Chapter 11: Intermission 1-3: The new girls of Malibu! Beverly Hills vs. Bowser!

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8:00 PM - Malibu University - The Penthouse - Beverly Hills

It was a beautiful morning in Malibu U. as the Spy Quartet had an adventurous day at their new job site, Arcade Mania. Inside their penthouse, the girls were having breakfast and coffee.

Alex: "It sure was nice of us to lend Peach our old Beach House."

Sam: "Despite not having enough room here for her, I'd say it was a good idea."

Clover: "I sure miss that place."

Britney: "Cheer up, Clover. At least, Jerry told us to help Peach blend in with the Real World."

Clover: "Yeah but I don't why she needs to live there alone."

Alex: "Jerry did say she was born and raised by her Toads, so it shouldn't be a problem."

Sam: "Wonder how Peach is doing..."


8:05 PM - The Old Beach House - Beverly Hills

Peach was sleeping peacefully in the bedroom of the Spies' former Beach House as she yawned and woke up. She was wearing her nightgown from last night, put on her slippers and began to make her own breakfast.

Peach: "This Beach House sure is beautiful. It was a relief that I was raised back in my kingdom."

Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door and got up. As she put her bathrobe on, before she knew it...

Y/n: "Good morning, princess!"

Glimmer: "Yoshi!"

Peach: *Surprised* "Y/n! G-good morning! I see you found a Yoshi!"

Y/n was riding on Glimmer's back on their way from their new home in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Y/n: "Surprising, isn't it? I found Glimmer last night on a wild chase but I managed to tame him."

Glimmer: *Happily* "Yoshi!"

Peach: "I see... Well, I'm gonna jump in the shower."

Y/n: "You do that, I'm gonna make you some breakfast."

Peach: *Smiled* "You just wanted to see for yourself, didn't you?"

Y/n: *Blushes* "No, no, no! I just wanted to make sure you're doing fine since Jerry gave you the girls' old Beach House. That's all."

Peach: *Giggled* "Whatever you say, pretty face."

Y/n only sighed as he started cooking. Yet, He worries about Glimmer eating the food first.


Peach was finished in the shower and was finally dressed in her new casual clothing.

(A/n): Please note that this image is not mine and belongs to the respective owner.

She walked into the dining room to see the table full of breakfast dishes!

Peach: *Astonished* "Wow...Jerry must've hired a chef to prepare this."

Y/n: *Smiled* "Not just a chef, Princess. A chef who's also an expert plumber."

Peach: *Smiled back and giggled* "You never fail to amuse me, pretty face."

The two dug in on the food to satisfy their hunger.

Peach: *Eating breakfast* "So how did you cook this up without having the Golden Yoshi causing you trouble?"

Y/n: *Drinking the Cafe con Leche* "I have known my Mario games since I was a kid. And if there's one thing Yoshis love most, it's melons."

Peach could see Glimmer eating melons and cantaloupe related pie and tarts.

Y/n: "Before cooking your formal breakfast, I thought cooking Glimmer's breakfast would save me some trouble."

Peach: "Impressive."

Y/n: *Blushes* "Thanks." *Thought to himself* "She's so fine."


S/n's riding the streets of Beverly Hills to Malibu on her own bike. The repairs were finished.

S/n: *Blowing her bubble gum* "Lil' bro may have brought a Yoshi to the real world but he'll be in for another surprise waiting in Malibu."

And she performed a turbo-charged wheelie to speed up her trip.


8:30 PM - Malibu University

The spies arrived on campus when they were walking to their classes.

Alex: "It's good to be back here."

Sam: "Sure is, Alex."

Clover: "Unfortunately, we still have to deal with Mandy."

Britney: "I wouldn't worry about it."

Just then, they heard weird walking noises coming their way.

Clover: "What's that sound?"

Britney: "I don't know..."

Suddenly, Alex can see a dinosaur silhouette heading into direction.

Alex: "Uh, guys? Is it just me or is there a dinosaur heading towards us?"

Sam: "Alex, dinosaurs are extinct creatures. It's not even possible."

However, she was wrong. There WAS a dinosaur heading for them and before they could know it...

Glimmer: *Jumps and landed gracefully in front of the girls* "Yoshi!!"

The Gold Yoshi made them jump in confusion as they saw Y/n & Peach riding on Glimmer's back!

Y/n: "It's-a me, Y/n!"

Peach: "And Peach!"

The Spy Quartet: "Y/n & Peach!?"

Britney: "That was fast!"

Clover, Sam & Alex: "What's that dinosaur you're riding?!"

Y/n: "Sorry to make you girls jump. It's Glimmer's new day in Beverly Hills."

Sam: "Glimmer?"

Peach: "That's the name Y/n gave to the Gold Yoshi."

Clover: "What's a Yoshi?"

Y/n: "I'll take that question. Yoshis are dinosaurs that first appeared in Super Mario World and later have their series like Yoshi's Island and other Yoshi puzzle games."

Alex: "Aww... He looks so adorable."

Alex was nose rubbing Glimmer's nose as he liked it.

Sam: "How did a Yoshi end here in Beverly Hills?"

Peach: "It must've been warped here when Y/n and S/n lead that Bomber Bill into the pipe's Warp Zone."

Clover: "How do these Warp Zones work?"

Y/n: "They're hidden areas that act as a kind of teleportation system, connecting many worlds to one place."

Alex: "Wow. I didn't know Warp Zones work that way."

The gang began to walk inside the building as many students and professors noticed Glimmer & Peach in Malibu. Glimmer felt uncomfortable with everybody looking at him but Peach, Y/n and the girls are here to comfort him. Meanwhile the other students noticed Super Y/n of Beverly Hills.

Sam: "We haven't gained this popularity since back in Beverly High."

Alex: "Yeah. Mandy was really jealous of us."

Clover: "Totally."

Y/n: *Sees Mandy approaching* "Speaking of the devil..."

Mandy and her cohorts appeared as they walked up to the protagonists.

Mandy: "Well, well, well, the Super Losers and the infamous Stupid Y/n Brother."

Caitlin: "Surprised you still have that wild animal after it spit out Mandy towards us."

Sam: "That Yoshi ate Mandy?!"

Clover: *Smirked at Mandy* "Embarrassing..."

Mandy: "Puh-lease! It was his fault too!" *Points at Y/n* "If I were to hire a lawyer, I oughtta sue the pipe-head plumber for letting that lizard freak eat me!"

Y/n: "Don't blame me. Yoshis have feelings, including Glimmer."

Dominique: "Yeah, right. You just want to gain more popularity with those girls."

Mandy: "No wonder people go to The Groove everyday. You just want them to waste their money!"

Alex: "That's not true, Mandy! We were hired as Arcade Mania's new employees to help out Y/n because he needed more help with his arcade and restaurant!"

Clover: "Plus, while working for him, he promised to pay us monthly for a fat stack of cash!" *Clung onto Y/n's arm*

Mandy growled but noticed Peach getting off of Glimmer and walking towards her. Y/n tried to stop her but the others prevented him.

Peach: "Miss Mandy, was it? Believe it or not, Y/n saved these girls and this town from a psychotic lunatic monster who tried to force me into marrying him. I suggest you and your friends give him respect."

Mandy: "Who asked you, Pinky?"

Y/n felt uncomfortable about this but Peach, on the other hand, was confident. She turned her face to Y/n and winked at him, knowing she's confident enough. Before Peach she could verbally fight back...

????: "Oi! What's goin' on here?"

Everyone turned to see S/n in her punk outfit walking towards the group as she blew her bubble gum and her bosom bouncing in movement. Most of the guys were ogling her chest and the girls were jealous but S/n brushed it off. She approached Mandy and her friends and went into defensive mode.

S/n: "Is that any way to greet the Superstars of Beverly Hills?"

Mandy: *Disbelief to see S/n* "Who...? Who are you... Supposed to be...?"

S/n: "S/n L/n." *Looms over Mandy* "What are ya, president of the Sour Grape Bunch?"

The girls, mostly Clover, snickered at S/n's insult to Mandy, who didn't take it kindly.

Mandy: "Hey! Nobody tries to insult me like that!"

S/n: "Well, says the brat who doesn't care for anyone but herself.

The crowd gasped in surprise as Mandy was ticked off!

Mandy: "Grrr!! Who are you calling a brat, Ms. Biker-Hog Chest?"

S/n: "Me, Ms. Flat Board." *Smirked*

It made the crowd a little more wild from the roast but Y/n stepped in to prevent rising tensions.

Y/n: "That's enough!" *Turns to S/n* "Sis, thanks for your defense but the insults aren't necessary." *Then turns to Mandy* "And as for you, say any more rude insults to my sis, Peach and the girls, and you're gonna regret it, guaranteed."

Mandy said nothing as she and her cronies remained silent and walked out as she glared at the heroes, mostly the Y/n Brothers.

Clover: "I'm starting to see why you two have unbreakable Brooklyn backbones."

Y/n: "We grew up in Flatbush and as I grew older, big sis taught me self defense."

S/n: "Too true, lil' bro. Speaking of which, I just enrolled into Malibu."

Y/n: "And you didn't even tell us?"

S/n: "I was saving it for a surprise until Little Miss Sour Grape spoiled it."

Peach: "You two are full of surprises." *Smiles as she sees Y/n blushing*

Clover: "Anyway, since Peach & S/n are new in Malibu, we'll give you the tour."

Sam: "We know Mali-U from the back of our hands."

Britney: "Except for me."

Alex: "Don't worry, Britney. Sammy, Clover and I will cover for you."

S/n: "Sounds good to me."

Y/n: "I better tag along, just to make sure all of you don't get into trouble."


The group are in Fine Arts as the Art Professor was unsure of Glimmer being present in an art class but Y/n promised to have the Yoshi to behave himself.

Art Professor: "Good morning, students. Welcome back, since the schools have been postponed since a disturbance was caused. Today, we'll express ourselves through art, such as painting, sculpting, water colors and more. Whatever flows through your creativity, make your art come to life."

Peach: *Whispers to Clover* "What does he mean?"

Clover: *Whispers back* "He means you can draw whatever you want."

Y/n noticed that Glimmer was sniffing the paint bottles and before he could eat them...

Y/n: *Whispers* "Glimmer! Paint is not used for eating!"

Glimmer sighed but obeyed Y/n's warning. Everybody started painting as S/n got an idea. She grabbed a couple of paint bottles for Y/n & Peach, gave them the bottles, and started. Y/n was concentrating while painting as Peach was doing the same. Glimmer was looking for a paint bottle that matches the color on his skin, but had no luck. He found a yellow paint bottle and tried to open it, but it was locked shut. Glimmer tried to squeeze it open and squirted out yellow paint all over Mandy.

Mandy: "Ah!! Watch it, ya big-nosed dodo!"

S/n got her art tools and painted red circles on Mandy's cheeks, brown stripes on back and a black dot on her nose.

S/n: "Who's that Pokemon?"

The class laughed as Mandy looked at herself in the mirror and screamed!

Mandy: *Screams in horror* "Look at what you've done to me!"

Y/n was getting nervous but he was minutes away being finished.

Peach: "All done!"

The mushroom princess showed the class her painting of a portrait of her castle back in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Art Professor: "My goodness! A magnificent piece of art!"

Peach: "Thanks. This is the place where I grew up."

Art Professor: "How inspiring. What about you, Ms. L/n?"

S/n showed her artwork of the Starry Night Sky, Super Mario style.

S/n: "Whaddya think?"

Art Professor: "It's... It's..."

Mandy: "Horrible, Lame, Really stupid?"

Art Professor: "It's incredible, Ms. L/n! And Mr. L/n?"

Y/n was still painting but Peach took a look at it.

Peach: *Looked at Y/n's painting and blushed* "Nice painting, Pretty face."

S/n smiled as she showed Y/n's painting of a resemblance of Peach, like the stained glass in her own castle.

A/n: "Please note that I don't this image either."

Art Professor: "Ah. There's nothing like inspiring someone who's romantically in love."

Everyone was impressed except for Mandy, who was jealous as Y/n tips his hat down in embarrassment. Peach giggled and comforted him. The girls admired Y/n's painting.


The group were now in fashion class, where it was led by a professional designer.

"Professor Plunkett!"

Plunkett: "Bonjour, everyone." *Sees Peach* "You are a new student in my class, non?"

Peach: "Sure am, I'm Peach."

Then Plunkett noticed Glimmer.

Plunkett: "Sacre bleu! Is that a dinosaur!? What is it doing in my classroom?!"

Y/n: "Excuse my friend, Glimmer. He means no harm."

Peach: "Plus, he has no one to look after."

S/n: "And of course, lil' bro prefers to have him with us instead of alone."

Plunkett: "Hmm... Very well, I will allow it once."

S/n only glared at Y/n who felt embarrassed.

Plunkett: "Today, we will learn about dresses and gowns. Helas, I received a call from our model and informed she caught a cold. However, I will be asking any of you to volunteer for today's lesson?"

Mandy: "Better me than her." *Points to Peach* "I'll volunteer."

S/n: "I'll pass. Besides, no fabric can hold up my bazookas."

Y/n: "Come on, sis. You loved to cosplay back in highschool."

Plunkett observed S/n as he made his own decision.

Plunkett: "I made my decision, Mesdemoiselles L/n and Peach. You two will volunteer."

Peach: "All right. Let's see what this class is made of."


Y/n was holding down Glimmer to make sure he didn't make any trouble. After Peach was finished, she showed Y/n her dress.

Peach: "How do I look, Y/n?"

A/n: "This art belongs to ellenent from DeviantArt!"

Y/n: "Leaping lasagna!" *Blushes*

Alex: "We want to show you S/n's, but her chest is too huge for any gown.

Clover: "So huge, Plunkett nearly fainted, but he'll be alright."

Sam: "I can see why she S/n doesn't do fashion well."


Y/n and girls were in P.E. as he was with Glimmer, waiting for the S/n & Peach. When S/n was out, she was in her workout clothes as she brushed off the awes from the men.

Boys: "What a goddess!"

S/n: *Scoffs* "Dude, frankly I have to tell ya, I'm like, totally mortified."

Y/n: *Smirked* "Just be glad it's not fashion class."

S/n only glared as Peach arrived in her gym outfit.

A/n: "This art belongs to CutePlussie from DeviantArt!"

Sam, Clover Alex & Britney awed as Peach as Y/n awed the most.

Y/n: "Mamma Mia..."

Coach: "Alright, students. Today, we'll get fit by testing our physical flexibility by using this new obstacle course."

The Y/n Bros. looked outside to see the exact same obstacle course back in the Mushroom Kingdom, only for it to be enhanced. Everybody went outside as the Coach demonstrated the course.

S/n: "Dude, this is like taking American Ninja Warrior to the next level!"

Coach: "The people from somewhere called the Mushroom Kingdom paid us with this strange but challenging course. Anyone who would be interested in volunteering?"

Peach: "I'll do it. Everyone, watch and learn." *Winks at Y/n*

Everyone watched as Peach entered the entrance of the course. She jumped over a gap of spikes, wall jumped some floating blocks and did a perfect mid-air backflip. She then jumps onto the trapeze bar and swings onto the mechanical Piranha Plants, one by one sprinting towards a fake firebar. She slid under and and long jumped into before a mecha Piranha Plant attacked her. She landed on the platform, swung on honeycomb wedges, next swinging on the slingshot cradles and finally on a spring in the middle of some spikes, jumped back up, wall-jumped a couple of blocks again and flew through mid-air. She landed on a block-platform so she had the momentum to run onto the rope swing, jump, and perform a flying kick to a cardboard cutout of Bowser, destroying it. Next she was on Donut Blocks, meaning they turn red and fall down, but with determination she kept on running. While running, Bullet Bill Blasters loaded with fake Bullet Bills fired towards her. The plucky princess felt confident and smirked. She jumped off the block from bullet to bullet and as she saw the last bullet, she somersaulted off it, grabbed the top of the Goal Flagpole and slid down as she dusted herself and panted slowly from the running. Everybody was amazed, including the coach... Except for Mandy.

Coach: "Well, I'll be! I never witnessed anything like that before!"

Peach: "Nothing personal. Of course, someone did learn from me."

Y/n blushed and chuckled as the girls were amazed. Mandy, on the other hand, can bear her rivals' growing popularity.

Mandy: "Can this get any worse!?"

S/n: "Like this?"

Mandy saw S/n lifted two 50 lb dumbbells with her own hands. She flexed her muscles to the others as the boys, excluding Y/n, awed at the punk girl's assets.

Y/n: *Facepalms* "Mamma mia... I don't think I can take this popularity much longer."

Alex: "At least Mandy is eating her heart out."


The group were eating lunch as Y/n was drinking water, being nervous about tomorrow. The girls took notice.

Clover: "What's the matter, Y/n?"

Y/n: "Tomorrow's Koopa's criminal trial and so far I'm way beyond anxious. I never testify against anyone! Nervous Noodles!"

Sam: "Don't worry, Y/n. You saved us from him and we're really grateful."

Britney: "You can say that again."

Peach: "Plus, we're the heroes of Beverly Hills. The girls are the victims and you, S/n and I are the witnesses."

Y/n: "True, but have you ever testified to somebody against them, Peach?"

Peach: "I was raised in the Mushroom Kingdom, ya know."

S/n: "Believe it or not, Peach trained us on the course ever since we first arrived in the kingdom.

Peach: "You wouldn't believe how long it took Pretty Face to beat it."

The girls look at Y/n, tips his hat down in embarrassment.

Sam: "Don't feel bad, Y/n. Not everybody's perfect."

Y/n: "Big sis told me the same about our first plumbing job."

S/n: "You should've seen him struggle on those attempts but on the last one, he ALMOST made it."

Alex: "We'd be very impressed with you, Y/n."

Britney: "We are now."

Before Y/n could respond, Mandy marched up to the group.

Mandy: "Alright, Super Loser Brothers! You and Princess Pinky may be popular but rest assured, I'm the most popular girl in Beverly Hills!"

S/n: "Oh really? Did you stand up to Koopa when he appeared in town?"

Mandy: *Stutters* "No! I hid for safety!"

Clover: "That didn't help much. He can smell fear."

Y/n: "If we were you, I'd stay away from him."

Peach: "Yeah. This guy's a lunatic. A psycho. He will eat you for breakfast. He won't even notice it but he will, probably because you're very, very mean, selfish, oblivious and obnoxious."

Mandy: "Yeah, right! I'll believe it when I see it. So sayanora!"

The group could see that Mandy wasn't going to listen as she left them be.

Y/n: "I've got a feeling she's gonna end up in trouble when she meets Koopa in person."

S/n: "Like that will ever happen, Lil' bro. Koopa's looked up in the slammer."

Sam: "Speaking of which, we should be ready for tomorrow since we're summoned over at the courthouse."

Y/n: "I'll have to close up shop tomorrow for administrative leave."

S/n: "Don't worry, for those are employed with us. You'll be on paid administrative leave."

Alex: "Nice."

Clover: "This'll be the biggest day of my life tomorrow."

Y/n was wondering how Jerry would find out about this...


Inside W.O.O.H.P. HQ, Jerry was uploading the information into the agency's network.

Jerry: "I pity the girls for being held against their will by this new foul felon."

The spy director watched the monitor of Bowser in his W.O.O.H.P. cell, still in his mini form.


Jerry sighed as he shook his head at the wrathful warlord, his grudge against Y/n hasn't let go. Although, he WAS well aware that Bowser is expected to be in court. Luckily, thanks to Peach, he found evidence against him.

Jerry: "The girls and the Y/n Brothers better in by the time the trial starts."


Sure enough, the girls appeared as told to and their mothers will testify on their behalf. As for Peach, Y/n & S/n will testify on behalf of the girls as well. The judge will not allow Bowser, who was in his cage, to speak because any word he says will be used against him. The spy mothers confessed their testimonies to the court.

Stella: "Your Honor, our daughters are the most precious beings in the whole wide world. The risks of seeing them scorched from existence were too great."

Gabriella: "The moment when we heard that our girls were tortured and my own daughter, Samantha had her hair yanked by the defendant, I was really horrified by her tragedy."

Carmen: "If it wasn't for the Y/n Brothers and their bravery, we would never see our beautiful daughters again."

Stella: *Almost bursted into tears* "We can never forgive ourselves for our negligence."

The crowd and jury felt the victim's pity as Bowser huffed.

Prosecutor: "Ms. Ewing, would you please tell the court about your acquaintance with the defendant?"

Before Clover could speak, the courtroom doors opened as Jerry walked in.

Jerry: "Pardon the belated interruptions, Your Honor. I have the evidence to present."

Judge: "Your appearance is appreciated, Mr.-"

Jerry: "Lewis. Jerry Lewis, Your Honor."

Judge: "According to your records, you're a head director of a top-secret spy organization, that the name and your occupation is withheld and forbidden to be revealed from public, correct?"

Jerry: "Yes, Your Honor."

Prosecutor: "Mr. Lewis, the court would like for you to present any evidence that's against the defendant."

Jerry did what the prosecutor requested as he pulled out a DVD projector as he pulled down a projector screen.

Jerry: "I have some surveillance footage of the girls who were imprisoned by the defendant, but a word of caution; the footage is a bit disturbing."

The W.O.O.H.P. director plays the projector as the footage shows Alex, Sam, Clover & Britney being chased by a mob of Dry Bones, Boos and Ghosts while they were in the Dark Lands. The crowd was shocked about it. What's worse for Bowser, the footage shows the girls caught by the Shy Guy Squad, took them to Bowser, losing patience, yanked Sam's hair and imprisoned them in cages while being hung over a pool of lava. The crowd was devastated by the Koopa King's actions.

S/n: *Whispers to Y/n with a grin* "Do ya think Jerry's got footage about Bowser's song?"

Y/n: *Whispers back* "We can only hope."

Prosecutor: "Any other evidence you would like to present to the court?"

Jerry: "Just one more and there's one which is mostly disturbing."

Bowser's face changed when he's frantic about his personal song of Peach and his worst fear was realized. The video shows Bowser singing his song for Peach as most of the jury, the girls, their mothers and audience cringed, resist to puke, the Y/n Brothers shook their heads in displeasure but mostly, Peach was truly disgusted. The Koopa King felt really embarrassed as Jerry ended the video.

Y/n: *Cringes* "Horrible turn of events, horrible."

Judge: "I believed the court's seen enough evidence, Mr. Lewis. Thank you."

Jerry: "My pleasure, Your Honor."

Prosecutor: "Will the witnesses please take the stand?"

The siblings and princess stood before the court as the clerk was holding the bible. The three placed their left hands on the bible and raised their right hands as they took off their hats.

Court Clerk: "Do you all solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, to help God?"

Y/n, S/n & Peach: *Simultaneously* "We do."

Judge: "Princess Peach Toadstool? Would you be kind enough for the court to give your testimony?"

Peach: "With pleasure."

The princess had confidence within herself as she took the witness box.

Prosecutor: "Name and occupation, please."

Peach: "Princess Peach Toadstool of the Mushroom Kingdom."

Prosecutor: "According to Mr. Lewis, you were found and raised into a monarch of a distant land called the Mushroom Kingdom, correct?"

Peach: "Correct, sir."

Prosecutor: "How are you acquainted with the defendant?"

The princess took a deep breath, exhaled as she glared in disgust at Bowser, who chuckled sheepishly.

Peach: "During my time in the Mushroom Kingdom, after I was found by the Toads and their council, it's like a beautiful place to be called home, until the infamous king of Koopas appeared unexpectedly. He kidnapped me, stalked me and forced me to marry him against my will. Even worse, he tried to ritualistically sacrifice many innocent lives, including the four victims, 'in honor' for me, which I find very unacceptable!"

The crowd and jury gasped and muttered as the court felt the princess's pity.

Judge: "I sympathize with your tragedy, Princess."

Peach: "Thank you, Your Honor."

Prosecutor: "Does the defendant commit these crimes most of your life?"

Peach: "Correct. After I was crowned princess by my people, he still sees me as a mere human but still looks down on everybody else. He obviously doesn't care for everyone but me and himself."

Prosecutor: "Yet, what do you think of the defendant after he was defeated?"

Peach: "I'll tell the court what I think of him, after what he has done over the past many years, I think of as a disgusting double-crossing cowardly bully. First, he stole the Super Star from the Snow Kingdom and was planning to use its invincibility power to destroy the Mushroom Kingdom and its people. Then he sabotaged the Great Kong Army, next launching a Bomber Bill targeting my castle and now he's begging for my forgiveness?! I think not!!"

Y/n grinned at Bowser, knowing she's speaking with her heart out on the Koopa King.

Peach: "You should be REALLY ashamed of yourself for almost killing my new friends! Is it too much to ask to accept rejection?! When I say, I really mean no! Unlike you, Y/n cares for anyone, no matter what they look like! You're nothing but a bratty selfish overlord with no brain nor heart! You should've known better! Besides, I've already found a perfect match!"

Bowser *Stood up, still tiny* "YOU BETTER NOT BE DATING THAT WEAKLING, Y/N!!"

The crowd and jury were startled by the tiny villain's outrage but the judge hit his gravel a few times.

Judge: "Order in this court! King Koopa, nobody gave you the right to speak. Anything else you dare speak will be used against you. I recommend you sit down, remain silent and listen to the witness's testimony!" *To Peach* "Apologies, Princess Toadstool. Thank you for your testimony."

Peach: "You're welcome, Your Honor."

Prosecutor: "May the Y/n Brothers take the stand to testify?"

S/n took the stand but the Judge wanted to hear one testimony from at least one witness at a time.

Judge: "Ms. L/n, the court would like to hear your testimony."

Prosecutor: "Name and occupation, please."

S/n: "S/n L/n. Full-time waitress, arcade clerk and assistant and a plumber of the Super Y/n Brothers Plumbing Service."

Prosecutor: "Ms. L/n, care to tell the court why the defendant did what he did?"

S/n: "I'll take the question. In my perspective, Koopa is a simple-minded creature, but remains a total threat to human society. Why? He doesn't think ahead. Never pays attention to what he's doing because he only cares to destroy his targets. Take my lil' brother as an example. Y/n and I were new to the Mushroom Kingdom then we found our new lil' buddy, Toad, and showed us his way to the Mushroom Castle. If it wasn't for him, we would never find our friends, Alex, Sammy, Clove n' Britney."

Prosecutor: "Let's go back. When Princess Toadstool mentioned about the defendant launching this "Bomber Bill", what did you and your brother do?"

S/n: "My lil' bro used his tanooki tail to get the Banzai Bill's attention by hitting it's eye. He stopped before it blew the castle but chased after us."

Judge: "How did you and Mr. L/n manage to avoid getting blown by the Banzai Bill?"

S/n: "He and I managed to lure that Bomber Bill into the Warp Zone but we didn't realize that it caused a chain-reaction."

Prosecutor: "Since you shared your side of the testimony, the court would like to hear your brother's testimony."

Judge: "Your time in the court is appreciated, Ms. L/n."

S/n: "Thanks, Your Honor."

S/n left the stand as Y/n was the last witness to testify.

Judge: "Mr. Y/n L/n of the Super Y/n Brothers, correct?"

Y/n: "Yes, Your Honor."

Prosecutor: "Occupation, please."

Y/n: "I'm a restaurant and arcade manager and owner of a place called Arcade Mania. I'm also the head of the Super Y/n Brothers Plumbing Service."

Prosecutor: "During the day of the incident, was it true that you brought the defendant into Beverly Hills."

Y/n: "Yes. Guilty as charged."

Judge: "We mentioned from your sister that you and she lead the Bomber Bill away from the Mushroom Kingdom, correct?"

Y/n: "Yes. Like she said. That Banzai Bill has an incredible blast radius. One single hit from that missile and you go KABOOM with everything around the Bomber Bill's surroundings."

Prosecutor: "How was it possible for you, your sister, the victims and the defendant to be back here in Beverly Hills?"

Y/n: "Believe it or not, there's a tunnel system called the Warp Zone, which not only brought me, my big sis and the girls over here, but it was the only way to get rid of the Banzai Bill. However, what I really didn't think through was that the blast radius of the Bomber Bill would increase the Warp Pipe's suction range. That's how not only the defendant got here but his entire ship too."

Jerry: "I have the surveillance of it too."

The spy director plays the projector as the footage shows the video of Y/n & S/n preventing the Bomber Bill from destroying the kingdom. Then the missile chased while the siblings were leading it away from the kingdom and into the Warp Pipe. Next, the Bomber Bill exploded as the pipe's suction range increased significantly. The crowd and jury were shocked and impressed.

Judge: "A daring and cunning maneuver, Mr. L/n."

Y/n: "Thanks, Your Honor... I guess."

Prosecutor: "Since you brought the defendant here, why didn't you retreat from his rebellious rampage?"

Bowser: *Still raging small* "I'll tell you why, HE JUST DON'T KNOW WHEN TO QUIT!!!" *Gritting his teeth*

Y/n shook his head in annoyance as the Judge glared at the shameful Koopa King. Which, of course, silenced Bowser.

Y/n: "As I was saying, after being pummeled by the narcissistic tyrant. It was not only to me but up to me and sis because we were Beverly Hills's last line of defense."

The whole courtroom remained silent as Y/n went on testifying.

Y/n: "Believe it or not, all this fiasco was my own fault, I got the victims into danger and I had no other choice to rescue them. Thanks to Toad, we managed to find Princess Peach, the bravest damsel I've ever seen. She helped me train on how to go through tough obstacles. In the Jungle Kingdom, their king refused to lend us his army, but I stepped in because their king is stubborn... and cranky. So, as part of a deal, I defeated his brawny son, Donkey Kong, after being beaten sensely."

Prosecutor: "And you refused to give up?"

Y/n: "Correct. The Kong king located the defendant's ship and they planned a secret passage for us. We drove on karts to get there faster to ambush the Koopa Troop, but their intelligence told their leader of what happened and ambushed us first. My big sis, DK, I was nearly on the brink of death by a treacherous Blue Shell kamikaze and almost got digested by a giant eel."

The crowd and jury were amazed by Y/n's side of the testimony.

Judge: "Even if you were eaten alive by a giant eel, how did you three escape?"

Y/n: "Simple, there was one rocket barrel remaining and we made our escape from the sea beast. DK, big sis and I fought our way to Bowser's Castle to save the four ladies. Clover was almost at Death's Door but swooped in and saved her just in time."

Jerry quietly played the footage of Y/n, S/n and Donkey Kong fighting Bowser's Minions, on their way to rescue their friends. The crowd was impressed by the heroes' actions as Bowser glared at Y/n, full of hatred. What impressed the jury, is when Tanooki Y/n saved Clover from being boiled alive. The girls and their mothers were crying tears of joy.

Prosecutor: "How did you, your sister and the victims defeat the defendant?"

Y/n: "Simple, Peach kicked a Koopa Shell at the Super Star while Kamek was holding it with his magic. Koopa tried to kill and get it first, but Clove, Sam, Brit and Al jumped in time and blocked off the defendant's bad breath. We ran up to the Super Star as fast as we could."

Judge: "Did the defendant attempt to kill all of you?"

Y/n: "He did... Or so he thought." *To Bowser with a grin* "We grabbed the Super Star just in time and gave him a taste of his own medicine."

Prosecutor: "Even if you spared his life, what do you think of him now that he's finally getting what he deserves?"

Y/n: "What do I think, you ask? I'm glad you asked and I'm more than pleased to answer. The way I see it, The defendant is nothing more than a muckle nuisance. The reason why most innocent lives were almost lost was because of a lovesick predator in denial! Most importantly, he doesn't deserve to date anyone until he truly has learned his lesson. However, that seems impossible. No amount of therapy can ever redeem himself. The truth is very cold but obvious. Even if Koopa gets out from behind bars, I vowed to protect Beverly Hills and the Mushroom Kingdom from him and his evil army, no matter what!"

Bowser: *Eyes glow red in rage, still tiny* "I LIKE TO SEE TRY, YOU WORTHLESS WEAK LITTLE NOTHING!!"

Judge: *Slams gavel* "Enough!" *To Y/n* "Mr. L/n. Your testimony and appearance has been appreciated by the court."

Y/n: "My pleasure, Your Honor."

The crowd, jury, Jerry, Peach and the girls clapped for Y/n's testimony and oath to protect both worlds from Bowser. Speaking of which, the Koopa King was sulking and suffering in humiliation as the courtroom began to chatter negative comments to him.









Judge: *Slams gavel again* "ORDER! ORDER!!" *The crowd calms down* "Thank you. King Bowser Koopa, you are hereby charged with attempted mass murder, attempted genocide, attempted populicide, attempted usurpation, attempted forced marriage, attempted world domination, mass kidnapping, conspiracy, terrorism, mass property damage, torture, assault and battery, theft, abuse of power, stalking, arson, extortion, slavery, invasion, unlawful imprisonment, sexual harassment, conducting an illegal war, intentionally killing or harming civilians, forced displacement, taking civilians hostage, cruel and inhumane treatment to prisoners, torture & executing prisoners, using weapons of mass destructions and attempted murder of Y/n & S/n L/n. Has the jury reached the verdict?"

Juror: *Stands up* "We have, honor. We, the jury, find the defendant, King Bowser Koopa, GUILTY of all charges."

Judge: "Very well. King Bowser, rise for sentencing."

The Koopa King stands up, still in his mini form, inside his cage. He was BEYOND frantic as the heroes had smiles of satisfaction on their faces. Y/n was mostly crossing his fingers.

Judge: "From what I've heard from Princess Toadstool earlier before the trial started that you quoted: 'I show no remorse and I would kill anyone for her repeatedly until I get what I wanted. She knows how to make me come out of my shell,' is truly unacceptable."

Bowser said nothing as he hid his head in his shell.

Judge: "Bowser Koopa, given the severity of the war crimes, I have no other choice but to impose the maximum penalty allowed by the law: Life imprisonment in Pelican Bay State Prison, Crescent City."

Bowser: "WHAAAAAT!?!?"

Judge: "Furthermore, you will have to attend mandatory court-ordered therapy as a reminder of your sentence and attend to the administrative facility. Let this be a valuable lesson and punishment for the likes of you!"

The cops begin to escort Bowser away in his cage as begin to rant.

Bowser: *Squeaky voice* "HEY! WAIT! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME!! I'M INNOCENT!!"

S/n: "Tell that to the warden, Koopa!"

Bowser: *Squeaky voice* " HEY! You schmucks can't do this to me! ARGH! I hope you're happy, Y/n Brothers!! You've destroyed my life!! The Koopa Troop is dead! When will everybody fear me now?! This will only get much worse for me BECAUSE OF YOU!!!" *Pointed to the heroes as he was out of sight*

Y/n: *Shook his head* "Stubborn as a nail..."

S/n: "He could've been smart enough to give her some personal space."

Jerry: "Not to worry, I've hired some professional from W.O.O.H.P. to keep a close eye on him."

Sam: "Am I glad that's over."

Clover: *Romantically* "I don't think we can ever thank you enough, Y/n!"

Y/n: *Blushes* "Nothing personal. Just doing my thing."

Alex: "Do you think Bowser's mini form will wear out?"

Peach: "Don't worry. Jerry will make sure he'll stay in that way."

Britney: "Let us hope so."

Y/n: "Speaking of victory, how about head on over back to Arcade Mania to celebrate? My treat!"

Stella: "Gladly! I've wanted to try some of your other dishes!"



Music Insert: "Flip Flop & Fly" (By Ellis Hall)

It was lunch rush hour but the Y/n Brothers were hosting a victory party to celebrate the Koopa King's sentencing. The whole town of Beverly Hills went to join the fun and food. Inside the music was jamming as everybody was partying, dancing and playing like there was no tomorrow.

Y/n: "Enjoy the time while it lasts, folks! The buffet's on me, but don't go nuts!"

The plumber couldn't help but smile to see his customers enjoying themselves as he approached his own employees.

Y/n: "Well, girls, Beverly Hills just got a whole better."

Clover: "Totally."

S/n: "Hope we get our own payday sooner."

Y/n: "We can only hope. In the meantime, why not enjoy the night?"

Britney: "Sounds exciting!"

Y/n: "Well, let's boogie, Brooklyn style!!"

Sure enough, Y/n twirled Clover around and danced with her as they entered the floor. The blondie was swung on the dance floor by the Mushroom Kingdom hero and was having the time of her life. The others sighed romantically as S/n was quick to the notice. Then she saw Alex sobbing.

S/n: "Something wrong, Al?"

Alex: *Sniffling as she smiled* "No. Moments like this, makes the job worth a while. I feel proud for all of us."

Britney: "So do we, Alex." *Comforting Alex*

Sam: "Guess Clover will have Y/n for the party all night."

S/n: "True, but hey! Who says girls can't dance with each other? C'mon, Sammy!"

Sam: "?"

S/n suddenly grabbed Sam and danced away on the dancefloor as Alex & Britney.

Britney: "Wanna dance?"

Alex: "....Sure, why not?"

The last duo entered the dancefloor to have fun while the night's still young. Meanwhile Y/n and Clover were swing dancing like crazy. So was S/n and Sam. Most of the partygoers watched Y/n and Clover, including the others. The hero twirled the blonde spy around him, tuck turned, underarm turned and Clover performed a back-flip.

Y/n: "You go, ragazza!!"

Meanwhile S/n and Sam dance the same way Y/n & Clover did. They performed the disco finger move and the double arm swing. And Britney twirled Alex as they danced and they performed the butterfly dance move together.

Britney: "This is the most fun I had in my life!"

Alex: "Totally!!"

S/n & Sam were doing the tango and the tomboy helped the redhead spy perform a flip.

Sam *Dancing with S/n* "You and Y/n know how to dance!"

S/n: *Dancing with Sam* "You should've seen him dance with Destiny Del Vecchio. He went really crazy!"

Speaking of Y/n, he spun Clover around, threw her up high as she almost touched the ceiling and Y/n caught as he struck a dance pose. Everyone cheered for Y/n and Clover as she kissed her hero on the lips!

Y/n: *Turns to the audience* "Til next time, do the Mario!"


To be continued...

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