chapter 1: nope, not today

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Title: Child of the greatest heroes

Type: crossover, 1x1

Fandom: PJO x TOTCF

The character that appears the most: are Nico Di Angelo, Hades, Cale Henituse, Choi Han, Persephone

Couple: Cale x Choi Han, Hades x Persephone, Nico Di Angelo (Nico Henituse) x slacker life (one-sided), Cale Henituse x slacker life (one-sided)

Description: Nico was never Hades's child, there's a reason why he's at camp half-blood. His father wants him to interact with kids his age and of course, befriend someone he can trust. And because of this, Cale makes a deal with the god of the underworld (that he should at least be nice to him and not scam him for at least two years, being gods and primordial's favorite have its peaks). He pretend to be Hades's kid, but how long was it gonna last?

⛔ warning ⛔
The gods are being OOC

There's a secret Nico never told anyone in the camp and only Hades and Persephone know about it.

This was kept a secret under Styx vow and added for safety, god of death's vow, the strongest vow and that belong to Abyss, the primordial god of death, he is the strongest only behind Chaos. Of course, if someone knows then they could tell them

A secret that no one, other than the people of the deal, knows about it

This has to stay that way so the other gods won't notice him much and also ensure the story would go the same way

He has information about this world as the God of death ( more like primordial but he doesn't care and would like to have a slacker life, thank you very much >:( )

So here's the thing, Nico Di Angelo was supposed to be Hades's son in the original timeline

But somehow, he becomes Cale Henituse's son, which he thought was lucky to have a father like that, but also Choi Han, the original protagonist of his father world, who is also his dad too

How does this work?

Well, he just basically part of their soul combined, and that God of death decided it was a good idea to help them so he take their blood too to create him

So basically, he's still their child by blood but he would get some of their memories at the random times

Now, who's the unlucky bastard huh?

Well, he already knows about his father is someone who's from another universe and he, doesn't care that much

Oh gods, the wrong topic, back to the original topic

So he has read the end of the first volume and the hero of Olympic, nope but he knows there will be a war against Gaea because Abyss slip his mouth

But he guesses that he change the ending now that he straight up leaving to go back to his father and come back when Hades just can't keep the other from coming to his palace and also don't some mission but also asks about his "son" (the other Percy because he thought Hades would treat him bad, but it's the opposite actually), Persephone tease him every time

Seriously, what has his life become?

When will he finally achieve his slacker life?

Nico sighed as he now sitting in front of Hades, who still working his ass because the underworld his kingdom, remind him of Albert who was also a ruler. He is waiting for his dad to come and help him train to prepare for the war then also tomorrow, come to the Roman camp too

To achieve his peaceful life, he has to work for it so he can finally slack off like his father

Slacker life, I'm coming!


— You know, I never knew that I can sympathize with a quarter dark elve so much. Your father is already unlucky enough, and then you appear too — Hades point at Nico while working on his stack of papers — I can't even do anything but clean up the mess for you

Seriously, everywhere they go, trouble comes up

— Ah, you flatter me, dear god of the underworld, the star of the underworld, the great ruler of the underworld-

— Stop right there, I don't need to hear you every time this happens — Hades glared at Nico but for Nico, he was more scared of Ron, who was his father's butler, than he was scared of Hades. He's scary as hell

— You know that I only come here to full fill some prophecy right?

— Well yeah, but then you're also changing everything. Your existence just straight-up messes everything and that gives me a headache every time that happens. Can't deny the fact that you two are interested though

— That came out wrong– also please- I never want to be interested in you guys of all people. That just push my dream away — pointy point

— Like father like son I guess....never in my life have I seen someone who wishes for a slacker life and yet works so hard.

— I do this for peace, I do it for my beloved slacker life you hear me!

— I get it, you do it for your *non-existence* slacker life, both you and your father — he would never understand that father-son duo, even if he's a god, it still hard to understand them

— Also please hide the fact I help anyone, it would be a pain if anyone knows about it then I will get the title "hero". It belongs to my father, though don't tell him I told you that because he would have a breakdown if he heard it. I want to hide as much as possible so I can leave without anyone knowing

— Haaaa.....I can never understand your father and your mindset, every people I meet like the title "hero" And won't mind having it. Yet you and your father always denied it, not that I would mind since I like that but you guys are so weird

— But you love us~ – Nico said in a singing tone while smiling at him, if Raon, his older adopted brother was here, he would call it Nico's scam smile

Looking from the outside perceptive, it looks like they're getting along too well than a demigod with their godparent

— Looks like I interrupted your conversation. Hope you don't mind if I join you — the figure with black wings flying toward them as Nico waves at him

— Yo Thana! How's your day? — Nico cheerfully greet him

— Yeah, not too bad. Still, talk about that dream out-of-reach of yours?

— Hey! Are you challenge me? I will have him! I will married slacker life you hear me?! – Nico pouting, seriously! Everyone keeps teasing him about it

— Haha! This unlucky bastard, you think that if slacker life is a person, would they even come to you as you always cheat on them with work? — Does Nico still think he can reach it? What a joke, he would never reach it anyway so why not tease him?

The three of them never care about formally when they're alone anyway, why care about it now?

— Nico, I just want to say....please don't take after your father self-sacrificed, please. Because if you do then your dad would hunt me down till the end of the world. He wasn't hesitant when it comes to Abyss so I'm sure he would come to me too

— What do you mean I take after him? I won't do that! I love my life enough to......

They just chat like old friends gathering together


— Do you think Nico would be fine? I mean, his father is Hades of all people — Percy currently worries for the kid he found with Bianca. He's such an innocent child that if Nico have blond hair and blue eyes then he would wholeheartedly agree that he's Apollo's child

— Seaweed brain, he would be fine. You still see him pretty happy right? — Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend tries to cheer him up. She knows he would be fine base on how he is still healthy and innocent even though somehow, he change his sister's fate to be alive at this point. Surely the fates aren't that petty right?

— Just...I'm kinda worried ya know? What if he takes after his father? Would he be emo all the way? – just imagine that already make him have a headache already

— Come on, stop sulking. He won't be emo like his father unless he has any reason to you know

— I guess......

The camp these days is calm, too calm to be true. Ever since Percy came and all hell broke loose, they were lucky to survive the war with Kronos. Thanks to Nico convinced Hades to join (wonder how he did it but it work), it give them more hope and they win the war. Bianca goes back with the hunters but often visited them and also checks on Nico too

Though......Aphrodite these days obsessed with finding Nico a soulmate because she said and they quote: "the son of Hades needs someone by his side and it would be so cute"

Really, what did they do to deserve such a goddess? Better than Hera though...

— Oh us.....why the fuck did he come this time-? Dammit! They never told me one day he would come! — a voice they never thought would have a tone of panicking over something, Dionysus. He looks like he about to have a breakdown

— Goddammit– the dark hero coming– I didn't prepare anything! — Dionysus rubs his hair as he snaps his finger, changes to some clothes nicer

— Mr.D? What's going on? — Chiron, the hero trainer saw how the wine god panicked so much that it's so strange to see, he never thought he would live to see this day

— You know the story of heroes in the world of the primordial right? One of them is here! Holy us, they are coming here and I didn't prepare anything to greet him– of all the people of the hero that coming here, is my favorite– — oh gods– never have Percy and Annabeth thought that Dionysus and favorite hero in the same sentence– which hero crazy enough that Dionysus can make them his favorite–

— You mean the right-hand man of the greatest hero and primordial's favorite? He's here? — Chiron asked in shock, not every day they could meet one of the greatest heroes here, in this world the gods are in control most of the time?

— I don't know the reason he's here but– this news just reach me. I don't know what to do, Chiron!

— Just calm down, take a breath and act normal. You know that he doesn't want us to be formal with him

— But is the swordmaster! Like- the hero survives the forest of darkness- you know how it is, Chiron-

— Just calm down and see why did he come here. Maybe the primordial of death convinces him to come

— Yeah, maybe I should think about this. Alright, I guess I'm ready to face him

— Good

This conversation has been heard by Percy and Annabeth and they just try to take the information. Annabeth was the first to snap out

— The primordial have to convince someone to come? Who can make a primordial like him make his face to face, convince them?

— Wait– who's Abyss? — now Percy is confused about this primordial, is he like Helios or something?

— You don't know? He's the primordial of death! You know, he the oldest primordial there

— Huh? But I never heard of him?

— Do you pay attention in Greek class at our camp– Nevermind. Abyss is the primordial of death, and also the strongest. He's the king among primordial as he never needs followers to get stronger, the longer he exists to do his job, the stronger he is. And you know that the primordial is the first to exist right?

— Yeah- okay, that sounds like I can't piss the guy off, I mean, you said it's the strongest

— Yes, so in other words, don't try to do anything to him. Don't piss him off like how you did with the lord of the sky and lord of the underworld. For my sanity okay?

— Alright alright wise girl, I can do that....maybe

— Seaweed brain!

— Okay! I promise I will try

— Good – she sighs as she feels a bit better — though, this swordmaster hero......I never heard of him. This is rather confusing though

Annabeth try to recall her memories as she was lost in her thought, she didn't even notice that Nico has arrived

— Hey guys! I have some news! Big happy news! I'm going to move back to my home! Ha- father and mom allow so I might not come for the next summer, but if anything urgent then you can contact the father and I will come — Nico said with a big smile on his face. He look so happy and Percy didn't want to ruin that but.....

— You move to the underworld? Nico, think about it. There's no sun there and it's a dark place! Why would you move there?! — of course, he didn't know that Nico actually move to his original world, and Nico never really tell anyone as it was a secret oath. And he dares to look confused—

— What do you mean? I still live o- — and he got cut off

— Nico please think about it. Why would you live there? Isn't living on earth better? — the audacity of him to tell him what to do-

— Ah! Welcome Choi Han, one of the greatest heroes of another world — Chiron greeting the strange clothes black hair that look very nervous

All three of them, as Annabeth snapped out of her thought, looking at the hero somehow is Mr. D's favorite

Nico stared deadpanned at the stranger

— Nope, not today Angelina–

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