Chapter 1: The King of the Koopas! First Day, First Disaster!

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Music Insert: King of the Koopas (Composed by Brian Tyler)

It was a cold windy night. Far away was an inhabited region called the Snow Kingdom, icy citadel home of the penguins and their king. It was all peaceful until drops of boiling magma fell from the sky. Approaching the Snow Kingdom's castle was a giant floating volcano-like castle airship constructed of rock and lava with a monstrous figurehead in front flying toward the ice kingdom. As the ship stopped, spiked ball anchors dropped and descended the ship to the ground as it crushed some ice towers. It drops anchor and lands, opening its gates to release an army of turtle-like beings called Koopa Troopas. They got into their battle positions as a fleet of Paratroopas flew down led by their blue shelled general.

"Koopa General!"

Next, a blue-robed Koopa magician appears from thin air.


Kamek: "Behold! The King of the Koopas!"

Kamek strikes his wand upon the ground, signaling the Koopa army to turn in attention as their monstrous leader emerges. The Big Daddy of Evil walks toward the ice castle.


Bowser: "Open the gates! ...or die."

Large shadows loomed within the ice palace and heard the Koopa King's threat. One of the Koopa Troopa shivered in fear as the gates opened to reveal an army of much smaller but still determined penguins, whose king directs them.

"Penguin King!"

Penguin King: "ATTACK!!"

The penguins battle cried with determination, charge forward and begin pelting the Koopas with snowballs and ice chunks, to little effect. The Penguin King signals them to hold their attack.

Penguin King: "That is but a taste of our fury. Do you yield?"


Sure enough, Kamek magically lifts up the penguins and tosses them aside as the Koopa Troopas hold them down as prisoners. Bowser uses his fire breath to destroy the ice castle. The penguins were no match for Bowser and his forces. The Koopas watched in amazement while the Penguins watched in despair.

Penguin King: "No...!"

Bowser: "Oh yeah..." *With built self-confidence.*

Within the castle ruins shines a bright light. Kamek levitates ice blocks for Bowser to walk up toward the light. He reaches a shining Question Block, which he breaks open to reveal the Super Star!

Bowser: *Laughs in triumph* "I've finally found it. Now who's gonna stop ME?!?!?!?!"

Music Insert: Plumber's Rap (By Ali 'Dee' Theodore)

Scene cuts to a commercial for Super Y/n Bros. Plumbing. Two siblings appear, Y/n in a blue hat and shirt and S/n in hot pink, and both wearing denim overalls and white gloves. They ride in a yellow van and demonstrate their plumbing skills.

♪ Uh, we're the Y/n Brothers, and plumbing's our game. We're not like the others who get all the fame. When your sink is in trouble, you can call us on the double. We're faster than the others, you'll be hooked on the brothers, huh! ♪

Y/n: "Hello! It's-a-me, Y/n!"

S/n: "And me, S/n!"

Y/n: "Are you tired of-a paying too much for plumbing?"

Y/n & S/n: "Mamma Mia!"

Y/n: "That's-a why the Super Y/n Brothers are here. To-a save Beverly Hills."

S/n: "And Los Angeles too."

Commercial Actress: "Thank you, Super Y/n Bros.! It seems like the only thing you haven't drained is my bank account..."

Y/n: "You can-a forget-a the expensive plumbing companies where you're-a just a face. With the Super Y/n Brothers, you're family!

♪ Hooked on the brothers! ♪ (Fading Echoes)

The commercial ends as the real siblings were at Arcade Mania to celebrate their first advertisement.

Y/n: *Astonished* ".....Wow."

S/n: "I give this ad 10/10."

Y/n: "Yeah! You were great, big sis!"

S/n: "I was great? Are you kidding me? YOU were great, lil' bro!"

Y/n: *Chuckled* "I am so glad we spent my life savings on this commercial."

S/n: "That ain't a commercial, lil' bro. That is cinema to remember."

Y/n: "By the way, sis. Tell me to be honest; was my Italian accent too much for the ad?"

A man dressed similarly to the Mario Bros., who was playing the Original Donkey Kong Arcade Game, turns to them.



S/n: "Yeah! I agree with him."

Y/n: "Okay, I'm gonna trust you."

As Giuseppe returns playing the Donkey Kong Arcade, Sam, Alex and Clover enter the establishment.

Sam: "Hi, Y/n! Hi, S/n."

Alex: "We just saw your new commercial on the TV."

Y/n: "And... was it bad?"

Clover: "It wasn't really bad. Though being a plumber will not be a walk in the park."

Alex: "Let's all agree it's the most family friendly commercial."

Sam: "We'll know that you and S/n will do a great job as plumbers as well as workers here in Arcade Mania, Y/n."

Y/n: "Thanks, girls."

Clover: "Well, I'll let you know when my pipes are clogged up~." *Leans towards Y/n in a sensual tone*

The girls' sweat dropped at Clover's seductiveness towards Y/n while he felt uncomfortable.

Y/n: *Chuckles sheepishly* "...Uh... Thank you, Clover. Nothing too big or too small the Super Y/n Brothers can't handle."

Unaware of the gang, next to them was a large bearded man in a Wrecking Crew uniform and sunglasses, speaking out. This was Y/n's former boss from Brooklyn.

"Foreman Spike!"

Spike: "Well, well, well. If it isn't Brooklyn's favorite failures, the Stupid Y/n Brothers."

S/n: *Scoffs* "And if it isn't my lil' bro's former boss and big bully of Brooklyn."

Spike: "Yeah." *In a comically high-pitched voice* "It's-a me!" *Cackles* "Wooo yeah..."

Sam: "You two know him?"

Y/n: "Unfortunately... I used to work in his demolition crew but-"

S/n: "Obviously, Spike pushed my lil' bro too far and scolds him for 'slacking off.' He didn't do anything wrong!"

Spike: "Oh come on! This little shrimp of a brother of yours was just an irritating obstacle. He wasn't working hard enough on my site."

S/n: "Maybe because you never gave him lunch breaks or water breaks! You just want him to suffer!"

Alex: *Shocked to hear that* "He what?!"

Sam: *Whispers to Clover* "He's even worse than Mandy!"

Clover: *Upset* "Ugh! How dare you treat Y/n like Cinderella! He deserved better than you!"

Y/n: "Girls! Please! Let me handle this!" *Clears throat* "So, Spike. Did you enjoy my special lunch for you? I got your order correctly and exactly like you said."

Spike: *Eating his lunch* "As a matter of fact, I did. Your cooking's still the best, but your laboring still lacks... very."

Y/n: "Stubborn as rusty nail. So, are ya on a business trip here in Beverly Hills?"

Spike: "Lucky guess. So tell me, Y/n; have you or your sister even gotten one call since you left me to start your dumb company?"

S/n: *holds up her phone* "As a matter of fact, Spike, we have."

Y/n: "Wow. Already?"

S/n: "Uh, Yeah. Our mom called, and she said, "Aw, kids, that's the best commercial I've ever seen." And I said, "Thank you very much, mother. We're very proud of it." So, boom! We're gonna make a lot more moola with plumbing and Arcade Mania than you can ever imagine!"

Spike: *Laughed* "Good luck running many businesses with this idiot, sugar tits."

Spike wiped his mouth with a napkin, now all dirty, and threw at S/n only to be caught by Y/n in time.

Y/n: "Say that name again towards my big sis and you're gonna regret it."

Y/n threw the dirty napkin back at Spike. No effect, but the foreman didn't take Y/n's warning kindly.

Spike: *Gets up and grabs Y/n by the jacket* "Oh yeah? Get this through your tiny brain, L/n! You're a joke — and you always will be." *leaves while chuckling* "Keep the change!"

The girls approached the gamer's aid as he got up.

S/n: "You okay, lil' bro?"

Y/n: *Dusted himself off* "Shaken but not stirred. Brooklyn was a nice place until Spike came along to live."

Clover: *Growls* "That evil bully is like Mandy! Only two times worse!" *Turns to Y/n showing her concern* "You're not scared of him at all, are you, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Not exactly, Clove. I was at first but one day, I'm gonna prove him wrong."

Alex: "Not to disagree with you, Y/n, but are you insane? He's three times your size!"

Y/n: "C'mon, girls. I may be jumpy but I'm not gonna be scared all the time."

Sam: "You'd be surprised..."

Suddenly, Y/n's phone rang off.

Sam: *Whispers to Y/n* "Go! Answer it!"

Clover: *Whispers too* "Now's your chance!"

Y/n: *Answers the call* "Hello, Super Y/n Brothers. Uh-huh? A drip in your faucet? That's great! I mean, that's... That's great you called us because we can be there and we can fix it right away. Send us the address. Perfect. Thank you!" *Hangs up* "We got one, sis!"

S/n: "Aw yeah! The Super Y/n Brothers are in business!"

Y/n: "Sorry, girls! Plumber's duty is calling!" *Rushed to the van with S/n*

Clover: "Good luck, Super Y/n Brothers!"

Sam: "But what about Arcade Mania!?"

S/n: "Don't worry! The dining area is closed but the game aera's still open! Feel free to play!"

The Y/n Brothers exited the establishment in excitement while the girls watched till they were out of sight.

Alex: *Having doubts* "I don't know about this. Do you think plumbing, dining and gaming is too much for Y/n?"

Sam: "Well, he is determined, Alex."

Clover: "Don't forget he has S/n to help out."

Alex: "True, but-"

Alex was interrupted when an arcade machine next to them began to brighten up the room as the girls were immediately sucked into the screen. Unknown to everyone, Alex, Sam and Clover were WOOHPed.

Back with Y/n...

The siblings entered their plumbing service van and Y/n started the engine but the van failed to start.

S/n: "Bruh! The engine's dead! We're gonna be late on our first day!"

Y/n: "Oh no we ain't! Come on! We'll get there on foot!"

Music Insert: "No Sleep till Brooklyn!" (By the Beastie Boys!)

With that said, Y/n got out of the van and ran through the Beverly Hill neighborhood with S/n catching up behind him!

S/n: "Ya know we can use my bike!"

Y/n: "It's still under repairs the last time I drove it!"

S/n: "I've accepted your apology after that!"

Y/n deftly jumps through an open cab window and around grocery store customers, while S/n struggles with bumping into them.

Woman: "Excuse you!"

S/n: "Sorry!"

While talking and running at the same time, Y/n rushed through the farmer's market by jumping from the rooftops without a sweat while S/n struggled bumping into them from the lowgrounds.

S/n: *Struggling* "Sorry! Coming through! Excuse me! Make room please!"

Y/n: *Calling from the front* "Come on, big sis! Step it up!"

S/n: *Shouts back* "It would be easier if you slow down!"

Y/n already landed down from the rooftops but they soon came across a construction zone.

S/n: *Groaned* "Dammit, dude. It'll take forever to go around!"

Y/n: "Y'know what they say; Risk it for the biscuit!"

With that, Y/n & S/n entered the construction zone, leaping on and around railings, girders and construction workers.

Construction Worker #1: "Hey! Get off of there!"

Y/n made a platform bridge for S/n to walk across the gap.

Construction Worker #2: "You can't be in-Whoa!" *Pushed by S/n*

S/n: "Sorry! Tell that to my bro!"

Y/n parkoured on the hanging girder where he passed by some construction workers who were on lunch break. Meanwhile, S/n was struggling passing through the concrete area.

Construction Worker #3: "Hey! I'm working here!"

S/n: "Excuse me!"

Y/n climbed up the staircase and reached the pole of Castle Burger and slid down and opened the gate for his sister.

Y/n: "C'mon, big sis! We're almost there!"

S/n: *Annoyed* "Next time, I'll take charge of directions!"

It wasn't long till they'd reached their client's address, which is a fancy towering townhouse.

Y/n: *Whistles in amusement*

S/n: "We've hit the big time, lil' bro."

The two siblings fist bumped each other and went inside. Inside, a couple leads Y/n and S/n up a flight of stairs. The homeowners were moved from Brooklyn to have a vacation here in Beverly Hills.

Brooklyn Wive: "The drip is right upstairs at the end of the hall."

Brooklyn Husband: "Can you fix it?"

Y/n: "Very confident, sir."

Brooklyn Wife: "You'll be careful about makin' a mess?"

S/n: "Don't worry, ma'am. We assure you; We don't make messes, we fix them."

Y/n: "Yep. We are professional plumb-" *Froze stiff*

Y/n saw that the couple have a dog of their own. A golden retriever sitting in the upstairs hallway.


Brooklyn Wive: "That's Francis! He likes you!"

Y/n, on the other hand, doesn't think so. He has a fear of dogs since he was a child. He tried to walk by without getting the dog's attention but unfortunately, he stepped on something by accident.

Y/n: *Gasps* "!!!"

He lifts his foot off a broken chew bone. Francis stares at him. Y/n nervously rushed his way to the bathroom with S/n while Francis glares at him while licking his owner's face and growls angrily at Y/n.


Alex, Sam & Clover were screaming from the WOOHPed transportation as they slid down the tunnel.

Clover: "As if Y/n's former boss of a foreman wasn't bad enough, Jerry's WOOHP system found the perfect spot to warp us!"

Somewhere in Downtown, Los Angeles, is the World Organization Of Human Protection or W.O.O.H.P. for short. Inside the top secret establishment, was a big W.O.O.H.P. sign in an important office as the letter "O" of the sign opened as a hatch and a soft cushioning as the three girls landed.

Sam: *Groaned* "Another day, another spy mission."

????: "Good afternoon, girls."

Sitting in front of the girls on his desk is the big cheese of WOOHP.

"Jerry Lewis!"

Alex: "Hey, Jerry. Any more crazy villains out there?"

Jerry: "No sign of criminal activity yet, but G.L.A.D.I.S. has detected a high rise of what she calls, "Otherworldly energy."

Clover: "Um... What do you mean by 'Otherworldly' energy, Jer? We've dealt with many crazy things in the past."

Jerry: "That's true, but I've received a message from M.O.M. about something that has never been discovered to the world before."

Sam: "What hasn't been discovered before?"

Jerry: "G.L.A.D.I.S. and I have no solid evidence yet. Even if I asked from M.O.M., their agents would inform us. Unfortunately at the moment, they already have their agents assigned on a different mission than this one."

Alex: "Guess we've got to find it ourselves then. Where was the otherworldly energy detected?"

Jerry: "That's where G.L.A.D.I.S. come in."

Sure enough, Jerry's A.I. arrived with the details.


G.L.A.D.I.S.: "Jerry. Girls. I've located the signals of the otherworldly energy."

Alex: "Which is...?"

G.L.A.D.I.S.: "The Underground Sewers of Downtown, Los Angeles."

Alex, Sam & Clover: "Underground?!?!"

Clover: *Disgusted* "Ew! There's no way I'm gonna go to some stinky place underground! I'd rather be with that cute new-"

Jerry: "I understand your disagreement, Clover, but as a spy, you must fill your duty. Be sure your girls are geared up and ready by 7:00 PM."

Alex: "At least, we'll get some rest before the mission this evening."

Sam: "I wonder how Y/n's doing."

Clover: "Well, I would say he's doing a fantastic job right about now."

Jerry: "Well, it seems you girls have already been covered up. If there's any leads, please call me immediately."

Clover: "Don't worry Jerry. We got this. *Whispers to Sam & Alex* "I think we should let Y/n do this."

Sam: *Whispers back* "But what if he discovers what we really are?"

Clover: "It'll be fine. He told me he's an otaku and we'll just say that we're just cosplayers."

Alex: "Never mind, girls. Let's get prepared for tonight."

Back with the Y/n Brothers...

In the bathroom, Y/n examined the dripping sink, S/n getting sprayed by water in the process.

S/n: "So what now, lil' bro?"

Y/n: "Wrench."

His big sister gave him her wrench and took his own out to tighten the pipes, stopping the leak.

Y/n: Mm-hmm. And our first job is complete."

The Y/n Bros. do a clapping ritual.

Y/n & S/n: "AY!!!"

They were about to leave until Francis showed up, sitting in the bathroom doorway.

Y/n: *Shrieked* "...Francis..."

Francis spits the broken bone at them, enters, kicks the door shut behind him and growls at Y/n.

S/n: "Oi! Leave my lil' bro alone!"

Francis took no notice, but had a different idea. He lunges at them and hits the sink. Y/n falls into the shower while Francis turns toward S/n.

S/n: *Under attack by Francis* "Oi! Get off me you damn spoiled mutt!"

Y/n doesn't like dogs but he wouldn't like it more when his sister is in distress. He throws a shampoo bottle at Francis, who turns and bites at him. Y/n dodges and backflips over Francis.

Y/n: *In Slow-Motion* "MAMMA MIA!!!"

The young plumber closes the shower door, trapping Francis inside.

Y/n: "There. That'll hold ya, you despicable killer dog!"

S/n: "Uh... lil' bro? We have a bigger problem."

She's right. There was worse to come.

Music Insert: "L'Amour Est Un Oiseau Rebelle (Habanera) from Carmen! (By Anita Rachvelishvili, Giacomo Sagripanti and the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI!)

The pipes in the sink, as well as those throughout the bathroom, begin to burst. The water jets out from various points that Y/n and S/n attempt to plug up, much to their dismay. Water fills the shower and Francis begins to float his way to the top.

S/n: "Dude, that hellhound you've angered is gonna escape!"

Y/n: "No, he ain't!"

Y/n wrenches a valve connected to the toilet and flushes it, causing the flooding water to drain.

Y/n: "There! That oughta do it!"

S/n: "Uh... Lil' bro?"

Francis has reached the top of the shower and prepares to jump as Y/n shrieked in horror.

Y/n: *Gulps in fear and shakes* "N-n-n-n-nice doggy..."

The snarling hellhound lunges towards Y/n...

Y/n: "AAAHHH!!!"

Only for the gamer to duck in time as Francis sails over them and out the window. The homeowner couple sit in their living room as outside their window, Y/n and S/n catch Francis with a plunger. The golden retriever found his own mistake as the siblings managed to pull Francis back into the bathroom before the couple entered.

Brooklyn Couple: *Gasped*

S/n attempts to put the sink back in place while Y/n pulls Francis out of the toilet.

Y/n: "Uh... Found the problem." *Smiled nervously*

Francis: *Only barks weakly and whimpered*


To be continued...

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