Chapter 3: The Mushroom Kingdom! The Pretty Princess in Pink!

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"Welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom!" (Composed by Brian Tyler)

Our next chapter opens in the beautiful city of Toad Town where the Super Y/n Brothers follow their new friend, Toad, to the princess's castle. Everywhere, there are many Toads but in many different colors.

Toad: "This way, guys! The princess lives right on that hill!"

Y/n: "That tall hill in the middle?"

Toad: "Yep! Come on!"

Y/n & S/n followed Toad as they moved and looked around as they saw Toads collecting coins from Coin Block Booths, shopping items and souvenirs from stores and much more. Y/n was bewildered from witnessing the whole city, meanwhile, Toad was leading the siblings through.

Toad: "Excuse me, everybody, coming through. Got a big adventure happening right now. Just clear a path for us. If I could just... Excuse me..."

While passing through the crowds, the Toads were bewildered by Y/n & S/n's presence as a red Toad dropped a coin and Y/n picked it up and gave it back to him.

Y/n: "Gives the Toad the coin* "Here ya go."

Toad: *loudly* "Excuse me, everybody, come through! The friends of these guys are going to die imminently! Out of the way, please!"

Y/n & S/n: "Wait, WHAT!?"

Toad: *normally, to Y/n & S/n* "Just trying to clear a path. That's all I'm doing. They're gonna be fine. Chanterelle!"

Chanterelle: "Morning!"

Toad: "Nice to see ya, bud!"

The siblings started to follow Toad quickly to avoid getting lost or separated.

Toad: "And, up we go."

S/n: "Wait up, little dude!"

The trio got on an escalator platform, which took them up. The gate opens in front of them, Y/n & S/n follow Toad on a moving platform.Toad & S/n hopped onto the next platform, Y/n missed the jump but grabbed onto the edge. Y/n gets up and breathes heavily, before running after S/n Toad.

S/n: "Come on, lil' bro! Keep it up!"

Toad and S/n continue running through the kingdom, and Toad whistles to Y/n, who was waving at a Toad, to get his attention. Y/n gets off the rising platform and follows him onto bricks that float above a Toad crowd below. Y/n tries not to fall.

Y/n: *pants* "Whoa! Okay, so these bricks are just floatin' here?"

S/n: *Sees Y/n caught up* "Surprised that we didn't fall though." *Turns to Toad* "What now?"

Toad: "Just pop in this pipe and we're on our way!" *Shows them the clear pipe*

S/n: "Really?"

Toad: "It's the only way to fly, man." *Jumps into the clear pipe* "Woo!"

S/n: *Nervous* "Yeah, I'm not sure my chest-"

Y/n: "In ya go!"

Y/n pushed S/n into the pipe but her chest was too big. Sure enough she was stuck but the pipe inhaled her whole.

Y/n: "You're welcome!" *Dives into the clear pipe*

In the pipes, Y/n gets dragged across, hitting every corner, while Toad was having a smooth ride. S/n was being dragged as well. Her chest and figure is making her pipe cruise uncomfortable but she's not gonna back herself down. First, out came Toad and then S/n. He helped the tomboy gamer, popped her out of the pipe and fell over another one. Meanwhile, Y/n was last to come out, but was confused which pipe Toad & S/n. He gets in the wrong pipe and comes out of another.

Y/n: "Huh?"

He gets in the wrong pipe and comes out of another. He tried a few more times to see which pipe is the right one but he found himself in a maze of pipes.

Y/n: *Getting annoyed* "BRUH!!"

A few moments later...

Y/n finally comes out of the correct pipe at the top of the hill. He looks completely worn out and dizzy.

Y/n: *Tumbles head first to the ground.* "Ohh...*

S/n: "You alright, lil' bro?"

Y/n: "Yeah. I need a minute."

Toad: "No time! Here we are. Palace doors. Bing bang boom!" *Y/n gets up, and straightens his hat while staring in awe at the castle* "Come on!" *laughs* "Woo!"

S/n and Y/n followed Toad as they ran towards the castle.

Y/n & S/n were amazed by the castle's presence.

Y/n: *Quietly* "Wow..."

Toad: "Pretty impressive, am I right? *The two get stopped by two guards at the palace doors*

"Yellow Toad & Blue Toad!"

Blue T.: "Hold it right there, you three!"

Y/n: *Startled but act professional* "Hello. Sorry to interrupt. We need to see the princess. It's an emergency."

S/n: "Yeah, dude. We need her help, literally."

The two Toads smirked cheekily.

Blue T.: "What princess?

Yellow T.: "I've never heard of any princess."

Blue T.: "Oh, wait, I did. Our princess, though, is in another castle."

Yellow T.: "Oh, yeah, that's right."

Blue T.: "You should try another castle, maybe. She ain't in this one."

Yellow T.: "Nope."

S/n: "Okay. Are you two trying to push our buttons?"

Toad: "Okay, so they're messing with you. And... I don't like it."

Toad takes out his frying pan, screams a battle cry, places his camping equipment down, and makes food for them, much to siblings' confusion.

Toad: "What do you guys, um... What do you wanna eat? Anything, anything your hearts desire. *Whispers to Y/n & S/n* "Go! Go!" *To the guards* "I am ready to scramble it up.*

Y/n: *Whispers back to Toad* "Thanks, lil' buddy! We owe ya one!"

Toad: *Smiles & thoughts to himself* "He called me a lil' buddy."

Y/n and S/n snuck in through the palace doors, but they stopped to notice some more guards. The guards were discussing and laughing but the siblings pretended to be stoic and saluted the guards while walking by them; the guards saluted them back. However, just as they dropped the look and ran, the guards realized the intruders.

Green Toad Guard: "Intruders!"

Purple Toad Guard: "Stop them!"

Y/n: *Only shrieked*

S/n: "Run, bro! Run!!"

Many Toad guards were chasing them as the siblings were on their way to find the princess.

Meanwhile, in the castle's throne room, a council of Toads are gathered around a hologram that opens from the ground. The hologram shows a world map of the Mushroom Kingdom, displaying all the surrounding areas, islands, including Bowser's ship. The council's general spoke up.

"The Toad General!"

Toad General: "Council, your attention please. Bowser has found the Super Star and is headed toward our kingdom. Its power will make him invincible. We will be destroyed."

All the Toads gasped while one fainted.

Yellow Council Toad: "Princess, What are we gonna do?"

Princess: "I will not let him hurt you all."

Their ruler got off her throne and walked down the stairs. This is the famous princess of the Mushroom Kingdom.

"Princess Peach!"

Peach: "We are going to stop Bowser."

Yellow Council Toad: "How? Look at us. We're adorable." *Makes a puppy face, followed by others*

Peach: "I'm going to convince the great Kong army to help us. Together, we'll annihilate that heartless monster.

Toad General: "Impossible. Their mad king doesn't make alliances. The Kongs will never agree."

Peach: "I can convince him. I'll leave for the Jungle Kingdom in the morning."

The whole council watched as she exited the room.

Toad General: "Good luck, princess. For all our sake."

Peach walks through the halls, thinking to herself, until she hears footsteps. From her point of view, Y/n & S/n appeared, making another sloppy turn, and dashed towards her. Everything goes in slow-motion as Y/n becomes glad to have found her. Little did he know that he stared in awe as she saw his face.

Y/n: *In slow-motion* "Princess!"

As Y/n reaches out for Peach's hand, he is suddenly flipped onto his back by Peach; normal.

Y/n: "Ow!" *Groaned* "Your majesty, I presume?"

S/n: "Lil' bro!" *Halberds suddenly surrounded her*

The Toad Guards found the siblings as they cornered S/n while several guards restrained Y/n, causing him to scream and cry in agony.

Peach: "Wait! Release them!"

The guards back away from them, before one of them gives Y/n another kick.

Y/n: "Ow... Well, that's one way to meet a princess."

Peach: "Whoa..." *Looks closely at Y/n and S/n* "Are you...?" *gasps* "They're humans! I mean, you are humans, right?" *Starts inspecting Y/n* "It's just, you're the same as my height." *And inspects S/n* "And you-" *Sees her chest* "My goodness..."

S/n: "Not the first time someone has seen my bosom."

Peach: "Wait, wait, wait. L-Let's go back. Where did you come from?"

Y/n: "Okay. S/n, my friends; Alex, Sam, Clover, Britney and I were sucked into a pipe. Big sis and I ended up here but the others are lost... s-somewhere in the Dark Lands!"

Peach: "Then it's only a matter of time until they're captured by Bowser. But you're in luck — I'm on my way to stop him."

Y/n: "Really?"

S/n: "Perfect! Take us with you! We'll help!"

Peach: "Hold on. This guy's a lunatic. A psycho. He will eat you for breakfast. He may notice it because you two are tall. He will be your demise."

Y/n gulped in fear, thinking that Bowser will be his grim reaper. S/n on the other hand, wasn't afraid.

S/n: "Y'know what, say things to us all you want, but you're gonna help me and my lil' bro rescue his friends back from that Koopa creep."

Y/n: *Plead passionately while groveling on his knees* "Princess, please! I would never ever forgive myself if my new friends met their grave! I beg you!"

Peach gave a stern look to the siblings but luckily, she was generous enough since Y/n begged her.

Peach: "Well, okay. Let's see what you two are made of." *Walks off*

The siblings looked confused and followed the princess.

Y/n: "Where we goin'?"

Peach: "You'll see."

Music Insert: "Platforming Princess" (Composed by Brian Tyler)

Sure enough, the mushroom princess leads the duo to the balcony where it floats over to the middle of a lake, where a giant question block appears, and as it splits itself with floating blocks, pipes, and blocks with obstacles and spikes. Including Piranha Plant robots, Bullet Bill dummies and fake firebars This course is filled with many replicas of items appearing from the Super Mario Bros. games.

Y/n: "Wow! A training course!"

Peach: "Yep. "If you two can finish this, you're coming with me. Watch and learn."

Y/n & S/n watched as Peach jumped over a gap of spikes, wall jumped some floating blocks and did a perfect mid-air backflip. She then jumps on the mechanical Piranha Plants, one by one sprinting towards a fake firebar. She slid under and and long jumped into before a mecha Piranha Plant attacked her. She landed on a spring in the middle of some spikes, jumped back up, wall-jumped a couple of blocks again and flew through mid-air. She landed on a block-platform so she had the momentum to run, jump and perform a flying kick to a cardboard cutout of Bowser, destroying it. Next she was on Donut Blocks, meaning they turn red and fall down, but with determination she kept on running. While running, Bullet Bill Blasters loaded with fake Bullet Bills fired towards her. The plucky princess felt confident and smirked. She jumped off the block from bullet to bullet and as she saw the last bullet, she somersaulted off it, grabbed the top of the Goal Flagpole and floated down thanks to her dress. Peach dusted herself and panted slowly from the running as she looked at the shocked faces of the siblings.

A/n: "Pretend Spongebob & Patrick are S/n & Y/n."

S/n: "Damn... That was gnarly sick."

Y/n: "Yeah. Amazing. Tell me you were recording, big sis."

S/n: "Way ahead of ya."

Peach: "Alright, your turn, pretty face."

Y/n: "What, me? How am I supposed to go through all of this?"

Peach: "With the power-ups. They give us special abilities."

Peach hits a Question Block with a Super Mushroom inside. It lands on Y/n's hands.

Y/n: *Looks disgusted* "I forgot."

Peach: "Go on. Eat it."

S/n: "Your friends are not gonna save themselves, ya know, Lil' bro."

Y/n: "Oh boy..." *Eats the Super Mushroom up, swallows it and cringes* "Yuck!"

Peach: *Smirked* "You don't like eating mushrooms, do ya, pretty face?"

Y/n: *Annoyed* "First of all, please stop calling me that. And second, of all, I had a bitter taste when I was a kid but I'm still getting used to eating..." *Seeing his body shimmer*

The young plumber's body shines different colors as S/n notices it and backs up. Y/n looked at his hand and suddenly grew large and hit his face. His feet began to grow large too. The rest of his body grew, retaining his proportions but now standing taller than Peach and S/n.

Y/n: "Whoa! Okay! I feel freakishly tall!"

Peach: "And strong. *Y/n jumps and breaks a Brick Block* And you can jump."

S/n: "Cool."

Y/n: "Okay. I'm-a do this!"

The young plumber ran on the brick block platform and jumped off... but suddenly fell, crashing into multiple brick platforms and landing in the water, losing the Super Mushroom's powers. A Warp Pipe pulls him back to the platform.

S/n: *Smirked* "Forgot to watch your step, didn't ya, lil' bro?"

Y/n said nothing and only glared at S/n.

Peach: "Oh, yeah... When you get hit, you...lose the power."

Y/n: "Yeah. No dip, Sherlock." *Dusted himself off*

S/n: "My turn!" *Hits the ? Block and ate the Super Mushroom and grew tall*

Y/n: "Okay, sis. Are you gonna go or you gonna admire your tall, busty look?"

S/n: "Ay. Don't rush me, bro."

Sure enough, S/n first jumped over the gap of spikes like Peach did and wall jumped off a couple of floating blocks. As she landed near the pipes of Fake Piranha Plants, she dodged one but used her chest to slap it. She jumped over the next pipe and the third pipe, she jumped from the third fake piranha, S/n saw the fire bars but ground pounded down one level. Thankfully there were platform blocks underneath the firebars. She used her chest again to break the brick blocks blocking her way. S/n jumped again and landed on the spring like Peach did, jumped back up and landed on the block platform. She ran towards the Bowser cardboard cutout and punched the cutout. S/n was now running on the Donut Blocks as she sprinted towards Bullet Bill launchers. The fake Bullet Bills were fired but feeling confident, S/n jumped from bullet to bullet and reached the Goal Pole without a single scratch nor sweat.

S/n: *Panted* "Damn... Never thought I made it. How'd I do?"

Peach: "You were incredible. You used your whole body as a weapon."

S/n: "Yep. I tend to work out when I have free time. I learned acrobatics from my lil' bro."

Y/n was shocked to see his sister passed the training course on the first try.

Y/n: *Blushed crossed his arms* "You're welcome."

S/n: "C'mon, lil' bro. Show us you can do better than me."

Y/n: "Okay, I will." *Punched a ? Block ate a Super Mushroom*

Peach: "Come on, try again."

Y/n: "I never try. I always do."

Music Insert: Holding out for a Hero (By Bonnie Tyler)

Y/n started to punch the block again but sadly failed again as the girls winced in pain. He attempted again later at the fake fire bars; he was defeated when he tried to pass it the third time. He was getting reckless but he knew the spies' lives were on the line. At the platform to the Donut Blocks, jumped to the platform but failed. At dusk, he slipped, hit the Donut Block and fell. At night, he jumped on the platform, waited, timed his jump and landed on the Donut Block.

Y/n: "YES!!!" *Instantly fell has the block turned red* "NOOO!!!"

Peach and S/n both groaned facepalmed at Y/n's embarrassments and past failures.

S/n: *Thought to herself* "Lil' bro hasn't failed this much since he played the time trials in Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy and It's About time."

Attempt after attempt, no matter hard Y/n does, he kept getting chomped and pummeled by the Robo-Piranhas, smacked Fake Bullet Bills and Fake Firebars, kept tripping and slipping of platforms, keeps getting slapped by Cheep-Cheeps, and eats a Super Mushroom after restarting from the start. Unfortunately, he ate too much and ended up barfing as he shrunk down while Peach & S/n comforted him.

S/n: "Let it out, Lil' bro. Don't hold it back."

Y/n: "I'm okay. I'm-" *Retches and vomits*

When dawn broke, S/n and Peach were asleep and the princess was resting on S/n's chest. Y/n, on the other hand, was tired and restless. After eating a Super Mushroom for the last time, he leaped off the platform, wall jumped off some floating blocks and spin jumped to the highest block. When he reached the Robo-Piranhas, one tried to bite him but Y/n dodged, waited patiently behind the pipe and jumped up. He stomped on the second before it could attack. Y/n reached the fake firebars but had a different idea. He ground-pounded the blocks he was standing on and ran underneath the firebars instead. Just like his sister did, he punched the brick blocks that were in his way. When S/n and Peach woke up, they saw Y/n going halfway through. As Y/n jumped off the brick block platform, he threw an overhand clobber at the Bowser Cut Out and landed a somersault on the Donut Blocks. Fortunately for the gaming geek guru, he remembered his mistake last night and kept on running. The Goal Pole was in sight. The two dames watch as Y/n jumps on several fake Bullet Bills to the Goal Pole, Peach watches in excitement, Y/n poses and smiles at Peach, but, unfortunately, gets chomped by a fake Piranha Plant before he can reach the Goal Pole.

Y/n: *Muffled* "DAMMIT!!!"

Later, the three were sitting on a floating platform of blocks, watching the sunrise as S/n was comforting her brother. Y/n was still tired out.

S/n: "Dude, you almost made it, man. I'm still proud of you."

Y/n: *Yawns* "Thanks, sis."

Peach: "Well... We have a long journey ahead of us, pretty face."

Y/n: "Speak for yourself... I was close but no cigar."

Peach: "You almost did. No one gets it right away."

S/n: "Yeah, lil' bro. Nobody's perfect y'know."

Y/n: "Yeah I know." *Yawns again and asked Peach* "How many tries did it take you to beat this course?"

Peach: "Oh!" *Chuckles* "So many. I was not good at it. Worse than you." *Grins sheepishly*

Y/n: *Wasn't buying it and yawned* "You got it right away, didn't you?"

Peach: "I got it right away, but I grew up here."

Y/n: "Ya don't say..." *Instantly fell asleep on S/n's shoulder*

S/n: *Chuckles* "Rest up, bro. You deserved it." *Spoke softly to Peach* " You tried your best to make him feel better, princess."

Peach: *Blushes* "No. No... Is it working?"

S/n: "Yep. I'll give ya A for effort."

Then, S/n got another idea. She pushed Y/n softly to avoid waking him and he sheepishly landed on Peach's shoulder. It caught the princess off guard, but she gazed at Y/n's face when he's asleep. Peach blushed but she didn't find it bad at all. S/n only smirked at the princess.

Peach: *Felt oblivious* "What?"

S/n: *Still smirked* "Oh, nothing."

Sure enough, their journey to save the kingdom and loved ones will be long but bumpy. Can Y/n and S/n rescue the spies from impending doom? Can Princess Peach convince the Jungle Kingdom's ruler to be convinced of being allies with their army? The answers lie ahead!


To be continued...

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