Chapter 2; Welcome to WOOHP

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(A/N; HELLO!! Welcome to Chapter 2! As I have said before this story was adopted and had two chapters when I first read it. And fortunately this is the last chapter I'm going to copy from the original source. Again I thank Rexcrash1333 for letting me adopt his book, thanks Man!! Anyway BRING THE NOISE!!!!)

The trio had finally made it to W.O.O.H.P. HQ with the still unconscious and injured boy, who was now being taken to the Infirmary for examination, the girls where by his side until they where stopped by leader of Organization.

"Jerry?" The girls both said in unison, Jerry started with a serious look on his face.

"I want to know what happened, care to report?" Jerry asked.

"Well a strange hole from the sky appeared!" Alex started waving her arms around.

"And something came out of it." Sam explained secondly.

"And we found a cute guy!" Clover said with a blush which caused everyone to sweatdrop at her response. "What?"

"I see, anymore information?"

Alex then took out a wallet from her catsuit and showed it to him, "We found this in his pocket."

Jerry took the wallet from Alex and opened it to see this boy was named Benjamin Kirby Tennyson and that he lived in Bellwood, California.

"Bellwood?" Sam said while rubbing her chin in thought.

"That's weird." Clover confessed.

"I never heard of that place." Alex said with a thoughtful look.

"This could be beyond our own comprehension." Jerry thought observing the wallet. "You girls can head home, no more patrolling today. We'll inform you if anything happens."

With that he left into the infirmary to check up on the mysterious boy, but the girls seemed more worried about the boy than wanting to go home.

"You think he'll be okay?" Alex asked worried about the unconscious boy.

"Yeah, we better head home for now and then see if anything changes." Sam said with the two nodding in agreement.

Tonight at the Infirmary

The young man known as Ben Tennyson was still in pretty bad shape and was now in a hospital gown and was now lying on the surgery table, The doctors were pretty amazed how he seemed to survive from whatever happened to him. Also, one of the nurses noticed the strange gauntlet like watch on the boys left wrist.

"Nurse, would you remove that watch?" The Doctor asked.

"Yes, Doctor," The nurse said as she tried to remove the strange object from his wrist, but it wouldn't come off and something strange happened.

A green light came from the boy and everyone was stunned at what they saw as the light died down.


The girls had arrived back at HQ with Clover wet from taking a shower and a towel draped over her, Sam in her night clothes, and Alex in her night clothes with a toothbrush in her mouth. They looked to see a serious looking Jerry.

"Jerr, what's the problem?" Sam asked wondering why they were back so late.

"It's about the boy?" Jerry said still serious.

"What about him? Is he okay?" Sam asked.

"Our medical team tried to remove a strange watch-like device from the boys wrist, but when they tried the boy...changed." Jerry explained to the trio of female spies.

"What do you mean?" Clover asked even more worried than before. Jerry than got up from his seat.

"Follow me." Jerry said as he lead them to the Infirmary, The girls were now in their catsuits and were taken to the infirmary to see something very shocking.

"W-What is that thing?" Clover asked scared.

"It can't be..." Sam tried to say something, but was to stunned to finish.

"OMG!" Alex amazed. Instead of the boy they rescued... it was instead a hulking and round like being, its eyes glowed green, and was yellow, white, and black by it's color scheme as well as an hourglass insignia on its chest. Clover, Alex, and Sam approached the knocked out being, Clover poked its white skin and noticed something.

"His skin is like a pillow." Clover said still poking it, Alex agrees. Sam started to knock on one of the yellow parts and noticed something very strange.

"This yellow's armor." Sam theorized. This was very weird, but Alex noticed the insignia on its chest area.

"What does this do?" Alex asked to no one in particular as she pressed down on the dial and a blinding green light appeared around the creature, as the light died down they noticed that the boy was back to normal. The girls and everyone was shocked by what they just witnessed.

"Did you see that or am I going crazy?" Clover asked not believing what just happened in front of her.

'How many forms can this boy turn into?' Jerry asked himself in wonder. This was no ordinary young man.

Recuperating room

Few hours had passed and Ben had slowly came into conscious.

'Am I dead?' Ben wondered as he looked around the strange white room, but Ben noticed something very strange.

"A Hospital gown?" Ben said to himself as he shot back up. "What's going on?"

Ben looked around and looked to see he still had the Ultimatrix by his side (Mentally thanking Azmuth for installing DNA from Primus if he ever was sent somewhere far away) and sighed in relief. Ben then jumps off the bed and noticed he was connected to tubes, he then removes them, but felt pain from doing so, but that didn't stop the teen hero. He then tried to open the door, but no luck.

"Damn." Ben cursed, but Ben noticed the Ultimatrix and decides to change. "Guess I have no choice but to bust out of here or die trying!"

Ben said as he activated the Ultimatrix and slammed the dial and was replaced with ChamAlien.

"Nice! Now to get the hell out of here!" Ben/ChamAlien said as he used his enhanced stranger to rip the door off its hinges and escaped this strange place, but Ben didn't know about the spy camera hidden in the flowers. The alarm sounded off. All the agents were now on his tail.

"Crap." Ben/ChamAlien cursed and with that he vanished and jumped on the wall while the agents kept going. Ben/ChamAlien sighs in relief.

"That was close." Ben said as he noticed a corridor near him and enters it. Ben/ChamAlien started wonder where he was, this must be a top-secret military installation or something around those lines, but then he feels a shooting pain again.

"Grr...I can't let a little pain stop me." Ben/ChamAlien said to himself as he tried to get of of the place, but the pain was to great and he changed back to normal. He then sees something called W.O.O.H.P. all over the place.

"I never heard of this place. I'm definitely not in Bellwood anymore." Ben said as he tried to keep going.


Sam, Alex, and Clover were now searching for the boy, they looked to see him on the floor out could. They rushed over to his side and took him back Recuperating room. But Ben tries to get back up and begins to activate the Ultimatrix, but the pain was too much and falls to his knees. The girls help him up and lead him back.

Next Day in the Recuperating room

Ben awakens to see the three girls and a bald man as well as a computer of some kind looking over him. Ben shot back up from the bed, but felt pain while doing so.

Sam tells him as she lays him back down, "Everything is fine, we want to help you."

This seem to have calmed Ben down a bit as he stayed down or that he was still in great pain. Ben also noticed that they had something on their minds. Looks like he had a lot of explaining to do.

(A/N; and that's the last copied chapter, now my Matrixians the time for copying is over! WE SHALL NOW ENTER THE AGE OF MY WRITING!!!! This feels awkward talking like this. Anyway be on the look out for next chapter, which should be in a little bit, goodbye!)

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