I'm Not A Fuck Boy*

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When I woke up, it was well into the afternoon. I grimace as the feeling of being smacked in the head with a hammer became perpetually worse. My body was from clean; I felt sticky with sweat and something else that wasn't quite discernible.

I sit up and look around, wait...this isn't my bed, it was Tan's! And I'm stark naked. It was only then when I remembered what had happened a few hours ago. I glance around and exhale as i made sure that Tan wasn't in the room, even though a part of me always wanted to see him every second of every day. That part of me which I'd tried and failed, to hide had come out in little over a week; I really had no self-control around him. For one this, it at least made me a step closer to having Tan all to myself.

I usually knew better than to act on my feelings. I follow proper judgement, I'm certainly not impulsive. But that didn't seem to matter with Tan. He drives me crazy with just a single glance and i can't seem to get him out of head; It;s always 'does he like this?', 'is he doing okay?', 'where is he?'...at this point, I might as well be a stalker. It was almost as if Tan has some sort of control over me, one I can't escape no matter how much I want to and I don't quite understand it. I'm always the one in control, never the one to be at the mercy of others. Yet, It's no clearer than ever that Tan isn't just anybody.

I never thought that in all my life that it would be Tan's lips that i would want to kiss, his body I wanted to touch, his moans i wanted to hear, and his heart i wanted to have. I fall back onto the bed, my chest heavy as I recall the look Tan had on his face as I pleased him, the scene replays itself in my mind and it only drags me further into the world that is Tan.

I finally get up and go into the bathroom for a shower.

I got out 20 minutes later with a towel around my waist, not bothering to dry myself. "Rune" a voice calls and I almost jump, "Tan?" I reply, trying to keep my cool even though the sight of him always brought a strange warmth to my cold heart.

"Here is some breakfast or lunch or whatever," he states as he hands me a plastic bag, I immediately take it and smile, "thanks".

"We have class in 10 minutes, so I'll catch you later" Tan says after a long silence, I grab his arm before he can leave but instantly withdraw "we can go together, if you want?"I prepare myself for rejection but instead Tan nods, "okay, hurry up". He sits on his bed and I can only remember what had happened on that very bed. It seems I'm always horny when I'm around him.

Instead of going into the bathroom to change, I drop my towel to the ground, not bothering to cover my body as I take some clothes from the closet. I smile to himself, knowing that Tan's eyes were on my body. I threw on some clothes while maintaining full eye contact with him, he seemed uncomfortable under my stare as he quickly looks away. I couldn't help but mentally smile at how adorable he looked when he was flustered, loving how the tips of ears reddened and perked up when he was embarrassed, how his face became flushed at the same time, especially in this moment, it only makes me like him even more.

Feeling satisfied with myself, I grab my room key and breakfast before leaving the dorm with Tan following behind.

We enter the class together and head to the back to our normal seats, but not without the constant turning of heads in our direction. It was no mystery that Tan was probably among the list of good looking guys at our college. As usual, Tan ignores the looks he got for obvious reasons, but i couldn't say the same for myself, i made sure to flat out glare at anyone who looked at him.

We'd been in the lecture for 10 minutes, but my mind was elsewhere as I grip a pencil tightly, staring at Tan's side profile. I couldn't help but admire him, staring down from the top of his head and down to his hands, imprinting every feature of his face in his mind. I linger at his neck for a while, desperately wanting to lick and kiss along it without mercy. I continue my fantasy down his throat to his collar bones which were visible from his low hanging, loose white shirt. Tan was one of those people that were gorgeous but sexy at the same time, it surprises me that Tan didn't have a girlfriend already. I stare at him to the point that I could almost feel my hands under Tan's shirt when i close my eyes; I knew that at this point I was hard.

"You broke your pencil" Tan interrupts, his voice snapped me back to reality.

I look at the pencil, it really had broken in two, "oh" i say dumbfounded as my cheeks heat up.

"You okay?" Tan presses on and i simply nodded, turning back to look at the front to avoid Tan's skeptical look "just fine," I reply.

"Do you know him?" someone asks from beside me, I turn to face a girl. She was beautiful, she wasn't my type but I'd seen Tan look at her a few times.

"What about it?" I ask, already feeling irritated. "Can I have his number?" she asks, i look at Tan, making sure he hadn't heard anything before shaking my head, "no," I reply.

"Why not?" she whisper-yells,

"Because he is mine"

The girl flinches and quickly moves away, her face red. Suits her right, can't she tell that he's taken by yours truly?


I turn around, sneaking a quick look at Rune, noticing his face was reddish but i didn't think much of it, all i could think of was sex. It wasn't helping that I wasn't sure whether or not Rune remembered anything from last night, he didn't act like he did and I wasn't about to ask him. What would I do? Go to him and ask 'Oh hey Rune, i'm just wondering if you remember giving each other blowjobs last night?'.

Besides the fact that Rune was stark naked earlier with everything on display, i had nothing else to lead me to believe that Rune remembered anything. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing for Rune because it definitely wasn't for me. In the end, i decided to push away my dirty thoughts because i wasn't getting anywhere with them, and it just made me feel like a sex-hungry fuck boy. At this point, i didn't really know if i even liked Rune aside from constantly wanting to sleep with him.

We sat across from each other at the library table, studying for an upcoming test we both were having. The silence between us was peaceful; I felt a sense of tranquility during that time. Suddenly, Rune shut his book loudly as he groaned in irritation, his actions pulling me out of my train of thoughts. "i'll never fucking understand this, it's all bullshit!" he proclaims earning stares from a dozen pairs of eyes which all shot to him simultaneously, but as usual, Rune did as he pleased and ignored them all as he turns to me and pulls my book from me.

"Give it back, we have a test in three days" I order, trying to maintain some form of calmness but failing miserably, which was a given when it came to handling Rune and his annoying self.

"You're not studying unless you get me to understand all this, understand?" Rune starts giving me a look that said 'dare to challenge me and we'll see what happens'. I had no energy to fight him, for one, our arguments always consisted of endless back and forth that went on till you didn't even remember what the hell you were fighting about in the first place. Thus, I got up and took a seat beside him, grabbing his textbook and flipping to the chapter we were on.

"Do you understand this part now?" I ask for what felt like the 10th time today, Rune purses his lips and nods slowly.

"I guess so..." he replies, causing me to drop my head into my hands. I sigh and grab Rune by the ear, "ow" he yelps as i bring his head closer. "This is the last time I'm explaining, so you better pay attention, you hear me?" I say menacingly, he nods immediately and after that, he made sure to listen to whatever i said.

After a few hours, I stretch my arms out and yawn, "you tired?" Rune asks and I nod, "cause of you." I shut my book and stuff it into my bag.

"Want to eat? You must be hungry" Rune asks, eyeing me worriedly. I hadn't realized just how hungry i was until Rune asked, even my stomach growls in agreement with Rune's suggestion. I got up and slung my backpack over one shoulder as Rune carried his things in his hand, i decided to take his books as well to put them into my bag.

"Hey" someone says from behind me, I zip up my bag and turn around.

------Thank you for reading!

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