Chapter 5: The Jungle Kingdom! Y/n vs. Donkey Kong!

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The next day, our heroes at long last reached the gates of the Jungle Kingdom.

S/n: "Wow...

Y/n: *Gulped*

Peach: "You two ready?"

S/n: "Hell yeah."

Y/n: "I hope so."

Peach knocks the door, door opens then a Kong in a sports coat roars, causing Y/n & Toad to scream in fear, and S/n & Peach to lean back.

Y/n & Toad: "AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"

Toad: *Coming out from behind Peach quietly* "What?"

Y/n: *Nervously* "Good day, sir."

Peach: "We're here to see the king."

The princess and Kong glared at each other for two seconds as the Kong snorted.

Sports Coat Kong: "Follow me."

Y/n: *Whispers* "Is it just me or is that gorilla's wearin' a sports coat?"

Toad: "Feel underdressed." *Chuckles*

Sure enough, the Driver Kong starts up his kart, puts his shades on and is ready to escort the heroes to the king.

Music Insert: Take on Me (By A-ha)

Sports Coat Kong: "Hop in."

As soon as the heroes hopped aboard the kart, the driver began to drive off at full speed. They drove up the bridge as the heroes held on to the kart's handlebar. As they flew off the bridge ramp, Y/n was screaming in fear as Toad was cheering in excitement. They landed without a scratch and came across another section. The siblings saw the village full of Kongs and were amazed.

As they drove through the village, they passed through a fruit stand as the Driver took a banana from a Vendor Kong. As he ate it, he threw the banana peel out on the road where another Kong driver made a collision with it, spun out of control and crashed into a hut. They were almost to the king's home. The Driver shifted the gear into full throttle and drifted as Peach held on to handle the bar as she grabbed onto S/n and Y/n grabbed onto Toad. They drove to a ramp which aimed at the king's temple. The Driver drove off the ramp and fell but suddenly flew back up thanks to the kart's glider. As the temple's gate opened, the kart landed and dropped off the heroes and drove away. Y/n almost barfed during the ride.

Inside, Kong soldiers line the hallway leading to the throne of their king. They're holding hammers as weapons.

????: "By all means, come on in."

Kong Soldiers: *Stomp their hammers in rhythm.*

Sure enough, they approached the king's throne as Y/n nervously walked behind them and they bowed down to the king.

Peach: "Great and mighty Cranky Kong!"

"Cranky Kong!"

Cranky: "Save the formalities. So, I heard you want my army."

Peach: "Yes, your Highness. Without your help, the Mushroom Kingdom will be annihilated."

Cranky: "What makes you think you're worthy of fighting alongside the greatest army in the world?"

Kong Soldiers: *Stomp their hammers in rhythm.*

Peach: "Because we have heart. And with your strength... we can win."

Cranky: "Okay, fine."

Peach: "What, that's it?"

Cranky: "No, that's not it. The answer is no. Goodbye."

Peach: "If the Mushroom Kingdom falls, the Jungle Kingdom is next!"

S/n: "Yeah, dude. You don't want the Koopas destroying your kingdom and its future, do ya?"

Y/n: "You heard the ladies. We're not leavin'... without YOUR ARMY! Unless you Kongs are too CHICKEN to fight Bowser!"

Cranky only stared at Y/n then laughed.

Cranky: "Who is this guy? Oh, he makes me laugh!" *laughs as Y/n looked unamused* "All right, wise guy... You want my army so badly? Defeat my son, in the Great Ring of Kong!"

Kong Soldiers: *Stomp their hammers in rhythm.*

Y/n: "Say what...?"

Peach: "One second please." *Pulls Y/n aside & whispers* "This is a really, really bad idea!"

S/n: *Whispering* "Yeah, bro. Fighting his son is gonna be your death wish! You couldn't beat him in Smashville!"

Y/n: *Whispers too* "Well, not to backsass you both, but I don't suppose you have another way to save my friends!?"

Then Cranky steps in, interrupting the conversation.

Cranky: "Are you two done whispering? It's a little rude. The walls have eyes and ears."

Y/n: "You, sir, have a deal. I'll fight your son solo and WIN!"

Cranky: "I'm sure you will." *laughs but coughs*

Cranky Kong is lifted onto a three wheeled ATV by his guards and drives off as Y/n glares at him.

Y/n: *Thought to himself* "I'm so screwed, aren't I?"


In the dark corridors of the Great Ring, Y/n realized he made a bad decision but he knew there's no turning back. He took a deep breath, exhaled and entered the ring, full of cheering Kongs, who then booed at his presence.

Kong Audience: "BOO!!!"

Y/n: *mutters* "Don't be discouraged, L/n. You still have Toad, the princess and your big sis to cheer for ya. Just pretend you're at one of those Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Tournaments..." *Sees he's standing on a girder and way below him a very long drop to the ocean.*

Y/n: *Outloud* "Except this place is narrow and so high up!" *Gulps, clenches teeth and mutters* "Whatever you do, don't look down and don't trip to your death!"

S/n, Toad and Peach were watching with Cranky as a big roar was heard from the side. Loud booming sounds were drawing near until the Jungle Kingdom's warrior emerged. This was Cranky Kong's son!

"Donkey Kong!"

Music Insert: DK Rap (By Grant Kirkhope, George Andreas, and Chris Sutherland)

A/n: This video is rightfully from Johnny Jay from Youtube.

Donkey Kong emerges from the doors much to the adoration of the crowd. He crushes two barrels that come out of nowhere. The crowd went wild for DK's appearance.

DK: *rhythmically* "I'm DK! I'm Donkey Kong!"

Y/n: *Mutters to himself* "At least his showboating is the only thing entertaining before he kills me."

DK: "Oh, yeah!" *Waving to Cranky* "Hi, Dad! Hi!"

Cranky: *embarrassed* "No, don't... Don't do that!"

DK: *Dancing* "Dad, wave back."

Cranky: "Enough with the showboating!"

DK: "What do you mean?! They like it! It's what they came here for! Check it out! Dancing pecs!" *Does a pec flex as the crowd continues to cheer wildly*

S/n: *Scoffs* "Showoff!"

Cranky: "Okay, simmer down." *The crowd continued to chant* "I said, SIMMER DOWN!"

The crowd stopped except for one Kong.

????: "DK! DK! DK!"

Cranky: "That means you, Diddy Kong!"

"Dixie, Diddy & Chunky Kong!"

Diddy: "D-" *Stops* "Sorry."

Cranky: "Now, since I want this fight to last more than five seconds, I put power-ups around the arena. You're welcome, Y/n!"

Y/n: "Uh... Thank you...?"

DK: "I don't need anything special to break EVERY BONE in your tiny body!"

The Kong growled at Y/n, who was indefinitely nervous, as the crowd cheered for DK.

S/n: *Recorded the fight on her phone* "Kick his ass, lil' bro!"

Y/n: *Closed his eyes and mutters* "You can do this, L/n. The girls are in danger and you're their only hope. I can do this! I. Can. Do this!"

Y/n charges at Donkey Kong as the crowd roars. Suddenly, Y/n is slammed on the girder and slapped and pummeled repeatedly. Peach, S/n and Toad cringed.

Peach: Oh!"

Toad: "Oh, my- okay."

Cranky: "Guess you're not getting my army."

S/n: "Don't be too sure, gramps."

DK threw Y/n in the air and kicked him which caused him to nearly fall off the girder but held on the edge.

DK: "Is this what you came for?!"

The crowd went more wild.

Fanboy Kong: "WE LOVE YOU DK!!!!" *sobs*

Y/n got back onto the girder, in pain from DK's pummeling.

Y/n: *Groaned* "Yep, bad start."

As luck would have it, the gamer sees his opportunity to fight back. He sees a ? Block above DK as he was distracted.

DK: "Hi, Dad! Love you!"

Y/n charged towards Donkey Kong again as he saw Y/n running towards him again.

DK: "It is on like Donkey Kong!"

The Kong warrior ran towards Y/n again and was to slam the plumber with his fists but this time, Y/n dodged by sliding under DK's legs as he climbed some blocks, swung on the vines and punched the ? Block which contains a Blue Mushroom.

Y/n: *Catches the Blue Mushroom* "You're about to pick on someone your own size, mister."

S/n: *Realizes the Mushroom* "Bro! NO!!!"

Too late. The gaming plumber gulps down as the whole audience gasps. Y/n's body glows and charges towards Donkey Kong...

Y/n: "YEA-!!!"

Unfortunately, he shrunk down as small as a mouse.

Y/n: *Mini voice* "Oh no..."

S/n only facepalmed.

Cranky: "I guess he got the wrong mushroom."

S/n: "No dip, Sherlock."


Y/n: *Gulps & Squeals*

Y/n: *Then starts running, screaming in fear*

Donkey Kong starts trying to smash Y/n with his fists, then slams him into the air. DK catches Y/n, flicks him at the door, returning him to normal, then starts rapidly rolling towards the young gamer.

Peach & S/n: "Get up, Y/n!/Get up, bro!"

As Y/n gets up, dodges Donkey Kong and falls down to a near girder platform. DK threw a barrel at him but dodged him in time as Y/n swung on a vine to another ? Block. As Y/n punched it, a Fire Flower appeared. Unfortunately, the flower was blown by DK, who was standing right behind Y/n.

Y/n: "REALLY!?!?"

DK let out a smirk, grabbed Y/n's hands, threw Y/n back up to the main girder level. The fight continues as Y/n was thrown around, punched, slapped, body slammed and barrels thrown at him by Donkey Kong. DK continues to beat down his opponent to near-exhaustion. Y/n was all bruised and beaten up as DK was picking him up.

DK: "Had enough, yet?"

Y/n: "Not...even...close."

Donkey Kong only smirked as he uppercutted in an attempt to finish him off as Y/n's conscience slowed down and so did time.

Peach & S/n: *In slow motion* "Y/N!!!"

Y/n: *In slow motion while in agony* "It's-a-me..."

Peach & S/n: *In slow motion* "THE BOX!!!"

Y/n didn't know what they're saying until he saw yet another ? Block! He soon gained control of his senses and grabbed onto the brick block ledges. He made it to the block.

Y/n: *In pain* "Third time's the charm!"

He punched and as he was ready to face Donkey Kong... He was wearing the famous Cat Suit! The suit color fur was F/C as he grooms himself and purrs.

The Kongs: "AWW!!!"

Toad: "He looks adorable."

Peach: *Chuckles & blushes* "He really does actually."

S/n: *Chuckles* "I'm so recording and saving this as a photo for the girls."

Y/n: *Stops grooming, sees the Cat Suit and gasped* "I'm a cat?!"

DK: *Laughs* "You got the cat box!"

As DK continued to laugh, Y/n gave him an unamused look.

Y/n: "Are you done?"

DK: *Keeps Laughing* "Oh, my-- Ah! Oh, I'm sorry... I'm sorry. Okay... Now you die."

As DK tries to punch him, Y/n uses his new cat reflexes to dodge a punch from Donkey Kong.

Y/n: *Realizes the cat-like reflexes* "Hey..."

After dodging a series of blows from Donkey Kong, Y/n counterattacks and scratches his cheeks.

Y/n: "Meow."

DK gave a look and then started to attack again as Y/n hissed at him like a cat. The Kong kept fighting but thanks to Cat Y/n's reflexes, Y/n dodged and attacked him. DK began to throw barrels at Cat Y/n but he was able to dodge two and threw the third one back at him.

Y/n: "What's the matter, big fella? Cat got your tongue? Afwaid of a whittle puddy tat?"

Y/n jumped onto DK, punched him and scratched him variously.

Toad: "Woo-hoo!"

S/n: "Go, bro! Go!"

Y/n pounced his way up to the top, readied his claws and dived down towards Donkey Kong breaking several floors until they stopped by some floating blocks. Y/n panted as he pulled out his claws for another attack from DK.

Y/n: "Had enough yet, big guy?"

DK: *Dazed & Injured* "Not... enough...close..."

Donkey Kong begins to topple on his back into the ocean, but Y/n was generous enough and grabs him by the tie, as a sign of sparing his life.

Y/n: "I'm-a take that as a yes."

DK fell forward and crashed face first to the ground. Y/n leaps onto him. The crowd cheers for Y/n in celebration of his victorious triumph.

Toad: "Yes! That's my best friend!"

Kongs: "Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n! Y/n!"

S/n: "Hell yeah! That's my bro!"

Peach only smiled at Y/n as he smiled back at her. Then Peach & S/n smirked at Cranky Kong.

Cranky: "Yeah, yeah." *Returns with a grin*

Sure enough, the unthinkable happened! The tides were turned thanks to Y/n. Since he defeated the mighty Donkey Kong, the Kong Army can now be used to fight Bowser and his forces! However, Bowser knows about his presence with Princess Peach. Does Y/n still have enough courage to save not only the Mushroom Kingdom and the imprisoned Spies? Can they reach back to the princess's kingdom in time? Stay tuned!


To be continued...

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