Chapter 6; Horror hour is like sooo 1900's

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Our view comes to a lab with a man working with a weird looking lenses. He picks up the framed glass and holds it up to a nearby light and puts a comic book with a monster on the cover beneath it. "This should work, it has to" he said irritably, as the light shined through it the comic started to twitch and move around.

Seeing this made him smile as loud roaring soon followed alongside evil cackling.

Scene Change

Down at a local drive in Ben and the girls were taking some time off from WOOHP. Since Ben's first mission they've been out and about for days on end with really tough missions, no doubt more difficult due to Ben's inclusion as having an extra teammate made the girl's team capable of taking on more difficult tasks.

Additionally it was also possible Ben's unique abilities had attributed to their increased difficulty, thankfully Jerry allowed them a few days off from spy business. It couldn't have been at a better time, it's currently October and even better Halloween, the perfect time to watch some awesome horror flicks.

And for some, the absolute perfect place to have easily scared girls look to their boyfriends for comfort. At the moment Ben, Sam, Alex and Clover were their car looking at the screen with dozens of snacks ready to watch. "This is gonna be so awesome!" Alex said eating some pop corn "careful Alex, don't want to give yourself a stomach ache now" Sam responded look "or eat it all before the movie starts" Ben added chuckling as said girl blushed.

"So what's the movie we're watching again?" Clover asked, "I read it on the ad, the collection of old horror flicks. The one we're gonna watch is the Tremors quadrilogy" Ben explained. Sam looked at the movie guide the drive in provided "by the name along I can tell it's something along the lines of a natural disaster movie" she commented. "Not Sammy" Alex replied "me and Ben read it up online last week, it's about... ooh you'll see later, the movie's starting" she said before Eating some more popcorn.

It starts with the title of the film on screen before going to a scene on a canyon. "Hey there isn't that Kevin Bacon?" Clover whispered "yeah, it was stated in the poster that he started in Tremors alongside Fred Ward, Micheal Gross and, get this, the famous Reba McEntire" Sam said.

"Hey she was in my world, grandpa played one of her songs during our road trip" Ben added before hearing the words "STAMPEDE!!" Looking yo the screen they saw one of the main characters named Val McGee jostling a truck. "classing 1990's humor" Ben laughed, as they watched on someone had snuck into the projector rooms.

Whoever it was then hid in a nearby closet and waited smiling menacingly. During the movie the spy girls had screamed multiple times seeing the attacks of the characters. Odd seeing as they have handled crazier things than being attacked by monsters, and as expected Clover had used the opportunity to steal a hug from Ben. To which he became embarrassed about as she was an attractive girl who was hugging him.

Then his embarrassment grew when Alex and Sam did the same, mainly due to the fact they were scared. What's more, they hugged the poor guy into their chests... Ben never stood a Chance as he forgot that his grandpa told him that drive ins were the number one place for teenagers to get together.

They started to notice the movie screen flutter a bit "is that concerning anybody else?" He asked. Sam answered first "t-that's probably just a w-w-wiring issue..." she stuttered, Alex nodded "yeah Ben I mean, wha..." Clover was saying before suddenly getting a kiss to the cheek by Ben surprising her alongside her friends. "Starting to come around I see?" She asked in a flirty manner, he blushed at what he had done "s-sorry it's just a habit..." he stuttered, Sam then scowled a bit "it's a habit for you to suddenly kiss a girl?" She asked making him blush more "No! It's just that Clover was about to ask (whispers) what could go wrong (normal voice) so I needed to stop her" he explained.

This confused them "okay... why would saying that be bad?" Clover asked as Alex kept watching "because in my family, we have one rule, never ask how it could go wrong or how it could get any worse. Otherwise thing's can and will go wrong and get worse" Ben explained further. "I don't think that's cause and effect Ben" Sam stated, "hey it's happened before" Ben said when the screen started to sputter more. "Uh guys" Alex said pulling Ben's jacket "huh? Oh what's wrong Alex?" He asked, she then pointed to the screen.

Said screen was now starting to pulsate and glow much brighter than normal, and it looked like a small circle was forming in the light "that doesn't look good" Ben notes. Just then the circle explodes scaring everyone at the Drive In, "what's happening?!" One patron asked "this wasn't in the movie guide!"

Once the light died down everyone felt and heard multiple loud thuds, "what was that?" Clover asked. All of a sudden everyone heard high pitched screeching forcing them to cover their ears. "Gah?! What is that sound?!" Alex exclaimed before the shrieking stoped, only for a horrible odor to wake through. "Ewww whatever it is, it reeks!" Ben gagged as he hid his face in his jacket, "yeah! Ugh it's disgusting" Sam added.

All three then felt something large bounce their car up, "again ask... what was that?" Clover said once more. Only for a a long snake like creature to pop out of the ground next to them and try to grab Jeez immediately Ben reacted by shooting it with Swamp Fire's flames. He shapeshifter growls before grabbing it with Shocksquatch's hand "hands off yah no good varmint" he shouted before zapping the creature making it retreat.

The girls reeled back breathing heavily, "okay first of all, what just attacked us?!" Sam asked, "it did look familiar" Alex noted "how" the blonde asked. Ben looked to the screen and saw what his friend meant "I think I may know" he said pointing to the screen which had the same creature on it... only it wasn't a creature, rather it was a tentacle of a larger predator. "Wait, don't tell me... the monster that attacked us was the same one in the film" Clover said as her eyes widened.

"But that should be ridiculous! There's no way a monster of fiction could actually... AHHH?!?!" Sam yelped as the monster tried the same stunt again. Thankfully she and her friends had already closed the windows this time. "Yeah pretty sure it's the same monster. Everyone stay quiet, they only attack things that make noise" Ben advises. After a full minute of silence the worm like creature left, relieved a Clover sighed "that was close" she whispered.

"Question is, where did it come from?" Sam asked, then heard more screaming, just a note everyone else had the same idea to stay quiet. Hearing the noise the Graboid had rocketed away towards the source of the sound, "okay then, we should probably follow it" Sam notes as she climbed out of her car and onto the roof. Ben following, Clover looked up at her friends and was both worried and confused "for the smart one Sam's really taking a big risk right now" she commented before jumping onto the roof.

"Wait! Don't leave me behind!" Alex exclaimed scrambling on top of the cars, Ben then looked around to make sure no one was looking at them. Seeing as they were terrified by the Graboid and kept the tops on their convertible closed, it as safe to say they're clear, after doing so the man in question had turned into a familiar classic.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

In Ben's place was a tall insectoid Alien with four eyes on stalks, large wings, black claws, four legs, a large stinger and the Omnitrix on his face. "Stink Fly!" He yelled out, Alex, Same and Clover looked in awe as they've only seen Ben as Chamalien, CannonBolt and Upgrade, but haven't truly seen Ben transform into a new alien. Clover had to admit it was pretty cool had it not been for the awful smell that had filled her nostrils "Ew! Stink fly is right" she groaned holding her nose.

"Sorry about that Clover" the Lepidopterran apologized before hovering in the air, then picked all three of them up and flew higher. "Up up and away" he joked, Sam took the opportunity and saw what it was that attracted the Graboid. In the lot besides theirs the patrons were running from someone, he had rather burnt skin, wore a red and green sweater with brown pants and had a fedora on. However the most prominent feature was the blades glove on his right hand, the infamous horror icon of the dream world, Freddy Krueger.

"Wait a minute, the movie guide said that Night Mare on Elm street was playing, and look there's Jason from Friday the 13th!" Ben pointed out. The three paled as they were very afraid of those horror movies, "oh man, first a monster worm and now a dream demon and zombie?" Alex complained. Sam then paled at what she noticed next "I wouldn't say just them, incoming extraterrestrials!" She shouted pointing to a few random cars.

Which had two more horror icons battling on them, a humanoid yet bestial creature that was primarily black in color with a long blade tipped tail, hard exoskeleton, and a huge crest. The other was more humanoid but with bizarre armor on it that had wrist mounted blades, the Xenomorph and Yautja from the Aliens and predators series. The predator already gaining the upper hand as it had grabbed and immobilized the Xenomorph's tail.

That made Stink fly groan "really? I'm sensing some irony in this" Ben said before Sam's compowder went off. She answered as Jerry's hologram popped up "spies I have some troubling news" he announced, "anything to do with horror movie antagonists coming to life?" Alex asked.

Surprising the spy supervisor, "by Jove how could you possibly have known what I was about to say?" Jerry asked, Ben then used his lower left Eye Stalk to point down to said horror antagonists when Jason was nearly an inch close to killing someone. "Oh my!"

"Any way to stop them Jerr?" Alex has asked, "not a clue, scope around the projector room to see if you can find anything" he replied. Well time to head down" Stink Fly said before hovering to the projector room, he used his sharp stinger to bust in an air vent. Only for Jerry to pop back up "before I forget here are some gadgets for you, the Sonic disperser boombox, the Titanium all blade proof and high elasticity net throwing mascara, the helping hand boxing glove, now in pairs to really give them some killer right and left hooks, razor claw fake nails and the everything deflector umbrella" he said as the gadgets popped out of the vent Ben busted open.

"Thanks Jerry" they said going into their spy uniforms and Ben turning back whilst doing the same. We now see them peeking out through a vent and into the projector room, "try to spot anything out of the ordinary in the room that could've caused the chaos" Sam had said. Alex then spoke up "would that count as out of the ordinary?" She asked before aiming a small laser at some kind of flashlight with a weird lens on it. "Okay that is kind of strange" Clover whispered, Ben then heard someone talking "guys over there, listen" he whispered as their shifted their vision to the sound.

They then saw a really skinny teenager rooting through movie film "okay let's see here, I've already made my favorite movie monsters come to life, now who or what shall I pull from the big screen now?" He monologues picking up a film strip. "That must be our culprit, but who is he exactly?" Ben asked, the teenager then grabbed the flashlight Alex pointed to, them had thrown it out the window and shined the light on. In response the film had twitched and contorted before spewing out something, several somethings.

All to recognizable tiny mammal looking aliens, THE CRITES!!!!"

"Yup he's our suspect" Clover said, then heard a loud hiss, "girls... please tell me the movie Anaconda wasn't in the movie guide" Ben asked, "I would tell you that... but then I'd be lying" the four then jumped out before getting caught by a long 40 - foot snake and wrapped around like a pig, or rather pigs as in plural, in a blanket. "Huh who goes there?!" The teenager asked before walking up to them, "oh what do we have here? Don't remember finding a movie with you in them" he said, "hey let us go jerk!" Clover grunted as the snake hissed.

"Sorry but I can't do that, judging by your outfits you're all clearly part of some sort of global spy organization. Possibly sent here to deal with the chaos I'm reeking" he explained, "not exactly, we were just here for a day off to watch some movies" Alex replied before grunting as the anaconda tries to squeeze harder. "Why are you doing this?" Sam said trying to keep the air in her body, "you see I am a horror movie enthusiast, I enjoy watching the utterly terrifying carnage in films and gory horror. However because of my interest I was always picked on, people calling me a psycho just because I enjoy seeing massive amounts of carnage and death in movies. Well they'll see how much of a psycho I can be when I sick the most terrifying monsters in horror films history on them" he said picking up more films.

"That's crazy! Lots of people will get hurt!" Ben grunted before turning his kid section into diamond. "That's the idea, I'll leave you to the anaconda, good luck getting swallowed alive" he said walking out not knowing his flashlight sputtered a bit and shined on a nearby film. As the snake began to squeeze further the four were trying to wriggle their way out, "dang it! Wish Jerry gave us the super spicy gum instead! Would've helped out a lot more to slip out" Alex

"Yeah, Ow ow ow!" Clover whined as the snake's muscle started to squish their bodies, "I could turn into Goop but you Three would still be crushed" Ben, "and Humungousaur can't grow big enough in this space... to push the anaconda off" Sam noted as the predator began to unhinge its jaws to swallow them. Only for something sharp to hit it in the eye, it hissed and cried before letting them go "okay... what was that?" Alex asked panting trying to regain her breath.

"I don't know, whatever it was either saved us... or wanted to get instead" Ben groaned taking a deep breath. Alex then looked on top of a shelf to see a tiny figure, "guys what's that?" She asked, as they got closer, with Ben putting up a diamond barrier to keep the snake at bey, they got a better look at what saved them. It was a small Chihuahua sized mammal with big ears, brown and white fur and was undoubtedly adorable!

"Aww it's Gizmo from the Gremlins!!" Alex squealed as Gizmo waves at her "mogwai!" Gizmo chirped. "Aww it's cute" Clover said tickling Gizmo's head, "don't forget Gizmo May be cute but he's also a movie monster" Sam Warner. "Easy Sam, besides Gizmo never turned into one them, it was the ones that spawned from him that turned evil. Gizmo's a sweet little guy" Ben said putting his arm next to the mogwai. Then allowed him to come crawl up to his shoulder, getting a better look he saw it holding a hand made bow with pencil arrows. "Looks like he's the one who saved us" then was startled as the sneak hit against the diamonds, "oh boy! Quick knock it out" Alex screamed, Ben reacted first by turning into Swampfire and tossing Gizmo to Alex "keep him out of the light" he said, then unleashed a plume a fire at the snake burning it to death. Sighing in relief Ben turned back while using a nearby fire extinguisher to put out the flames, "that was close" Sam said petting Gizmo.

"We're not out of the woods yet, we still need to take care of the other monsters" Ben said, "but how? There are like several different monsters outside" Alex asked, "each had been defeated in different ways" Sam added.

"Easy, we find the monster's weaknesses and defeat then with that, like how Jason is weak to water because he was drowned at crystal lake, or how Freddy was burned to death. And remember Freddy's in our world now, he's unable to use his dream world powers" Ben explained, clover pitched in also "yeah, and the alien and predator, they're unstoppable so they'll be in a stalemate until one gets the upper hand, then when that happens we'll take out the one that's left" she added.

"Okay then, get Freddy with fire, Jason with water and wait out the alien and predator. But how about the critters out there?" Sam asked before the floor shook "a-a-a-and the Graboid?!" She asked, "Graboid is sound, Critters are explosives" Alex said. Ben didn't waist any time and flew out as Big chill carrying the girls, he set them down on the roof, "okay I'll distract Jason and Freddy. You guys trap them" he said, then flew down to said villains and froze their legs, "Hey?!" The blade fingered menace gasped trying to move his legs.

"Eat that dream stalker!" Ben called out before reverting to human, whilst having Big Chill's wings. "You've got a lot of nerve kid, don't you know who I am?" The dream demon asked "yeah a horrible child assaulting sicko who preys on the innocent where they can't defend themselves" Ben replied seeing Jason swing his machete at Freddy. "GAH?! Hey watch it brainless!" He shouted before slashing at the zombie, "I think it's time you two had a time out" the hero then turned his left arm into Heat Blast's and made a ring of fire around Freddy Scaring him. Then turned his right arm into Water Hazard's blasted Jason with a high pressure hydro cannon.

"Guys now!" At that moment Gizmo, who was sitting on Sam's shoulder had grabbed the net throwing mascara and shot nets at the two bad guys. They tried to break out but their blades couldn't cut the threads and they couldn't snap them.

"Nice shot" the red haired spy complimented, "let me out you little shi-?!" He was quickly kicked in the face by Alex who also swiftly ripped off his glove. Nothing ya have to fight with now do yah?" She said before tossing it into the trash as Clover bashed Jason's hand with the boxing glove to make him drop his large machete.

"Looks like it Alex" she said as the two movie villains tried to grab at them, "Uh girls I wouldn't be celebrating so soon" Ben notes, "why?" Alex asked before hearing multiple screeches. Looking down she saw the critters swarming after them "AHH! Critters!" Immediately they used their bungee belts to grab onto Ben and pull themselves out of the way of the mini monsters. Only for Freddy and Jason to be eaten instead, "oh gross"clover said covering her mouth looking a bit green.

"Guys look out, they're combining into a big ball" Sam warned, then it rolled around trying to find a poor unsuspecting victim. "Lucky for me we have this thing's weakness" he said before putting Clover and Alex on the roof. Then turned back into Swampfire "I remember watching this with grandpa once, and how they killed the little beasties" he said before hitting the Omnitrix again.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

In a flash of light Swampfire changed, his body had turned a hard wooden brown, several napalm filled shells grew on his body and his fists were enveloped in blue fire. "Ultimate Swampfire!" Ben yelled, shocking the girls, "now how about we have ourselves a little jamboree" he asked.

Then ran to the ball of monsters, they turned to him and began barreling towards the hyper evolved methanosian. "Here comes the Heat!" The Alien threw a pod into the ball of critters and jumped out of the way, the creatures tried to bite and chew on it. Only to be blown up, "and book goes the dynamite" he said "Ben what kind of alien is that?" Sam asked, "it's still Swampfire, just... er... evolved" Ben answered before almost getting grabbed by the Graboid underground. "Ben look out!" Alex said jumping down from the roof and began running to him "Alex! AHH!!" Sam and clover screamed ducking a plasma ball, they turned to see the predator on the other side of the roof.

With the Xenomorphs head in its hand, "oh man" Clover whimpered as it charged up another blast. "Quick the everything deflector Umbrella!" Sam said pulling it out, they held it at the alien before it could blast its deadly projectile. Once it launched the umbrella opened and hit, sending the ball of energy flying directly back at its originator.

Knocking him of the roof and probably disintegrating a part of its body. "Whew" they sighed, with Alex and Ben, she had jumped in front of the Graboid and activated the Sonic disperser boombox.

The loud sound managed to drive away the creature, "thanks for the save" Ben said before launching a seed pod at a new monster. This one being a zombie and the explosion burned and scorched every last piece of it.

"No no no!" The teenager from early shouted seeing his monsters being defeated, "this isn't supposed to happen, my monsters!" He exclaimed. "Sorry horror boy, but looks like your premier of power just got canceled" Sam punned making Ben snort, "Don't think for one moment that this is over, I've still got my lens of life. All I need are pictures and I'll bring every monster in horror movie history to life" he said, only to be grabbed by the Graboid screaming.

"I got him" Ben said before transforming again? This time he was a tall bipedal wolf like alien with Grey fur and a split muzzle "Blitzwolfer? I hadn't seen this guy in ages" he commented before letting out a ultrasonic howl at the worm like monster. This caused it to shriek in pain and when he increased the volume it clear fainted while dropping him.

To which Clover has stepped on his flashlight and the lens it had "what was that about still having the power to make monsters?" She asked making him groan and pass out. Later on WOOHP had arrived to help remove the monster remains from the premise, "another job well done spies, I apologize for the rude interruption from your movie night" Jerry said as a few WOOHP agents carted off the skeletal remains of Freddy and Jason. "It's nothing boss, but uh Should we be concerned about that Jerry? Because let's not forget Jason does have a minor healing factor, he'll still be able to regenerate eventually and Freddy's soul is still out there" Ben asked.

"Not to worry spies, we'll have Jason's remains burned and sent to some place where he won't bother anyone again. As for Mr. Krueger one of our associates has already located his soul and are currently sending it to the underworld as we speak." Jerry explained as Gizmo cooed "but what about Gizmo? I mean, sure he's technically a monster, but he saved us and he's so sweet" Alex asked holding the little creature up.
To which Jerry chuckled and petted him "not to worry spies, due to his kind and caring nature we're assigning him to be in our WOOHP rehabilitation program. He'll basically assist in comforting our agents after traumatizing events" he said. "Awww"

After the WOOHP agents left the four were driving back home, "the night's still young. You guys want to see another movie?" Ben asked driving. "Oh no thank you, I've had enough of horror movies tonight thank you very much" Sam remarked while Clover and Alex nodded in agreement. "Who said anything about horror movies?" Ben asked, "I was thinking we could all watch a nice comedy together" he then brought up a list of great non scary movies to watch. The three smiled as they drove home.

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