Chapter 7: Prayer for Satan

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(General Monster is seen discussing with his fellow Generals from Egypt, Russia, India, China and Netherlands.)

G. Monster: How is your mission going?

E. General: We have decimated half of the population of our respective countries.

G. Monster: Good, because I need your help in both America and Japan.

R. General: It's about the Syrider and Spies issue, isn't it?

G. Monster: Yes, he always gets to hinder my efforts to wipe out that human scum in those countries.

Ind. General: All you need is a powerful cyborg to bring both of them down.

G. Monster: Agreed.


(Jerry and Michael are seen keeping an eye on NeoShocker's activities around America and Japan.)

Jerry: I'm impressed you decided to spend your weekend here on WOOHP.

Michael: Well, you know what they say, crime never takes a break.

Jerry: (sighs) Sad, but true.

(Suddenly a NeoShocker's activity is detected as Jerry clicks a button and sees a footage of the Ari Commandos placing a box with their symbol in a truck.)

Michael: No doubt, it's NeoShocker's symbol.

Jerry: These boxes definitely came from overseas.

Michael: I'm going to check it out.

Jerry: Good luck.

(Michael then leaves as he prepares for his mission.)


(Michael is seen following the truck as he decides to stop it.)

Michael: Stop it, NeoShocker.

(The Ari Commandos engage Michael as he easily brings each of them down, but as he checks the truck, he doesn't find the box.)

Michael: Nothing.

(Michael is then blown away as he's sent sprawling.)


(Meanwhile in Beverly Mall, Sam, Clover and Alex are seen shopping as they suddenly hear a strange noise.)

Sam: What a weird noise.

Clover: Maybe it's just the speakers with defects.

Alex: How can you be so sure?

Clover: They didn't fix that for weeks.

Sam: Hmm, I don't know. I guess we won't find out standing around here.

(The three girls then look for the noise and suddenly see a hidden temple where a mantis cyborg is seen praying for an evil entity.)

Sam: (eyes widen) A mantis?

Clover: I've heard about praying for false gods, but that one surpassed himself.

(Kamakirijin turns to the girls and chases after them. As they run, everyone runs away from the cyborg as the three suddenly get sucked to WOOHP.)

Alex: We couldn't have asked for a better time.

(The three end up at WOOHP.)

Sam: Just some seconds and we'd have become Mantis Food.

Clover: Totally. We found him praying for a false God in a hidden temple inside of the mall.

Jerry: Oh my God.

(Suddenly Michael returns to WOOHP.)

Michael: I lost track of them.

Alex: Them who?

Michael: The NeoShocker. I was pursuing a truck with some crates which had their logo in them.

Jerry: That's a serious problem.

Sam: You won't believe what we found in the mall, Michael.

Clover: Some kind of humanoid mantis was somewhat praying for a false God in a temple which was hidden in there.

Michael: (rubs his chin) A temple in the mall... what is NeoShocker planning this time?

Jerry: Well, we won't find out standing around here.

(Jerry then shows the gadgets for the spies before sending them and Michael somewhere else.)


(Michael and the spies are seen in Dreamland Amusement Park.)

Sam: Of all places a villain could attack, did it have to be a park?

Michael: Jerry told me about NeoShocker's signature numbers. They're probably trying to capture some children who are seven or thirteen years old.

(Suddenly they hear some children scream.)

Michael: (eyes widen) Oh no...

(The four search for the source as Michael finds a room, where he sees Kamakirijin holding two children hostage.)

Michael: So you're the one they saw at the temple.

Kamakirijin: I am Kamakirijin.

Michael: What do you want with these kids?!

Kamakirijin: They will serve as food for the eggs of my precious SatanMantis.

(Then the Ari Commandos ambush Michael while Kamakirijin escapes. Michael manages to take the Ari Commandos down and searches for Kamakirijin as he prepares to transform.)

Michael: Henshin!

(Michael becomes Skyrider and finds Kamakirijin.)

Skyrider: I'm coming for you, Kamakirijin.

Kamakirijin: Grunts, dispose of Skyrider.

????: Not so fast, fake cultist.

(The spies come in and help Skyrider to take down the Ari Commandos.)

Clover: We'll distract them. Go after that child kidnapper.

(Skyrider nods.)


(Skyrider jumps off and starts flying as he searches for Kamakirijin.)

Skyrider: Where did Kamakirijin go?

(Skyrider suddenly sees Kamakirijin taking the children away.)

Skyrider: There he is.

(Skyrider approaches Kamakirijin and lands on his feet.)

Skyrider: Not so fast, Kamakirijin!

Kamakirijin: Damn you, Skyrider.

(Skyrider and Kamakirijin start fighting as the former kicks the latter in the gut and throws him aside. Kamakirijin tries to slash Skyrider, who dodges the attacks before tackling him, and then the Kamen Rider kicks his face four times, bringing him down, but the cyborg gets up.)

Kamakirijin: Well played, Skyrider! We shall meet again...

(Kamakirijin escapes as Skyrider goes to check on the kids.)

Skyrider: Are you kids alright?

Male Kid: Oh, Skyrider.

(The female kid nods as Skyrider carries them and walks away.)


(Back to Dreamland, the two kids are seen reunited with their mother.)

Mother: I'm glad you're alright.

Michael: (to the kids) You're safe now. Next time, be more careful.

Kids: (in unison) We will.

Alex: That's a relief though, right?

Sam: Yeah, but that monster is still at loose.

(Clover is seen standing when suddenly someone grabs her arm.)

Clover: (stern) Hey!

(Clover is dragged by the Ari Commandos.)

Clover: (struggles) That's a low blow.

(Michael notices something wrong and turns to see Clover being taken away by the Ari Commandos.)

Michael: Stop!

Sam/Alex: (come in) Clover.

(Suddenly Kamakirijin comes in.)

Sam: (glares) You asked for it now! This means war!

Michael: I'll handle him. Rescue Clover.

Sam/Alex: With pleasure.

(They go to fight the Ari Commandos while Michael prepares to transform again.)

Michael: Henshin!

(Michael transforms into Skyrider again and prepares to fight Kamakirijin.)

Kamakirijin: (angry) Damn you...

(Kamakirijin tries to slash Skyrider, who kicks and punches him while Sam and Clover deal with the Ari Commandos. Skyrider then blocks and dodges Kamakirijin's attacks.)

Kamakirijin: (stern) You will die, Skyrider!

(Skyrider throws him down, and then he blocks his attacks and elbows his left arm before throwing him down and punching his chest. He keeps dodging the kaijin's attacks. As he tries to punch him, Kamakirijin dodges and shoves some rocks which fall, but Skyrider deflects them.)

Kamakirijin: (angry) Damn you to hell, Skyrider! Deadly Final Attack: Mantis Boomerang!

(Kamakirijin spins as he manages to bring Skyrider down, but then Sam and Alex come in with the rescued Clover.)

Sam: You can do it, Skyrider.

(Skyrider then kicks one of Kamakirijin's legs before bringing him down with a few more hits, and finally he jumps as he prepares to finish him.)

Skyrider: SKY KICK!

(Skyrider kicks Kamakirijin's chest.)

Kamakirijin: (weakly) I cannot lose... it's not my time to die...

(Kamakirijin then draws his last breath as he disintegrates. The temple then explodes, damaging most of Beverly Mall. Jerry then approaches the four heroes.)

Jerry: Excellent work, Skyrider. Unfortunately since the temple was hidden in Beverly Mall, most of the sectors were destroyed after its destruction.

(The spies' eyes widen as they realize they won't be buying anything new for weeks. Skyrider sighs in sadness, but he knows his mission isn't over yet.)

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