Chapter 3: Rescuing Children

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(Michael is seen sitting close to a shrine.)

Michael: School is not that bad.

(Suddenly he sees a dog running.)

Michael: Why is a dog running around the school?

(Michael follows the dog.)

Michael: Come back here.

(Suddenly the dog goes to an alley where he suddenly notices the dog is gone.)

Michael: Why, where the heck did he go? It's gone...

????: Looking for someone?

(Michael turns to see Jerry petting the dog.)

Michael: Wait a minute, who are you?

Jerry: Where are my manners? My name is Jerry Lewis. I'm the CEO of WOOHP.

Michael: WOOHP?

Jerry: World Organization Of Human Protection. It's a worldwide spy agency. We use cutting edge technology and highly skilled agents to fight crime all over the world.

Michael: And why are you here exactly?

Jerry: Two reasons. First, I am here to recruit you to join WOOHP.

Michael: Me?

Jerry: Yep, you see... I have lately watched you secretly helping the girls, especially when they were fighting against this... Neo Shocker...

Michael: So I don't need to know the second reason, right?

Jerry: If you mean the fact the girls who saved you from being brainwashed being some of ours... yeah, you don't need to.

Michael: Well... when do I start?

Jerry: You already have.

(Meanwhile with the girls, they are seen in Beverly High as they are looking for someone.)

Sam: Where could he be?

Clover: I can't find him either.

Alex: Me neither. He was here for a second, and Boom, he's gone.

(Suddenly Sam's phone beeps, and she sees a message.)

Sam: Look, he left a message.

(The message says: You'll find me in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.)

Clover: What does he...

(Suddenly a door opens up below them.)


(The girls are seen heading to WOOHP.)

Clover: I guess we know what the countdown was all about.

(The girls then end up at WOOHP.)

Jerry: Hello girls.

Michael: (waves) Hey.

Alex: (smiles) Hello, Michael. And... (monotone) hello, Jerry.

Jerry: I can see you already know your new teammate.

Sam: (shocked) Teammate?

Michael: Well... you know that Skyrider guy?

Clover: Wait, wait, let me guess... hmm... Aha. You are him, right?

Michael: Yep.

Alex: But how?

Michael: When I saw those Ari Commandos chasing after you, I transformed into him.

Jerry: If you're done with questions, we can go to the topic.

(Then a footage of the Ari Commandos taking a little girl in a truck is shown.)

Jerry: As you can see, Neo Shocker is now making their next move.

Sam: Kidnapping kids? What a low blow.

Jerry: Indeed, and I want you four to chase after them before it's too late. Now for the accessories. A decoy bag, a life raft, a parachute...

(Alex grabs a perfume.)

Jerry: (worried) Oh, don't vaporize this perfume, Alex. It's liquid nitrogen, it freezes steel and makes it brittle like glass.

Alex: Waaaay cool.

Jerry: Be careful. The hairdryer has an infrared heat ray, the stereo is a sonic blaster and the camera shoots a laser beam.

(Alex yelps.)

Clover: I guess I won't need a movie, right?


11:30 AM, KYOTO

(The Ari Commandos are seen in the truck as the one driving sees Michael and the spies chasing after them.)

Ari Cmd.: So they're chasing us.

(Suddenly they go reverse and the spies dodge, but Michael doesn't have the same luck.)

Sam: (worried) Michael!

(Michael is seen falling with his bike, but then he prepares to transform.)

Michael: Henshin!

(Michael transforms into Skyrider.)

(Back to the spies, the Ari Commandos confront them.)

Ari Cmd.: Don't worry, you'll join him soon.

Clover: (glares) You won't get away with this!

(Suddenly they see Skyrider)

Ari Cmd.: (stern) Kamen Rider!

(Skyrider comes in.)

Skyrider: As long as this Kamen Rider still stands... I will never forgive your evil!

(Skyrider and the spies fight and bring down each of the Ari Commandos, and then the former opens up the truck door as a swarm of bats comes out of it.)

Alex: Ah, bats.

Sam: Hey look, the kids...

(They see the frozen kids inside the truck, but have to deal with the bats. Unfortunately the truck leaves.)

Skyrider: Damn it!

Clover: Great, they escaped.

Alex: We gotta go after them.


22:28 PM, KYOTO

(Skyrider and the spies are seen chasing after the truck as another swarm of bats comes in and they fend them off.)

????: I will end your lives!

(Then Kumorujin uses his flute, and both Skyrider and the spies feel pain. The cyborg then kicks each one of them until someone takes a picture with a camera, causing Kumorujin to back away. Then Skyrider catches the camera and uses its flashes against him while Sam throws a tracker at the cyborg before the latter runs away.)

Kumorujin: You got lucky this time!

Clover: Who or what hit us?

Sam: I know who or what did this. (pulls out a radar) And he's going exactly... (points at a red dot) Here.

Skyrider: I'll go after him.

Clover: Hellooo, haven't you heard about "Ladies FIrst"?

Sam: Clover, now isn't time for chivalry talk. We gotta find that Bat-Man before he does whatever he's planning to do with those children.

Skyrider: Sailing Jump!

(Skyrider starts flying.)

Alex: Sam is right, we better get moving, or our new teammate will be the next one we'll lose sight of.



(Skyrider and the spies get inside the cave and start fighting the Ari Commandos, but as they defeat them, Kumorujin uses his flute and they start feeling pain again.)

Sam: AAAAAH! Not this sound again...

Clover: It's more out of tune than a kindergarten orchestra!

Alex: How can we beat him?

Skyrider: (realizes) I got it. SUPER LIGHT WAVE!

(Kumorujin is fazed, and his flute is destroyed. Then Skyrider kicks him.)

Skyrider: Now!

Sam: Clover, Alex, distract those Ari Commandos. I'll save the children.

Clover/Alex: (nods) Right!

(Skyrider is seen fighting Kumorujin while Clover and Alex fight the Ari Commandos. Sam uses the Liquid Nitrogen to destroy the machine, causing the cyborg to charge at her.)

Kumorujin: (grabs Sam) How dare you, girl!

Sam: (grunts) Get off me!

(Skyrider grabs Kumorujin, throws him aside and kicks him.)

Sam: I'll thank you later. Defeat that bat first.

Skyrider: I will.

(Back to Clover and Alex, they are still fighting the Ari Commandos.)

Clover: (stern) Too many of them, I should not be surprised...

Alex: (stern) Me neither, but we must keep fighting.

(As they bring the Ari Commandos down, Kumorujin shows up at the mountain top.)

Skyrider: (comes in) Watch out, girls!

(Clover and Alex dodge Kumorujin's acid.)

Alex: No need to remind me that was close...

Clover: (glares at Kumorujin) Very well, big bad bat. (draws the stereo) Time to have a taste of your own medicine!

(Clover shoots a sonic blast which brings Kumorujin on his knees, and then Skyrider jumps and prepares to kick him.)

Skyrider: SKY KICK!

(Skyrider kicks Kumorujin, who screams in pain before falling down and being disintegrated. Sam comes in with the rescued children as they see Skyrider landing.)

Sam: Yeah, he did it again.

Skyrider: No, WE did it.

Jerry: (comes in) He's right, you know. Excellent work, girls... and Skyrider.

Clover: What will happen to them now, Jerry.

Jerry: We will return them to their respective families.

Alex: Thank goodness.


(Michael is seen on his way to school as he sees a little boy about to be run over, and he rushes to save him by a sliver.)

Michael: Wow, that was close.

Kid's Mother: (comes in) Oh, thank goodness. (hugs the kid) Thank you for saving my little boy.

Michael: No problem. (looks at his watch) Oh no, I'M GONNA GET LATE!

(Michael rushes to school as the girls are seen running as well.)

Sam: Hey, Michael. Wait.

Clover: Come back here.

Alex: Michael!

(They run to school as the screen fades out.)

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