're weakness. Like Sableye greediness.
Sableye: *sees a 20 dollar bill* Oooo money! *sets off a trap and gets captured*
Muk:Krickitune's hated for bad music and Throhs loyalty.
Muk: *plays a viola badly*
Krickitune: *hears it and walks to Muk* No no no! You got it all wron-*gets captured*
Throh: Krickitune where are y-*gets captured*
Muk:And how slow goomy is.
Goomy: *sees Muk * Oh no! *tries to run but Muk easily catches him*
Muk: This is way to easy!

(Somewhere in the Forest)
Klink:Hey Minus!
Minum: AH!!! Don't hurt me! Oh...it's you klink.
Klink:Sorry for scaring you...
Minum: It's alright. I can't find any of my teammates.
Klink: Same! It's so lonely...
Electrode: *roll in* same!
Minum: Hey Electrode.
Electrode: Hi Minum. Oh no, Muk is behind you guys!
Klink And Minum: Huh!?*looks behind them and sees nothing bot Klink falls to the ground.
Electrode: Forgot you cant be paralyzed Minum. That's alright...*shoots a sonic boom at her but she dodged* I just got to knock you out.
Minum: AH!!!*runs away using quick attack while electrode follows*

(Somewhere else in the Forest )
Umbreon:Doesn't look like Muk didn't chase us.
A Sandslash: Good. Now we can relax.
Umbreon: Yeah. Wait do you here that?
Minum:*running behind them* HELP!!!
A Sandslash: Wha-!!!
Electrode:*tackles Minum causing her to shoot electricity* Uh oh...*explodes causing everyone in that area to faint*
Muk: *sees and follows the explosion* Found you love birds. Also thanks for helping me find ball boy and Minus!*captures them*

(Some where else)
Dusclops: *eyes closed* Every camper has fainted. I won.*teleports to the camp*
Muk: Now where are the wolf in the gho- well that was easy!
Dusclops: Huh!? Thought everyone was captured!?
Muk: Nope! There is one more left *captures her*

(Back at camp when everyone was released)
Every camper except Mightyana: Owwww...
Roserade:Sorry Grondons you lost. But at least it was a blast!*laughs* Man, I'm good! Now Rayquazas, I have good news and bad news. Good news, due to Mightyana you won!
Throh: And the bad news?
Roserade: We still can't find him! Well Groundons see you at the elimination ceremony!
(On a top of a tree)
Mightyana: *wakes up* Huh...? H-HELP!!!!!

(Elimination ceremony)
Roserade: Ok, everyone voted now time for votes. You already know what happens if you don't get a marshmallow! Koffing, Sableye, And Minum you are all safe. The new lovebirds, you are also safe!
Heatmor: Love birds? Nice!
Umbreon: *laugh sheepishly*
Roserade: Wingman Heatmor you were first to be caught and Noespass muddy footprint caused his team to be found, so obviously Heat your safe* pass him a Marshmello*

(At the boot of shame)
Roserade:Nosepass... You are facing the wrong way...
Nosepass: I can't turn around!* gets hit in the face by the boot* OWWWW!!!!
Roserade: I finally kicked a teenager in the face. Will the new love birds soar or also get kicked in the face! Find out next time on Total Pokemon Type Island!!!

Molten Groundons:
Sandslash A

Flooded Kyogers:

Galactic Rayquazas:

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