Chapter 9: Intermission 1-1: New Beginnings and an Unrefusable Offer!

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Several weeks after Koopa King's defeat, The Y/n Brothers popularity grew but Bowser's hatred for Y/n grew as well. Speaking of which, more people are going to Arcade Mania to see Y/n & S/n. They enjoy his delicious meals as well as his collection of video games and arcade games. With all the population of Beverly Hills visiting the Y/n Brothers, the customers pay more money for Y/n's dishes, arcade credits, selfies with the siblings and even Y/n & S/n's autograph. In fact, they have more business with both the restaurant & arcade business as well as the plumbing business.

Friday, 9:00 PM - Arcade Mania - The Groove - Beverly Hills

When it's closing time, the siblings were chatting while cleaning up the establishment for tomorrow.

Y/n: *Yawned while cleaning the tables* "Man... What a day..."

S/n: *Mopping the floors* "Tell me about it. I never thought we would make alotta moolah since our fight with Koopa."

Y/n: "Yeah. Good thing, I learned some accounting from High School." *Finished cleaning the last table and counts the total of money earned* "Today we've earned... $90,000!?"

S/n: "Ninety grand?! Damn!"

Y/n: "I know, right?! I don't believe it either. The past few weeks, Malibu-U announced that they have to cancel the classes because of Bowser's invasion. Repairing Beverly Hills may take awhile."

S/n: "At least we have some time to do business with this place and the plumbing company."

Y/n: *Thinking of the spies* "...Big sis. Do you have a moment?"

S/n: "What's up, lil' bro?"

Y/n: "I haven't heard back from Clover, Alex, Sam nor Britney. Ever since the pipe burst underground we tried to turn the pressure valve. They told the truth that their undercover spies but..."

S/n: "We know, you'd lead them and me to this Mysterious Pipe from the Super Mario Bros. Games. Then, you and I found Toad and he led us to Peach to help us..."

Y/n sighed as he thought of Peach with a deep blushed on his face but S/n interrupted.

S/n: "Still thinking about your Peaches, lil' bro?" *Smiles cheekily*

Y/n: *Blushes and stutters* "Uh... no! I felt that way since I fought against DK, got wrecked but still won."

S/n: "And drove down the Rainbow Road with our own karts."

Y/n: "Unfortunately, Koopa ambushed us first then the Blue-Shelled Koopa tried to kill us and DK but failed. We survived but got eaten by a giant eel."

S/n: "But we escaped thanks to the last rocket barrel on DK's kart and fought our way to rescue the others."

Y/n: "Yeah but everything went topsy-turvy thanks to Bowser's Bomber Bill and all us were warped here back in Beverly Hills."

S/n: "Just when Koopa was about to kill us off, we and the girls got the Super Star before him and kicked his ass!"

Y/n: *Chucked* "You're not wrong." *Sighed* "I hope the girls are doing fine."

S/n: "I'm sure they are. Nothing went wrong for the past couple of days."

Y/n: "True. Still, I can't believe there's a Warp Pipe that leads from the Mushroom Kingdom near our arcade restaurant."

S/n: "Not sure how it's possible but anything's possible."

Y/n: *Yawned* "Well, since we're between homes, we'll stay here for the night. The guest beds are the only rooms we forgot to move to our new home in the Mushroom World."

S/n: "The guest beds are a lot more comfortable."

Later, the siblings got in their pajamas as they got on the beds.

Y/n: "I hope I can go back to Malibu-U tomorrow."

S/n: "I'm sure you, lil' bro. G'night."

Y/n: "Good night, sis."

Zee next morning...

Saturday - 6:45 AM - Arcade Mania - The Groove - Beverly Hills

The two siblings were sleeping peacefully in the guest beds as the sun rose up and showed on S/n's face.

S/n: *Asleep when the sun's rays hit her and woke up* "....Yawn.. What a rush, last night..."

Y/n: *Woke up* "....Today, we'll have no surprises..."

Y/n spoke too soon as the heads of their beds' mattresses were lifted up and the floors near the end of the beds opened up a passageway.

A/n: "Like this."

Y/n: "Me and big mouth."

Y/n & S/n: "WOOOOOAAAHH!!!!"

The Y/n Brothers slid down their beds and into the tunnels. They were not expecting another surprise as they thought.

S/n: *Shouts* "So much for a surprise-free day!"

Y/n: *Shouts back* "Well, at least we got over the unexpected surprises in the Mushroom World!"

S/n: *Shouts* "Where the hell are we going?!"

Y/n: "I DON'T KNOW!!!!"

The siblings slid knowing when the sliding would end...

7:00 AM - W.O.O.H.P. Headquarters - Jerry's Office - Downtown - Los Angeles

Inside the top secret spy establishment, the office's ceiling opened as a hatch and at the bottom was a soft couch cushioning as Y/n landed first on the couch's safety cushion.



Y/n: "OW!!" *Groaned* "Mamma Mia..." *Hears her sister's scream* "Sis?"


S/n landed on top of her brother as he cushioned her fall again.

S/n: "Good thing, I still used that experience since that Warp Zone incident." *Hears muffling from beneath her and gasped* "Sorry, bro! Didn't mean to do that again!"

Y/n: *Groaned* "It's all good, sis." *Looks around the office* "Where are we...?"

????: "Good morning, Super Y/n Brothers."

They turned to the desk in front of them and the chair turned around to see Jerry, the head of W.O.O.H.P.!

Jerry: "I apologize for the methods of bringing you two here."

S/n: "Okay, dude. Two words; Not. Cool."

Y/n: *Stretching his bones* "Agreed. I was about to go back to Malibu-"

Jerry: "Malibu University? I have four spies attending that academy."

S/n: "Spies..." *Thinks for a moment*

Y/n: "You mean-"

Right on cue, Clover, Alex, Sam and Britney appeared in the room next to Jerry. The spies have ashamed faces when they expose their secrets to the siblings.

Alex: "Hey, Y/n. Hey, S/n."

Y/n & S/n: "Girls!?"

Sam: "This is Jerry. He's our supervisor."

Y/n: "Wait. I remember him! Back when Bowser invaded Beverly Hills!"

S/n: "He's your boss? Of what?"

Jerry: "We are the World Organization of Human Protection. An ultra-top secret organization dedicated to fighting crime and protecting humanity on a global scale. Rob a bank? We're not interested. Kill someone? Sort of our deal. But you want to melt the polar ice caps? Or vaporize Mt. Fuji? Or steal the moon? Or even accidentally bring an evil-warlord to this world? Then we notice."

Y/n: "First of all you have some I did that. Second, after I did that, I put him in his own place because he's a bully and needs to be taught a lesson!"

Jerry: "We're well aware of that, Mr. L/n. That's why I brought you and your sister here. Now, allow me to clarify." *Shows the newspaper with the headline "BEVERLY HILLS & LOS ANGELES SAVED!" with the Y/n Bros., the Spies, Peach, Toad & DK* "Are these two, you with the girls?"

S/n: "Yeah...?"

Jerry: *Rolls the clip of Bowser trying to kill Y/n & S/n* "Are you both familiar with this monster?"

Y/n: "Yeah! That's Koopa!"

Jerry: "I've heard from the girls he locked them up as prisoners. You and Ms. L/n fought your way to rescue them from a fate worse than I imagined. Am I correct?"

Y/n: *Stutters* "Yeah...that's right..."

Jerry then plays a clip of the Invincible Spies and Invincible Y/n Bros defeating Bowser and his minions.

Jerry: "And you two and the girls gained invulnerable powers to defeat that monster and his army, correct?"

S/n: "Yes."

Jerry: *Stops playing the clips* "Now, I've brought you two here for two things. One, to express my gratitude for saving my spies. They would never be here today if it wasn't for you."

Y/n: "You're welcome... I guess."

Jerry: "And second, I'm offering you two something that you can't refuse."

S/n: *Confused* "Like what...?"

Jerry: "Normally, I would erase your memories if you know the girls' secret of being spies."

Y/n & S/n: "WHAT?!"

Alex: "Please don't erase their memories, Jer! Y/n and S/n just saved us from an evil monster!"

Clover: *Whimpers and pleading* "Y/n just saved from being scorched to death by lava!! I don't want him to forget!"

Jerry: "He won't forget, girls. Which is why I want the Y/n Brothers to join W.O.O.H.P."

Everyone in the room was surprised and gasped at what Jerry said.

The Y/n Bros. & the Spies: "WHAT!?!?"

Y/n: "Wait, me and big sis, join you?"

S/n: "Jerry, we are flattered but we have an arcade restaurant to run including a plumbing business to run to make our own money. I know the spy biz is a big responsibility but my bro and I just moved into the Mushroom Kingdom."

Y/n: "What is Princess Peach gonna say?"

????: "Don't worry about it, pretty face."

The siblings and spies turned to see the Mushroom Kingdom's princess in her pink W.O.O.H.P. spy jumpsuit.

The Y/n Bros. & the Spies: "Princess Peach?!?"

Peach: "It's good to see you and the girls again, Y/n Bros."

Y/n: *Stutters* "But-? How did-? HUH?!"

S/n: "Dude... How did you-?"

Peach: "I know there's a lot of questions. One answer at a time. After Bowser's defeat, I just wanted to visit you, Y/n. A few days later, I entered the Warp Zone and ended up in this facility. This nice gentleman here named Jerry trained me to become a spy and taught me about this spy organization."

Jerry: "And that's where you and the girls come in. Princess Peach is new to Earth so, I thought you would and the girls give her a tour."

Clover: "Really!?"

Jerry: *Nodded yes* "It's the least I can do to you four." *Turns to Y/n & S/n* "Now, Y/n Brothers, it's up to you. W.O.O.H.P. is looking for new recruits."

The whole room looked at Y/n & S/n, waiting for their response. To S/n, she thinks the spy biz would be cool.

S/n: "Could you give us a moment?" *Turns turn her Y/n & whispers* "Dude... Are you hearing this?! This guy is offering us to be spies to protect the world!"

Y/n: *Whispers back* "Yeah but all I did was save the Mushroom World once! I just defeated an evil king with you, Alex, Sam, Clove n' Britney!"

S/n: *Whispers* "C'mon, dude! It's W.O.O.H.P.'s way of being thankful to us."

Y/n: *Whispers* "But what about Arcade Mania and the plumbing business?"

S/n: *Whispers* "Don't worry about it." *To Jerry* "I'm willing to join, Jer."

Jerry: "Well, Ms. L/n seems interested. Well, Y/n, it's your choice." *Smiled*

Everyone looked at Y/n waiting for his response.

Peach: "We're waiting, pretty face."

Y/n took a deep breath, exhaled and responded.

Y/n: "Okay, Jerry. Since I saved the four friends I care about, I'll join W.O.O.H.P."

The girls and Jerry were happy that Y/n made the right decision.

Jerry: "Excellent. Since you and S/n will be working for W.O.O.H.P., you would need a jumpsuit. Beverly Hills knows you but you'll need a spy jumpsuit like the girls. You must use it only in the real world rather than in the Mushroom World."

Clover: "Don't worry, Jer. All Y/n needs is training, casual spy clothes and gadgets."

S/n: "Don't forget about me, dude."

Sam: "Well, Y/n, since you and S/n are new to the spy business, we'll help you train."

Alex: "Plus, Peach wanted to see what the real world's like."

Britney: "We'll do that during Y/n's training."

Clover: "Agreed."

S/n: "I don't know about you guys, but I don't think we need spy jumpsuits. My bro and I prefer our own clothing."

Y/n: "Never mind that, big sis. If Jerry wants me to wear a spy jumpsuit, I'll do it."

Jerry: "Moving on, you'll be needing something to stay connected with me and the girls."

Y/n: "Like a communicator?"

Jerry: "Not to baffle you but W.O.O.H.P. operatives made a thorough inspection of your residence before you moved to the Mushroom Kingdom. We took the liberty of collecting your electronics..."

Y/n: *Outraged* "YOU DID WHAT!?!?"

Jerry: "Don't worry, your game data is still saved. We've given them major upgrades. Follow me."

Everyone followed Jerry to the training room. During the orientation, Jerry gave Y/n & S/n jumpsuits that represent their colors from their clothing. The siblings tried it on their jumpsuits and Y/n found it surprisingly comfortable. As for S/n, she was to fit in her own jumpsuit, despite her voluptuous body and hourglass figure.

Y/n: *Checks himself in his jumpsuit* "Now I know how you girls are comfy in these things."

S/n: "Agreed." *Checking herself* "Lil' bro, does this suit make my tits and butt too big?"

Y/n: *Sees her assets jiggle and covers his eyes* "...I'd say you look splendid..."

S/n: *Smiled smugly* "I thought you'd say so."

Y/n: *Blushed and pouted* "Show off."

Jerry: "Now, Y/n Brothers. We've given these belts to represent your presence."

The supervisor of W.O.O.H.P. gave the belts to the siblings. The first belt buckle is a heart with a skull and crossbones.

The other belt represents the icon of Y/n's favorite arcade game as the siblings tried them on.

S/n: "Bro, you're lucky you have the one that looks like Pac-Man."

Y/n: "Well, the heart with the skull fits your style too."

S/n: "Hard to believe it, even my suit's color matches my personality."

Jerry: "These belt buckles are just extensively modified to create an energy field around its users."

S/n: "Cool."

Jerry: "Now, I present you, Y/n Brothers, these equipment for spy business in this world & other worlds you might encounter in the future."

Jerry showed the siblings two pad belts and bandoliers made out of video game controllers of Nintendo.

Y/n: "Wow. Nice equipment. I hope you don't get charged for piracy from Nintendo."

Jerry: "Don't worry. We never commit piracy."

S/n: "You'd be surprised."

Y/n & S/n tried the pads and bandoliers and they never wore equipment that is made out of real game controllers.

Y/n: "Okay, Jerry. I know big sis and I are new to this but how does this stuff suppose to work?"

Jerry: "We'll get to that in just a moment. Now, time for the first process of becoming a spy. In order to become successful spies, you're going to have to use physical and mental abilities."

Jerry escorted the siblings in a messy room, a part of their training.

Jerry: "Pretend this is a scene of a crime. It's up to you two to find the hidden clue."

Music Insert: Battle Without Honor or Humanity (By Tomoyasu Hotei)

S/n: *Scoffs* "I'd like to clean up this place instead."

Y/n: "Use your noodle, spaghetti head. If we're in an actual crime scene and clean it up, it'll take forever to find a hidden clue."

S/n: "Man, I hate it when you're right."

Y/n: "The truth hurts, sis. C'mon, we played My Sims Agents before and we need to sharpen our brains."

Y/n & S/n went seeking for hidden clues. When Y/n took out a Wii Remote, it suddenly transformed into a mini vacuum.

Y/n: "...Impressive."

The young spy examined the sofa and underneath the cushions he found something with his Wii Remote spy gadget.

Y/n: *Finds a cookie crumb* "A crumb...?"

S/n used her own Wii Remote and it was transformed into a detector, an upgraded magnifying glass. She followed the crumb trail carefully and it was beeping rapidly.

S/n: "Bingo. Over here, lil' bro."

Y/n went over to S/n as she used her Wii Remote Detector Tool, adjusted the tool's lens and found a fingerprint, another hidden clue.

Y/n: "Smart move. How do we open the drawer?"

S/n: "Is it locked?"

Y/n: *Tries to open it but couldn't* "There's your proof. How do we open it?"

S/n: "C'mon, lil' bro. Use your own noodle."

Y/n: "I wasn't born in a box, ya know."

Y/n thought thoroughly and used his Wii Remote to change back from mini vacuum to a regular Wii Remote but the top part had a key blade part.

Y/n: "...No comment."

Y/n picked the lock carefully, unlocked the drawer, opened it and found something... a tray of eaten Oreo Cookies!! The siblings turned to Alex, Clover and Sam who were standing innocently but they caught them red handed.

S/n: *Smiled smugly* "Trying to take our favorite snack on our backs, eh?"

Alex: *Acts innocent* "Who? Us?"

Y/n: "Don't toy with us! We know you three did it!"

Jerry: "Well done, Y/n Brothers. You pass the first test. Now for the second test."


Y/n & S/n were wearing karate gear as Clover, Sam, Alex & Britney were helping them as their trainers.

Jerry: "For the second test, pretend the girls are criminals when they surround you two and you must use your strengths to defeat them."

S/n: "Dude, please. We've beaten the Koopa Troop once before."

Y/n: "Don't be too confident, sis. Even though I follow the gentleman's code, I don't want to hurt the girls."

Clover: *Flirting with Y/n* "Well, aren't you a gentlemanly hero~"

Sam: *Sweatdropped* "Clover, save the flirting for later."

Jerry: "Alright, ladies & gentleman. Fight!!"

The girls charged over to Y/n & S/n. Sam attempted to punch him, but Y/n dodged it and did it again after a second punch. Clover tried to kick Y/n but he grabbed her foot and threw her back at Sam.

Y/n: "Sorry, Clove! Sorry, Sam!"

Unaware of Y/n, Alex tackled him when his guard was down. She restrained him to the ground until S/n grabbed her and suplexed her. Y/n winced in pain to witness S/n's attack.

S/n: "Ya thought I let ya tackle my lil' bro, huh!?"

Alex: *Groaned in pain* "Ow..."

Sam & Clover got back up and attacked S/n but knocked them out with her bosom.

S/n: "Too bad for you girls my whole body's a weapon."

Britney attempted to strike her but she was elbowed by Y/n, grabbed and slammed her to the ground.

Y/n: "Sorry, Brtitney."

Jerry: "Splendid. Second test passed."

Later on, after the girls were treated to aid, they were on top of a rock-climbing wall for the final test for the Y/n Brothers as they were on the bottom.

Jerry: "For this last test, as a spy there might be times where you have to pursue an assailant. Now, pretend the girls are bad guys and you two must climb this wall to capture them."

Y/n: "I feel like I'm in Donkey Kong doing this."

S/n: "Surely you said so."

The siblings climbed up the rock climbing wall to their objectives. Alex, Clover, Sam & Britney waited for Y/n & S/n. After a few seconds, they looked down to see that Y/n & S/n mysteriously vanished without a trace! Before they could think about where they are, Y/n & S/n have Raccoon Ears & Tails as they swoop up in the air! They were Raccoon Y/n & S/n! They attacked the girls with their tails and handcuffed them.

S/n: "Surprise."

Sam: *Surprised* "You guys are Tanookis again!?"

Y/n: "Raccoons actually."

Clover, Sam, Alex & Britney looked down to see Peach whistle innocently as she gave the four spies a smug grin.

Later that day...

Y/n & S/n were standing in Jerry's Office while the girls were treated as they were bandaged up and had ice bags on their heads, but they were happy that Y/n & S/n passed the three training steps.

Jerry: "Well, I am surprised. I trained the mothers of the three girls I know but couldn't pass at first but they succeeded the second time. You two passed with flying colors. Congratulations on becoming official interim spies of W.O.O.H.P., Y/n Brothers. Now I know how Princess Peach taught you how to become defenders in the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser."

S/n: "Speaking of the devil, I wonder how the small shrimp of a Koopa King is hanging?"

Peach: *Entered the room* "Well, he's becoming a ruckus. I thought it would be best for him to spend his timeout in what Jerry called a maximum security prison."

Jerry: "Unfortunately, W.O.O.H.P. Island's Supermax Prison was destroyed several years ago but there's only one facility right for him that no criminal has ever escaped from... Pelican Bay State Prison."

Y/n: *Gulped* "The place that holds the criminals that threatens society and the world?"

Jerry: "The very same."

S/n: "Well, dude, you made the right decision. Koopa hates humans."

Peach: "Thank you. Since you passed the spy initiation, mind showing me around Beverly Hills?"

Y/n: "The girls and I will be glad to... As soon as they recover. Also, I'll get you another pet turtle."

Peach: *Chuckles* "I know you will."

Later in the medical bay, Y/n was treating the girls to aid thanks to his cooking. Jerry was reasonable enough to let Y/n have his authorization in the HQ's kitchen. After a while, Y/n entered the sick bay with a cart tray of fruit shakes.

Y/n: "Here you go, ladies. Sorry if my big sis went rough ya four."

Alex: "Think nothing of it, Y/n. We're just glad you and S/n become official spies."

Y/n: "So am I, but I doubt it'll be as easy as plumbing."

Sam: "Don't worry, Y/n. Like you said before; Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together."

Clover: *Seduces Y/n in an romantic way* "Oh, my knight in shining armor knows how to nurse me."

Y/n blushed bashfully as he gave the spy quadrat the smoothies to slow down their pain.

Britney: *Drinks the blueberry & raspberry smoothie* "Mmm... Delicious."

Sam: *Drinks the pineapple smoothie* "Agreed."

Alex: *Drinks the banana smoothie* "Y/n, I don't know how good your cooking is, but you really outdone yourself."

Y/n: "Well I always have one secret ingredient to all the dishes and foods I cook."

Britney: "What's your secret ingredient, Y/n?"

Y/n face turned red as he was nervous to say it. He took a deep breath and exhaled.

Y/n: "The secret ingredient..." *blushes hard* "Is love."

Clover: *Drinks the banana smoothie* "The only secret ingredient of all the foods you cook is love?"

Y/n: "Yes..."

Clover: *Falls helplessly in love* "Oh, Y/n... I don't what else to say about you...~"

Y/n was very bashful at what Clover said as Peach & S/n entered.

S/n: "Hey, girls. Sorry if I went rough ya."

Alex: "Didn't Y/n say that before?"

S/n: "Well, should've warned ya I was raised in Brooklyn and taught martial arts in a dojo."

Y/n: "Like the TMNT."

Sam: "Don't worry, S/n. We'll be fine. We should recover as soon as classes reopen in Malibu."

Peach: "There's a question I want to ask related to that; I would like to enroll at Malibu University."

The spies spit out their smoothies in shock and the siblings were in disbelief too!

Y/n Bros. and the Spies: "WHAT?!?!"

Y/n: "Princess, big sis and I know that you were raised by the Mushroom Folk and crowned you their ruler but your majesty, you just got here and became a W.O.O.H.P. spy!!"

Jerry: *Enters the room* "No need to be alarmed, everyone. I've received word from the Toad Council from the Mushroom Kingdom and their general has agreed to it."

Alex: "Well, Sammy, Clover and I know Beverly Hills like the back of our hands."

S/n: "Lil' bro and I are just new to the place."

Sam: "Don't worry, as soon as we recover, we'll show all of you the whole town."

Later that evening...

At Arcade Mania, Y/n decided to close down early due to feeling short-staffed, but the customers understood. When the whole place was empty, Y/n & S/n were cleaning up and accounting the total money and transactions earned. Y/n cannot stop thinking about it.

Y/n: *Accounting the money earned* "Man...First, the restaurant, then plumbing, next, the Mushroom Kingdom and now becoming spies of W.O.O.H.P.! What else is next?!"

S/n: "Well, lil' bro, life's full of surprises. I think this'll be a valuable new experience for us."

Just then, Peach and Spy Quadrat entered.

Clover: "Hey, N/n. Sorry if we barged in."

Sam: "We heard you closed the place down early."

Y/n: "Well, truth to be told; my sis and I are short-staffed since we're the only ones running this place."

S/n: "Trust us, dude. It ain't a walk in the park."

Clover thought for a moment and hatched a plan.

Clover: "Well, I have a suggestion."

Y/n: "What's that, Clove?"

Clover: "Sammy, Alex, Britney and I can help by hiring us."

Everyone was shocked to hear Clover's suggestion!

Y/n Bros. and the Spies: *Excluding Peach* "WHAT?!?!"

Y/n: "Clove!! I appreciate your supportive opinion but this might be too much for ya!"

S/n: "Ya don't know how to handle the restaurant and arcade business!"

Sam: "Well, all four of us are spies and we'll handle anything."

Clover: "I'll take that risk to impress you, Y/n!"

Peach: "What about you, Alex?"

Alex: *Felt uncomfortable* "Well... My past experience with jobs is totally bad. I don't really do well with bosses. We've seen your boss, Spike, Y/n."

Y/n: "Well, I was born with a Brooklyn backbone."

S/n: "Cheer up, Al. My lil' bro is the big cheese of this place. He'll make sure you'll be a great employee of Arcade Mania."

Y/n: "Sis, that's nice of you, but it's up to Alex. If she doesn't want a job, I understand."

Alex was glad that Y/n understands her, but she wants to impress Y/n as much as her friends do. Before Alex could speak, Y/n spoke to her.

Y/n: "Alex, before you decide, here's something you should know. There are sacrifices we have to make in order to get through. For example, your parents make sacrifices everyday to keep you alive, having the roofs over your head, and food inside your belly. You would do the same if something bad would happen to them, right? The reason why you have bad jobs is because your former bosses lack training and instructions. Tell you what, if you accept my offer to hire you, big sis and I will give you proper training."

Alex thought for a moment, took a deep breath, exhaled and spoke.

Alex: "Okay, Y/n. I'll do it."

Sam: *Whispers to the girls* "When did Y/n become so wise about business life?"

Clover: *Whispers back and swoons* "I don't know but his words are driving me crazy."

Britney: "I'll join in too."

S/n: "What about you, Peach?"

Peach: "I'll decide later. Depends on Y/n."

Y/n: "Don't worry about me, Princess. Big sis and I will train these four spies tomorrow. I'll have a look in their resumes and find the right positions for them."

S/n: "In the meantime, you guys should head back home for some 40 winks of shuteye."

Sam: "Princess, how did you find your way here?"

Peach: "A princess never tells her secrets." *Winks at Y/n who blushed* "Anyway, we'll be on our way. Congratulations on becoming spies, Y/n Brothers."

Y/n & S/n: "Thanks!!"

Peach: "And don't worry about me, I'll stay with the spies in the meantime for the night."

Sam: "Just promise us not to wreck our penthouse."

Clover: "I still remember our last experience, something related to this."

Alex: "We'll make sure Peach feels right at home."

Y/n: "Right. G'night, ladies."

Peach & Spy Quartet: "Good night, Y/n & S/n!"

The girls left the establishment as the siblings, cleaned up the place, turned off the lights, locked the doors and found a Warp Pipe in the basement.

S/n: "I'm surprised there's a pipe in our restaurant's basement."

Y/n: "My reaction exactly. We should reach back to our new home in the Mushroom Kingdom through the Warp Zone."

S/n: "Watch your step!"

And the siblings warped their way back to the Mushroom Kingdom.


A/n: "Bro! That took a while and I apologize for the delay but I want to put a poll. Which job position should Alex, Sam, Clover and Britney be in for Arcade Mania? Remember, to make it even, I'll put up only two options since there's four of them."

A: Arcade Attendants

B: Waitress

A/n: "Remember, the deadline is next Saturday so don't be hesitant. Until then, the saga will be on the way but will take time. See ya later!!"

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